20 September, 2014

Rc.No.27, Dt : 2.9.14 :: Guidelines to Devolop SUMMATIVE - I Question Papers

Rc.No.27/ SSA/A3/2014, Dt.2-09-2014 :: A.P.SSA- Development of Summative-I question papers - Guidelines- Issued.

This office Progs.Rc.No.143(27)/SSA/A3/2014,Dt.23-8-2014.

The attention of all the DEOs and Project Officers, SSA in the state is invited to the subject and reference cited and they are requested to follow the guidelines as detailed hereunder in development of   summative -I question papers and for smooth conduct of summative -I exams in the state.
• To follow the model summative-I question paper communicated by SPO.
• To conduct complex meetings for development of the summative-I question papers.
• To finalize the summative-I question papers by making necessary changes into consideration of local dialect and language without any deviation of CCE norms prescribed by SCERT.
• Each cluster should take up printing separately by observing absolute honesty minimizing expenditure.

a) The printing of the question papers shall be undertaken by school Complex H.M duly involving the SMC of the school where the school complex is located.
b) The H.M and SMC shall call for quotations meeting the following Specifications. Paper quality-60 GSM.
c) The quotation shall be open in SMC meeting and lowest quotation shall be finalized.
d) The School wise indent may be procured by School Complex H.M for Placing the order.
e) After receiving the question papers the School Complex H.M make necessary arrangements for distribution of papers at school point.
f) The unit cost for child shall not exceed 25/-

• P.Os shall support the printing charges from the training budget available at cluster level.
• The amount shall be released to respective clusters based on requirement.
• One set of question papers should be furnished to SPO for examination.
• Expenditure incurred may be met from complex level meeting training budget.
• To conduct summative-I Exams, as per schedule of academic calender communicated by SCERT.

Download Rc.No.27/ SSA/A3/2014, Dt.2-09-2014

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