11 September, 2014

Proc.Rc.No.40/SSA /A3/2014, Date: 03-09-2014 :: SSA State Monitoring teams Visit Shedule & Proceedings of 13 districts schools

Proc.Rc.No.40/SSA /A3/2014, Date: 03-09-2014 :: SSA, A.P., Hyderabad - Pedagogy - Monitoring teams - Visit to 13 districts schools - Reg.

All the District Educational officers and Project Officers of Sarva Siksha Abhivan in the State are hereby informed that as a part of the performance appraisal of schools, school complexes, M1RCs, KGBVs, and DPO- in the districts periodically, it is decided to constitute State Level Monitoring 'Teams to visit all 13 districts in the State. In this regard, it is proposed to constitute 'S'teams at the State level. Each team comprises '6' members, three members representing from State   one Sectoral officer from SPO, two personnel from SPO. The other three members have to be co-opted from the respective districts comprising one from DI'O and two from SRGs. The identified teams will visit the allotted districts in three spells in second and third week of September, 2014.

The teams have to visit each district for 3-days as mentioned below:
(i)   The 6-member team have to be divided into two sub-teams. Each sub-team will be paired as one member from State Project office and the second member will be from the District. In three days each sub team has to cover at least 5 primary schools, 2 upper primary schools, one KGBV, one STC/Residential center for deprived children/worksite school/transit hostels, one MRC, One School Complex and ongoing training teacher programmes in the Districts.
(ii)  They should cover rural or interior schools in all divisions.
(iii) The monitoring team members shall record their observations in the prescribed format.
(iv)  On the 3rd day afternoon the monitoring team members conducts a meeting with DEO, PO and Sectoral Officers of DPO and MEOs appraise the observations of the Team Members on the functioning of the schools, KGBVs MRCS, School Complexes, STCs and other centers.
(v)   Further Monitoring team members shall also review the activities of the DPO in various sectors

Visit Schedule
Spell One  Spell two                 Spell Three
Districts            Districts                 Districts
and Dates          and Dates               and Dates
Kadapa,              Guntur,            Visakapatnam,
Kurnool,             East Godavari,       Vizianagaram
Chittoor,            Krishna,                  & West Godavari
Anantapur,          Srikakulam          23rd, 241h
&Prakasam         & Nellore.          25th Sep 2014
10th ,11th          18th, 19th &
& 12th Sep          20th Sep 2014
Teams List annexed to Progs.

The following interventions are to be covered by the State teams
1. Coverage of OSC
2. Conduct of Review Meetings at District & Mandal Level
3. Distribution of Uniforms & 'text Books
4. Academic Performance of Schools
5. Performance of KGBVs
6. Functioning of Madarsas & Urdu medium Schools
7. Functioning of SMCs
8. Training impact in the classroom teaching, learning process
9. Complex meetings, communication of complex guidelines to HMs
10. Status of PINI)lcs & QM.rr and
11. Interaction with local body (Gram Panchayat Sarpanch etc)
12. Academic activities, Syllabus etc.

Subsequent to visit of the Districts, the State team members are requested to submit their detailed report to the State Project Director for further action.

During the visit of State Monitoring teams, the DPOs SSA are directed to arrange the transport and stay arrangements for the visiting officers and SRGs. The T.A and DA of the visiting officers of the State will be paid by SPO and the T.A and DA of the team members from the Districts accompanied with the State team will be borne by the respective DPOs management cost of AWP & B 2014-15.

Download Proc.Rc.No.40/SSA /A3/2014, Date: 03-09-2014

All Visiting Formats of State Monitoring Team in .RAR File

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