04 October, 2014


Government of Andhra Pradesh has launched “Badi Pilustondi” Programme as one of its campaign programme. Education for All is one of the important themes of the Social Empowerment Mission. Govt. of A.P having fully realised the importance of education, in order to improve all social and economic indicators is giving top priority to education sector. Primary Education, SchoolEducation are the foundation for the improvement of overall education scenario in the state.

I. Objectives:
“Badi Pilustondi” campaign is launched with the following objectives.

1. All children in the age group of 6-14 years shall be enrolled in the schools.There shall be no dropouts/ never enrolled children in any village.
2. No child shall be employed as child labour.
3. School should have all the high quality infrastructure. The minimum requirement like., number of class rooms, toilets,drinking water etc. as defined in the RTE Act shall be fulfilled in all schools.
4. Quality education shall be imparted in all schools.
5. The schools shall also impart about the environmental issues like., Tree Plantation, Water Harvesting etc., to child.
6. Children shall be provided with excellent quality mid-day-meal. Mid-day- meal shall be provided in adequate quantity as per norms.
7. The mid-day-meals shall be prepared in hygienic environment and the hot mid-day-meal shall be served to all children.
8. All children shall be provided with entitlement like., Text Books, Uniformsas per the time schedule.
9. All children shall be imparted with the quality education and it will be ensured by regular monitoring and continuous evaluation of the children learning outcomes and regulation of teachers.
10. All Adults who are illiterates shall be made literates in the coming four years to achieve 100% literacy. While children below 14 years will be encouraged to enrol in schools, dropouts above 14 years can avail Open School system.
11. There shall be transparency in implementation of all the programmes and in incurring expenditure at schools.

II. Strategy:
      The above objectives of “Badi Pilustondi” shall be achieved through community participation, parents’ involvement, effective teacher participation and also regular monitoring by the education department. The knowledge of NGOs, CBOs and Corporates will also be utilized in improving the infrastructure as well as quality of education. Even the resources under SSA and RMSA shall be utilized fully and effectively and in transparent manner. It is observed that though schools are provided grants under SSA and RMSA, many schools as on today do not have television with ROT facilities though number of lessons are being telecasted through MANA TV. Timely utilization of funds will ensure better grants from Govt. of India.

      Success lies in creating awareness among parents about importance of education highlighting the benefits being provided by the Govt. to take this education to their door step. Awareness shall also be created about the mid-day-meal programme. It is established that many of the children are not utilizing the mid-day-meal as
food is neither palatable nor being served hot. If the local community and School Management Committees are made active and if they supervise more effectively, mid-day-meal will be availed by all the children.

      The supervisory officers in Education Department like., MEOs, Dy.EOs, DEOs are need to visit schools on regular basis to ensure that academic calendar is followed and syllabus is completed as per time line. The performance of the children in various aspects should be reviewed and monitored. It is revealed in many
reports like., ACER that the education standards are coming down and learning levels of the children in Govt. Schools is far from satisfaction. This quality of education and learning levels of the children can be improved if teachers play their role effectively. The involvement of all other departmental officers as a part of
“Janmabhoomi-Maa vooru” is expected to motivate parents to send children to school, especially girl children.

III. Expected Outcomes:

1.All Out of School Children in the village shall be enrolled.
2.RSTCs/ NRSTCs shall be opened wherever required to impart bridge courses to Out of School Children.
3.All toilets sanctioned by the District Collector under RWS, SSA and RMSA shall be completed before 31 st October 2014.
4.All kitchen sheds and ACRs sanctioned under various schemes shall be completed.
5.Large number of Additional Class Rooms (ACRs) are also sanctioned under SSA and RMSA but not yet grounded in many districts. – 100% grounding of works shall be ensured.
6.Funds were released for providing furniture in Upper Primary Schools and High Schools under SSA/ RMSA for the year 2014-15. District Collectors shall ensure providing proper furniture in schools immediately.
7.There shall be an improvement in the number of children taking mid-day-meals. Atleast 10% increase shall be achieved.
8.100% Aadhar seeding of children shall be ensured so that there will be transparency in enrolment, teacher deployment and proper utilization of funds for free text books and uniforms.
9.The Academic Instructors approved by the Government in view of the teacher vacancies shall be deployed by the time of school reopening after Dasara holidays.
10.The toilets shall be maintained in good condition. Govt. of A.P has sanctioned Rs.1,000/- per month to all Primary Schools where enrolment is more than 60, Rs.1,500/- per month to all Upper Primary where enrolment is more than 100 and Rs.2,500/- per month to all High Schools where enrolment is more than 150. These grants are being passed on to the schools and should be utilized effectively in maintaining toilets and drinking water source in good condition.
11.Schools shall make effective utilization of school grants and maintenance grants released under SSA and RMSA. This will ensure clean premises, white washing of all schools, good ambiance and availability of Teaching Learning Equipment in every school.
12.The District Collectors shall enlist required infrastructure based on U-DISE survey being taken up from October 2014 and action plan has to be prepared in every district to cover all the infrastructure gaps under SSA and RMSA in Annual Work Plan of financialyear 2015-16.
13.Some issues which cannot be covered under SSA and RMSA shall be submitted to the State Government for sanction of funds.
14.Teacher performance should be closely monitored by the Education Department and District Collectors, and those teachers whose performance is excellent should be rewarded through meritorious certificates.
15. All adults who are illiterates should be enrolled under “Sakshara Bharath” programme and District Collectors should motivate them to attend examinations under National Open School system and also A.P Open School system and ensure that they are made literates within coming four years. “Badi Pilustondi” is a continuous programme to improve the situation in the schools and there by education scenario. To achieve this, community,parents, district administration and teachers have to play their roles effectively in “Janmabhoomi-maa vooru” programme launched by the Hon’ble Chief Minister. Information on education related issues shall be furnished in the format communicated by the Planning Department to the State Project Office, SSA, A.P, Hyderabad (plgaprvm@gmail.com) every day in the evening.


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