04 October, 2014

Lr.No.Spl /SPD/SSA/AP/Peshi/2014, Date:- 20-09-2014 :: Utilization of School Grant as Transport Allowance

Office of the State Project Direcrtor Has informed That there is no transport allowance during the current Annual Work Plan approved by Government of India. Some of the Project Officers have been requested that due to the lack of transport allowance, some of the children remain out of school. In this connection all primary schools and elementary schools are provided with school grant. If the students are coming beyond 1 KM, they are permitted to utilize the school grant available for the purpose of transportation. Recently it is instructed to all project Officers that they should release school grant and maintenance grant even to schools with less number of children with a condition that they should improve their attendance immediately. In such schools, provision of transport allowance to the students who are coming from habitations beyond 1 KM, will certainly help to improve the situation.

In case the school requires more than the amount available in the a1"school grant the detailed proposal can be sent within two days to head office giving a detailed report that children using the transport facility and the amount required for this purpose school wise over and above the school gran , o that necessary amounts will be made available from the head office.

Download  Lr.No.Spl /SPD/SSA/AP/Peshi/2014, Date:- 20-09-2014

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