22 November, 2014

G.O.Ms.No.215, Dt. 21-11-14 :: Filling of 1252 vacant posts of Municipal Teachers in Urban Local Bodies in A.P through DSC-2014

G.O.Ms.No. 215 Dated. 21-11-2014 :: Recruitment of Municipal Teacher in Urban Local Bodies in the A.P. State –Filling of One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Two (1252) vacant posts of teachers through DSC-2014 - Permission Accorded - Orders-Issued.

1. G.O.Rt.No. 5691, General Administration (Ser-A) Department, Dated. 13.12.2012
2. U.O. Note No. 11987/G2/2014 of Municipal Administration Department.

1. In the G.O. first read above the General Administration (Services-A) department issued orders adopting an annual Calendar for recruitments and prescribed a schedule for estimation and notification of vacancies for recruitment.
2. The Municipal Administration Department has furnished a list of vacant posts of different categories of teacher posts and requested to accord permission to fill the posts through DSC-2014.
3. After careful examination of the proposal of the department and keeping in view the actual requirement and the overall financial implications, the government hereby accord permission to the Municipal Administration Department to fill One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Two (1252) vacant posts of Teachers in Urban Local Bodies through DSC as detailed below.

4. The Municipal Administration Secretariat Department and the Commissioner of Municipal Administration shall take necessary action for filling the respective posts duly following the Rule of Reservation, the provisions of the Presidential Order and Provisions of the service Rules applicable to the relevant posts duly
constituting District Selection Committees as per the existing Rules.

5. The Municipal Administration Department shall issue detailed guidelines regarding the recruitment process.

Download G.O.Ms.No.215, Dt. 21-11-14

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