05 October, 2014

G.O.RT.No. 215. Dated: 03.09.2014 :: Recognition granted by NCTE to Dr.BJL TPT College of Edn, Khasara Village, Kothavalasa, Vizianagam

G.O.RT.No. 215. Dated: 03.09.2014 :: School Education Dept. – Private Telugu Pandit Training Colleges – Recognition granted by NCTE to Dr.BJL Telugu Pandit Trainig College of Education, Khasara Village, Kothavalasa, Vizianagaram District to start Telugu Pandit Trainig course for the year 2014-15 – Grant of Affiliation and Permission for inclusion of the college in the counselling for Academic year 2014-15 – Accorded – Orders – Issued. 

1. From the NCTE, Bangalore,F.No.SRO/NCTE/SRCAPP2100/ TPT/AP/2013-2014/53241, Dated:22.08.2013. 
2. From the NCTE, Bangalore, F.No.SRCAPP2100/TPT/AP/ 2013-2014/54836, Dated:07.11.2013. 
3. From the Director, SCERT, AP, Hyderabad,Lr.Rc.No. 16/N1-3/2014, Dated :29.05.2014. 
4.. From the Director, SCERT, AP, Hyderabad, Lr.Rc.No. 410/A(B1)TE/SCERT/2013, Dated :02.08.2014. 

O R D E R :
              In the reference 2nd read above, the National Council for Teacher Education, Bangalore has issued grant of recognition to Dr.BJL Telugu Pandit Trainig College of  Education, Khasara/Plot.No.91/10, Kothaveedi Street, Devada Village, Kothavalasa post & Taluk, Vizianagaram District, Andhra Pradesh, for conducting Telugu Pandit Training Course of two(2) years duration, with an annual intake of 50 students for the academic session 2014-15, subject to fulfilment of other terms and conditions stipulated therein. 

2. In the references 3rd & 4th read above, the Director, State Council for Education Research & Training, Hyderabad, has furnished proposals along with the inspection report in respect of Dr.BJL Telugu Pandit Trainig College of Education, Khasara/Plot.No.91/10,Kothaveedi Street, Devada Village, Kothavalasa post & Taluk, Vizianagaram District. The Director State Council for Education Research & Training has recommended to the Government to Grant fresh affiliation for the year 2014-15 to the subject college, and requested to include the subject College in the Pandit Training Admission Counselling for the year 2014-15. 

3. In pursuance of the grant of Recognition by the National Council for Teacher Education, Bangalore, vide reference 2nd read above and considering recommendation of  the Director, State Council for Education Research & Training, Hyderabad, in the reference 4th read above, Government hereby grant fresh affiliation to Dr. BJL Telugu Pandit Training College of Education, Khasara/Plot.No.91/10,Kothaveedi Street, Devada Village, Kothavalasa post & Taluk, Vizianagaram District, for conducting Telugu Pandit Trainig course for the year 2014-15, and also accord permission to the subject college for participating in Pandit Training Admission Counselling for Academic Year 2014-15. 

4. The above affiliation and permission to participate in Pandit Training Admission counselling for the academic year 2014-15 to Dr.BJL Telugu Pandit Training College of Education, Khasara/Plot.No.91/10, Kothaveedi Street, Devada Village, Kothavalasa post & Taluk, Vizianagaram District is granted subject to fulfilment of Rules & Conditions stipulated by the National Council for Teacher Education, Bangalore in the reference 2nd cited and by the State Government issued from time to time. The Director, State Council for Education Research & Training, Hyderabad is responsible for monitoring adherence to these norms & conditions during the period of affiliation granted, by the Dr.BJL Telugu Pandit Training College of Education, Khasara/Plot.No.91/10,Kothaveedi Street, Devada Village, Kothavalasa post & Taluk, Vizianagaram District. 

Download G.O.RT.No. 215. Dated: 03.09.2014

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