28 February, 2014

G.O.Ms.No.55, Dt:26-02-2014 :: Permitted the Recruiting Agencies to Fill twenty four thousand seventy eight (24,078) vacant posts through Direct Recruitment

G.O.Ms.No. 55 Dt:26-02-2014 ::  Permitted the Recruiting Agencies to Fill twenty four thousand seventy eight (24,078) vacant posts through Direct Recruitment

1. G.O.Rt.No.5691, General Administration (Ser-A) Dept,dt.13.12.2012.
2. G.O.Ms.No. 132, Finance (SMPC-I) Department, dated 3.6.2013 read with
G.O.Ms.No. 182, Finance (SMPC-I) Department, dated. 02.07.2013.
3. G.O.Ms.No. 183, Finance (SMPC-I) Department, dated. 02.07.2013.
4. U.O.No.3474/EC/A1/2013, dt.26-06-2013 of H.E (A1) Department.

O R D E R:
In the G.O. first read above the General Administration (Services-A) Department issued orders adopting an annual calendar for recruitments and
prescribed a schedule for estimation and notification of vacancies for recruitment. 

2. Accordingly, this department has issued orders in G.O.Ms.No.183, Finance (SMPC.I) Department, dt.02-07-2013 according permission to fill vacant posts in various categories in different departments and autonomous institutions. Among others, certain posts in the JNTU College of Engineering, Ananthapur were also included for direct recruitment through Departmental Selection Committee. It has been noticed that inadvertently some posts relating to the JNTU College of Engineering, Pulivendula have also been included in the JNTU College of Engineering, Ananthapur. 

3. In partial modification of the orders issued in the reference third read
above, the Government had issued the following amendment to annexure to the G.O third read above. 


4. The Higher Education Department shall take necessary further action in the matter.

Download G.O.Ms.No.55, Dt:26-02-2014

RBI GUIDELINES & FAQ's for KYC Complaint of your bank account

Dear viewers, Many of us getting information about saving/current accounts from the banks that your account has KYC complaint. When you are going to clear the complaint you have to know about the issue. To get information and guidelines visit the following link.

View Page

G.O.Rt.No.53, Dt:24.02.2014. :: Sanction of Rs.50.00 Crores [Rupees Fifty Crores only] towards matching Contribution by the State Government to CPS Employees

G.O.Rt.No.53, Dt:24.02.2014. :: Pensions – New Contributory Pension Scheme for State Government Employees - Sanction of Rs.50.00 Crores [Rupees Fifty Crores only] towards matching Contribution by the State Government – Orders – Issued.
1. Lr.No. D (II) 1CPS/10393/3 /2012, dated 03.01.2014 received from the  Director of Treasuries & Accounts, A.P. Hyderabad.

In the letter 1st read above, the Director of Treasuries & Accounts, A.P. Hyderabad has requested for issue of sanction orders for an amount of Rs.50.00 Crores towards Matching Contribution under New Contributory Pension Scheme for the legacy period from BE 2013-14.

2. Government, after careful consideration of the proposal of the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P., Hyderabad, hereby release an amount of
Rs.50.00 Crores [Rupees Fifty Crores only], in relaxation of Treasury Control Orders and quarterly regulations pending re-appropriation of funds which may be adjusted on final modification of BE 2013-14, towards Matching Contribution of the State Government, for the financial year 2013-14.

3.  The amount now released in para 2 above shall be debited to the following head of account:

2071 - Pension and Other retirement benefits
01 - Civil
117 - Government Contribution for defined contribution pension
SH (04) - Contribution to Contribution Pension Scheme of A.P. State Government Employees
320 - Contributions

4.  The Director of Treasuries & Accounts, A.P., Hyderabad is hereby authorized to draw the amount from the head of account mentioned in Para 3
above and transfer the same to the following fund head of account by preferring an adjustment bill.

8342 - Other Deposits
117 - Defined Contributory Pension Scheme for Government Employees
SH (04) - A.P. State Government Employees Contributory Pension
002 - Government Contribution

5.  The Pay & Accounts Officer, Hyderabad is requested to admit into audit the adjustment bill.

Download G.O.Rt.No.53, Dt:24.02.2014

27 February, 2014

GO.Ms.No.52, Dt: 22.2.2014 :: Usage of Digital Signatures instead of INK Signed Signatures in Government Transactions wherever necessary – Amendment to A.P. Treasury Code Volume – I – S.R. 2 (c) under T.R.16 and Article 45 of A.P. Financial Code

GO.Ms.No.52, Dt: 22.2.2014 :: Electronic Service Delivery in Government Transactions – Usage of Digital Signatures  instead of INK Signed Signatures wherever necessary – Amendment to  A.P. Treasury Code Volume – I – S.R. 2 (c) under T.R.16 and Article 45 of A.P. Financial Code.

1. G.O.Ms.No.10, I.T & C (Infrastructure) Dept., dt:18-10-2011.
2. G.O.Ms.No.218, Finance (TFR) Dept., dt :04.08.2012.
3. G.O.Ms.No.326, Finance (TFR) Dept., dt :04.08.2012.

In the reference 1st read above, Government have Notified the Andhra Pradesh  Information Technology (Electronic Service Deliver) Rules, 2011.  As per Rule 3 (a)  “it shall be lawful for the Competent Authorities and other Statutory Authorities to deliver
public services adopting the system of Electronic Service Delivery with the use of Digital
Signature Certificates, in accordance with these rules”  and as per Rule 3(d) of the said
Rules “ the receipt or payment of money by or in favour of Government adopting the
system of Electronic Service Delivery shall be deemed to be a receipt or payment effected in compliance with the Financial Code and Treasury Code of the

2. In the reference 2nd read above, Government authorized the Government Officers to use Digital Signatures also for Electronic Service Delivery in Government transactions instead of the INK Signed Signatures wherever necessary as per Codal

3. In the reference 3rd read above, Government instructed the District Treasury Officers /Pay & Accounts Officer, Hyderabad /Joint Director (Works)/Pay & Accounts Officers(Works) in Twin Cities and the Districts to accept the Budget Release Orders/Administrative Sanction orders/On-line authorizations without INK Signed copies
4. In the above circumstances the relevant portion of rule in S.R. 2 (c) under T.R. 16 of A.P. Treasury Code and Article 45 in A.P. Financial Code needs to be amended. The following amendment order is issued accordingly:

---- A M E N D M E N T ----
S.R. 2 (C) under T.R. 16: Every bill or other voucher shall bear the office seal and shall be filled in and signed in ink duly affixing
entries and signatures with ball point pens are also permissible, provided the same are clear and legible.
Article 45: In no case should the sanction be communicated to Audit Officer over the signature of a non-gazetted Ministerial Officer. The Signature of the
Gazetted Officer on any order
communicated to the Accountant General should only be in Ink and not in stencil or facimile.

To be Replaced:
1. Government Officers shall use Digital Signatures also for Electronic Service Delivery in Government transactions instead of the INK Signed Signatures
wherever necessary as per Codal
---- A M E N D M E N T   O V E R ----

5.  This G.O., is available in Andhra Pradesh Government Website

Download GO.Ms.No.52, Dt: 22.2.2014

26 February, 2014

GO.MS.No:36(Dept.of Tribal Welfare),Dt:.25.2.2014 :: Guidelines for sanction of  Pre-Matric Scholarships (New Scheme) to ST Students studying  from classes  V - VIII  from the year 2013-2014 under Tribal Subplan(TSP)

1. CTW,Hyd. Lr. Rc.No. Lr.Rc.No.J2/9776/13, dt.20.12.13.
2.Minutes of the meeting of 4
th Nodal Agecy for Tribal Subplan(TSP) dated .20-12-2013.
3.Note C.No 272/PlgXXII/2014 Planning (XXII) Department Dt .11-02-2014.
4. G.O MS No 10Planning (XXII) Department dated: 23-02-2013.

   Government of Andhra Pradesh have decided to sanction of Pre-matric Scholarship to curb the high dropout rate of 53.64% as per census 2011 of  Department of School Education among S.T, students and encourage education at the secondary level there is need to give incentive in the form of scholarship in Andhra Pradesh by providing a modest incentive to school going ST children from classes V to VIII.

2.  The scheme was reviewed and approved by the Nodal Agency in its meeting held by 2-12-2013 vide reference 2nd read above for inclusion under Tribes Sub-
Plan 2013-14 and the State Council for development of SCs &STs has also ratified the recommendation of Nodal Agency for Tribal Sub Plan in the reference 3rd read above.

3. The following guidelines are issued for operation of the scheme .These guidelines will come into effect from the academic year 2013-14.

To curb the high dropout rate of 53.64% as per census 2011 of Department of  School Education among S.T. students and encourage education at the secondary level there is need to give incentive in the form of scholarship in Andhra Pradesh by providing a modest incentive to school going ST children from classes V to VIII.  

Pre-metric Scholarship shall be granted to all eligible ST students in classes V to VIII subject to the following conditions

Eligibility:  For being eligible under this scheme, the student should:

i) Belongs to Scheduled Tribe and her/his Parent/Guardian’s Annual Income should not exceed Rs. 2.00 Lakhs.
ii) He/She should be a regular, full time student studying in a Government School or in a School run by Local Bodies such as Mandal Praja Parishad, Zilla
Praja Parishad, Municipalities / Municipal Corporations or any school Aided by the Government.
iii) Scholarship for studying in any class will be available for only one year. If a student has to repeat a class, she/he would not get scholarship for that class for a second (or subsequent) year.
Scholarship Value: 
1)  Rs.100/- Per Month for Boy (Day Scholars) for 10 months.
2)  Rs.150/- Per Month for Girls (Day Scholars) for 10 months.

Procedure:  The same procedure being adopted for “Pre-Matric Scholarships Scheme for IX to X classes may be adopted for this scheme also.   

Bank Account:
i) Each student shall have a bank account in his/her name from any of the Nationalized Banks. Students who are minors shall have a joint account in the name of the student and mother / father / guardian as the case may be.
ii) The bank account shall be linked to the Aadhar number of the student to enable scholarship transfer. Linkage of the Aadhar Number with the Bank Account will be done by the Manager of the Bank concerned on production of Aadhar Number by the Student / Parent.

Duration and Renewal of Awards :
The scholarship will be payable for 10 months in an academic year.

Renewal Scholarship:  
i) The award once made will continue subject to good conduct and regularity in attendance. It will be renewed for subsequent after the student passes in the previous class.

Applications for Scholarships to be Online: 
On the similar lines of Social Welfare, applications may be applied through online and instructions & necessary guidelines for this will be communicated separately.

1)  Student desirous of availing Pre-Matric Scholarships under the Scheme shall apply online at and click on the Pre-Matric Scholarships for registration form and submit the following details:
i) Student details with Name and Address of the School.
ii) Parental details with Address.
iii) Aadhar linked Bank Account Number with IFSC Code, Bank Name and Bank Branch.
iv)Scan and upload Caste, Income Certificate as issued by the Mee-Seva Kendra (certificate other than those issued by Mee-Seva shall not be accepted).
v) Scan and upload Aadhar Card No. & the Aadhar document.
vi)Aadhar linked Bank Account, pass book to be Scanned and Uploaded (only first stage).  The Bank Account shall be in the Name of the Student along    with the Mother/Father/Guardian in case the student is a minor.
vi) Scan and Upload a Photograph.      
2)  The duly filled in application shall be downloaded and copies of all documents as given in e-pass shall be attached to the Application and submitted to the School Head Master.
3)  Each student must give a declaration that he is not in receipt of any stipend/
scholarship from State Government or Central Government.
4)  The Head Master of the School shall verify all the details of the application
and countersign the application. He shall also certify that the Student is not
receiving any other Scholarship from the State or the Central Government.
5)   All the applications of the Students shall be forwarded to the local Hostel
Warden of the Tribal Welfare Department.
6)  The Hostel Welfare Officer in whose jurisdiction the school is located shall be
the verification officer for all students applications received from the school under
the Scheme.
7)   Verification of the Students by the Hostel Welfare Officer shall be done by
authenticating the fingerprint of the Student with the UIDA online. For this
purpose, the Hostel Welfare Officer shall first assess the “Best Finger Detection”
(BFD) for online authentication and use such finger with the BFD for online
authentication with the Aadhar network (UIDA).
8) Scholarship applications of only such students who have been authenticated
online shall be processed for scholarship. Therefore Hostel Welfare Officer’s and
Head Masters are requested to ensure that the Aadhar number is entered correctly.
9)   The Deputy Director (TW)/District Tribal Welfare Officers of the District shall process only the Online Authenticated applications for payment of Pre-Matric
4. The Commissioner, Tribal Welfare shall ensure that adequate steps are initiated to:
i) Map all authorized schools / Hostels to Hostel Welfare Officers.
ii) Impart training to Headmasters/Hostel Welfare Officers and Assistant Tribal
Welfare Officers on the online system.
iii) Ensure that all the Hostel Welfare Officers undertake Physical verification by
the process of Online Authentication with UIDA
iv) Ensure that all District Officers proactively co-ordinate with the concerned Departments for verification and sanction of pre-Matric Scholarships.
v) Ensure that the online system is put in place by the centre for Good Governance and has a full-fledged help line for assistance to users.
5. The Administration of the scheme shall be fully online and managed and operated by the Centre for Good Governance.
6.    All payments under this scheme as far as possible shall be through the Aadhar authentication frame work.  
7. A student can withdraw the amount through the Micro ATM by online fingerprint authentication with the UIDA. They can also the amount through their ATM Cards where available.  
1. The expenditure on this scheme shall be debited to the following Head of

2225-Welfare of SCs, STs, OBCs
02- Welfare of Scheduled Tribes
GH(11)-Normal State Plan
SH(11) -Pre-Matric Scholarships for Day Scholars (to be opened)
340- Scholarships and Stipends

Since the scheme has been approved by the State Council for development of SCs&STs vide reference 3rd read above and as per the GO Ms No 10 Planning (XXII) Department dated. 23-02-2013, this order does not require the concurrence of the
Finance Department. 

Download GO.MS.No:36(Dept.of Tribal Welfare),Dt:.25.2.2014

24 February, 2014

Income Tax For the Financial Year 2013 -2014 by IBK, NELLORE

Model Income Tax Programme Updated on 23-02-2014  

Model Income Tax Up to 1200 Employees at a time Updated on 23-02-2014 

Check Your Salary Details through online Using Treasury 

1.Our Incometax Excel Programme Fill in Main Sheet then Automatically Generated Required Forms.
Before Printing Use the Auto Filters { Cell L3 in SB, Cell V3 in Statement and Cell N8 in Form16 } Must be Select (Default Select 1, Blanks Non-Select) and then Enter OK Button. Then Take Print Out. This is Most important in our Programme. 
2. Any Other Arrears Fill in Row 19 & 20 in Statement Sheet

3. If Select CPS in Cell F22 in Main then Automatically Appeared taking CPS Employers Contribution    Cell L 14 in Main , Row 37 in SB & Row 43 in Form 16. The Amount is Deducted Under Section 80 CCD (2) Limit to 10% of (Pay + DA). But Not Sealing Rs: 100000/- Limit. (Testing income Tax Calculator) .

4. Housing Loan Taken in Between 01-04-2013 To 31-03--2014 (F.Y-2013--2014 ) . U/s 80EE The Deductable  Interest Rs:100000/- in Additional to 24B Income From House Property (1,50,000). Hence the Housing Loan Taken in the Financial Year  Deduction related to Interest UP to Rs : 2, 50,000 for Self Occupied Property. There is No Limit in Let out Property. (Testing income Tax Calculator) .

section 80CCE the aggregate amount of deduction under sections 80C, 80CCC and Section 80CCD(1) shall not exceed Rs.1,00,000/-. However the contribution made by the Central Government or any other employer to a pension scheme u/s 80CCD(2) shall be excluded from the limit of Rs.1,00,000/- provided under this Section. - Download

2. Rounded To Nearest Rs:10/- Download IT Circular with Examples

3. Housing Loan- 1.Download IT act  2. Download With Examples 3. Check IT Calculator in IT Website

4. Income Tax Slabes , Rebate U/s 87A , 80U, 80DDB -Download

5. IT Circular Complete Download

6. Our IT Programme (All AP State Government Employee with RPS-2010 & UGC-2006 Applicable )- Download Update on 23/02/2014 (Housing Loan)

7. DDO wise Excell Programme ( This is Very Use full for MRCs, Other Offices UPTO 1200 Employees )- Download Update on 23/02/2014 (Housing Loan) (IKPET MRC)
8.Employee Salary Details (Check Your Salary Details through online)

Special thanks to Sri.I.Bala  Krishnaiah garu to update the IT program & post the content.

22 February, 2014

Rc.999/RMSA/2013, Dated 12.2.2014 :: RMSA School Annual Grants for 2013-14

 Rc.999/RMSA/2013 Dated 12.2.2014-RMSA (Rashtriya Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyaan) School Annual Grants for 2013-14 Sanction Orders. Director of School Education has released the Funds towards implementation of RMSA Programme in Andhra Pradesh under the components of School Annual Grants and Minor Repairs at school level. The DSE & Ex-Officio, Project Director RMSA, released an amount of Rs.50,000 to each of the 11,012 Secondary Schools in the State towards RMSA School Annual Grants, and an amount of Rs.25,000  towards Minor Repairs in 9876 Secondary Schools in the State. The Detailed Guidelines and Instructions on Utilization of RMSA Grants and Minor Repairs given below

Based on the sanctions, funds were released to all the Secondary Schools in the State under Recurring Grants in the sanctioned components during the year 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12 & 2012-13 with instructions to utilize the Grant released by the School Management Development Committees? constituted for implementation of CSS RMSA Scheme at School level in the State luly following the Terms & Conditions stipulated by GOI, MHRD, New Delhi and communicated vide reference 6th read above including the norms prescribed by GOI on School infrastructure, learning resources, teachers and others from Para 4.1 to 4.8 and from Para 8.3.1 to 8.3.7 on management structure at school level to strictly adhere to the instructions/norms.
Further, while communicating a list of Laboratory Equipments 8s Lab Consumables (Phy.Science, Bio.Science & Mathematics) of the Director, SCERT received through the reference 5th read above to all the Secondary Schools in the State they have been requested to instruct the concerned to purchase the needy and useful items for imparting Science Education to IX &X Class studying students in the School subject to condition that "so far as the schools not having proper/functional lab, while spending the funds released for purchase of lab consumables/ equipment and only such items may be purchased which are easily storable and would assist towards gradual building up of a proper lab".
Keeping in view of the observations made by the District Educational Officer, Inspecting Officers at Secondary School level and requests made by them, to have an idea in purchasing of books, periodicals, Science material etc. at School level, keeping in view of the norms prescribed by GOI, MHRD, New Delhi in the RMSA Frame Work a Committee was constituted to recommend the lists of books which are very useful at School level both for Teachers and Students.
After going through the "Catalogs obtained from KVS, NCERT, NBT, CBT, Telugu Academy arid Telugu University" the Committee unanimously recommended to suggest to procure the following Books, Periodicals, news papers etc. and the details of lists are as follows:

In addition to the above one English daily news paper preferably 'Hindu' and One Telugu/Urdu daily news paper recommended to arrange to the School Library.
The Committee members further gone through the "Manual on Science laboratory kit at Secondary level" provided by NCERT, New Delhi and the information provided by Prof.& Head, Workshop Department, NCERT, New Delhi,
It is unanimously recommended to suggest to procure NCERT, New Delhi designed and developed Secondary Science Kit (SSK) as per the scale recommended here under.

And so on as per the Students ratio @1:30.
As the Science Kit (SSK) contains only Physics, Chemistry and Biology subjects the committee recommended to procure Mathematics Kit also separately designed and developed by the NCERT, New Delhi.
The Committee also suggested to follow the break up as here under:
1. Purchase of Kits including Mathematics Rs. 22,000/- 
2. Purchase of Science charts and models Rs. 1,000/- 
3. Purchase of Lab consumable articles Rs. 1,500/- 
4. Maintenance, Replacement & Repair of the Lab equipment Rs. 500/- 
The Committee suggested to procure the Science Kits only through NCERT, empanelled suppliers/firms. The List of suppliers furnished by NCERT through the reference 6th read above is herewith appended to this proceedings with a request to procure them duly conducting SMDC meeting at School level:
In addition to the above they have also requested to follow the following guidelines scrupulously in selecting the Books etc. purchasing under School Annual Grants:
* When book reading is going down steeply, only the books that are reprinted many times standout as useful and popular books. It can be a right guideline to purchase the books that are Reprinted more than three times.
* General books in Physical & Social Sciences and Literature should be preferred.
* Books that inculcate a sense of patriotism and love for is culture may be procure.
* Books on great Nation builders and National leaders that inspire younger generation for a better future India need to be included i.e., Vivekananda, JC Bose, APJ Abdul Kalam etc.
* Books that inculcate human values among children need to be included.
* In schools, youngsters are in formative stage and the books, which impart knowledge about their life, will serve definite purpose than the books that impart general knowledge about the outside world. Books, which are useful in day-to-day life, are to be preferred.

20 February, 2014


UP Schools with category-2 and having 6th and 7th classes are included in this list. All the MEO's have to give the information as per the following instructions and have to submit the same to RVM(SSA), AP.

* Copy your District UP Schools into another file
* Purpose of this exercise is to identify No.of High Schools within 3KM radius from UP School.Plz see the example
* Take the first UP school in the list then enter the no.of High  Schools within 3KM distance giving serial numbers by inserting rows equal to the no.of High Schools
* Then take the next UP school in the list then enter the no.of High  Schools within 3KM distance giving serial numbers by inserting rows equal to the no.of High Schools
* Similar Procedure is to be followed for the rest of the UP schools
* Same High School may get repeated  for more than once if it is within 3km for more no.of  UP Schools.



G.O.Ms.No.45(FIN(FR.II)DEPT), Dt.19-02-2014 & G.O.Ms.No.46(FIN(FR.I)DEPT), Dt.19-02-2014:: Pay Protection & Carry forward of leave for Former Employees of local bodies who were appointed through APPSC / DSC in Government Service

G.O. Ms. No.45(FIN(FR.II) DEPT), Dt.19-02-2014 :: Pay Protection of Former  Employees  of  local  bodies  who  were  appointed through   APPSC / DSC in Government  Service

1. G.O. Ms. No. 105, Finance (FR.II) Department, dt.02-06-2011.
2. Representation of  Service Associations and certain ASOs of A.P.Secretariat, Hyderabad, Dt.10.10.2013.

O R D E R:
1. In the reference 1st  read above, orders were issued for protection of pay in respect of former employees of local bodies who are appointed later through A.P.P.S.C. and D.S.C., in Government Service on or after 10-12-2004, and who are  continuing  in  Government  service  on 02.06.2011(the  date  of  issue  of orders) under F.R 22(a) (iv) with monetary benefit from the date of issue of these orders.
2. In the reference 2nd read above, the service Associations represented that before  entering  into  Government  service  the  employees  of  local  bodies happened to render long service in the post held by them in the local bodies. They were drawing much higher pay than minimum of the pay scale in the present posts for which they are freshly recruited and requested to protect their pay drawn in earlier posts under local bodies.
3. In the circumstances stated above, after careful examination, Government hereby order that the protection of pay ordered in the reference 1st read above, be extended to the former employees of local bodies who are appointed through A.P.P.S.C. and D.S.C., in Government Service, between 02.06.2011 and 31.12.2013. The monetary benefit shall be effective  from the date of issue of these orders.

G.O.Ms.No.46(FIN(FR.I) DEPT), Dt. 19-02-2014 :: Carry forward of leave For Former employees of local bodies who are appointed through APPSC / DSC in Government Service

1. G.O. Ms. No. 105, Finance (FR.II) Department, dt.02-06-2011.
2. Representation of A.P. Secretariat Association, Hyderabad, Dated: 9-1-2012 &  6-11-2013.
3. G.O.Ms.No. 45, Finance (FR-II) Department, dt: 19-02-2014.

O R D E R:
In the reference 1st read above, orders were issued for protection of pay in respect of former employees of local bodies who are appointed later through A.P.P.S.C. and D.S.C., in Government Service on or after 10-12-2004, and who are  continuing  in  Government  service  on 02.06.2011(the  date  of  issue  of
orders) under F.R 22(a) (iv) with monetary benefit from the date of issue of these orders.  But no orders were issued with respect to carry forward of leave.
2. In the reference 2nd read above, the service Associations represented that before entering into Govt,. Service the employees of local bodies happened to render long service in the post held by them in the local bodies and requested to carry forward their leave accrued in their previous posts.
3. In the reference 3rd read above, the Government extended the protection of pay to the employees who were appointed between 2-6-2011 to 31-12-2013.
4. In the circumstances stated above, Government after careful examination of the matter, hereby order   that in respect of the former employees of local bodies and who are appointed later through A.P.P.S.C. and D.S.C., in Government Service upto 31.12.2013,  the leave accrued in the previous service, be carried forward taking into account the service in local bodies.

Download G.O.Ms.No.45(FIN(FR.II)DEPT) & G.O.Ms.No.46(FIN(FR.I)DEPT), Dt.19-02-2014

19 February, 2014

Rc.No.677/RVM(SSA)/C2/2012, Dated: 23.09.2013. :: Release of MRC Grant and School Complex Grant with Guidelines

All the Project Officers of RVM (SSA) in the state are informed that, an amount of Rs.50000/- per MRC and Rs.10,000/- for School Complex have been approved in Annual Work Plan & Budget for the year 2013-14 as MRC Grant and School Complex Grant (CRC). The budget will be released shortly.

It is further informed that, the guidelines for utilization of School Complex Grant havealreadycommunicated vide this office Procs Rc.No.556/RVM(SSA)/C1/2012, Dated: 12.08.2013. Now the guidelines for utilization of MRC grant and other general guidelines are herewith communicated for taking necessary action.

Rajiv Vidya Mission (SSA), A. P. Hyderabad :: Guidelines on the utilization of Grants 2013 - 14

The following guidelines are issued for utilization of grants released under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan during 2013-14.
1. MRC Grant - Rs.50,0001- per AMC per year
Rs.750/- per month for phone and internet - 9000
Rs.400/- per month for MEOs cell phone - 4800
Rs.4500/- per month for Attender /messenger/watchman- 13500
(For 3 months) (Remaining months to be released from DPO management cost)
Rs. 600/- per month for Electricity charges - 7200
Stationery, Xerox. office expenses, postage - 3250
Providing tea to the HMs during monthly meetings(@ Rs.250 per meeting x 9 meetings) - 2250
FTA to MEOs (as per G.O.Ms.No.99, Dt:6.4.10)
For 15 days tour in a month Rs.500/- for 10 months - 5000
MEO should submit the school visit reports
Repairs of TV, DVD. Computers, Printers, ROTs, - 25000
furniture etc., White washing of NIR.C building.Maintenance of toilets and drinking water,

2. School Complex Grant - 10,000/-
(SAMO already communicated the guidelines vide Proc.Rc.No.556/RVM(SSA)/C1/2012, Dt: 12.08.2013)

3. General Guidelines
* All types of grants shall be utilized as per the Implementation Plan.
* The SMC shall make resolutions to utilize all types of grants (except MRC) on the above mentioned items and the resolutions shall he recorded accordingly.
* Social audit shall be done by SMC on utilization of the grants.
* Stock and Issue Registers shall be maintained for the items procured and utilized.
* Expenditure and balance available shall be displayed on the notice board.
* Discussion on utilization of grants shall be conducted at bi-monthly SMC meetings.
* Cash book and vouchers shall he maintained for all the transactions.
* Headmasters  are  responsible for utilization of grants as per guidelines at school level
School Complex Headmaster & Joint Secretary at Complex level and MEO at MRC level.
* School Complex and MRC grants shall be drawn every month as per monthly requirements only.
* In case of aided schools the electricity bills may be paid from the school grants as per norms given for other management schools.
* The DIET. DPO staff and MEO shall monitor the utilization of grants and record in the academic guidance register and furnish report to the DPO and SPO. Necessary action may be taken based on the observations made during their visits.
* The State Level Observers shall also visit sample schools, MRCs and School  Complexes  and observe the utilization of grant-,and recommend appropriate measures and action.

Download Rc.No.677/RVM(SSA)/C2/2012, Dated: 23.09.2013

17 February, 2014

Proc. Rc.No.746/RVM(SSA)/C8/2011, Dated: 15.02.2014

Proc. Rc.No.746/RVM(SSA)/C8/2011, Dated: 15.02.2014 :: Celebration of School Annual Day
function for the year 2013-14 in all the (Govt. & Local Bodies) schools throughout the State

All the Project Officers of RVM (SSA) in the State are here by informed that, to celebrate Annual Day function in all the (Govt. & Local Bodies) schools throughout the State as per the unit cost as shown below:
a) Below 100 children schools Rs. 400/-
b) Above 100 children schools Rs. 600/- Therefore, they are requested to release the amount as per the Annexure (enclosed) and issue necessary instructions to all the Mandal Educational Officers / Head Masters for the celebration of Annual Day function in all the (Govt. & Local Bodies) schools. Meet the expenditure from the SMC/PRI Trainings for the year 2013-14. They should invite all parents, Ex-Officio members, Co-opted members, villagers, philanthropists, alumni and Rtd. Educational Officers, beside SMC members for school Annual day.

Download Proc. Rc.No.746/RVM(SSA)/C8/2011, Dated: 15.02.2014

Community wise list of Selected candidates for Award of NMMS Scholorship November 2013


13 February, 2014


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G.O.Ms.No. 39(FIN(FR-I) DEPT.), Dated: 12-2-2014 :: Strike by the Teachers on 28-02-2012 - Regularization of one day strike as E.L. / E.L. to be earned

G.O.Ms.No. 39(FIN(FR-I) DEPT.), Dated: 12-2-2014 :: Public Services - Strike by the Teachers on 28-02-2012 - Regularization of one day strike as E.L. / E.L. to be earned - Orders - Issued.

1. A.P. United Teachers’ Federation’s letter No: 20/2013, dt:19-3-2013.
2. G.A. Department’s U.O.No: 25994/SW-I/A2/2013, dt: 5-1-2014.

1. The Employees, Teachers and Workers of Andhra Pradesh have participated in One Day Strike in the State as a part of Nation-wide strike on 28-2-2012 as per the call given by the All India State Government Employees  Federation  against  PFRDA  Bill  and  other  demands  of  the working class. The salaries of the employees, Teachers and Workers who participated in the above Strike on 28-2-2012 are not paid till the date.
2. In the reference 1st read above the A.P. United Teachers’ Federation requested the Government to treat the one day strike on 28-02-2012, as Earned Leave / E.L. to be earned in respect of Employees, Teachers & Workers  covered  by  Joint  Action  Committee  of  Employees,Teachers, Workers and Pensioners, Andhra Pradesh.
3. Government after careful examination of the issue has decided to regularize the period as Earned Leave / E.L. to be earned.  Accordingly, the  period  of  absence  of  the  employees,  Teachers  and  Workers  who participated in the Strike on 28-2-2012 be  regularised as Earned Leave on application by the employee. Where employees do not have adequate Earned Leave in their account, leave to be earned be adjusted from the future credit of Earned Leave for that employee.

Download G.O.Ms.No. 39(FIN(FR-I) DEPT.), Dated: 12-2-2014

U.O.Note.No.20332 / M2/2013 Dated:01-01-2014 :: Medical Reimbursement facility continue up to Mar 2014, for those who have not been issued Health Cards

U.O.Note.No.20332 / M2/2013 Dated:01-01-2014 :: Health, Medical & Family Welfare - Employees Health Scheme
- Effecting deductions from the salaries / pensions of Employees / Pensions - Issue of revised Instructions -

1. G.O.Ms.No.l74HM&FW(M2)Dept dated 01-11-2013.
2. This Dept's U.O.Note No.20332/M2/13 dt 02-12-2013.

In the G.O. first cited orders were issued notifying the Employees Health Scheme (EHS) and its implementation. In the reference 2nd cited, the General
Administration (Ser&HMR) Dept., and Finance Dept., were requested to issue instructions to all Heads of Departments and Drawing & Disbursing Officers to effect deduction of monthly contribution from the January salary payable on 01-02-2014.
It was also requested issue suitable instructions to the effect that claims for reimbursement would not be entertained under APIMA Rules, 1972 from 01-01-2014 in respect of ailments / procedures covered under the Employees Health Scheme. It was
further informed that reimbursement claims in respect of emergencies, if any, outside
the State, will be processed as per the existing APIMA Rules, 1972.
2. The Chief Secretary to Government held a meeting with the representatives of
Employees / Pensioners Associations on 29-12-2013 at 3.00 pm. In the meeting, it was
represented to the Chief Secretary to Govt., that a majority of the employees have not yet enrolled under the Employees Health Scheme due to various reasons and that it may take some more time for all the employees to enroll. The representatives of Employees
Associations have therefore requested that the time for effecting salary deductions may be extended They have also represented that the time limit stipulated for acceptance of
medical reimbursement claims under APIMA Rules, 1972 may also be extended correspondingly.
3. In the meeting convened by the Chief Minister on 30-12-2013, with Chief Secretary to Government, Principal Secretary to Govt., HM&FW Dept., and Principal Secretary to Govt., GA (Ser&.HRM) Dept. the following decisions were taken:
(i) Deductions may be effected from the March salary / pension
payable on 01-04-2014 instead of from January salary / pension
to enable health cards to be issued to the employees / pensioners; and
(ii) Reimbursement of medical expenses under APIMA Rules, 1972 shall continue till March, 2014 for those who have not been
issued health cards. Those who have been issued health cards
will, however, avail treatment under the Employees Health
4. The General Administration (Ser.&HRM) Department and Finance Department
are requested to issue instructions to all the Heads of Departments and Drawing &
Disbursing Officers, accordingly.

Download U.O.Note.No.20332 / M2/2013 Dated:01-01-2014

12 February, 2014

Rc.No.Sp1-1/A5/2011 Dated:-17-12-2011 :: ONDUTY Facility provided by DEO, GUNTUR for teachers attending departmental tests as per F.R. 9 (6) Sub clause (b) (iii) during Dec 2011

Rc.No.Sp1-1/A5/2011 Dated:-17-12-2011 :: ONDUTY Facility provided by DEO, GUNTUR for teachers attending departmental tests as per F.R. 9 (6) Sub clause (b) (iii) during Dec 2011

1. Lr.Rc.No.95/UTF/2011, dt. 15-12-2011, General Secretary of
UTF, Guntur Branch
2. Lr.Rc.No.80/PRTU/2011, dt. 15-12-2011, President of PRTU,
Guntur Branch
3. F.R. under Rule 9 (6) Sub clause (b) (iii)

All the Deputy Educational Officers / Mandal Educational Officers /
Headmasters in the District are requested to take necessary steps to provide on
duty facilities to the teaching / Non-teaching staff who are going to attend
departmental tests as per provision contained in the reference cited and as per the
rules in vogue.

Under FundmentalRule 9(6), sub-clause(b)(iii), The number of days actually required by a Government servant for proceeding to and returning from the station at which an
obligatory Departmental examination or an optional
Departmental examination which he is permitted to attend
is held will be treated as a period of duty in addition to the day or
days of examination.The concession shall not be granted more than twice for the same optional examination.

Download Rc.No.Sp1-1/A5/2011 Dated:-17-12-2011

G.O.Ms.No. 38, Dated:11-02-2014 :: Govt has extended the facility of 2nd Mortgage on Property for govt employees for Education purpose of children /daughters marriage

G.O.Ms.No.38, Dated:11-02-2014 :: LOANS AND ADVANCES - Extension of the facility to the Government employees for obtaining loan from the Financial Institutions on the second mortgage for other purposes, other than House Building, on the house property or flat acquired through the Government loans - Orders - Issued.

1. G.O.Ms.No.356, Fin & Plg (FW:A&L) Department, dt.18-10-1994.
2. From the General Administration (OP.I) Department’s U.O.No.27316/OP.I/2013-3, dt.01.11.2013.

In  the  reference  first  read  above,  Government  have  issued  orders permitting the Government employees who were sanctioned House Building Advance from the Government to create a second mortgage on the house property towards meeting the balance cost of house / flats by the recognised Financial Institutions subject to certain conditions mentioned therein. In  the  reference  second  read  above,  the  General  Administration (OP.I) Department have forwarded a request  for consideration of relaxation of rules to enable the Govt employee who obtained HBA, to go for second mortgage of house to the Financial Institutions for other purposes also other than House Building  to use the amount for the needs of their children education and daughters’ marriage, due to their poor financial condition of family and thereby they could be permitted to meet such important personal needs from their own sources of income.  It would amount to no financial implications on the exchequer of State Government for this facility created to the Govt employees to go for second mortgage of property for obtaining loans from financial institutions such as LIC, Nationalised Banks, Cooperative Banks etc.
Government after careful consideration hereby order to extend this facility of second mortgage on the property provided to avail for education purpose of their children and also for daughters’ marriage, in addition to loans granted for meeting the balance cost of house / flat by the recognised financial institutions.  This will enable the Govt employees to lead the normal socio economic life without any financial troubles.  The second mortgage  permitted now is however, subject to the following conditions:-
(i). The existing conditions to create second mortgage for house / flats that are obtained through sanction of House Building / flat loans from Govt will be applicable  for  education  and  marriage  purposes  also,  on  which  the  Govt employees intended to create second mortgage;
(ii). It is the responsibility of financial institutions to arrive at the ceiling of maximum loan amount to be sanctioned to the Govt employee concerned, based on the value of property mortgaged, after taking into account the loan amount already obtained from the Government for house property and interest payable thereon at the time of sanction of loan;
(iii). Any court litigations that may arise, if the Govt servant fails to comply with the terms  and  conditions of  financial  institutions  after  availing  loans,  the responsibility lies with the Govt employees to face the situation created by the Financial Institutions and also before the Court of Law, and no responsibility lies on the Government either directly or indirectly either from loan sanctioning institutions or from the Government employee’s side; and
(iv).The documents mortgaged to the Govt., on HBA shall be released only after the Govt loan is cleared.
These orders shall come into force with immediate effect.

Necessary amendments to the H.B.A Rules will be issued separately.

Download G.O.Ms.No. 38, Dated:11-02-2014

G.O.Ms.No. 37, Dated: 10.02.2014 :: CFMS Data last date 25th Feb-Issue of Health Cards

G.O.Ms.No. 37, Dated: 10.02.2014 -Finance Department –Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS) –Human Resources Management under CFMS - Online Collection of Employees’ data through Web-based application for implementation of HRMS Module and issue of Health Cards –Extension of time to upload the data - Further Orders

Read the following:
1. G.O.Ms.No.334, Finance (SMPC.II) Department, dated: 13.12.2013.
2. Circular Memo No. 32708-A/333/A2/SMPC.II/2013, Dated: 28.12.2013.
3. G.O.Ms.No. 16, Finance (SMPC.II) Department, dated: 18.01.2014.
4. G.O.Ms.No.22, Finance (SMPC.II) Department, dated: 28.01.2014.

In the Government Order first read above, Government issued instructions to all
the Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDOs) to collect and upload data of all categories
of employees including contract employees and outsourced personnel through the web
based application by 5th January, 2014. In the Circular Memo second read above
Government have issued certain clarifications on the data being collected and also
extended the time for online submission of data upto 18th January, 2014. The Government
has further reviewed the progress and technical difficulties and issued orders in the
reference third and fourth read above extended the time for submission of data upto
27th January, 2014 and 01stFebruary, 2014 respectively.
2. Several Drawing and Disbursing Officers and employees associations have brought
to the notice of the Government that certain DDOs in the rural areas are experiencing
internet connectivity problems and that they have to go to the district headquarters to
upload the information. They have, therefore, requested for extension of time for the entry
of employee records.
3. After reviewing the progress and considering the request for extension of time,
Government hereby extend the time for uploading the data of employees including final
submission (where entry is not done) upto February 25, 2014 with a clear indication that
no further extension of time will be given in any circumstances. However, the data
already entered shall be submitted before 11.02.2014 in order that further action can be
taken with regard to issue of health cards to such employees whose data is readily
available. DDOs have to therefore to confirm/submit those records in the web application
before February 11, 2014.
4. Government also reiterate that the data of all categories of employees including the
contract employees and the persons hired on outsourcing basis shall be entered without
fail. All the DDOs and the appointing authorities shall note that the any claims relating to
the persons whose details are not entered, will not be admitted in the PAO or the Treasuries and therefore they should ensure that the data of all employees of all types of employment is entered accurately and failure in this regard will lead to disciplinary actionbeing initiated against them.
5. The other instructions issued in the references read above hold good and the pay
bill of the employees for the month of March, 2014 shall be passed only after the
submission of their data.
6. All the DDOs and the departmental officers and unit officers of all the departments
should adhere to the above instructions.
7. The District Collectors shall review the progress with all the unit officers in the
district and ensure that the data is uploaded before February 25, 2014.

Download G.O.Ms.No. 37, Dated: 10.02.2014

09 February, 2014

G.O.Ms.No. 6, Dated: 06.02.2014 :: Permission to the Commissioner of Employment & Training (FAC), AP, Hyd to allow the staff of Govt. ITIs to work in Holidays and to conduct the extra classes to compensate the Strike period from 13.08.2013 to 17.10.2013 (i.e. 66 Days) and to Draw salary

G.O.Ms.No. 6, Dated: 06.02.2014 :: LET&F  Department - Strike- Participation  of  SEEMANDRA  STRIKE AGATINST THE DECISION OF THE PROPOSED BIFURCATION OF A.P STATE”  -  Call  given  by  the  APNGOs  /  Teachers  /  G.Os  /  Class-IV, Contract /  Outsourcing  Staff -  Permission  to  the  Commissioner  of Employment & Training (FAC), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad to allow the staff of Government ITIs to working in Holidays and to conduct the extra hour classes to compensate the Strike period from 13.08.2013 to 17.10.2013 (i.e. 66 Days) - Drawal of salary - Orders - Issued.

Read of the following:-
1. Representation from the President, A.P. Govt. ITIs & DLTCs Staff Association, Hyderabad, Dated: 24.10.2013.
2.  From  the  Spl.  Secretary  to  C.M.,  CMO  Note.No.4498/CMP- MM\2013,   Dated: 25.10.2013   along   with   representation received from Sri Gade.Srinivasulu Naidu, MLC & PRTU Front Floor Leader, Vizianagaram, Dated: 20.10.2013.
3. Representation from the Chairman, Joint Action Committee of Employees,    Teachers,    Workers    and Pensioners, A.P., Hyderabad, Dated: 31.10.2013.
4.  From  the  Commissioner  of  Employment  &  Training (FAC), Andhra   Pradesh,   Hyderabad,   Lr.No.C2/1909/2013, Dated: 04.11.2013.

In the references 1st to 3rd read above, the President, A.P. Govt. ITIs & DLTCs Staff Association, Hyderabad, Sri Gade Srinivasulu Naidu, MLC & PRTU Front Floor Leader, MLC, Vizianagaram & the Chairman, Joint   Action   Committee   of   Employees,   Teachers,   Workers   and Pensioners, A.P., Hyderabad vide representations have stated that the Government ITIs comes under the Educational Institutes like Schools, Colleges, Polytechnics etc., and the staff of Government ITIs are also enrolled as voters in Teachers Constituency and requested to consider the  request  to  pay  the  salary  of  the  Strike  period  to  all  the  staff including Gazetted / Non-Gazetted / Class-IV / Contract / Outsourcing
as was done in other educational Institutions like Schools in School Education by allowing to work in the holidays and extra hours.
2. In the reference 4th read above, the Commissioner of Employment & Training (FAC), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad has submitted proposal to Government to issue necessary orders to work in Holidays and for conducting the extra hour classes to compensate the Strike period from 13.08.2013 to 17.10.2013 (i.e. 66 days) as detailed in Annexure and also to claim their salary during the strike period.
3. Government,  after  careful  examination  of  the  matter  hereby permit  the  Commissioner  of  Employment  &  Training  (FAC),  Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad to allow the staff of Government ITIs / DLTCs to work in Holidays and to conduct the extra hour classes to compensate the Strike period from 13.08.2013 to 17.10.2013 (i.e. 66 Days) as detailed in Annexure and to claim their salary during the strike period.
4. All the Drawing and Disbursing Officers of Employment & Training Department are permitted to draw and disburse the salary for the strike period to the staff of Government ITIs / DLTCs, who participated in Samaikya Andhra Poratam, in view of the adjustment of working days in  holidays  from  October, 2013  to  March,  2014.  The  Drawing  and Disbursing Officers have to ensure that the teaching and non-teaching staff  working  in  holidays  while  submitting  the  monthly  pay  bills  to Treasuries in future.
5. These orders shall apply to all staff working including Gazetted / Non-Gazetted / Class-IV / Contract / Out-sourcing in Government ITIs / DLTCs, who participated against the decision of the proposed bifurcation of the State of Andhra Pradesh.
6. The Commissioner of Employment & Training, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad shall take necessary action accordingly.
7.This   order   issues   with   the   concurrence   of   Finance(FR-I) Department    vide    their    U.O.No.29966/665/FR-I/2013, Dated: 29.11.2013.

Download G.O.Ms.No. 6, Dated: 06.02.2014

08 February, 2014

G.O.Ms.No. 33(GAD), Dated:4-2-2014 :: Amendment to Rule 30 of Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules 1996

G.O.Ms.No. 33, Dated:4-2-2014 :: Amendment to Rule 30 of Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules 1996

G.O.Ms.No.436, GA (Ser.D) Department, dt. 15.10.1996.

The following notification will be published in the Andhra Pradesh
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India and of all other powers hereunto enabling, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following amendments to the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996, issued in G.O.Ms.No.436, General
Administration (Services-D) Department, dated the 15th October, 1996 and published in Part-I Extraordinary Issue of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette No.34,
dated the 27th January, 1997, as subsequently amended from time to time:-
In the said rules, in rule 30,
(1) for 3rd proviso to sub-rule (a), the following shall be substituted,
"Provided also that no withdrawal of resignation shall be permitted,
if the withdrawal is made after the resignation takes effect."
(2) for sub-rule (b), the following shall be substituted, namely:-
(b) "If the resignation of a member of service has been accepted,
but has not taken effect and he withdraws his resignation before it
has taken effect, he should be deemed to be continuing in service."
(3) sub-rule (d) shall be omitted.

Download G.O.Ms.No. 33(GAD), Dated:4-2-2014

07 February, 2014

DOWNLOAD HALL TICKETS FOR Noti.No: 09/2013 Departmental Tests November 2013 Session

Hall Ticket download :
Notification Date Of Exam Download
Noti.No: 09/2013 Departmental Tests November 2013 Session
10/02/2014 to 15/02/2014 HallTicket Download

G.O.Ms.No. 26, Dated.05.02.2014 :: Free Consultation Out Patient Facility for EHS Patients amendment to G.O.Ms.No.174, HM & FW (M2) Dept., dated.01.11.2013

G.O.Ms.No. 26, Dated.05.02.2014 :: Free Consultation Out Patient Facility for EHS Patients amendment  to G.O.Ms.No.174, HM & FW (M2) Dept., dated.01.11.2013

1..G.O.Ms.No.174, HM & FW (M2)  Dept.,. dt.01.11.2013
2.G.O.Ms.No.176, HM & FW (M2)Dept.,.dt.01.11.2013
3.From the C.E.O., AHCT, Lr.No.6428/EHS/P&C/2013, dated.11.12.2013.

O R D E R :
1.       In the G.O. first read above, orders were issued notifying the ‘Employees Health  Scheme’  with the  objective  of  providing  cashless  treatment  to  the employees and pensioners of the State Government and their dependent family members, which will ipso facto replace the existing  medical reimbursement system under APIMA Rules, 1972, with additional benefits such as post - operative  care  and  treatment of  chronic  diseases  which  do  not  require hospitalization and treatment in empanelled hospitals. In the G.O.2nd  read above, the Final Therapy Prices for the various packages under the Scheme, were adopted and notified.
2. In his 3rd read above, the Chief Executive Officer, Aarogyasri Healthcare Trust, which is the implementing agency, has stated that the package prices adopted and notified in the G.O. 2nd read above include cashless service from the point of OP Registration of a patient till the expiry of 10 days after discharge as Inpatient with a 30 day warranty  after discharge and therefore the prices are inclusive of pre-evaluation cost of OP cases which need to be screened before an IP case is identified.  He has expressed the view that this aspect has to be specifically indicated in the G.O.,  first read above under “Hospital Payments’ so as  to  avoid  ambiguity  and  scope  for  misinterpretation.    He  has,  therefore, suggested that a clause be inserted in the above G.O., clearly defining the package so as to include pre-evaluation cost.
3. Government after careful examination of the matter,  hereby issue the following amendment to G.O.Ms.No.174, HM & FW (M2) Dept., dated.01.11.2013:


In para5.2, of the G.O., under the heading‘Hospital Payments’ the following shall be inserted as ‘d’:
d) “The package will also include pre-evaluation of patients, including consultation and investigations even in the cases which do not finally end up with admission for IP treatment.  The network hospital shall not raise any claim for such pre-evaluation”.
4.The Chief Executive Officer, Aarogyasri Health Care Trust shall take necessary action.
5.This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance(Expr.M&H-I) Department vide their U.O.No.34359/471/A1/Expr.M&H-I/13, dated.04.01.2014.

Download G.O.Ms.No. 26, Dated.05.02.2014

Rc.No.5991/RVM (SSA)/SIEMATB8/2013, Date 29.01.2014 :: SIEMAT-SLAS-2014-Instructions for Conduct of activities at State level and District level for conduct of achievement survey on 6-7th, February, 2014

Rc.No.5991/RVM (SSA)/SIEMATB8/2013, Date 29.01.2014 :: SIEMAT-SLAS-2014-Instructions for  Conduct of activities at State level and District level for conduct of achievement survey on 6-7th, February, 2014

       All  the  District  Educational  Officers,  Project  Officers  of RVM(SSA) and Principals of DIETs in the State are hereby informed that SIEMAT is conducting  State Level Achievement Survey (SLAS -2013-14) in collaboration with SCERT on 6-7th  February, 2014 for classes 3rd 5th and 8th. For this purpose 1036 Telugu Medium schools and 50 Urdu Schools are identified across the State. The test will be conducted by the Cluster Resource Persons (CRPs') of neighbouring mandal.  For this purpose it is estimated that a total 2113 CRPs are required for administering the tools.
       The DEOs, District Project Officers of RVM (SSA), Sectoral Officers of RVM Principals of DIETs and concerned Mandal Educational Officers where the SLAS is administering are requested to participate in the video conference scheduled on 1" February, 2014 from 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm. The purpose of the Video Conference, is to brief the preparatory work to be done by the DPOs, and process involved in conduct of SLAS-2014 For Smooth conduct of SLAS, a State Level Orientation programme is scheduled on 1st February, 2014 at SPO, in Godavari Conference hall for AMOs and 2-DRPS from each District State Level observers drafted from the faculty of SCERT, DIET and SRGs along with SPO personnel.  In this regard the DEOs. POs are requested to identify t«o good DRPs who are conversant with SLAS work and depute them along with AMO for the said State Level orientation programme. The T.A & D.A for the State Level orientation programme for the AMO & DRPs of respective Districts shall be met from the respective DPOs.
       The Principals of DIETs are also requested to depute the identified faculty of respective DIETs as State Level Observers to said orientation programme. The T.A and D.A will be paid by SPO, RVM as per APTA norms. The POs are requested to provide local transportation facility to State level Observers.
The persons who have attended the State level orientation programme in turn have to train the identified CRPs in the Districts. These CRPs will administer the test in the identified schools in the district. In this regard, the POs are instructed to conduct one day orientation to MEOs and CRPs at District level along with District Level Observers on 5h February, 2014 at 10.00 am. The hand book of SLAS shall be given to all the participants of the orientation training programme.
       To conduct one day orientation to MEOs and to CRPs involved in SLAS, the existing norms for conduct of training at District level shall be followed. The POs are requested to identify the good CRPs as per the requirement for conduct of Test, and they may be paid honorarium of Rs. 300/- per day + TA on the day of the conduct of Achievement Test only.
       The DEOs and POs are requested to follow the guidelines for conduct of SLAS. For conduct of SLAS, the instructions given in hand book shall be scrupulously followed by all personnel involved in SLAS at all levels. The expenditure involved related to the activities of SLAS and conduct of test shall be met from the head REMS Achievement Survey A& WB 2013-2014 of respective District.
       The DPOs are instructed to constitute the team of District level observers with Sectoral officers, Senior MEOs, DIET faculty to monitor the conduct of SLAS. The District team members shall also be involved in Video conference/teleconference/ in District Level Trainings After conduct of test, depute AMO with instructions to handover Pupil response sheets, (test booklets) school wise, subject wise in packets with proper labels and content slips along with attendance sheets to Director, SCERT, A.P., by 10th February, 2014.
       After conduct of test, the CRPs are instructed to handover the day wise material (used and unused) to concern MEO. After completion of test the concerned MEO should handover to the DPO with attendance sheets and with necessary formats.

Download Rc.No.5991/RVM (SSA)/SIEMATB8/2013, Date 29.01.2014

06 February, 2014

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G.O.Ms.No. 33(Fin), Dated: 04-02-2014 :: Strike by the employees of Seemaandhra Region - Regularization of Period of Strike of Seemandhra employees as E.L. / E.L. to be earned / Eligible Leave

G.O.Ms.No. 33(Fin), Dated: 04-02-2014 :: Strike by the employees of Seemaandhra Region - Regularization of Period of Strike of Seemandhra employees as E.L. / E.L. to be earned / Eligible Leave

1. G.O.Ms.No.177, G.A. (SW.I) Department, dt: 13-4-2011.
2. G.O.Rt.No.1617, G.A.(SW.I) Department, dt: 18-4-2011.
3. Orders from the Hon'ble High Court in WPMP No.25443/11 in W.P.No.20913/11, dated: 16-8-2011.
4. G.O.Ms.No. 82, Finance (FR-I) Department, dt: 29-3-2012.
5. Agreement between the Government of Andhra Pradesh and the A.P. Secretariat Seemaandhra Employees Forum on 11-10-2013.
6. Orders of the Hon'ble High Court in W.P.MP.No.42488 of
2013 in W.P.No.20913/11 dt: 23-12-2013.
7. U.O.No: 1236/Poll.A (3)/2013, dt: G.A. (Poll.A) Department, dt:5-11-2013.

1. In the reference 1st read above the Government have adopted the "No work No Pay" policy strictly and ordered that the period of absence from duty in respect of the employees, who participated in the agitations shall be treated as "Not Duty" and no pay and allowances shall be
admissible for the period.
2. In the reference 2nd read above the Government kept in abeyance the orders issued in the reference 1st read above.
3. In the reference 3rd read above the Hon Tale High Court stayed the operation of G.O.Rt.No. 1617, G.A (SW-I) Department, dt: 18-4-2011 and ordered that no modification of G.O.Ms.No. 177, G.A. (SW-I) Department, dt: 13-4-2011 shall be made, by the Government pending disposal of the case, without the prior leave of the Court.
4. In the reference 4th read above the Government have issued orders to treat the strike period of Telangana Employees in Sakala Janula Samme as Earned Leave / Earned Leave to be earned / Eligible Leave vide G.O.Ms.No. 82, Finance (FR-I) Department, dt:29.3.2012.
5. Employees belonging to Gazetted and Non-Gazetted Officers of different Associations in the Seemaandhra Region went on strike from August, 2013 onwards. In the reference 5th read above an Agreement has been reached between the Government of Andhra Pradesh and the A. P. Secretariat Seemaandhra Employees Forum, to call off the strike.
6. In the reference 6th read above the Hon Tale High Court in WPMP NO. 42488 of 2013 in W.P.No. 20913 of 2011 passed orders "to treat the agitating employees of Seemandhra region on par with the agitating employees of Telangana region as was done earlier".
7. The Government after careful examination of the orders of the
Hon Tale High Court in WPMP. NO. 42488 of 2013 in W.P.No. 20913 of 2011 has decided to treat the period of absence from August 2013 onwards or such later date as the cas?e may be, till they resumed duties after ending the strike, be sanctioned as Earned Leave on application by the employee. Where employees do not have adequate Earned Leave in their account, the earned leave available will first be exhausted and the shortfall will be considered for sanction as Earned Leave to be earned. This period shall be adjusted from the future credit of Earned Leave for that employee. Only in case of employees retiring within the next one year w.e.f 13-8-2013, if such employees do not have adequate Earned Leave in their account, any eligible leave be considered for sanction after exhausting the available Earned Lea?ve as was done earlier in the case of Telangana Employees in Sakala Janula Samme vide G.O.Ms.No. 82, Finance (FR-I) Department, dt: 29-3-2012.
8. The above order is subject to the condition that the State Government shall be free to take all positive steps to ensure discipline amongst the employees and ensure that no act or action of in-subordination or in-discipline in violation of settled norms, takes place.
In case of any such act of in-subordination and in-discipline, in violation to settled norms, State Government, shall take strict measures as per the provisions A.P.C.S. (Conduct) Rules, 1964 and A.P CCS (CCA) Rules, 1991 and other related Government Orders dealing with such acts of in-subordination or in-discipline, in order to maintain proper discipline and decorum amongst employees in public interest.
9. In the reference 7th read above it was agreed by the Finance Department to adjust the leave / working day in respect of the employees of Hyderabad City as they have attended the office on 9-11-2013 in lieu of the working on 18-9-2013 i.e., the day of Ganesh Idols immersion which
fell during the strike period. The leave to be deducted in respect of the employees of Hyderabad City, as per orders at para 7 above shall be oneday less than the period they went on strike.
10. The concerned employees shall apply for leave as per paras 7&8 above to their respective leave sanctioning authority, giving details of the period of absence and amount of advance drawn in the format in Annexure-III. The leave sanctioning authority while sanctioning the leave for the number of days the employee was on strike, shall debit the leave account of the employee to the extent of Earned Leave available at the credit of the employee as on the date of sanction of leave. The balance shall be sanctioned as E.L. to be earned and adjusted against the Earned Leave to be earned in future. Suitable entry regarding the Earned Leave to be sanctioned shall also be made in the leave account of the employee in the Service Register by prefixing the minus sign to the number of days for which Earned Leave to be earned has been sanctioned.
11. The entire advance sanctioned in G.O.Ms.No.292, Finance (A&L) Dept, dated: 22-10-2013 / G.O.Ms.No.298, Finance (A&L) Dept, dated: 29-10-2013 shall be adjusted against the leave salary drawn. The proforma for regularizing the Strike period of employees who went on
strike to be issued by the Leave Sanctioning Authority is appended to this order as Annexure-I. While preferring the bill in Audit (PAO/DTA) the statement appended as Annexure-II, shall invariably be enclosed to the bill.
12. The Government hereby issue the following further instructions for the purpose of clarity and for the purpose of ensuring that the above orders are given effect to promptly and properly.
(a) These orders are applicable to all those employees who went on strike and who fulfill the following conditions:
i) must be drawing pay in a time scale of pay and must be eligible to earn leave under the relevant rules.
ii) must have gone on strike during August to October 2013.
iii) must give an option for availing the benefit extended under this G.O., appended to this order as Annexure- III.
(b) The authority competent to sanction leave shall sanction Earned leave / E.L. to be earned / eligible leave on receipt of the necessary option from an employee within the prescribed date for availment of benefit of these orders. The said authority shall, before sanction of leave,! satisfy himself about the participation of employee concerned in the Strike and also about the number of the days the employee was on strike during that period. The Leave Sanctioning Authority should also ensure that the employee concerned has not drawn any emoluments for the strike period and also that the service register of the employee contains the necessary entry regarding the participation of the employee in the Strike during August to October, 2013 and the number of days of participation in the Strike. In those cases where no such
entry has already been made in the Service Register, the Leave Sanctioning Authority shall ensure that such an entry is made before taking action to sanction Earned Leave / Earned Leave to be earned / Eligible leave for the strike period. On the basis of option received, the Leave Sanctioning
Authority shall sanction Earned Leave /Earned Leave to be earned / Eligible leave as contemplated above. After sanctioning leave as mentioned above, the Leave Sanctioning Authority should ensure that suitable entry is made in the Service Register of the employee indicating that absence during the strike period is regularized by sanctioning of Earned leave / Earned Leave to be earned / Eligible leave  quoting these orders.
(c) The Leave sanctioning authority shall also indicate clearly in his proceedings while sanctioning the leave, the quantum
of Earned Leave available at the time of sanctioning the leave, the period of leave and the period of absence on strike
adjusted towards Earned Leave / E.L. to be earned / Eligible leave sanctioned.
(d) The Drawing Officer should enclose a certificate obtained from Leave sanctioning Authority to the leave salary bill to the effect that the necessary entries have been made in the Service Registers indicating the participation of the employee
in the strike and regularization of the same by sanctioning Earned leave / E.L to be earned / Eligible leave. He should also enclose a certificate that no emoluments have previously been drawn for the strike period.
(e) The calculation of leave salary for the strike period on the basis of these orders shall be with reference to the rates of
pay and allowances admissible to the employees just before the employee went on strike.
(f) The leave salary for the period of strike shall be calculated at the number of days/31 for the months of August and October and at the number of days / 30 for the month of September, 2013. For e.g. if leave salary is to be paid for 18 days of strike period in August, 2013 the leave salary shall be calculated for this period at 18/31 of pay and allowances of
the employee admissible on the date preceding the date from which he went on strike while for the period of 10 days in September, 2013 the leave salary shall be calculated at 10/30 of pay and allowances admissible on the date prior to proceeding on strike.
(g) In respect of purely temporary employee, payment of leave salary for E.L. to be earned shall be paid subject to their furnishing surety from two Government Servants who are approved probationers and who are equal or higher in rank to the employee in the same or in other office provided that in the latter case the Head of the Office certifies that the sureties are approved probationers. When the services of the temporary employees are dispensed with for any reason before the E.L to be earned is not fully wiped off, the excess leave salary resulting there from, shall be recovered from the employee or from sureties as the case may be.
(h) Based on the proceedings sanctioning E.L. / E.L. to be earned/ Eligible leave the Drawing and Disbursing Officer shall claim the leave salary.
(i) The normal recoveries such as HR/GPF/APGLI/ Group Insurance/PLI etc., pertaining to the respective periods shall be made from the payments to be made from the leave salary paid now if not recovered earlier.
13. Relevant Leave Rules governing the sanction of leave to employees shall be deemed to have been relaxed to the extent necessary for the purpose of giving effect to these orders.
14. The expenditure on the payment of leave salary as per these orders shall be debited to the detailed Head

"010. salaries,
011 - Pay,
012 - Allowances,
013 - Dearness Allowances,
016 - House Rent Allowance",

under the respective major head, minor head and sub-head.
15. The drawing officer shall furnish the information in the proforma appended to this order to the PAO/DTO/PAO and APAO of Projects These Audit Officers in turn shall furnish consolidated information in the proforma appended (Annexure-II) to the DTA/Dy,.FA/PAO who will in turn furnish the information to Government before 15th March, 2014. In regard to the employees working in the Panchayat Raj Institutions etc., the information shall be furnished by the concerned authorities to the Audit Officer of the Local Fund Authority who will in turn furnish consolidated information to Director of Local Fund Audit, A.P. Hyderabad. The Director of Local Fund Audit., A.P. Hyderabad shall furnish the information to the Government in Finance Department within the stipulated time.
16. All the Departments of Secretariat and the Heads of the Departments shall follow the above orders scrupulously.

Download G.O.Ms.No. 33(Fin), Dated: 04-02-2014

05 February, 2014

APPSC DEPARTMENTAL TEST November 2013 Session (Notification No:9/2013) Timetable

APPSC DEPARTMENTAL TEST November 2013 Session (Notification No:9/2013) was postponed and announced to be commenced from 10.2.2014.

Some of these tests and respective dates related to teachers are as follows.

P-I (88): 12Feb 9.30-11.30am
P-2 (97) 12 Feb 2-4pm
EOTest ( 141): 13Feb 9.30-11.30
Spl Lang Test 13Feb 2-5pm

APPSC Dept.Test (NOTIFICATION NO: 9/2013) TimeTable

G.O.Rt.No.112, Dr: 01.02.14 :: Norms for billing and guidelines for utilizations of amounts received by the Government Hospitals under Employees Health Scheme

G.O.Rt.No.112, Dated: 01.02.2014 :: Norms for billing and guidelines for utilizations of amounts received by the Government Hospitals under Employees Health Scheme

1.G.O.Ms.No.134, HM & FW (K2) Dept., dated.01.02.2010.
2.G.O.Ms.No.174, HM & FW (M2) Dept., dt.01.11.2013.
3.Letter No.193/F.31/EHS/P&C/2013(C.E.O, AHCT), Dated.09.01.2014

O R D E R:
1. As per the policy of the Government 20% of the package amount paid to the Government Hospitals under Rajiv Aarogyasri Scheme is deducted at source by the Aarogyasri Healthcare Trust for common revolving fund.  Out of the balance ( ie., 80%), 45% is earmarked for expenditure related to patient care and rest of 35% shall be utilized for payment of incentives to the staff responsible to provide service to the reneficiaries under the Scheme.  In the G.O. 1st read above, orders were issued  laying down norms for billing Aarogyasri cases in Government Hospitals and for incurring expenditure under 45% of the amount and also  guidelines for utilization of 35% incentive amount   under Rajiv Aarogyasri  scheme.
2. In the G.O. 2nd read above, Government have issued orders for implementation of Employees Health Scheme (EHS) for the State Govt. Employees, Pensioners and their dependent family members in order  to provide them  cashless treatment in empanelled hospitals  which will ipso facto replace the existing medical reimbursement system under APIMA Rules, 1972, with additional benefits such as post-operative care and treatment of chronic diseases which do not require hospitalization and treatment in empanelled hospitals.
3. In his letter 3rd read above, the Chief Executive Officer, Aarogyasri Health Care Trust has stated that in the Employees Health Scheme (EHS) also the empanelled Government hospitals are entitled for the same package amount as is paid to the private Network Hospitals, and that  the number of therapies in Rajiv Aaarogyasri Scheme (RAS) is 938 whereas it is 1885 in Employees Health Scheme (EHS) out of which 347 are exclusively earmarked to Government hospitals.  He has further stated that the beneficiaries under EHS are employees / pensioners and they are contributing to the scheme from their salaries /  pensions, and therefore the demand for quality services in Government network hospitals would be there; and unlike in RAS, the beneficiaries in EHS are entitled for semiprivate / private wards.  He has expressed the view that, the Government empanelled hospitals need to be strengthened to meet the
above demand.
4. The  Chief  Executive  Officer,  Aarogyasri  Health  Care  Trust  has,  therefore, proposed that the policy of deducting 20% of the package amount at source by  the Aarogyasri Health Care Trust for common revolving fund under EHS, as being done in RAS,  may  be  adopted  for  Employees  Health  Scheme  so  that  the  Government empanelled  hospitals  can  utilize  the  amount  accrued  in  the  Revolving  Fund  for purchase of equipment required for treating EHS patients.  He has also proposed that, similarly,  out of the remaining 80%, 45% may be earmarked for expenditure related to patient care and the rest of 35% to be utilized for payment of incentives to the staff responsible to provide service to the beneficiaries.
5. The Chief Executive Officer, Aarogyasri Health Care Trust   has requested the Government  to create a revolving fund with the Aarogaysri Healthcare Trust under Employees Health Scheme, as is being done under Rajiv Aarogysri Scheme, by deducting 20% of package amount payable to Government hospitals for purchasing equipment for treating EHS patients,  earmarking   the remaining 80% of the amount for expenditure related to patient care (45%) and for incentives to the doctors and other staff (35%), on the lines indicated in para 4 of G.O.Rt. No.134, Health, Medical & Family Welfare (K2) Department., dated.01.02.2010.
6. Government, after careful examination of the matter,  hereby issue the following
1) A common ‘Revolving Fund’ shall be created with the Aarogyasri Healthcare Trust by deducting at source, 20% of the package amount payable to the empanelled  Government  Hospitals  under ‘Employees  Health  Scheme (EHS)’, which shall be utilized for purchasing equipment for treating the EHS patients.
2) Out of the balance ie., 80% of the package amount, 45% shall be earmarked for expenditure related patient care and the rest of 35% shall be utilized for payment of incentives to the staff responsible to provide service to the EHS beneficiaries under the Scheme.
3) The manner of utilization / billing / distribution of the 45% and 35% of the amount, is specified hereunder:
a) Norms and guidelines for billing Employees Health Scheme cases in Govt. Hospitals:-
The expenditure for the implementation of scheme in Government hospital out 45% of package amount shall be incurred for the following items:
i. The actual expenditure involved in purchase of consumables, disposables, implants, medicines, blood and blood products etc. for the care of the EHS patients involved (other than those available in hospital under regular budget).
ii. Cost of Data Entry Operators and other staff employed for Employees Scheme full time (includes RAMCO, AMCO, if employed on full time}.
iii. Expenditure on computer peripherals and its maintenance.
iv. Special Diet provision.
v. Expenditure if any, on conduct of camps other than   the items which are  reimbursed by the Trust.

1. Tariff for various investigations may be as fixed under Rajiv Aarogyasri Scheme.
2. Hospitals to maintain separate indenting system for pharmacy requirement of EHS patients.
3. In the hospital pharmacy, specific pharmacists may be designated for EHS and they will issue medicines / material available in the hospital.  Those not available will be purchased through EHS funds and supplied.  Separate account may be maintained for purpose.
4. Separate inventory and stock register shall be maintained for equipment, instruments, implants etc. procured for EHS from EHS funds.
5. The equipment, furniture, computers etc. procured under EHS funds shall be utilized only for the EHS programme in the concerned department.
6. The treatment of patient shall be primary aim of the hospital and sufficient funds shall be made available from the package amount to treat the patient completely.  In case the 45% funds allocated out of package amount is not sufficient to meet the treatment cost, the additional amount shall be met from the other cases where residual funds are available out of 45% funds i.e. through cross subsidy of the cases.
7. The Superintendent of the hospital and other administrative staff of the hospital involved in the implementation of scheme be paid an incentive for their indirect involvement in patient care. 1% of the balance after meeting the expenditure mentioned above be paid to the Superintendent and 1% to the administrative staff of the hospital.
8. The balance after meeting the above expenditure is deposited into the hospital account for the development of hospital infrastructure and facilities as suggested in earlier circulars of Director of Medical Education.
b) The following guidelines shall be adopted for distribution of 35% incentive amount.
i) 35% of the package amount for each case should be distributed as incentive to the staff of various categories who were involved in the care of the patient directly. These include the treating unit (Medical or Surgical) staff, Anesthetic team, supporting specialty services, diagnostic specialties, nursing. Paramedical staff and Class IV staff of the services of any specialists, are hired for treating the patient, their fee has to be met from this part of the package.
ii) The  35%  incentive  amount  shall  be  apportioned  among  the  Surgical / Medical, Investigative, Nursing and Class IV staff as per the following ratio:
• Surgical/Medical Team … 75%
• Investigative … 10%
• Nursing Staff … 10%
• Class IV … 5%
iii) The 75% share of the Professional Team managing the patient shall be apportioned as follows:
In Surgical cases
• 55% to surgical team of doctors
• 20% to Anaesthetist team of doctors (for the cases managed in ICU, the Anaesthetist team shall be given 25%) In Medical cases Entire 75% to the team - (In case where Anaesthetist services are utilized upto 25% to be provided to Anaesthetist)
iv) After excluding the 10% distribution to Residents (9%) and RAMCO (1%) the remaining 90% amount has to be distributed on the following ratio:
5% extra incentive to Prof / CSS
3% extra incentive to Prof / CSS
3% as extra incentive to Associate Prof / Dy.CS
The remaining shall be distributed equally amongst the existing faculty members i.e., Prof / CSS Associate / Dy.CS and Asst. Prof / CAS In case the Professor / Associate Professor posts are vacant, the amount shall be equally distributed amongst the existing faculty.
V) In case there are more than one person in any category, the amount shall be equally apportioned between them.
c) Share of investigating specialists The share of investigating specialists involved in patient care is 10%.  The amount shall be distributed equally among the specialties involved (viz., Radiology, Pathology,  Biochemistry,  Microbiology  and  clinical  Lab).    Each  Department  may distribute the amount among the Doctors and Technical staff equally on 50:50 ratio.
d) Share of other categories The share of the Nursing Staff involved (Ward, ICU, OT etc) is fixed at 10%; and the share of the Class IV employees involved (Ward, ICU, OT, Casualty) is fixed at 5%. For this purpose, the Class IV employees include MNO, FNO, Theatre Assistant, Thoties etc.
The incentive amount shall be paid on a monthly basis by the 10th of the succeeding month in respect of all the Surgeries / Therapies done during the month.
7. The Chief Executive Officer, Aarogyasri Health Care Trust, Hyderabad / The Director of Medical Education, A.P.Hyderabad / Commissioner of A.P.Vaidya Vidhana Parishad, Hyderabad shall take necessary further action in the matter.

Download G.O.Rt.No.112, Dated: 01.02.2014

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