25 September, 2014

G.O.MS.No. 322, Dated:22.09.2014 :: Deputy Tahsildars are Competent Authority for issue of Income Certificates in addition to Tahsildars

G.O.MS.No. 322, Dated:22.09.2014 :: Authorizing the “Deputy Tahsildars” in Tahsil  offices as “Competent Authorities” for issue of Income Certificates in addition to Tahsildars – Orders – Issued.

1. G.O Rt.No.1307, Rev (Ser.II) Dept., Dt.13-09-2010. 

2. G.O Rt No. 1551, Rev (Ser.II) Dept., Dt. 04-11-2010. 

3. From the CCLA, Hyderabad,  Lr.No.CMRO.3/147/2012,

4. G.O Ms No. 98, Rev (Ser.II) Department, Dt.19-02-2014.

1. In the G.O. 1st read above, Government have  prescribed a  Pro-forma for Income Declaration Form to be filled by the students who intend to apply for issue of Income Certificates ( of parents) for the purpose of filing applications for scholarships/Fee  reimbursement. Further in the G.O. 2nd read above, certain instructions were issued regarding issue of Income Certificates by Revenue authorities for grant of Scholarships / Fee Reimbursement to students. 

2. In the reference 3rd read above, the Special Chief Secretary and Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, A.P, Hyderabad, has  reported that, as on 4.8.2012, 24.10 lakhs  requests are received in Mee-Seva centres 7.53 lakhs requests are disposed Across-The –Counter (ATC). Out of remaining 16.57 lakhs requests, 13.47 lakhs are approved within time frame. 77,505 are rejected, 2.05 lakhs requests are under process within time frame.  27,551 requests crossed prescribed time frame. Out of 27,551 requests which crossed time frame. 14,725 are for Income Certificates.  As per G.O 2
nd read above, the Tahsildars are the Competent Authorities for issue of Income Certificates and as of now, only Tahsidlars  can sign the Income Certificates digitally in Mee-seva portal.  Due to this,  even though the required enquiry is completed by Village Revenue Officers (VROs) and Mandal Revenue Inspectors (MRIs), Tahsildars are unable to digitally sign all enquired requests within the time frame as they have only one digital certificate per Mandal. Regarding issue of second “Digital Certificate”, National Informatics Centre, (NIC) authorities have informed that as per existing Electronic Laws only one digital certificate can be issued to an individual officer.  Many Joint Collectors requested that if second  digital certificate cannot be issued to Tahsildars, Deputy Tahsildars working in Tahsil offices at least be authorized as “Competent Authorities”  for issue of  Income Certificates in addition to Tasildars so that all “Deputy Tahsildars” can be issued “Digital Certificates” and the problem of Income Certificates crossing time frame can be resolved.

3. The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, A.P, Hyderabad, has therefore requested the Government to issue necessary orders for authorizing “Deputy Tahsildars” in Tahsil offices as “Competent Authorities” for issue of Income Certificates in addition to Tahsildars.

4. Government after careful examination of the proposal, hereby  decide to  Authorize the “Deputy  Tahsildars” in Tahsil offices also as “Competent Authorities” for issue of Income
Certificates in addition to Tahsildars.

5. The Special Chief Secretary & Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, AP, Hyderabad and all the District Collectors   shall take further necessary action accordingly in the matter.

Download G.O.MS.No.322, Dt:22.09.14

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