30 October, 2014

Lr.No.1, Dated: 26-10-2014 :: Summative II & III Questiom papers must be prepared at SCHOOL level

Lr.No.1/SSA/A3/2014 (SPD,SSA,AP), Dated: 26-10-2014 :: Summative II & III Questiom papers must be prepared at SCHOOL level

All the District Educational Officers and Project Officers (SSA) are informed that Government of Andhra Pradesh has introduced CCE from class I to VIII. As per this norms of CCE the question paper has to be set only by respective schools. There should not be any centralized question paper either at district or state level. However since the question paper setting under CCE is a new one, SSA office has been guiding the teachers for the last two years with the support of SCERT in setting Model Question papers and also sometimes supplying printed question papers. This year during the beginning of the academic year though it is made ample clear that question papers are to be set only at the school level, however some teachers have expressed concern that they are very disturbed with the division of the state and hence requested that Summative-I paper has to be set from SSA office. Hence teachers are instructed to spend Rs. 2.50 for every student. In many districts on one side it is complained that this amount is inadequate and on other side it is observed that many printing press people were involved in supply of question papers which is highly objectionable and against CCE guidelines. Under these circumstances it is decided that no Sumrmative- II or III will not be set from SSA office, it should be set only by respective school level. If the number of students is very less and if they want to have expertise from other teachers the question papers can be set at the cluster resource centers (Cluster Schools)/school complexes. Under no circumstances the entire district will adopt the same paper and if the paper is found in any printing press it will be viewed very seriously against all MEOs and DEOs. From 9 and 10 classes DCEB, were setting papers till last year. It is very clearly observed that district board was collecting money from private schools and delivering papers which private schools were never using. It also lead to collection of heavy amount from the private schools. To avoid this kind of malpractice the DCEB was cancelled by the Commissioner & Director of school education. All DEOs are immediately requested to return the amount collected from various private schools and also return the amount to the Government high schools pertaining to the amount collected from the Government Schools. Hereafter respective private schools and Government Schools will set question papers by themselves. Every school will sets its own question papers as per CCE methodology. The Government High Schools will continue to collect Rs.15.00 per student in respect of 9th and 10th classes as it is the practice of earlier. In respect 1st to 8th as no amount can be collected from students as per RTE. Hence the required amount should be spent out of the school grant available and the grants are inadequate, the respective schools/school complexes will issue only question papers and advise the students to bring their own answer papers/white papers. All the DEOs are hereby instructed that Summative -II & III should be conducted as per academic calendar apart from conducting formative assessment. The instructions should be forwarded to all MEOs, Private schools, Government Schools in the state.

Download Lr.No.1/SSA/A3/2014 (SPD,SSA,AP), Dated: 26-10-2014

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