29 September, 2014
Rc 53, Dated:24.9.14 :: Additional Guidelines on Summative-I Question Papers
This office Progs.Rc.No.27/SSA/A3/2014,Dt.2-08-21314.
In continuation of the guidelines issued in the reference cited, all the District Educational Officers and Project Officers, SSA in the state are informed that summative-I question papers should be developed at cluster level only . If the funds are not sufficient, i.e if the unit cost for child exceeds Rs.2.50. The excess amount may be met from school grants, based on enrolment by passing resolutions by SMCs.
Download Rc.No:53, Dated:24.9.2014
28 September, 2014
Rc.No:1292, Dt:23.9.2014 :: MEO's Transfers schedule and Guidelines
Rc.No.1292/(C3-1)Estt.2-1/2012. Dt. 23-09-2014 :: School Education - Transfers - Mandal Educational Officers - Certain Instruction - Issued - Regarding.
1. G.O.Ms.No.175, Finance, dated 19.08.2014.
2 G.O.Ms.No.176, Finance, dated 21 08.2014
3 G O.Ms.No.186, Finance, dated 05.09 2014.
All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State are informed that Government
have issued lifting of ban on transfers upto 10.10.2014 in the references read above
Accordingly, the following guidelines for the conduct of transfer counseling of Mandal Educational
Officers are hereby issued for compliance.
a) The Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State are instructed to take up the transfers of the existing regular Mandal Educational Officers from one Mandal to the other Mandal.
b) All the transfers should be within the category of Mandal Educational Officer and for the
existing working regular Mandal Educational officers and within the District only.
c) All the transfers should be strictly in compliance with the orders issued by the Government
in G O.Ms.No.175, Finance, dated 19.08.2014, G.O.Ms No 176, Finance, dated:21.08.2014, G.O.Ms No. 186, Finance, dated: 05.09.2014
d) The transfers should be done by way of counseling only.
e) The Regional Joint Directors of School Education are instructed to draw the schedule as follows:
1. Display of tentative vacancy list: 26.09.2014
2. Display of Mandal Educational Officers who have completed 5 years of stay in the mandal 29.09.2014
3. Display of Seniority list of Mandal Educational officers 29.09.2014
4. Transfer by way of counseling district wise: 04.10.2014 to 10.10.2014
Therefore, all the Regional Joint Director of School Education are hereby directed to take
necessary action to conduct the transfer counseling as per guidelines duly following the rules issued in the
Government orders referred above Any deviation in procedure, the Regional Joint Directors of School
Education will be held responsible and will be viewed seriously.
The above instructions shall be followed scrupulously.
25 September, 2014
G.O.RT.No. 226, Dated: 23.09.2014 :: Maintenance Grant for an amount of Rs.23,16,00,000/- towards maintenance of Drinking Water and Toilets in the Govt./ Z.P.P / M.P.P schools in A.P
G.O.RT.No. 226, Dated: 23.09.2014 :: School Education Department – Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, A.P., Hyderabad –
Approval of Maintenance Grant for an amount of Rs.23,16,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty three crores sixteen lakhs only) towards maintenance of Drinking Water and Toilets in the Government / Z.P.P / M.P.P schools in 13 districts in the State of A.P. - Sanctioned - Orders – Issued.
1. From the State Project Director, SSA, AP, Hyd, Lr.Rc.No.660/RVM(SSA)/C2/2014, dt: 10.01.2014 & 04.02.2014
2. Govt.Memo.No.1119/Prog.ll/A2/2014, dt:18.06.2014
3. From the State Project Director, SSA, AP, Hyderabad, Lr.Rc.No.356/SSA/A9/2014, dated 24.06.2014
O R D E R:
1. State Government have been providing necessary annual budgetary allocations and sanctioning Toilets and Drinking Water facilities etc. to the
Schools in Government / ZPP/MPP, under RMSA/SSA/Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan with a view that each and every school should have basic amenities in proportion to the number of Children in a School. However, certain gaps in realising the above objective have been brought to the notice of the Government. Further Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in W.P.(Civil) No.631/2004 have directed all the State Governments that adequate Number of Toilets and Drinking Water Facilities should be provided in the Schools.
2. In this context, in her letter 3rd
read above, the State Project Director, SSA, A.P., Hyderabad has submitted a proposal that there are 9,720 Primary Schools having more than 60 students, 2,295 Upper Primary Schools having more than 100 students and 3,999 High Schools having more than 150 students in the State. Though State Government have been taking the construction of Toilets and Drinking Water facilities in large scale, these facilities have been falling into disfunction for want of proper maintenance. The State Project
Director, SSA, A.P., Hyderabad has therefore requested to sanction an amount of Rs.23.16 Crores towards maintenance of Drinking water and toilets in 16,014 schools in 13 districts in the State to address the recurring problem and so as to implement the direction of Hon’ble Supreme Court, dated 3.10.2012 in W.P.
(Civil) No.631/2004
3. In the circumstances stated above and after careful examination of the matter, Government hereby approve the component of Maintenance Grant for an amount of Rs.23.16 Crores (Twenty Three Crores and Sixteen Lakhs only) per Academic year towards maintenance of Drinking water and Toilet facilities in the
above schools, so as to keep these facilities in safe and functional condition. The Maintenance Grant for Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools is as follows:-
Primary Schools with more than 60 students - Rs.1,000/- P.M..
Upper Primary Schools with more than 100 students -Rs.1,500/- P.M
High Schools with more than 150 students - Rs.2,500/- P.M.
4. The State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, AP., Hyderabad is requested to take necessary further action accordingly. The guidelines decided by the Hon’ble CM during the Collector’s Conference at Vijayawada on 07.08.2014 and communicated vide Memo.No.13097/Genl/A2/2014,
dt:14.08.2014 shall also be followed in implementation of the above programme.
5. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (EBS-lV-SE-HE) Dept. vide their U.O.No.1145/17/EBS.IV(SE)/14, dt:04.08.2014.
G.O.MS.No. 295, Date:23.09.2014 :: Relaxation of Upper Age Limit from 34 to 40 years for A.P.P.S.C and other Recriting Agencies
G.O.MS.No. 295, Date:23.09.2014 :: Direct Recruitment – Relaxation of Upper Age Limit from 34 to 40 years for the ensuing recruitments through A.P. Public Service Commission and other Recruiting Agencies – Orders – Issued
1. Note from Chief Secretary to Govt. No.100/CSP/2014, dated:30.09.2014.
1. The Government is keen to fill up vacant posts under various categories in the State of Andhra Pradesh. Accordingly, the Recruiting Agencies are notifying the vacancies from time to time.
2. As the direct recruitment is being conducted after some gap, the need for enhancing the upper age limit from 34 years to 40 years is necessitated due to
inevitability of bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh and consequent fall out shrinking opportunities to the educated un-employee youth in the Andhra Pradesh. The opportunities that existed before the bifurcation of combined AP were lost after the bifurcation of the State. Hence the proposal to enhance the age limit from 34 years to 40 years became urgent need of the hour. Accordingly, the following adhoc rule is
issued raising the upper age limit of 34 years prescribed in Rule 12 of the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996, by six years for the recruitments.
3. The following notification will be published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette.
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following adhoc rule, namely:-
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Andhra Pradesh State and Sub-ordinate Service Rules or in the Special or Adhoc Rules for any State and Subordinate Service, the maximum age limit prescribed in the said rules for appointment by direct recruitment shall be raised by “Six Years” i.e., from 34 to 40 years for the purpose of direct recruitment to the various categories of posts to be notified from the issuance of this GO and up to 30.09.2016 by all the recruiting agencies in the State of
Andhra Pradesh. The age concession over and above the Upper Age Limit shall also be allowed to the categories as provided under Rule 12 of the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996.
Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply for direct recruitment to the posts of uniformed services of Police, Excise, Fire, Prisons and Forest departments for which physical standards have been prescribed in the State and Subordinate Service Rules or in the relevant special or adhoc rules.
G.O.MS.No. 29, Dated: 23.9.2014 :: Expert Committee constituted to make recommendations on implementation of Exam Reforms from 2015-16
G.O.MS.No. 29, Dated: 23.9.2014 :: School Education Department – Examination Reforms for Class IX and X - G.O. Ms. No.17, School Education (PE.Prog.II) Dept. dated 14.05.2014 Kept in abeyance for the academic year 2014-15 - Expert Committee constituted to study and make recommendations on implementation of Examination Reforms from the Academic Year 2015-16 - Orders – Issued.
1. G.O. Ms. No. 17, School Education (PE.Prog.II) Dept. dated 14.05.2014
2. From the Commissioner and Director of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad (2) Letters Rc. No.302/E1-1/2009-2, dated: 27.06.2014
3. From the Hon’ble Minister HRD Note No.7/M(HRD)/2014, dated 11.07.2014.
4. Govt Memo No. 11564/Prog.II/A1/2014, dated 16.07.2014
5. From the Commissioner and Director of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad (2) Letters Rc. No. 302/E1-1/2009-2, dated 17.07.2014
6. Govt Memo No. 11564/Prog.II/A1/2014, dated 23.07.2014
7. From the Commissioner and Director of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad Letter Rc. No. 302/E1-1/2009-2, dated 23.07.2014.
8. Govt Memo No. 11564/Prog.II/A1/2014, dated 02.08.2014
9. From the Commissioner and Director of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad Letter Rc. No. 302/E1-1/2009-2, dated 05.08.2014.
O R D E R:
1. In continuation of the Curriculum Reforms undertaken under National Curriculum Frame Work -2005 and Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, and with an objective to facilitate for a makeshift in the teaching learning process and to improve transactions of new technologies, and to transform the ways of learning to be comprehensive, holistic and dynamic, Government have brought in the Examination Reforms vide G.O. Ms. No. 17, School Education (PE.Prog.II) Dept. dated 14.05.2014 for classes IX and X from the academic year 2014-15 onwards. However, certain quantitative and qualitative measures were contemplated under the reforms such as reducing the number of papers from 11 to 9, giving 80% of the weightage to the Subject papers, and 20% of weightage to the Internal Assessment of the Student, Training for teachers on the new patterns of teaching and text books, summative and formating assessment etc., all of which require extensive capacity building at the level of all High Schools in the State of Andhra Pradesh but the said training programmes were not held due to various administrative reasons.
2. The Commissioner & Director of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad in Letters 2nd, 7th & 8th cited has stated, among other things, that the concept of Internal Evaluation has not drilled into the minds of either Government Teachers or Private
Teachers. She has observed that there is a large number of Government as well as Private Schools in the State and introduction of the new procedure without taking adequate preparatory steps to orient the Teachers and Students to the new system will have serious ramifications on the future of the students. She has also explained the experience that the Sarva Siksha Abhiyan have introduced the concept of Comprehensive and Continuation Evaluation (CCE) since two years upto VIII class but in spite of continuous trainings being given, the teachers are not yet fully equipped with that system. The G.O. Ms. No. 17, School Education (PE.Prog.II) Dept. dated 14.05.2014 has reduced the Language papers whereas the basic objective of School Education is to impart languages in the early years of student life. As such reducing two papers of the Languages to one paper and giving lot of weightage to the Subjects is not desirable at School level. The Commissioner & Director of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad has also opined that it is not possible to monitor the Internal Evaluation of large number of Government and Private Schools in the State and the new system would eventually result into reduction of academic standards. The Commissioner & Director of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad has, therefore, requested the Government to rescind/defer the G.O. Ms. No. 17, dt: 14.05.2014 and requested to accord permission to proceed with the following actions:
1. The present X class examination will be based on new text books only.
2. There will be 11 papers with same marks like earlier practice.
3. There is no weightage for internal valuation.
4. The pass marks for Hindi will also be continued as 20 which is the existing practice.
5. Constitution of an Expert Committee with the Directors, RMSA, Government Examinations and SCERT to study and propose
modifications to the reforms mentioned in the G.O. Ms. No. 17, dated 14.05.2014.
3. Government have carefully examined the report of the Commissioner & Director of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad, and in the circumstances that require in depth study and consultation on the various academic issues raised in her report as well as the serious consequences of implementation without examination of these issues and, therefore, agreed with the same and decided to keep the G.O. Ms. No. 17, School Education (PE.Prog.II) Dept. dated 14.05.2014 in abeyance for the
Academic Year 2014-15 only. Accordingly, Government hereby keep the G.O. Ms. No. 17, School Education (PE.Prog.II) Department, dated 14.05.2014 in abeyance for the Academic Year 2014-15 and permit her to proceed with the actions proposed in para 2 above.
4. Further, Government hereby constitute an Expert Committee with the following officers as proposed by the Commissioner & Director of School Education,
A.P. Hyderabad: -
1. Director, RMSA, A.P. Hyderabad
2. Director of Government Examinations, A.P. Hyderabad
3. Director, SCERT, A.P. Hyderabad
5. The Expert Committee shall widely study and hold extensive consultations on the reforms proposed in the G.O. Ms. No. 17, School Education (PE.Prog.II) Department, dated 14.05.2014 and make necessary recommendations / suggestions
on modifications required to the reforms so as to consider its implementation from the academic year 2015-16 onwards. The Expert Committee shall also prepare an action plan of preparatory works required such as Teacher Trainings etc. so as to
bring the reforms into implementation from the Academic Year 2015-16. The Expert Committee shall submit the above reports to Government by the end of November, 2014 positively so as to follow the implementation scheduled from new academic year.
6. The Commissoner & Director of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad shall take necessary further action in the matter.
G.O.MS.No. 322, Dated:22.09.2014 :: Deputy Tahsildars are Competent Authority for issue of Income Certificates in addition to Tahsildars
G.O.MS.No. 322, Dated:22.09.2014 :: Authorizing the “Deputy Tahsildars” in Tahsil offices as “Competent Authorities” for issue of Income Certificates in addition to Tahsildars – Orders – Issued.
1. G.O Rt.No.1307, Rev (Ser.II) Dept., Dt.13-09-2010.
2. G.O Rt No. 1551, Rev (Ser.II) Dept., Dt. 04-11-2010.
3. From the CCLA, Hyderabad, Lr.No.CMRO.3/147/2012,
4. G.O Ms No. 98, Rev (Ser.II) Department, Dt.19-02-2014.
1. In the G.O. 1st read above, Government have prescribed a Pro-forma for Income Declaration Form to be filled by the students who intend to apply for issue of Income Certificates ( of parents) for the purpose of filing applications for scholarships/Fee reimbursement. Further in the G.O. 2nd read above, certain instructions were issued regarding issue of Income Certificates by Revenue authorities for grant of Scholarships / Fee Reimbursement to students.
2. In the reference 3rd read above, the Special Chief Secretary and Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, A.P, Hyderabad, has reported that, as on 4.8.2012, 24.10 lakhs requests are received in Mee-Seva centres 7.53 lakhs requests are disposed Across-The –Counter (ATC). Out of remaining 16.57 lakhs requests, 13.47 lakhs are approved within time frame. 77,505 are rejected, 2.05 lakhs requests are under process within time frame. 27,551 requests crossed prescribed time frame. Out of 27,551 requests which crossed time frame. 14,725 are for Income Certificates. As per G.O 2
nd read above, the Tahsildars are the Competent Authorities for issue of Income Certificates and as of now, only Tahsidlars can sign the Income Certificates digitally in Mee-seva portal. Due to this, even though the required enquiry is completed by Village Revenue Officers (VROs) and Mandal Revenue Inspectors (MRIs), Tahsildars are unable to digitally sign all enquired requests within the time frame as they have only one digital certificate per Mandal. Regarding issue of second “Digital Certificate”, National Informatics Centre, (NIC) authorities have informed that as per existing Electronic Laws only one digital certificate can be issued to an individual officer. Many Joint Collectors requested that if second digital certificate cannot be issued to Tahsildars, Deputy Tahsildars working in Tahsil offices at least be authorized as “Competent Authorities” for issue of Income Certificates in addition to Tasildars so that all “Deputy Tahsildars” can be issued “Digital Certificates” and the problem of Income Certificates crossing time frame can be resolved.
3. The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, A.P, Hyderabad, has therefore requested the Government to issue necessary orders for authorizing “Deputy Tahsildars” in Tahsil offices as “Competent Authorities” for issue of Income Certificates in addition to Tahsildars.
4. Government after careful examination of the proposal, hereby decide to Authorize the “Deputy Tahsildars” in Tahsil offices also as “Competent Authorities” for issue of Income
Certificates in addition to Tahsildars.
5. The Special Chief Secretary & Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, AP, Hyderabad and all the District Collectors shall take further necessary action accordingly in the matter.
23 September, 2014
G.O.MS.No.194, Dated:22.09.2014 :: Revised Orders on Final Encashment Value of ELs due to AP Reorganization
G.O.MS.No.194, Dated:22.09.2014 :: A.P.State Reorganisation Act,2014- Appointment of final encashment Value of Earned Leave due to Retirement/Death while in harness -
Revised procedural instructions for drawl of amount - Amendment Orders - issued.
1. G.O.Ms.No.140,Finance(PSC)Dept, Dated 31.05.2014.
2.From the Director of Treasuries and Accounts Department, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad Lr.M3/3806/2014, dated 19.06.2014.
3. From the Prl. Accountant General (A&E), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad LrNo.AC.I/AP Reorganisation/110342, dated 18-6-2014.
1. In the Government order 1st read above, orders were issued forapportionment of Final Encashment Value of Earned Leave due to Retirement/Death while in harness by way of single bill, keeping in view the state reorganisation.
2. In the reference 2nd read above, the Director of Treasuries and Accounts submitted the proposal on procedure for apportionment of Final Encashment Value of Earned Leave due to retirement/death in harness by way of two bills as the transaction involves two Major heads i.e. one is regular salary Major head for booking the amount and other one is MH8793-ISS head instead of single bill as envisaged in GO Ms No.140, Finance (PSC) Department, dt.31-5-2014.
3. In the reference 3rd read above, the Principal Accountant General (A&E), Andhra Pradesh concurred with the procedure suggested by the DTA, AP and advised to prepare separate bills for each classification against a single sanction order and to ensure that a sanction order contains the amount and classification of each category i.e. regular head of account and ISS head of account.
4. As per provision under SR 2 ( e ), TR 16 of AP Treasury Code Vol.I, when a charge is debitable to more than one major head of account the drawer shall ordinarily present a separate bill for the amount debitable to each major head.
5. Government after careful consideration of the matter and in partial modification of orders issued in para 4 of GO mentioned at reference 1st, hereby laydown the procedure for apportionment of Final Encashment Value of Earned Leave due to Retirement/Death while in harness, as detailed below.
6. All Drawing and Disbursing Officers in the state of Andhra Pradesh shall prepare two separate bills i.e. one bill for regular salary head of account to the extent of the share of Andhra Pradesh State and other one for Inter State Suspense (ISS) head of account to the extent of the share of Telangana State while presenting the bill for the total amount of final encashment value of Earned Leave duly taking necessary care in software and fly leaf registers and to present two bills at once to avoid duplicate payments.
7. It is also instructed to ensure that
(i) the share of the State of Andhra Pradesh shall be booked to the regular salary head of account and the share of the State of Telangana shall be debited to MH 8793-Inter State
Suspense- Minor Head 129- Telangana;
(ii) the PAO/Treasury Officers should record the transaction I.D. (token number/voucher number) in both the bills as a cross reference to each other; and
(iii) PAO/Treasury Officers should transmit debit vouchers to AG’s Office along with the relevant sub-account to enable prompt reimbursement from the other successor State Government.
8. All the Heads of Departments are directed to bring these instructions to the concerned Drawing and Disbursing Officers under their control.
Download G.O.MS.No.194, Dated:22.09.2014
Rc.1417, Dt: 19.9.2014 :: UDISE Tentative Schedule for 2014-15 and instructions to DEOs/Project Officers
All the Project Officers of SSA and District Educational Officers in the state are informed that. the data related to schools, infrastructure, teachers, and enrollment is being collected every year through DISE since 2002-03. After collection, the data is entered in the software providing by NUEPA at District Project Offices. The district wise data is merged at state level and the same is furnished to NUEPA for merging at National level. From the year 2012-13 as per the MFIRD orders the collection of DISE Data is extended up to higher secondary level/ Jr.Colleges.
Accordingly the Tentative Schedule for collection of Data for U-DISE 2014-15 is herewith communicated for taking necessary action. The instructions to the DEOs/Project Officers are also communicated herewith in connection with collection of U-DISE Data for the year 2014-15.
This has got the approval of the State Project Director, SSA, Andhra Pradesh. Hyderabad.
• Educational Statistics Data Collection to be done every year in U-DISE Format with 30`h September as the reference date covering all Schools/Junior Colleges functioning in the State.
• U-DISE data is the basis for the formulation AWP&B Plans for SSA and RMSA.
• Utmost care should be taken in Collection/Scrutiny/Data Entry/Validation of Data
• Printing of Data Capture Formats (DCF) and Data Entry Work isentrusted to SSA.
• RMSA staff to coordinate with the SSA Staff in order to carry out this gigantic task of collection of UDISE.
• Data is being collected every year since 2001-02
• Proper supervision and Monitoring by the field functionaries.
• DEOs/DPos to pay attention and instruct the field Officers to obtain the accurate data within the prescribed time.
• Ensure that all New Schools opened in 2014-15 are covered in addition to the schools existing up to 2013-14 irrespective of Management.
• Seek the Co-ordination of other Departments like Social Welfare, Tribal Welfare and Intermediate Education for covering their schools / Jr.Colleges in UDISE.
• To request the Departments to identify a Nodal Officer for Collection of Data.
• To entrust the Collection/Scrutiny of High Schools and Higher Secondary Schools to the concerned Dy.E.Os
• To involve RIO/DVEO of Intermediate Education for collection of Junior Colleges Information.
• To instruct HMs to provide correct and accurate data in U-DISE and make HMs responsible for the incorrect data.
• To ensure 100% coverage of Inclusive Education data, Civil Works, Social Group wise data including Minority.
• 100% scrutiny is to be under taken by the first level field officer
• All the Districts to print the U-DCF 2014-15 from the DISE software.
• Before DCF is printed, identify and initialize schools which were not covered under DISE: 2013-14 Update School Directory with reference to up-gradation of schools, closed schools, merged schools etc.
• To ensure that DCF also reaches to degree colleges having classes XI & XII during 2014-15 data collection.
• To observe DISE Week/Fortnight so that data from across the state is collected during said period.
• To observe September 30th, 2014 as DISE-day with focus on data sharing, dissemination, poster-competition, address by SPD and DPC, reward to MIS officers for outstanding work etc.
• To share Data Capture Format: 2014-15 and other related issues, organize orientation programmes at cluster, block, district and state levels.
• To initiate Special drives (advertisement in local newspapers, through SMS, FM Radio etc.) to ensure data collection from all the schools imparting school education including private unaided schools.
• Officers of the mainstream departments are responsible for educational statistics may also be involved in U-DISE 2014-15 at all levels,
• To ensure 100 percent checking of filled-in DCF at CRC level, 20 percent at block and 10 percent at district level.
• To ensure use of 'Consistency Module' provided in the software and remove all inconsistencies in data, if any with the help of BRC and CRC Coordinators and school
• 'Data-entry' to be handled by SSA. RMSA to be present with the SSA at the time of consistency check of data in case of Secondary & Higher Secondary schools/sections and also whenever their presence is required.
Instructions to Head Masters on Filling UDISE Forms
Rc.1417, Dt: 19.9.2014 :: UDISE Tentative Schedule for 2014-15
Submission Instructions
21 September, 2014
Rc.No.141, Dated: 20.9.2014 :: DASARA holidays to Primary, UpperPrimery & High Schools in State for 2014-15 from 26.9.14 to 5.10.14
Rc.No.141/BI/AP/TE/SCERT/2014 Dated: 20.9.2014 and communicated the Dasara Holidays for Primary, UP, High Schools in Andhra Pradesh.
l. Meeting held on 21.06.20 l4 at Krishna Conference Hall 0/o SPD., SSA, AP.Hyderabad
2. Lr. Rc. No. 141 /B1/AP/TE/SCERT/20.14, Dated: 1 1.08.2014 of C&DSE, AP, Hyderabad
3. U.O. Note No. 141/B1/AP/TE/SCERT/2014, Dated: 1 9.09.2014 of Director, SCERT AP,Hyderabad
The attention of all District Educational Officers and Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State are invited to the references read above and they are informed that the Commissioner and Director of School Education, AP, Hyderabad is pleased to declare DUSSEHRA holidays to all the Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools in tile State for the academic year 2014-15 from 26.09.2014 to 05.10.2014. The schools should reopen on 06.10.2014.
1. The District Educational Officers and Regional Joint Directors of School Education concerned are therefore requested to issue necessary instructions to all the Head Masters of Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools under their jurisdiction and ensure that all. the Schools should reopen on 06.10.2014 positively.
2. The above instructions should be followed scrupulously.
This has got the approval of the Commissioner and Director of School Education, AP, Hyderabad
20 September, 2014
Rc.No.27, Dt : 2.9.14 :: Guidelines to Devolop SUMMATIVE - I Question Papers
Rc.No.27/ SSA/A3/2014, Dt.2-09-2014 :: A.P.SSA- Development of Summative-I question papers - Guidelines- Issued.
This office Progs.Rc.No.143(27)/SSA/A3/2014,Dt.23-8-2014.
The attention of all the DEOs and Project Officers, SSA in the state is invited to the subject and reference cited and they are requested to follow the guidelines as detailed hereunder in development of summative -I question papers and for smooth conduct of summative -I exams in the state.
• To follow the model summative-I question paper communicated by SPO.
• To conduct complex meetings for development of the summative-I question papers.
• To finalize the summative-I question papers by making necessary changes into consideration of local dialect and language without any deviation of CCE norms prescribed by SCERT.
• Each cluster should take up printing separately by observing absolute honesty minimizing expenditure.
a) The printing of the question papers shall be undertaken by school Complex H.M duly involving the SMC of the school where the school complex is located.
b) The H.M and SMC shall call for quotations meeting the following Specifications. Paper quality-60 GSM.
c) The quotation shall be open in SMC meeting and lowest quotation shall be finalized.
d) The School wise indent may be procured by School Complex H.M for Placing the order.
e) After receiving the question papers the School Complex H.M make necessary arrangements for distribution of papers at school point.
f) The unit cost for child shall not exceed 25/-
• P.Os shall support the printing charges from the training budget available at cluster level.
• The amount shall be released to respective clusters based on requirement.
• One set of question papers should be furnished to SPO for examination.
• Expenditure incurred may be met from complex level meeting training budget.
• To conduct summative-I Exams, as per schedule of academic calender communicated by SCERT.
19 September, 2014
Rc.No.4140 , Dr: 17.9.14 :: Instructios to Part Time Instructors in Art Education, Health & Physical Education and Work Education
Rc.No.4140/AP SSA/Pig/2014, Dated: 17.09.2014 :: SSA, Prakasam District - Part Time Instructors in Art Education, Health & Physical Education and Work Education in the Upper Primary School / Upper Primary Sections of High Schools for the academic year 2014-15 - Certain Instructions Issued - Reg.
Ref:- Memo No.26/RVM(SSA)/B10/C3/2011, Dt:30.05.2014 of the State Project Director, RVM(SARVA SIKSHA ABHIYAN), AP., Hyderabad.
It is reported by some of the Part Time Instructors that school headmasters are instructing them to stay full time.
In the reference cited, certain instructions are issued on Part Time Instructors in Art Education, Health & Physical Education and-Work Education in the Upper Primary School / Upper Primary Sections of High Schools for the academic year 2014-15. It may be noted that part time instructors are to be used only for part time as detailed here under.
* Part Time Instructors shall attend the school daily only in the afternoon hours, so that they will teach games, sports, drill etc., to children.
* They shall teach their subjects only for which they are engaged.
* They shall only be involved in co-curricular activities of children.
* They should not be allowed to teach any other subjects.
* Separate periods for Physical Education, Art Education & Work Education(Craft) should be allotted to the students.
All the Mandal Educational Officers are requested to take necessary action and issue instructions to concerned Head Masters about allotment of periods to Part Time Instructors working in UP/High Schools during'the year 2014-15 and report compliance in the matter.
In accordance with the National Policy of Education (1986) Government of India started Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs). Presently the JNVs are spread in 27 States and 7 Union Territories. These are co-educational residential schools fully financed and administered by Government of India through an autonomous organization, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti. Admissions in JNVs are made through the JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SELECTION TEST (JNVST) at Class VI. The medium of instruction in JNVs is the mother tongue or regional language up to Class VIII and English thereafter for Maths and Science and Hindi for Social Science. Students of the JNVs appear for X and XII class examinations of the Central Board of Secondary Education. While education in the schools is free including boarding, lodging, uniforms and textbooks, a nominal fee of Rs.200/- per month will have to be paid by the children from IX to XII class. However, children belonging to SC/ST, Girls and Physically Handicapped and from the families whose income is below poverty line are exempted from payment of fees.
1.2Objective of the Scheme
(i)To provide good quality modern education including a strong component of culture, inculcation of values, awareness of the environment, adventure activities and physical education to the talented children predominantly from rural areas.
(ii)To ensure that students attain a reasonable level of competency in three languages.
(iii)To promote national integration through migration of students from Hindi to non-Hindi speaking State and vice-versa.
(iv)To serve in each district as focal point for improvement of quality of school education in general through sharing of experiences and facilities.
1.3State-wise Distribution of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas
According to the Navodaya Vidyalaya Scheme, one Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya is to be set up in each District in a phased manner. At present, there are 598 (576+22**) Vidyalayas are sanctioned in 28 States and 07 Union Territories. Out of which 588(570+18) are functioning. The State-wise distribution of JNVs is as under:
Andhra Pradesh13+01
Arunachal Pradesh16
Andaman & Nicobar Islands02
Daman & Diu02
Dadra & Nagar Haveli01
Himachal Pradesh12
Jammu & Kashmir17+01
Madhya Pradesh48+02
Uttar Pradesh70+01
West Bengal17+01
Total 576+22**= 598
** Additional JNVs sanctioned for the Districts having large concentration of SC/ST population.
A maximum of eighty students are admitted in Class VI in each Vidyalaya, through a Selection Test subject to availability of suitable candidates. The Samiti reserves the right to reduce the seats to forty or to withhold result and/or withhold admission and/or conduct of JNVST in case adequate accommodation is not available.
1.4Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test - 2015
JNV Selection Test for admission to Class-VI in JNVs for the academic session 2015-16 will be held as per following schedule. The last date for submission of Application Form in BEO’s Office is 31st October 2014.
i.On Saturday, the_07th February, 2015 at 11.30 A.M. in the State of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, West Bengal (except Darjeelin0g) Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh (except Chamba, Kinnaur, Mandi, Sirmour, Kullu, Lahaul & Spiti and Shimla Districts), Jharkhand, Kerala, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tripura, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Delhi, Arunachal Pradesh (except Tawang District), Union Territories of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Dadar & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Lakshadweep and Pondicherry
ii.On Saturday, the 11th April, 2015 at 11.30 A.M. in the States of Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim ,Jammu and Kashmir (except Leh & Kargil) and in the District of Tawang of Arunachal Pradesh, in the Districts of Chamba, Sirmour, Kullu, Kinnaur, Mandi, Shimla of Himachal Pradesh, in the District of Darjeeling of West Bengal.
iii. On Saturday, the 06th June, 2015 at 11.30 A.M. in the Districts of Leh, Kargil of J&K State and in the District of Lahaul & Spiti of Himachal Pradesh State.
2.1How to get an Application Form?
Application forms for admission may be made on the prescribed Application Form (attached with the prospectus) available free of cost from:
(i)Block Education Officer (BEO)
(ii)District Education Officer (DEO)
(iii)Headmaster of any Govt. / Govt. aided / Recognized Accredited Institute / NIOS where he/she is studying.
(iv)Principal, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya.
In case of non-availability of JNVST prescribed Application Form from the above, you may copy the format of Application Form on plain paper (preferably 21cm x 30cm) from our website at the address or the newspaper advertisement and apply on it.
2.2How to submit an Application Form?
Duly filled in application form must reach the Block Education Officer latest by 31st October 2014. It shall be signed by the Head of the recognized school where the child is studying in Class-V, on or before 31st October 2014 (Candidates are advised to get the acknowledgement from the BEO at the time of submission of Application Form).
2.3Issue of Admit Cards
Admit Cards, duly prepared by the Principal, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya will be issued to the candidates through the office of the Block Education Officer. Candidates, who do not receive their Admit cards one week before the JNVST should immediately contact to Principal, JNV/BEO/DEO for the same.
2.4Result of the Selection Test
The result of JNV Selection Test 2015 is expected to be announced by end of May of the year of admission. The result will be displayed in the offices of the concerned (i) Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (ii) District Education Officer (iii) District Magistrate (iv) Deputy Commissioner, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti of the Region. The Principal, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya concerned, will also inform the selected candidates through registered post. The result will also be displayed on website of the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti at the address
3.a)Selection in the test will not vest any right on the candidates to secure admission into the JNV. At the time of seeking actual admission, each selected candidate will have to produce all relevant certificates, as prescribed by the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti. Until admission, the selection is provisional.
3.b)In case of any dispute, the decision of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti shall be final and binding on the candidates.
3.c)Marks obtained by candidates (both selected and unselected) in the test are not communicated.
3.d)There is no provision for re-evaluation of the answer scripts. Since the result is processed through computer and sufficient care is taken to ensure accuracy through various checks in processing the result, no request for re-totaling of marks will be entertained.
3.e)It may also be noted by the candidates and their parents/guardians that under the scheme of JNVs, students of a JNV located in Hindi speaking State may have to be migrated to another JNV in Non-Hindi Speaking State and vice-versa for one academic year when the students are promoted to Class IX. In case of refusal from the students selected for migration, continuation of such students in JNV will not be allowed.
3.f)The candidates and their parents/guardians may note that the children selected on the basis of the Test will be admitted only in the JNV located in the district from where they are appearing at the JNVST. Under no circumstances, the selected candidate will be given admission to any other JNV. No request for shifting of students on account of medium of instruction in the JNV concerned, shifting of parents/guardians to other district(s) State(s) etc. will be entertained.
3.g) Candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) will have to produce a certificate of the Caste/Tribe at the time of seeking admission, if selected. Such certificate should be procured from the competent authority before 15th July, of the year of seeking admission so that it may be submitted to the Principal of concerned JNV at the time of admission.
3.h) Candidates belonging to the disabled category (Orthopedically Handicapped, Hearing Impaired and Visually Handicapped) if selected will have to produce a medical certificate signed by Chief Medical Officer of the District concerned at the time of admission.
3.i)Candidates belonging to the disabled category (Orthopedically Handicapped, Hearing Impaired and Visually Handicapped) can seek admission in the district in which they are studying in Class V on regular basis at the time of applying for JNVST or their native district where his/her parents are residing.
4.a)Only the candidates from the district concerned where the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya has been opened are eligible to apply for admission. However, the district where JNV is opened and is bifurcated at a later date, the old boundaries of the district are considered for the purpose of eligibility for admission into JNVST, in case a new Vidyalaya has not started in newly bifurcated district as yet.
4.b)A candidate seeking admission must not have been born before 01-05-2002 and after 30-04-2006. This will apply to candidates of all categories, including those who belong to the Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs). In case of doubt of overage candidate seeking admission, they may be referred to the Medical Board for confirmation of the age. The decision of the Medical Board will be final.
4.c) A candidate appearing for the selection test must be studying in Class-V for the whole of the academic session 2014-15 in a Government/Government aided or other recognized schools or ‘B’ certificate competency course of National Institute of Open Schooling in the same district where he/she is seeking admission. A school will be deemed recognized if it is declared so by the Government or by any other agency authorized on behalf of Government. Schools where students have obtained ‘B’ certificate under National Institute of Open Schooling should have accreditation of NIOS. A candidate must successfully complete Class-V in the session 2014-15. Actual admission in Class-VI for the session 2015-16 will be subject to this condition.
4.d) A Candidate claiming admission under rural quota must have studied and passed classes III, IV and V from a Govt. / Govt. aided / recognized school spending one full academic session each year in a school located in rural area.
4.e) Candidates who will be passing ‘B’ certificate competency course of National Institute of Open Schooling on or before 30th September, 2014 are also eligible to write admission test provided they are in the prescribed age group. The forms of such candidates will be verified by DEO/DIOS. The rural status of a child from National Institute of Open Schooling will be decided on the basis of a certificate to be issued by Tehsildar/District Magistrate of the District indicating that the child has been residing in rural areas for the last three years. Students studying under the above scheme from urban and notified areas are not eligible for obtaining seat in rural quota.
4.f) A Candidate who has not been promoted and admitted to Class-V before 30th September, 2014 is not eligible to apply.
4.g) No candidate is eligible to appear in the selection test second time, under any circumstances.
5.The parents of the children who qualify the Selection Test will have to submit following at the time of admission:
i)Affidavit/Residence Certificate in prescribed Performa in addition to other documents demanded by the concerned Vidyalaya.
ii)For candidates seeking admission under rural quota, the parents will also have to submit an affidavit to the effect that the child is studying in an Institute located in a notified rural area and that they are residing in a notified rural area.
A)At least 75% of the seats in a district will be filled by candidates selected from rural areas and remaining seats will be filled from the urban areas of the district.
B)A candidate seeking admission under the rural quota must have studied in Classes-III, IV and V completing full academic session from the recognized school(s) located in rural areas.
C)Candidates studying under the National Institute of Open Schooling should produce their rural status certificate issued by District Magistrate/ Tehsildar/Block Development Officer.
A Candidate who has studied in a school located in an urban area even for a single day of session in Class-III, IV and V will be considered as an urban candidate. Urban areas are those which are so defined in 2001 census or through a subsequent Government Notification. All other areas will be considered as rural.
a)At least 75% of the seats in a district are filled by candidates selected from rural areas and remaining seats are filled from urban areas of the district.
b)Reservation of seats in favour of children belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes is provided in proportion to their population in the concerned district provided that no district, such reservation will be less than the national average (15% for SC and 7.5% for ST) but subject to maximum of 50% for both the categories (SC & ST) taken together. These reservations are interchangeable and over and above the candidates selected under open merit.
c)One third of the total seats are filled up by girls.
d)There is a provision for reservation of 3% seats for ** disabled children (i.e. Orthopedically Handicapped, Hearing Impaired and Visually Handicapped).
**“Blindness” refers to a condition where a person suffers from any of the following conditions namely:-
(i)Total absence of sight; or
(ii)Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses; or
(iii)Limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degree or worse.
**“Hearing Impairment” means loss of sixty decibels or more in the better ear in the conversational range of frequencies.
**“Locomotor disability” means disability of the bones joints or muscles leading to substantial restriction of the movement of the limbs or any form of cerebral palsy.
**“Person with disability” means a person suffering from not less than forty percent of any disability as certified by a medical authority.
1.Centre for Examination
Each candidate shall appear for the selection test at the examination centre allotted to him/her as indicated on the Admit Card. No candidate is permitted to appear from any other centre. No request for change of centre will be entertained. No candidate can appear in the selection test without the proper Admit Card. The competent authority for issuing the Admit Card is Principal, JNV.
2.Language of the Examination
The language/medium of the examination for the candidate will be the medium through which the candidate is studying in Class-V.
A candidate will be given a test booklet in the language he/she has mentioned in the application form and admit card. It must be ensured that Same Medium of Examination/Language is written in the Application Form (Col.10) and Admit Card (Col.1). The test booklet is available in the following languages:
16.Sindhi (Arabic)
17.Sindhi (Devnagri)
3.Composition of the Test
The selection test will be of two-hour duration and will have 3 sections with only objective type questions. There are 100 questions in all of 100 marks. Each question carries one mark:
Type of TestNumber ofMarksDuration
Mental ability Test505060 Minutes
Arithmetic Test252530 Minutes
Language Test252530 Minutes
Total1001002 Hours
A single test booklet comprising of the 3 sections will be given to each candidate.
4.Method of Recording Answers
a)A separate Answer sheet will be provided. Candidates are required to indicate their answers at an appropriate place on the answer sheet itself. The Answer sheet will be of intelligence Character Recognition (ICR)/Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Sheet. A copy of specimen Answer Sheet is enclosed.
b)Only Blue/Black Ball Point Pen is to be used to write on the answer sheet. Candidates should bring their own ballpoint pens. Use of pencil is strictly prohibited.
c)For each question, there are four probable answers, out of which only one is correct. The candidate is required to select correct answer and indicate correct corresponding number (1, 2, 3, 4) given against the probable answers on the answer sheet. Any other mode such as marking ( Ö ) OR (a, b, c, d) OR (A, B,C, D) OR (BÉE, JÉ, MÉ, PÉ) etc. to indicate the answers on the answer sheet will not be accepted. For example if your answer for Question no. 37 is 3.
d)No change in the answer once written is allowed. Overwriting, cutting and erasing on the Answer Sheet is also not allowed.
e)One mark will be given for every correct answer.
f)No negative marking will be done.
5.About Instruction and Example
a)The candidate must carefully read the instructions given on the cover page of the test booklet as well as those for each test/section before attempting the questions.
b)Candidates are advised to confirm that the test booklet received by them is of the language opted for the test. In case test booklet of correct language opted for is not
provided, the candidate should get it changed before start of the examination. It is the responsibility of the candidate to obtain the test booklet of his choice as opted in the application form. No representation in this regard will be entertained after the examination is over.
c)About one minute may be needed to answer each question. Therefore, the candidate should not spend too much of time on a particular question. If a question is found difficult to answer he/she may leave it and move on to the next one. This will help to save time. Once the candidate completes all the questions in a test, he/she may try those questions, which he/she had left in the first attempt.
d)The total time would be two hours without any break.
e)Securing qualifying marks in each of the three tests is essential. Candidates are advised not to spend more time on each section of test than suggested, although they are free to adjust the total time, as they like.
f)There will be a bell after every 30 minutes.
(1)No candidate will be allowed to appear in the selection test without proper Admit Card.
(2)No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination hall/ room after 30 minutes of the commencement of the selection test.
(3)No candidate will be allowed to leave the examination hall / room before completion of 60 minutes after commencement of the test.
For more Details and Application with Mode of Exam, and other related Profarmas
18 September, 2014
G.O.MS.No. 291, Dt:17.9.2014 :: Date of Filling up of backlog vacancies of S.C & S.T is extended up to 30.6.15
G.O.MS.No. 291, Dt:17.9.2014 :: Recruitment – Filling up of backlog vacancies of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes – Extension of time limit upto 30.06.2015 – Orders – Issued.
1) G.O.Ms.No.214, G.A.(Ser.A)Deptt., dated:08.05.2001.
2) G.O.Ms.No.215, G.A.(Ser.A)Deptt., dated:08.05.2001.
3) G.O.Ms.No.822, G.A.(Ser.A)Deptt., dated:02.12.2013
4) G.O.Ms.No.823, G.A.(Ser.A)Deptt., dated:02.12.2013
5) U.O.Note.No.3437/CV.ROR.2/2011, dated:10.09.2014 of Social Welfare Department.
O R D E R:-
In the G.O. first read above, an adhoc rule was issued to fill-up the backlog vacancies of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes duly waiving the written examination and interview so as to fill up the identified backlog vacancies. The time limit is being extended from time to time to fill up the backlog vacancies of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes upto 30.06.2014.
Government have decided to extend the time limit for filling up the backlog vacancies of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes as on 31.12.2013 for a further period of one year i.e., upto 30.06.2015.
To fill up the backlog vacancies in Group-IV services under the purview of District Selection Committees, orders were issued in G.O. 2nd read above. To extend the time limit for filling up the backlog vacancies, the following amendment is issued to G.O.Ms.No.215, G.A.(Ser.A)Deptt., dt:08.05.2001 and as subsequently amended from time to time.
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India and of all other powers hereunto enabling, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following amendment to the Adhoc Rules issued in G.O.Ms.No.215, General Administration (Ser.A) Department, dated the 8th May, 2001 and as subsequently amended from time to time.
In the said Adhoc Rule, for the expression “before 30th June, 2014”, the expression “before 30th June 2015”, shall be substituted.
15 September, 2014 43, Dt:13.9.14 :: Postponement of Summative-I Examinations in Andhra Pradesh State for Primary & Upper Primary
The SPD has informed to all the DEO’s and POs in the state that as per the subject and reference cited the dates of Summative I exams are postponed from [15-09-2014 to 23-09-2014] to 07-10-2014 to 14-10-2014 for primary and upper primary classes, after Dussehra Holidays and the new time table is as follows.
Download 43, Dt:13.9.1414 September, 2014
(Personal Post) Click on Like for my Sun in Law's win in his Project
As the website belongs to russian language, you can translate it to english and see what is the project and its details.
12 September, 2014
ఈ-కామర్స్ కు డొమైన్ బూస్ట్ :: .భారత్ ఆగమనం తో పెరగనున్న ప్రాంతీయ భాషల డొమైన్ పేర్లు
Sakshi | Updated: September 12, 2014 02:05
హైదరాబాద్, బిజినెస్ బ్యూరో: ఇంటర్నెట్ రంగంలో
విప్లవాత్మక మార్పులకు భారత్ వేదిక కానుంది. డాట్(.)
భారత్ ఎక్స్టెన్షన్ రాకతో
ఇప్పుడు ఇంగ్లీషు రానివారు సైతం నెట్లో
విహరించేందుకు మార్గం సుగమం అయింది. ఇంటర్నెట్
విషయంలో అత్యంత వేగంగా వద్ది చెందుతున్న భారత్లో
ప్రధాన అడ్డంకి దాదాపు తొలగిపోయినట్టే.
ఉత్పత్తులు, సేవలు, విద్య తదితర రంగ సంస్థలు ఇక
నుంచి తమ వెబ్సైట్లను స్థానిక భాషల్లో
ఏర్పాటు చేసుకోవచ్చు. రంగమేదైనా సమాచారం స్థానిక
భాషలో తెలుసుకునేందుకు సామాన్యుడికి వీలైంది.
రానున్నరోజుల్లో ఈ-కామర్స్తోపాటు సమాచార, సాంకేతిక
రంగంలో అనూహ్య పరిణామాలు చోటుచేసుకోనున్నాయని
నిపుణులు అంటున్నారు.
ఏమిటీ డాట్ భారత్..
డొమైన్ పేర్లు ఇప్పటి వరకు ఇంగ్లీషులోనే ఉండేవి. డాట్
భారత్ ఎక్స్టెన్షన్ రాకతో హిందీ, మరాఠి, కొంకణి, మైథాలి,
నెపాలీ, బోరో, డోగ్రి, సింధి భాషల్లో వెబ్సైట్
పేర్లను నమోదు చేసుకునే అవకాశం లభించింది. కొద్ది
రోజుల్లోనే తెలుగుతో సహా బెంగాళి, గుజరాతి, ఉర్దూ,
తమిళ్, పంజాబి భాషలకు కూడా ఈ
సౌకర్యం అందుబాటులోకి రానుంది. అయితే
డబ్ల్యూడబ్ల్యూడబ్ల్యూ మాత్రం ఇంగ్లీషులో
ఉంటుంది. స్థానిక భాషలో ఇంటర్నెట్ వెబ్ చిరునామా
(డొమైన్) టైప్ చేస్తే చాలు. ఉదాహరణకు ఠీఠీఠీ.
ఎన్ఎండీసీ.భారత్ అన్నమాట. డాట్ భారత్
ఎక్స్టెన్షన్ను నేషనల్ ఇంటర్నెట్ ఎక్స్ఛేంజ్ ఆఫ్
ఇం డియా(నిక్సి) అభివృద్ధి చేసింది. ఇప్పటికే ఉన్న ‘డాట్
ఇన్’ డొమైన్ ఎక్స్టెన్షన్కు రిజిస్ట్రీగా నిక్సి
కంటెంట్కేం కొదవ లేదు..: ఏ వెబ్సైట్లో ఏముందో
తెలుసుకోవడం ఇంగ్లీషు రానివారికి కష్టమే. ఇదంతా గతం.
ఇప్పుడు నిక్సి చొరవతో ప్రపంచంలో ఏ మూలనున్నా, ఏ
విషయాన్నైనా తెలుసుకోవచ్చు. చాలా వెబ్సైట్లు ఇప్పటికే
స్థానిక భాషల్లో కంటెంట్(విషయం) అందిస్తున్నాయి.
కంటెంట్ డెవలపర్లూ భారత్లో కోకొల్లలు.
డెవలపర్లకూ ఇప్పుడు నూతన వ్యాపార
వేదికలు దొరికినట్టే. కొత్త కొత్త యాప్స్ మార్కెట్లోకి
వస్తాయి. విప్లవం ఇప్పుడే మొదలైందని
అంటున్నారు డొమైన్ ఇన్వెస్టర్ అరవింద్ రెడ్డి. తెలుగు కీ
బోర్డులు, కంటెంట్ విస్తృతమైతే సామాన్యుడికి చేరువ
అయినట్టేనని చెబుతున్నారు. తెలుగు భాషను ఆధారంగా
చేసుకుని తెలంగాణ, ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్లో ఎంత కాదన్నా 1,500
మంది యాప్ డెవలపర్లు ఉంటారని సమాచారం.
వినియోగమూ పెరుగుతుంది..
ప్రస్తుతం దేశవ్యాప్తంగా 20 కోట్ల మందికిపైగా
ఇంటర్నెట్ను వినియోగిస్తున్నారని గూగుల్ చెబుతోంది.
2018 నాటికి 50 కోట్ల మందికిపైగా నెట్కు కనెక్ట్
అవుతారని గూగుల్ ఇండియా ఎండీ రాజన్ ఆనందన్
అంటున్నారు. ప్రతి నెల 50 లక్షల మంది కొత్త
వినియోగదారులు వచ్చి చేరుతున్నారు. మొబైల్ ద్వారా
ఇంటర్నెట్ వాడేవారు 15.5 కోట్ల మంది ఉన్నారు.
2017 నాటికి వీరి సంఖ్య 48 కోట్లను తాకుతుందని
సర్చ్ ఇంజన్ దిగ్గజం అంటోంది. డాట్ భారత్ ప్రవేశంతో ఈ
సంఖ్య మరింత పెరిగే అవకాశమూ లేకపోలేదు.
అటు నేషనల్ ఆప్టిక్ ఫైబర్ నెట్వర్క్(ఎన్వోఎఫ్ఎన్)
ప్రాజెక్టులో భాగంగా 2017 ఏడాది నాటికి 2.50 లక్షల
గ్రామ పంచాయితీలకు హైస్పీడ్ బ్రాడ్బ్యాండ్ కనెక్టివిటీ
కల్పించాలిని కేంద్రం లక్ష్యంగా చేసుకుంది.
ఇందుకోసం రూ.35 వేల కోట్లు వ్యయం చేస్తోంది.
ఆన్లైన్ అమ్మకాలకు బూస్ట్...
వాటర్ బాటిళ్లు సైతం ఇప్పుడు ఆన్లైన్లో బుక్
చేస్తున్నారు. దీనికంతటికీ కారణం సౌకర్యం.
గుండు పిన్ను మొదలు విమానం దాకా ఆన్లైన్లో
దొరుకుతున్నాయి. ఈ-కామర్స్ కంపెనీలు స్థానిక
భాషల్లోనూ వెబ్సైట్లను తీర్చిదిద్దితే ఈ రంగంలో
ఎవరూ ఊహించని అభివృద్ధి సాధ్యమవుతుందని నిక్సి
సీఈవో గోవింద్ తెలిపారు. భారత్లో ఏ మూలనున్నా ఇంటర్నెట్
సౌకర్యం ఉండాలన్నదే తమ లక్ష్యమని చెప్పారు.
ప్రస్తుతం ఆన్లైన్ రిటైల్ వ్యాపారం భారత్లో
రూ.13,800 కోట్లుగా ఉందని... 2020 నాటికి ఇది
1.92 లక్షల కోట్లకు చేరుకుంటుందని పరిశోధన సంస్థ
టెక్నోప్యాక్ చెబుతోంది. ఎన్వోఎఫ్ఎన్ ప్రాజెక్టుతో గ్రామీణ
ప్రాంతాల్లో ఇ-కామర్స్ విస్పోటనం సంభవిస్తుందని కేంద్ర
కమ్యూనికేషన్లు, ఐటీ శాఖ మంత్రి రవిశంకర్ ప్రసాద్
ఇటీవల వ్యాఖ్యానించారు.
50 lakhs Google Passwords Hacked - Check your account immediately
50 lakhs Google Passwords Hacked by Russian Hackers.
For leaked passwords visit (Russian website) &
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11 September, 2014
11 facts about Global Warming
1. Global warming is the
increase of Earth's average
surface temperature due to
greenhouse gases, such as
carbon dioxide emissions from
burning fossil fuels or from
deforestation, which trap heat
that would otherwise escape
from Earth.
2. Greenhouse gases keep heat
close to the earth’s surface
making it livable for humans
and animals. However, global
warming is happening largely
due to an over-emittance of
these gases and fossil fuels
(natural oil, gasoline, coal).
3. With the start of industry in
the 1700's, humans began
emitting more fossil fuels from
coal, oil, and gas to run our
cars, trucks, and factories. By
driving a “smarter” car, you will
not only save on gas, but help
prevent global warming.
4. There is more carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere today than at
any point in the last 800,000
5. In total, the U.S. emits
approximately 6 billion tons of
carbon dioxide every year. 40%
of that comes from power plant
emissions alone.
6. The NRDC (Natural Resources
Defense Council) proposed the
Clean Air Act to cut power plant
emissions by 26% in the next 7
7. Since 1870, global sea levels
have risen by about 8 inches.
8. Consequences of global
warming include drought, severe
hurricanes, massive fires and
melting of the polar caps.
9. Heat waves caused by global
warming present greater risk of
heat-related illness and death,
most frequently among patients
of diabetes who are elderly or
very young.
10. According to the U.S. Global
Change Research Program, the
temperature in the U.S. has
increased by 2 degrees in the
last 50 years and precipitation
by 5%.
11. Global warming puts coral
reefs in danger as warmer water
increases the possibility of coral
diseases and the rising sea
levels makes it more difficult for
coral to receive adequate
చికెన్లో విరివిగా ఆంటీబయాటిక్స్- మనిషి ఆరోగ్యానికి ముంచుకొస్తున్న ప్రమాదం :: Centre for Science and Environment వారి రిపోర్టు ఆధారంగా
మీరు చికెన్ తినే వారయితే ఈ వార్త తప్పని సరిగా చదవాలి. మన దేశంలో చికెన్లో విరివిగా ఆంటీబయాటిక్స్ ను ఉపయోగిస్తున్నారు.
కోళ్ళలో రోగాలను తగ్గించేందుకే కాకుండా అవి తొందరగా పెరిగేందుకు కూడా ఇష్టం వచ్చినట్లు ఆంటీబయాటిక్స్ ను ఉపయోగిస్తున్నారు. ఆంటీబయాటి క్స్ ను కోళ్ళకు ఇచ్చే ఆహారంలో కలిపి ఇస్తున్నారు. దీని వల్ల కోడి తొందరగా పెరుగుతుంది. బరువు ఎక్కువగా ఉంటుంది. లాభాల కోసం కోళ్ళ పరిశ్రమ ఈ పని
చేస్తుంది. సెంటర్ ఫర్ సైన్స్ అండ్ ఎన్విరాన్మెంట్ జరిపిన అధ్యయనంలో 40 శాతం కోళ్ల్ళ సాంపుల్స్ లో ఈ ఆంటీబయాటిక్స్ కనిపించాయి. దీనివల్ల ఆ కోడిలోనే ఆంటీబయాటి క్స్ ను తట్టుకొనే బ్యాక్టీరియా పెరుగుతోంది. చికెన్ తిన్నప్పుడు ఈ బ్యాక్టీరియా మానవ శరీరంలోకి వెళ్తోంది. ఫలితంగా మనిషికి అవసరమొచ్చిపప్పుడు ఆంటీబయాటిక్స్ వాడినప్పుడు అవి పనిచేయడం లేదు. కోడి
మాంసం తినేవారు తమకు తెలియకుండానే కొద్ది మోతాదులో ఆంటీబయాటిక్స్ ను అవసరం లేకుండా తీసుకుంటున్నారు. దీనివల్ల వారి శరీరాలు ఆంటీబయాటిక్స్ పనిచేయకుండా తయారవుతున్నాయి. ఇప్పటికే సెప్టిక్, న్యుమోనియా, టి బి లాంటి రోగాలకు వాడే ఆంటీబయాటక్స్
పనిచేయడం లేదు. ఆంటీబయాటిక్స్ ను తట్టుకునే బ్యాక్టీరియా మానవ శరీరంలోను, పర్యావరణంలోను తయారు కావడం వల్ల ఆ ఆంటిబయాటిక్స్ మనిషి అవసరమొచ్చినప్పుడు వాడినా కూడా
పనిచేయవు. అందులోను మనిషికి అత్యవసరమైన ఆంటీబయాటిక్స్. ను కోళ్ళ క్రుత్రిమ పెరుగుదలకు వాడుతున్నారు. ఈ.ఆంటీబయాటిక్స్ పనిచేయకుండా అయితే మానవాళికి తీవ్ర ప్రమాదం.
ఇప్పటికే యూరోపియన్ దేశాలలో కోళ్ళ పెరుగుదలకు ఆంటీబయాటిక్స్ ను వాడడం నిషేదించారు. మనదేశంలో కూడా తక్షణం దీనిని నియంత్రంచకుంటే తీవ్ర ఉపద్రవం రాబోతోంది అని నిపుణులు హెచ్చరిస్తున్నారు. మనదేశంలో కోళ్ళ పరిశ్రమ ప్రతి ఏడాది 10 శాతం పెరుగుదలను నమోదు చేసుకుంటోంది. మనం వాడే మాంసంలో 50 శాతం మేరకు చికెన్ యే ఉంటోంది. చికెన్ ప్రీయులు జాగ్రత్త
వహించడమే కాకుండా కోళ్ళలో ఆంటీబయాటిక్స్ ను క్రుత్రిమ పెరుగుదలకు వాడడానికి వ్యతిరేకంగా స్పందించాలి.
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