19 November, 2014

Rc.2247, Dt:17-11-14 :: Instructions on Nomination of one officer at Mandal level for coordinating the data entry online for JBMV Programme

Rc. No. 2247/ APSSA/OSC/ A I0/20 14 Dated:17-11-2014 :: APSSA, Hyderabad- OSCActivities - JBMV Programme-Preparation of Micro plans and Rectification of errors noticed in the data entry-Nomination of one designated officer at Mandal level for coordinating and carrying out the data entry into the Micro Plan Web portal-Certain Instructions-Issued--Reg.

Ref:- This office Proceedings of even no., dated 13-11-2014

All the Project Officers are aware that the "Janmabhoomi Maa Vooru" programme was conducted in two spells in the months of October and November, 2014 and Micro plan data were collected on important parameters of core departments for each OP/Ward. As regards OSC, information was collected on important items, like "Children never enrolled" and "Children dropped out". In this regard, it is observed that in spite of repeated instructions, the data entry was not properly done at mandal level, giving rise to several errors and inconsistencies in the Micro plans and District Status Reports. Even the "edit" option could not be utilized effectively for rectification of errors. While furnishing Child-wise data, Aadhar numbers and mobile numbers were recorded only for 20% of children listed. Still variations persist and no consistency is observed in the District-wise status reports, Micro plan reports (obtained from the jbmv.ap.gov.in website) and the consolidated information furnished by the District Project Offices which led to
an impression that no proper check was carried out by the officers who are at the helm to determine the accuracy and quality of data. The above reports are attached, herewith, for ready reference.

All the Project Officers are, therefore, requested to critically examine the data so far entered in the Micro plans by comparing with the available data collected through different sources and take speedy measures to rectify all the errors and remove inconsistencies for preparation of Micro Plans at OP/Ward level. In the process, the Project Officers need to consult and coordinate with the MRO, MPDO at mandal level and CPO at District level. They also need to lay stress on the following important points in order to make the exercise a meaningful one.

i) Planning of re-visits to G.Ps/Wards for collecting data gaps and missing information: .
All available resources are required to be pooled up at the mandai level to take up this exercise on priority.

ii) Recording of Child-wise Adhar card number and Contact Number:
In case of non-availability of Adhar card, Ration card or Election ID may be used. In case, mobile number of the Parent or any other family member is not available mobile number of close relatives/field functionaries like School teacher, HM, AWW, who are closely associated with data collection and can furnish the details of the child may be considered for the purpose.

iii) Completion of data entry:
In a meeting held at the Planning Department of A.P. Secretariat on 14-11-2014, it was informed that the data so far entered at the mandal level will be frozen shortly, i.e., in 3-4 days' time in order to have a final assessment before taking up further follow up action. Therefore, the data entry should be completed at any cost before the dead line., ie 17.11.2014

iv) Analysis and accuracy of the data:
The data thus entered is required to be analysed carefully for its accuracy and certified by the officers concerned. As this is going to be the final data and will be used by the SSA and other agencies for planning and policy formulation in the annual plans, the P.Os need to obtain the required certificates from the MEOs concerned.

v) Nomination of "Micro plan monitoring officer" at the mandal level:
In continuation of the instructions issued vide proceedings cited under reference, all the P.Os are requested to nominate the MEOs at mandal level and to forward their user names and mobile numbers to this office for taking further necessary action. It is reiterated that only accurate. qualitative and verifiable data need to be entered in the Micro plans which forms the basis for all its future endeavours. All the Project Officers are, therefore, requested to follow the instructions scrupulously and strive for expeditious rectification of errors noticed in the data entry in respect of OSC parameters and send their "Action taken reports" soon to the undersigned.

The Following statements were attached to the document.

1. Janmabhoomi-Maa Vooru :: Micro Plan Report on Education (Rural) as on 15.11.2014
2. Janmabhoomi-Maa Vooru :: Micro Plan Report on Education (Urban) as on 15.11.2014
3. Janmabhoomi-Maa Vooru :: Consolidated Format Submitted by the DPOs as on 15.11.2014
4. Comparitive Statement as on 15.11.2014

Download Rc.No.2247/APSSA/OSC/AI0/2014, Dated 17-11-2014 with all statements stated above

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