12 November, 2014

G.O.MS.No. 207 Dated: 06.11.2014 :: Banks were entrusted to collect user charges and instructed to make all payments online related to SSC and other miner Exams

G.O.MS.No. 207 Dated: 06.11.2014 :: Induction of Banks for conduct of State Government Business – Entrustment for collection of user charges for issuing various certificates and examination fees pertaining to SSC and other minor examinations through Cyber Treasury duly integrating with the website of Director of Government Examinations in all divisions of the State of Government of Andhra Pradesh in relaxation of S.R. 27 under T.R.16 of A.P. Treasury Code Volume-I – Orders – Issued.

Read the following:-
1. G.O.Ms.No.177, Finance (TFR.I) Dept., dt:15-7-2005.
2. G.O.Ms.No.224, Finance (TFR.I) Dept., dt:12-9-2005.
3. G.O.Ms.No.72, Finance (TFR.I) Dept., dt:31-3-2007.
4. Letter R.c.No.78/A3-1/2014,dt:08.08.2014 from the Director of Government Examinations,A.P.,Hyderabad
5. U.O.No.13857/SE.Exams/2014,dated:02.09.2014 from School Education Department
6. This Department letter No.66/2676/Fin.IF/2014, dated 10.10.2014 addressed to the Reserve Bank of India, Hyderabad.
7. Lr.No.DGBA/GAD.No.H-31.04.009/2014-15, dt: 30-10-2014 from the Assistant General Manager, RBI, Mumbai.

O R D E R:
In thereferences 4th& 5th read above the Director of Government Examinations has requested to introduce online facility for payment of user charges for issuing various certificates and examination fees pertaining to SSC and other minor examinations through Cyber Treasury, duly integrating with the www.bseap.org. i.e. website of office of the Director of Government Examinations,A.P.,Hyderabad through net banking/State Bank of India duly dispensing the present system of accepting Demand Drafts/Bankers Cheques. Accordingly the matter has been taken up with Reserve Bank of India vide reference 6th
read above.
2. RBI has given authorization in the reference 7th read abovefor collection of fee for the Director of Government of Examinations,A.P.,Hyderabad to the 10 Banks viz. State bank of India, State Bank of Hyderabad, Punjab National Bank, Bank of Baroda, Bank of India, Canara Bank, Central Bank of India, IDBI Bank, Andhra Bank and Vijaya Bank which are collecting Commercial Taxes/VAT/Excise Duty/Taxes for Mines & Geology already, subject to the condition that the existing system for reporting of State Government transactions to Reserve Bank of India will be kept unchanged and also required to follow
the instructions contained in the “Memorandum of Instructions-Accounting and Reconciliation-State Government Transactions” and the other instructions issued by the Reserve Bank from time to time in the matter.
3. Government after careful consideration of the matter, decided to dispense with the existing system of accepting D.D.s/Challans and to introduceonline facility for payment of user charges for issuing various certificates and examinations fees pertaining to SSC and other minor examinations conducted by the Director of Government Examinations, A.P., Hyderabad and entrustthe work of collection of the above user charges and examination fees to the 10 nationalized banks viz., State bank of India, State Bank of Hyderabad, Punjab National Bank, Bank of Baroda, Bank of India, Canara Bank, Central Bank of India, IDBI Bank, Andhra Bank andVijaya Bank through Cyber Treasury in all divisions of the State of Government of Andhra Pradesh in relaxation of S.R.27 under T.R. 16 of A.P. Treasury Code Volume-I with the following conditions:
i) The School Education Department and the Director of Government Examinations,A.P. Hyderabad shall establish connectivity between the Department and the permitted Banks through Cyber Treasury enabling efficient collection of user charges and all types of examination fees belonging to Director of Government Examinations, Government of Andhra Pradesh under the following Heads of Accounts:
(a) For all types of examination fee & other receipts:
-SH(06) Director of Government Examinations
-001 Other receipts
(b) For user charges :
0202 – 01-102
-SH(06) Director of Government Examinations 
– 800 user charges
ii) Keeping in view the importance of faster collection of revenue, it is imperative that the funds are collected efficiently and passed on to the Government in the minimum possible time. To monitor this aspect the bank collecting Examination fees and user charges on behalf of the Government shall submit a report (as per proforma-I in annexure to G.O.Ms.No.224, Finance (TFR.I) Dept. dated
12.09.2005)annexed to this order, on weekly basis to Finance (DCM.I) Department containing the information regarding daily collection of remittances, the date of remittance of user charges and examination fees to the Government account and
reasons for any delay of credit to the Government account.
iii) Banks shall submit the data in the electronic form by adopting the software already designed by the Government.
4. The permitted Banks shall enter into Memorandum of Understanding with the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P., Hyderabad for collection of user charges and all types of examination fees belonging to Director of Government Examinations Department on behalf of Government of Andhra Pradesh through Cyber Treasury, if not already done.
5. The following method shall be followed for payment of user charges or Examination fees through online.
i. In respect of all types of examination fees, the concerned Head Master/Principal shall generate Challan from the Director of Government Examinations website i.e.‘www.bseap.org’ in the name of the candidate/candidates.
ii. In respect of user charges, the candidate shall generate Challan directly from the Director of Government Examinations website i.e. ‘www.bseap.org’.
iii. Using printed copy of challan, the Head Master/Principal/Candidateas the case may be shall make payment in the any of the above Treasury banks.
iv. As soon as the payment is received by the banks, they will confirm the same to the Treasury through e-scroll.
v. The DGE will get confirmation from the bank through soft and printed copy of scroll. Soft copy can be directly uploaded to DGE website.
6. The Director of Government Examinations, A.P., Hyderabad and the School Education Departmentare requested to implement the above system promptly and monitor the transactions of the above Banks and ensure that the amount collected is
credited without any delay.
7. These orders are also available in Andhra Pradesh Government Website http://www.aponline.gov.in and http://www.apfinance.gov.in.

Download G.O.MS.No. 207 Dated: 06.11.2014

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