03 September, 2014

Circular.Memo.No.1607/APSSA/2011-12, Date:28-08-2014 :: Involvement of School Management in Cleaning of School Surroundings

Circular.Memo.No.1607/APSSA/2011-12, Date:28-08-2014 ::: APSSA, Hyderabad – Civil Works – Cleaning of School Surroundings - Involvement of School Management– Certain Instructions Issued - Regarding. 

Ref: Right of Child to free and compulsory Education Act 2009.

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is implementing the RTE Act in  providing elementary education for all the children in the age group of 6 to 14 to bridge social and gender gaps with the active participation of the community in the management of the Schools and to eradicate gloomy learning Environment and inadequate Infrastructure facilitates.
Although substantial efforts are taken up for creation of the facilities, the maintenance of the same is not up to the mark. If sufficient care is not taken up, unhygienic conditions prevail in the Schools which would become a major reason for the drop outs.

After careful examination of the issue and in view of exigency, the Project Officers of APSSA and MEOs are hereby directed to entrust the responsibility of the maintenance of the School buildings is to the School Management Committees and the concerned Head master of the School. The responsibilities to be fixed for the SMCs/HM are as given under. 

1)  If one Toilet is present in any School , that shall be earmarked to the Girl Children by clearly painting as Girls Toilet on the wall. If more than one toilet exists, it shall be painted duly earmarking for boys also.
2) Monitoring, Maintaining and Cleaning of the Schools on day to day basis by keeping the surrounding environment in a hygienic condition. 
3) Conducting Awareness programmers for the Children on Hygiene and washing their hands after using the toilets and before taking the meals and also by awareness building wall paintings and with the help of ANMs available in primary Health Centers. 
4) SMCs shall conduct meetings by keeping this issue as a major agenda item and pass resolution to this extent.
5) Ensuring sufficient water supply to the toilets and also potable drinking water supply to the Schools. Wherever possible running water shall be kept available in toilets as it would the best for maintenance.
6) Time to Time washing of the toilets in the School premises at least  two times in a day.
7) In urban areas on maintenance of toilets the instructions that are already issued vide Memo Even No. dated 20-08-2014shall strictly
be followed.
8) Wash Liquid soap and towels shall be kept near hand wash areas.
9) Changing the attitude of the children and teachers to make compulsory use of Toilets and educating them about the maintenance of toilet.
10) Providing Steel cans with a tap instead of storing drinking water in traditional pots and also use chlorine tablets if necessary on the advice of RWS Department or Primary Health Centre.
11) Identifying and getting the repairs to Toilets done on war foot basis with the help of Maintenance   grants provided with the SMCs.
12) Instructions were already given to utilize Rs.500/- per month, out of school/maintenance grants provided under SSA to utilize towards cleaning of toilets by engaging locally available sweepers.

Download Circular.Memo.No.1607, Date:28-08-2014

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