21 September, 2014

Rc.No.141, Dated: 20.9.2014 :: DASARA holidays to Primary, UpperPrimery & High Schools in State for 2014-15 from 26.9.14 to 5.10.14

Rc.No.141/BI/AP/TE/SCERT/2014 Dated: 20.9.2014 and communicated the Dasara Holidays for Primary, UP, High Schools in Andhra Pradesh.

l. Meeting held on 21.06.20 l4 at Krishna Conference Hall 0/o SPD., SSA, AP.Hyderabad
2. Lr. Rc. No. 141 /B1/AP/TE/SCERT/20.14, Dated: 1 1.08.2014 of C&DSE, AP, Hyderabad
3. U.O. Note No. 141/B1/AP/TE/SCERT/2014, Dated: 1 9.09.2014 of Director, SCERT AP,Hyderabad

The attention of all District Educational Officers and Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State are invited to the references read above and they are informed that the Commissioner and Director of School Education, AP, Hyderabad is pleased to declare DUSSEHRA holidays to all the Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools in tile State for the academic year 2014-15 from 26.09.2014 to 05.10.2014. The schools should reopen on 06.10.2014.

1. The District Educational Officers and Regional Joint Directors of School Education concerned are therefore requested to issue necessary instructions to all the Head Masters of Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools under their jurisdiction and ensure that all. the Schools should reopen on 06.10.2014 positively.

2. The above instructions should be followed scrupulously.

This has got the approval of the Commissioner and Director of School Education, AP, Hyderabad

Download Rc.No.141/BI/AP/TE/SCERT/2014 Dated: 20.9.2014

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