23 September, 2014

Rc.1417, Dt: 19.9.2014 :: UDISE Tentative Schedule for 2014-15 and instructions to DEOs/Project Officers

Rc.No: 1417/SSA-AP/A9/2014. Date: 19-09-2014 :: SSA.AP.Hyderabad - U-DISE 2014-15 - Communication of Tentative Time Frame of Actitivities of U-DISE 2014-15 and instructions to DEOs/Project Officers - Regarding.

All the Project Officers of SSA and District Educational Officers in the state are informed that. the data related to schools, infrastructure, teachers, and enrollment is being collected every year through DISE since 2002-03. After collection, the data is entered in the software providing by NUEPA at District Project Offices. The district wise data is merged at state level and the same is furnished to NUEPA for merging at National level. From the year 2012-13 as per the MFIRD orders the collection of DISE Data is extended up to higher secondary level/ Jr.Colleges.

Accordingly the Tentative Schedule for collection of Data for U-DISE 2014-15 is herewith communicated for taking necessary action. The instructions to the DEOs/Project Officers are also communicated herewith in connection with collection of U-DISE Data for the year 2014-15.

This has got the approval of the State Project Director, SSA, Andhra Pradesh. Hyderabad.

U-DISE Data Collection Instructions to DEOs/DPOs 

• Educational Statistics Data Collection to be done every year in U-DISE Format with 30`h September as the reference date covering all Schools/Junior Colleges functioning in the State.

• U-DISE data is the basis for the formulation AWP&B Plans for SSA and RMSA.

• Utmost care should be taken in Collection/Scrutiny/Data Entry/Validation of Data

• Printing of Data Capture Formats (DCF) and Data Entry Work isentrusted to SSA.

• RMSA staff to coordinate with the SSA Staff in order to carry out this gigantic task of collection of UDISE.

• Data is being collected every year since 2001-02

• Proper supervision and Monitoring by the field functionaries.

• DEOs/DPos to pay attention and instruct the field Officers to obtain the accurate data within the prescribed time.

• Ensure that all New Schools opened in 2014-15 are covered in addition to the schools existing up to 2013-14 irrespective of Management.

• Seek the Co-ordination of other Departments like Social Welfare, Tribal Welfare and Intermediate Education for covering their schools / Jr.Colleges in UDISE.

• To request the Departments to identify a Nodal Officer for Collection of Data.

• To entrust the Collection/Scrutiny of High Schools and Higher Secondary Schools to the concerned Dy.E.Os

• To involve RIO/DVEO of Intermediate Education for collection of Junior Colleges Information.

• To instruct HMs to provide correct and accurate data in U-DISE and make HMs responsible for the incorrect data.

• To ensure 100% coverage of Inclusive Education data, Civil Works, Social Group wise data including Minority.

• 100% scrutiny is to be under taken by the first level field officer

Launching of UDISE Data Collection 2014-15

• All the Districts to print the U-DCF 2014-15 from the DISE software.

• Before DCF is printed, identify and initialize schools which were not covered under DISE: 2013-14 Update School Directory with reference to up-gradation of schools, closed schools, merged schools etc.

• To ensure that DCF also reaches to degree colleges having classes XI & XII during 2014-15 data collection.

• To observe DISE Week/Fortnight so that data from across the state is collected during said period.

• To observe September 30th, 2014 as DISE-day with focus on data sharing, dissemination, poster-competition, address by SPD and DPC, reward to MIS officers for outstanding work etc.

• To share Data Capture Format: 2014-15 and other related issues, organize orientation programmes at cluster, block, district and state levels.

• To initiate Special drives (advertisement in local newspapers, through SMS, FM Radio etc.) to ensure data collection from all the schools imparting school education including private unaided schools.

• Officers of the mainstream departments are responsible for educational statistics may also be involved in U-DISE 2014-15 at all levels,

• To ensure 100 percent checking of filled-in DCF at CRC level, 20 percent at block and 10 percent at district level.

• To ensure use of 'Consistency Module' provided in the software and remove all inconsistencies in data, if any with the help of BRC and CRC Coordinators and school

• 'Data-entry' to be handled by SSA. RMSA to be present with the SSA at the time of consistency check of data in case of Secondary & Higher Secondary schools/sections and also whenever their presence is required.

Instructions to Head Masters on Filling UDISE Forms

Rc.1417, Dt: 19.9.2014 :: UDISE Tentative Schedule for 2014-15

Submission Instructions

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