25 November, 2014

Cir.No:4998, Dt:22.11.14 :: Denying EHS Patients will Cause De-Listing and De-Empanelment of Hospitals from NTR Arogyaseva & EHS Schemes

CIRCULAR No: AHCT/4998 /P&C/EHS/2014, Dt. 22 .11.2014 ::AHCT- Employees Health Scheme - Certain instructions to the Network Hospitals —Reg.

1) G.O.Ms.No.174 HM & FW Dept dt: 01.11. 2013 issued by GoAP.
2) G.O.Ms.No.134 HM & FW Dept., Dated 29.10.2014, issued by GoAP.
3) G.O.Ms.No.32 HM & FW Dept Dated 03.11.2014 issued by Govt of Telangana.
4) Service Contract Agreement with NWH,2013

1. All the MDs/ CEOs/COOs/Props/Medical Superintendent of NWHs are hereby informed that vide reference 1st cited the erstwhile Government of Andhra Pradesh have formulated Employees Health Scheme to provide cashless treatment for the listed therapies in the empanelled hospitals, to all the Government employees, pensioners and their dependent family members in replacement of medical reimbursement system under APIMA Rules 1972.

2. Consequent on reorganization of Andhra Pradesh into the States of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, both the State Governments have issued separate orders vide G.O. 2nd and 3rd cited for implementation of Employees Health scheme in full-fledged manner, with the modifications  / amendments issued therein, as will be applicable to the employees pensioners of the respective States.

3. It is to further inform that out of the 483 hospitals empanelled under Aarogyasri Health Care Trust to provide cashless health care services to the beneficiaries identified under various schemes implemented by the Trust, 437 network hospitals have furnished declarations and willingness to provide cashless services to the beneficiaries under Employees Health Scheme.

4. As per the Service Contract Agreement of 2013, page no. 28 under article 10 (l.i(b)). which was placed in both the portals of Andhra Pradesh & Telangana under News and Events (All the Network Hospitals shall take the notice that the hospitals who are implementing the Dr. NTR Aarogyaseva / Aarogyasri Scheme for the Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Governments respectively shall mandatorily empanel themselves to carry and implement the respective Employees Health Schemes in the states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh without fail.

5. In case of denying the patients admission under Employees Health Scheme by the Network Hospitals, then the appropriate Disciplinary action will be initiated against the Network Hospitals including to de-listing / de-empanelment of hospitals for both the schemes of the Dr. NTR Aarogyaseva / Aarogyasri and Employees Health Scheme, in both the states.

Download CIRCULAR No: AHCT/4998 /P&C/EHS/2014, Dt. 22 .11.2014

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