22 October, 2014

Download S-II form(for CPS Holders) and Instructions for Submission

All CPS Holders have to Update your address, Mobile no.& email ID in NPS account by submitting S2 Form to Nodal Office.

1. This form is to be used for the purpose of change/correction in subscriber personal details, nominee details, reissue of I-Pin /T-Pin or reissue of PRAN card. 
2. The form is to be submitted at the Nodal office for carrying out the necessary changes
3. Please tick the box on the left margin of appropriate row where change/correction is required’ and provide the details in the
corresponding row. Please strike off the remaining blank rows for which no change is requested.
4. Form to be filled legibly in BLOCK LETTERS and in BLACK INK only. 
5. Details Marked with (*) are the mandatory fields. 
6. Mention 12 digits PRAN correctly.
7. All Dates Should be in “DDMMYYYY” Format
8. If permanent address & present address isare different, all future communications will be sent to present address.
9. Nomination:
a. Subscriber can nominate maximum three nominees.
b. Subscriber can not fill the same nominee details more than once. 
c. Percentage share value for all the nominees must be integer. Fractional value will not be accepted.
d. Sum of percentage share across all the nominees must be equal to 100. If sum of percentage is not equal to 100, nomination will be rejected.
10. Reissue of T-Pin, I-Pin and reissue of PRAN card will be chargeable by the CRA.

Download S II Form

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