ఈ ‘జయ’ నామ సంవత్స ఉగాదినాడు అందరూ సకుటుంబంగా, బంధు మిత్రులతో కలిసి శాస్తవ్రిధులను పాటిస్తూ ఆనందంగా గడపాలని ‘జయ’ జయప్రదంగా అందరి జీవితాలలో వెలుగులు నింపాలని కాంక్షిస్తూ కాలస్వరూపుడైన భగవంతునికి కైమోడ్పులు.
31 March, 2014
Prog.Rc.No.SpI/A4/RVM(SSA)/2014, Dt.25/03/2014 :: RVM,Prakasam - Distribution of Summative III Question Papers by mandal office to school point
Prog.Rc.No.SpI/A4/RVM(SSA)/2014, Dt.25/03/2014 :: Rajiv Vidya Mission (SSA), Prakasam District Pedagogy Wing Distribution of Summative III Question Papers by mandal office to school point - Certain instructions - Reg.
1. Proc.Rc.No.131/RVM(SSA)/C1/2013, dated 10.03.2014, 13.03.2014 & 14.03.2014 of the State Project Director, RVM(SSA), A.P.,Hyderabad.
All the Mandal Educational Officers in the District are here by informed that AP, RVM(SSA) is providing Summative III Question Papers pertaining to Telugu , English and Urdu mediums to all schools with packing at MRC vide reference cited above. Hence the Mandal Educational Officers are strictly instructed to follow the following guidelines for the maintenance of secrecy.
1. The question papers should be maintained in a confidential manner.
2. Required CRPs should be identified in advance and the question papers should be packed as per the school strength and sealed properly.
3. The sealed question papers should be dispatched to the school point and an acknowledgement should be taken from the Headmaster after delivery of the papers.
4. No wastage of question papers should be entertained while packing.
5. The overall responsibility will kept on DPOs to maintain confidentially and to reach the papers in time to all schools to conduct the Summative-III smoothly in the mandal.
Therefore the Mandal Educational Officers are requested to follow the guidelines and instruct Headmasters to run Summative III exams smoothly.
Rc.No.5234/RVM(SSA)/C4/13, Dated:25.3.2014 :: APRVM(SSA), Hyderabad issued instructions to pay 100% amount to APCO for 2013-14
Rc.No.5234/RVM(SSA)/C4/13, Dated:25.3.2014 :: APRVM(SSA), Hyderabad- Procurement of Uniforms to Children studying I to VIII classes in the Government Management Schools-2013-14 - Payment to APCO-Instructions Issued-Reg.
1. G.O.Ms.No.24,Industries & Commerce(Tex) Dept, Dt:22.3.13.
2. This office Rc.No.5234/RVM(SSA)/C4/2013,Dt:17.07.13 & 27.08.13, 11.11.2013, 15.2.2014 & 5.3.2014.
3. Lr.No.APCO/CO/LS/ RVM/2013, Dt:14.3.2014 of the VC & MD,APCO,Hyd.
4. Supply status Reports received from the Districts.
With reference to the letter of VC & MD, APCO, Hyderabad and supply status reports received from the Districts 1st and 2nd cited, the Project Officers of RVM(SSA), 19 Districts except Vizianagaram, East Godavari, Nellore and Chittoor in the State are requested to issue instructions to the SMCs of their Districts to release 100% payment to the APCO through online/ECS for supply uniform cloth for the year 2013-14.
The Project Officers, RVM(SSA) further requested to report to the concerned Authorities of APCO if any Technical problems arises (Fading of colour, Shrinking of cloth etc.,) duly intimating to this Office also for replacement of cloth. They further requested to intimate amounts paid to APCO after completion of work.
Enclosures: List
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rc.No.2725/RVM(SSA)/A3/13, Dated:26.03.2014 :: RVM(SSA), Prakasam District-Procurement of Uniforms to Children I to VIII class 2013-14 - certain instructions to Mandal Educational Officers in the district towards releasing of 100% amount of Uniform Cloth to APCO - Regarding.References: 1. Proc.Rc.No.5234/RVM(SSA)/C4/2013, Dt:11.11.2013 of the State Project Director, RVM(SSA), AP.,Hyd 2. Proc.Rc.No.5234/RVM(SSA)/C4/2013, Dt:11.12.2013 of the State Project Director, RVM(SSA), AP.,Hyd 3. Proc. Rc. No.5234/RVM(SSA)/C4/2013, Dt:25.03.2014 of the State Project Director, RVM (SSA), AP., Hyderabad.
Order: In the reference 3rd cited the State Project Director, RVM(SSA), Hyderabad has instructed all the Project Officers in the state to see SMCs intheir districts to release 100% amount to the APCO after receipt of Uniform Cloth for the year 2013-14.
In the light of the above orders the MEOs are instructed to issue instructions to the SMCs of their mandals to release 100% Payment to the APCO through online / ECS to the following online Bank Accounts for supply Uniform cloth for the year 2013-14 .
S.No Name of the Banks Account No. Address IFSC NO. 1 CANARA BANK 0649101042984 NARAYANAGUDA CNRB0000649 BRANCH, HYDERABAD 2 ANDHRA BANK 039711011000142 NARAYANAGUDA ANDB0000397 BRANCH, HYDERABAD 3 SBH 62276539615 TREASURY BRANCH, SBHY0020916 ABIDS,HYDERABAD DD DRAWN IN favour of "The A.P.S.H.W.C.S. Ltd., Narayanaguda, Hyderabad.
Download Rc.No.5234/RVM(SSA)/C4/13, Dated:25.3.2014
Download RcNo.2725, Dt.26.3.14 :: SPD PRAKASAM proceedings to pay 100% amount to APCO
29 March, 2014
Rc.No.662/A3 / RVM(SSA) / 2014, Dt:27-03-2014 :: Release of amounts to all SMC numbers of 3329 schools @Rs.600/- above 100 enrolled and @Rs.400/- &@Rs.200/- below 100 enrolled schools towards conduct of Annual Day for 2013-14
Rc.No.662/A3 / RVM(SSA) / 2014, Dt:27-03-2014 :: RVM(SSA), Prakasam District - Release of amounts to all SMC numbers of 3329 schools @Rs.600/- above 100 enrolled children and @Rs.400/- &@Rs.200/- below 100 enrolled children schools towards conduct of Annual Day an amount of Rs.8,67,400/- for the year 2013-14 sanction Orders - certain instructions- issued - Reg.
1) Proc.Rc.No.746/RVM(SSA)/C8/2011, Dt:15.02.2014 of the State Project Director, RVM (SSA), AP., Hyderabad.
2) Administrative sanction by the District Collector and Chairman, RVM(SSA)/ Project Officer, RVM(SSA), Ongole, Prakasam District, Rc.No.555/A3/RVM (SSA)/2014, dated: .02.2014.
In pursuance of the orders issued in the references cited, where in the State Project Director, Rajiv Vidya Mission (SSA), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad has informed
that it is decided to celebrate annual day function in all schools in their districts.
In view of the above the project officer, RVM(SSA),Ongole released t amounts as per the annexure (enclosed) with instructions to all the Mandal Educational officers /Head masters for the celebration of Annual day function in all the (Govt & Local bodies) schools for the year 2013-14.They should invite all parents, Ex-officio members, Co-opted members, Villagers and Rtd. Educational Officers, beside SMC members for school Annual day.
Download School wise amounts Particulars for annual day celebration 2014
28 March, 2014
Rc.No.150/MDM/2012, Dt:21/03/2014 :: Serving of Mid Day Meals to schools which are constituted as SSC centers
Rc.No.150/MDM/2012, Dt:21/03/2014 :: Mid Day Meal Scheme - Half day schools during summer from 15/03/2014 - Serving of Mid Day Meals to schools which are constituted as SSC centers - Clarification - Reg.
Reference :
1. C&DSE’s Proc.Rc.No.51/E1-1/2013, dated:14/03/2014.
The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education/District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the subject and reference read above and they are clarified that the Mid Day Meals in schools are to be served as follows:
(i) At 12.00 noon where schools are run from 8.00 A.M. to 12.30 P.M.
(ii) At 1.30 P.M. where schools are constituted as SSC examination centre and are run from 1.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M.
This has the approval of Commissioner and Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
27 March, 2014
NOTIFICATION NO.09/2013, Departmental Test November 2013 :: GO(88,97) Test Results
The Results of Departmental Tests for Gazetted officers of Education Department, NOTIFICATION NO.09/2013 Departmental Test November 2013 was announced and availiable here for download.
GO Test (code No:88,97) Results Nov13 session
Click here for all other test results
26 March, 2014
C&DSE, AP, HYD instructed to All DEO's have to submit particulars of immovable assets in Annexere-E urgently.
All the District Educational Officers in the state are informed to submit the list of immovable assets as on 1-03-2014 in the Annexure –E enclosed herewith pertaining to all Government, MPP/ZPP, Municipal and Government Aided schools under your jurisdiction without fail. As it is a time bound work All the District Educational Officers are once again instructed to complete the task without any delay. Otherwise the matter is viewed seriously.
G.O.Rt.No.393, Dt:07.03.2014 :: Authorization to the District Collectors for declaration of local holiday for use of public buildings, educational institution buildings etc.,
G.O.Rt.No.393, Dt:07.03.2014 :: Elections- 4thOrdinary Elections to the Urban Local Bodies in the State, 2014 - Polling on 30-03-2014 to ten (10) Municipal Corporations and (146) one hundred and forty six Municipalities / Nagar Panchayats in the State - Authorization to the District Collectors for declaration of local holiday for use of public buildings, educational institution buildings etc., - Orders - Issued.
Read the following:
1. State Election Commission, Notification No. 85/SEC-F1/2014-1&2, dated03.03.2014.
2. State Election Commission, Notification No. 85/SEC-F1/2014-3&4, dated03.03.2014.
3. State Election Commission, Notification No. 86/SEC-F1/2014, dated 03.03.2014.
4. From the State Election Commission, Letter No. 83/SEC-F1/2014, dated 03.03.2014.
1. The State Election Commissioner has issued notification to conduct Elections to ten (10) Municipal Corporations and (146) one hundred and forty six Municipalities / Nagar Panchayats in the Stateon 30.03.2014.
2. A large number of public buildings, and buildings of educationalinstitutions and other buildings have to be utilized as polling stations and counting centresin connection with elections of Urban Local Bodies on the dates as mentioned in para 1 above.
3. The Government hereby authorize the District Collectors in the Stateexcept Hyderabad district to declare local holiday on the day preceding the day of poll and on the day of poll in their respective districts for the conduct of elections and counting of votes in respect of public buildings, and buildings of educational institutions and other buildings proposed for conduct of the above polls.
4. The District Collectors in the State (except Hyderabad district) shallensure that local holidays are made applicable only to those Government offices and institutions, where the buildings are utilized as polling stations and counting centres, on the dates fixed.
5. On such local holidays however the treasuries and sub treasuries in theState will function.
G.O.Ms.No. 64, Dt:18.03.2014 :: Nomination of P.D. Administrator and entrusting the work of maintenance and reconciliation of Employees Health Fund
G.O.Ms.No. 64, Dt:18.03.2014 :: Employees Health Fund - Nomination of P.D. Administrator and entrusting the work of maintenance and reconciliation - Orders - Issued.
Read the following:-
1. G.O.Ms.No.43, Finance & Planning (FW.W&M) Department, dated 22.04.2000.
2. G.O.Ms.No.174, Health Medical and Family Welfare (M2) Department, dated 01.11.2013.
3. G.O.Ms.No.175, Health Medical and Family Welfare (M2) Department, dated 01.11.2013.
4. G.O.Ms.No.176, Health Medical and Family Welfare (M2) Department, dated 01.11.2013.
5. G.O.Ms.No.331, Finance (TFR) Department, dated 11.12.2013.
6. G.O.Ms.No.2, Finance (TFR) Department, dated 04.01.2014.
7. From the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P. Hyderabad letter No.1/16008/2011, dated 01.01.2014.
O R D E R :-
1. In the reference 2nd to 4th read above, orders were issued for implementation of Employees Health Scheme (EHS) by providing Cashless Medical Treatment to the State Government Employees, Pensioners and their dependents.
2. In the reference 5th and 6th read above, orders were issued on affecting recovery of contribution towards EHS from the salary/pension of employees/pensioners eligible for EHS from March, 2014 payable on April 1st 2014.
3. In the reference 7th read above, the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P. Hyderabad has requested the Government to accord permission for opening of PD Accounts on the three heads of accounts i.e. 8342-00-118-00-04-001-000/8342-00-118-00-04-002/8342-00-118-00-04-003-00 in favour of the Aarogyasri Health Care Trust under category-A, since the funds form a Permanent receipt to that
organisation. Therefore she has requested the Government to take into consideration of the above issues and issue necessary orders for smooth operationalisation of the scheme as enunciated in the G.O.Ms.No.331, Finance (TFR) Department, dated 11.12.2013.
4. The proposal was examined and it was decided that the P.D. Accounts shall not be opened in favour of Aarogyasri Health Care Trust for the following reasons:
a) The very purpose of creation of Aarogyasri Health Care Trust is different.
b) The Employees Health Cards has been entrusted to A.H.C.T. for a limited period, till the system is stabilised.
c) The A.H.C.T. may not possess the required skills to administrator, account for and reconcile account.
5. Government after careful examination of the matter hereby order that the deposits under Employees Health Scheme shall be categorised under category-‘A’ Non-Lapsable deposits in pursuance of classification in G.O.1st read above. Further, the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P.Hyderabad is nominated as P.D. Account Administrator for operation of Employees Health Fund under category-A NonLapsable Deposit for the purpose of operating the following three heads as in the case of Employees Contributory Pension Scheme.
6.The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P. Hyderabad shall also watch the monthly recoveries towards Employees Health Scheme and ensure that they are properly accounted for and the amounts are deposited in P.D. Accounts. She is also responsible to maintain and reconcile the accounts of Employees Health Scheme.
7. Necessary amendment will be issued separately in the G.O. 1st read above.
G.O.Ms.No. 65, Dated:19.03.2014 :: Local, State cadre and Multi-zonal posts in Government Departments - Online Collection of data
G.O.Ms.No. 65, Dated:19.03.2014 :: Andhra Pradesh Re-organisation Act, 2014 - Finance Department - Local, State cadre and Multi-zonal posts in Government Departments - Online Collection of data - Orders - Issued.
Read the following:
Andhra Pradesh Re-organisation Act 2014 (Act No.6 of 2014 of the Governmentof India)
1. In the reference first cited, the Government of India has notified the Andhra Pradesh Re-organisation Act, 2014, which envisages bifurcation of the existing State of Andhra Pradesh into States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana on the Appointed Day of June 02, 2014. The provisions relating to the services of persons serving in connection with the affairs of the existing State of Andhra Pradesh are enshrined in Sections 77 to 81 of the Act Section 80 of the Act envisages establishment of a State Advisory committee (SAC) for assisting the Central Government in discharing its functions under Part VIII of the Act and in ensuring fair and equitable treatment of all persons.
2. In order to assist the State Advisory Committee, it is essential for every department of the Government of Andhra Pradesh to provide all relevant information of the employees for every unit of the department from village / municipal level to the head of department with details of sanctioned cadre strength for each category of posts. In this background, the Government hereby issue following instructions to all the Departments of Government of Andhra Pradesh to compile, validate and enter the data in the central database online at fdp.cgg.gov.in using the existing log in ID and the password of the head of the department.
(i) The information relating to all sanctioned regular posts has to be furnished by the secretariat departments for the secretariat establishment. Whereas, the Head of the Department is required to furnish information for all offices at all levels, including the special / project / adhoc / temporary offices under the control of the department from the village to the headquarters.
(ii) For every office of the department located from village level to the state level, including those at the mandal, divisional, district, zonal and state level, the number of sanctioned posts for every category of posts in each unit office along with number of posts filled with regular staff and number filled with those on deputation, contract, outsourcing, reemployed, retired employee, etc., shall be indicated. The number of vacant posts shall be computed duly deducting the posts occupied by regular staff from the total sanctioned posts.
(iii) All departments shall be guided by the provisions dealing with the unit of localisation in the service rules of their department with reference to the Andhra Pradesh Public Employment Order 1975 dated October 20, 1975 and the successive orders issued by the Government while reporting if a particular post located in a particular office is classified as local cadre (district, zonal, multi-zonal entirely within Telangana State or Andhra Pradesh) or state cadre. As a general principle, all posts other than local, district, zonal and multi-zonal (limited to either Andhra Pradesh or Telangana) posts may be treated as state cadre posts. All posts belonging to all cadres - including last grade, non-gazetted, gazetted, etc., - in the secretariat and head of the department may be treated as state-cadre posts unless otherwise
(iv) With specific reference to the state-cadre posts and multi-zonal cadre posts, all persons working in these cadres shall be entered in the order of seniority, as per the existing seniority on March 01, 2014. If there is any dispute pending in any court of law with regard to seniority, the same shall be mentioned clearly along with details and the action being taken. However, mere inclusion of the name in the list or the order of seniority indicated in the list does not confer any right of seniority, if in dispute.
(v) Special care should be taken to ensure that details of the persons who are on leave, unauthorised absence, under suspension, on deputation to other government departments, working temporarily in other offices of the same departments on administrative order or working on deputation or any other modality with a foreign employer including other governments, Government of India, or any other agency, corporation, society, autonmous institution, private organisation, etc., shall be included strictly in the order of seniority in the state cadre / multi zone cadre.
(vi) It shall be the personal responsibility of the Head of the Department to ensure that all employees in state and multi-zone cadres are included and no individual is left out. The Head of the Department shall ensure accuracy of the data entered with regard to the position of the individual in the seniority in the respective state cadre / multi zonal cadre posts.
(vii) The total number of posts for each category of state cadre / multi zone cadre shall be reconciled with the sanction orders issued from the Finance (SMPC) Department. In any case the total number of posts sanctioned to be entered in application shall not exceed the number sanctioned for the department.
(viii) This information shall be furnished on or before March 31, 2014 positively. It shall be noted that extension of time will not be considered under any circumstances as this data is urgently required.
3. All the Department of the Secretariat and the Head of Departments shall take necessary action to furnish the error-free information before March 31, 2014. Each head of the department and the head of the secretariat department is requested to nominate a senior officer as the Nodal Officer exclusively for this purpose and inform his / her mobile number and email id to the Finance (SMPC II) Department at “sosmpc.fin@gmail.com”. The HoDs are requested to review the progress regularly and see that the information is furnished without any delay.
G.O.Rt.No. 436, Dt: 24.03.2014 :: Payment of remuneration to polling and counting personnel drafted on election duty to the Urban Local Bodies
G.O.Rt.No. 436, Dt: 24.03.2014 :: Elections - 4th Ordinary Elections to Urban Local Bodies - Payment of remuneration to polling and counting personnel drafted on election duty to the Urban Local Bodies - Orders - Issued.
Read the following:
1. G.O.Ms.No. 1077, PR & RD (E&R) Department, dated 01.07.2013.
2. From the Secretary, Election Commission of India, Letter NO. 464/INST-PAY/2014/EPS, dated 28.02.2014.
3. From the Secretary, State Election Commission, letter No. 83/SEC-F1/2014, dated 03.03.2014.
In the circumstances stated in the reference 3rd read above and keeping in view the orders issued in the reference 2nd read above, Government after careful examination here by issue orders fixing the following rates of remuneration payable to the staff deployed on training classes / polling / counting duties during 4th Ordinary Elections to Urban Local Bodies, 2014:
1. Zonal Officer / Route Officer / Sectoral Officer remuneration at lumpsumRs.1500/- (one time)
2. Presiding officer / Counting SupervisorRs. 350/- per day
3. Polling officers / Counting AssistantRs. 250/- per day
4. Office sub-ordinates (Class-IV)Rs. 150/- per day
5. Packed lunch and/or light refreshment to the personnel deployed at polling stations / counting centres Rs.150/- per head per day
2. The Secretary, State Election Commission shall take necessary action accordingly.
3. This orders issue with the concurrence of Finance (Expr. M&H) Department vide their U.O.No.6973-A/165/A1/Exp. M&F/2014, dated 22.03.2014 and General Administration(Election) Department vide their U.O. No. 3535/Elec./A1/2014-1, dated 24.03.2014.
25 March, 2014
Proc.No. 1169-A/A.V/2013-14, Dt:19-03-2014 :: Release of Grant-in-Aid salaries to the staff working in Aided Secondary Schools for 4th quarter of 2013-14 (Non-Plan)
Procdgs. No. 1169-A / A.V / 2013-14, Dated:19-03-2014 :: Release of Grant-in-Aid salaries to the staff working in Aided Secondary Schools for 4th quarter of 2013-14 (Non-Plan)
1.This office Procdg. No: 1169-A/AV/2013-14, dt.06.04.13, 11.07.13, 29.10.2013 &19.02.2014
2.G.O.Rt. No.781, Fin. (ESE) Dept., dated 14.03.2014.
3.G.O.Rt. No.118, Edn. (SE.Genl. I) Dept., dated 19.03.2014.
In pursuance of to the orders issued in the references read above, the Commissioner & Director of School Education, A.P, Hyderabad hereby accords sanction for release of an amount of Rs.59,31,34,000/- (Rupees Fifty nine crores thirty one lakhs and thirty four thousand only) as shown in the Annexure to the District Educational Officers towards payment of salaries to the staff working in Aided Secondary Schools during the F.Y. 2013-14.
The Pay & Accounts Officer, Hyderabad and the District Treasury Officers concerned in the State are requested to admit the claims preferred by the District Educational Officers concerned to the extent of Budget now released on receipt of authorization issued by the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P., Hyderabad.
The above expenditure shall be debited to the following Head of Account :
2202 - General Education
02 - Secondary Education
MH. 110 - Asst. to Non-Govt. Secondary Schools
SH(04) - Asst. to Private Aided Institutions
310 - Grants-in-Aid
311 - Grants-in-Aid towards Salaries( Non-Plan )
All the District Educational Officers are hereby instructed to claim updated salaries and arrears of the current financial year and ensure that no amount is lapsed.
24 March, 2014
NOTIFICATION NO.09/2013, Departmental Test November 2013 :: EO(141) Test Results
The results of Departmental Tests for Executive officers, NOTIFICATION NO.09/2013 Departmental Test November 2013 was announced and availiable here for download.
22 March, 2014
APTET2014 examination Answer Keys held on 16 March 2014
APTET2014 examination conducted on 16 March 2014. Answer keys for this examination released. All the candidates who had written this examination are waiting for the answer keys, can check the answers at the official websiteof APTET2014 through the following link.
The Central Board of Secondary Education has released the results ofthe Central Teacher Eligibility Test, or commonly called CTET, on March 21, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at its official website.
The hard copy of the results will be sent to the students from April 21, 2014. The tests were held on February 16.
Aspirants, who manage to score 60% or above, will get a special Eligibility Certificate from the board through speed test. However, the mark statement for CTET will be sent to candidates from the mentioned date by Post.
21 March, 2014
G.O.Ms.No. 68,Dated:20-03-2014 :: Stop recovery of premium payable to Aarogyasri Health Care Trust (EHS Scheme)
G.O.Ms.No. 68,Dated:20-03-2014 :: Employees Health Scheme (EHS) - Recovery of contribution from the Salaries/Pensions of Employees/Pensioners and depositing the amount with Government contribution in the Public Account - Stop recovery of premium payable to Aarogyasri Health Care Trust - Orders - Issued.
Read the following:-
1. U.O.Note.No.20332/M2/2013, HM & FW (M2) Dept., dt:02-12-2013.
2. G.O.Ms.No.331, Finance (TFR) Department, dated 11-12-2013.
3. G.O.Ms.No.343, Finance (TFR) Department, dated 17-12-2013.
4. G.O.Ms.No.2, Finance (TFR) Department, dated:04-01-2014.
5. Letter dt:14.03.2014 of A.P. Secretariat Association, Hyderabad.
6. Letter dt:14.03.2014 of Secretariat Telangana Employees Association, Hyd.
7. Lr.No.34/TNGOs/CU/2014-1, dt:19.03.2014 of TNGOs Central Union, Hyd.
O R D E R :-
In the references 5th to 7th read above, the Associations have requested the Government to postpone the recovery of contribution towards Employees Health Scheme from the Salary/Pension of Employees/Pensioners starting from March, 2014 payable on 1st April, 2014, till another date that may be decided after June, 2014 by the two successor States i.e., Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
2. Government after careful examination hereby order that the recovery of contribution towards Employees Health Scheme from the Salary/Pension of Employees/Pensioners shall be stopped until further orders.
3. These orders are also available in Andhra Pradesh Government Website
http://www.aponline.gov.in and http://www.apfinance.gov.in.
20 March, 2014
SSC Spot Valuation Seniority LIST by DEO,Prakasam
Any objections and claims from the individuals and the Teachers Orgnisations on the seniority and corrections in the SSc spot Valuation Seniority lists may submit in O/o the DEO, Ongole on or before 21-03-2014 by 5.00 PM.
MemoNo:10389, Dt: 4.3.14, MemoNo:138, Dt:19.2.14 :: Implementation of e-payrnents for all transactions processed through Treasuries wef 01.04.2014
Memo No.N1/10389/2012, Dt.04-03-2014 :: Implementation of e-payrnents for all transactions processed through Treasuries wef 01.04.2014
1. DTA, AP Memo No.N1/10389/2012 Dt.21-01-2014
2. DTA, AP Merno No.N1/10389/2012 Dt.28-01-2014
3. DTA, AP Memo No.N1/10389/2012 Dt.30-01-2014
4. Govt Memo No.138/36/TFR/2014 Dt.19-02-2014
5. G.O.Ms.No48 Fin(TFR) Dept, Dt.19-02-2014.
6. DTA,AP Memo No.Nl/10389/2014 Dt.26-02
Personal attention of the Deputy Directors of all District Treasuries is invited b the references cited. The Government have directed this department to mplement electronic payments for all transactions processed through Treasuries wef 01-04-2014. In this connection, the following instructions are issued.
1. Conduct awareness campaigns like workshop/meeting for all DDOs on electronic payments.
2. Ensure that the master data of all beneficiaries is fed by the DDOs by 12-03-2014 through the logins provided to them in HRMS package.
3. Since, the Treasury Officers are Drawing officers in respect of pensions, the bank account details of the pensioners have to be updated in IMPAcT-Pensions package by respective Treasury Officers. The Treasury officers have to obtain the account numbers of all pensioners (new format account) along with IFSC codes from all bank branches and update the same in pension data. This should be completed by 12-03-2014.
4. The DTOs should complete all preparatory works for transmission of pensions for the month of March-2014 payable on 01-04-2014, in electronic mode.
5. The procedure for master data entry, modification of erroneous account numbers, tracking of failure transactions and preparation of text files in respect of failure transactions for retransmitting the same is already made available to the Treasury Officers through ref 3" and 61" cited.
6. Instructions for opening of CINB accounts for transmission of payments in electronic mode at Sub Treasuries will be issued shortly.
Memo.No.138/36/TFR/2014, Date: 19.02.2014 :: HRMS - Online Submission of bills and implementation of electronic payments for all transactions processed through Treasuries
1. Letter No.N1/10389/2012, dt:21.01.2014 of the DTA A.P., Hyderabad.
1. In the reference cited, the Director of Treasuries & Accounts, A.P., Hyderabad has requested to implement electronic payments to credit the amounts directly to the beneficiaries' bank, accounts, in respect of all bills processed through Treasuries, for smooth implementation of the Human Resource Management System (HRMS) package.
2. Government after careful examination of the matter, hereby decide to implement electronic payments to credit the amounts directly to the beneficiaries bank accounts, in respect of all bills processed through treasuries. All Drawing and Disbursing Officers are presently presenting the bills to the Treasuries electronically using treasury Human Resource Management System (HRMS) package apart from physical copy of bill. Now, in view'of decision to implement electronic payments, the Drawing and Disbursing Officers have to submit the following details along with physical and electronic copies of bills to the Treasury.
1. The Drawing and Disbursing Officers shall feed the bank account details of all Beneficiaries like Employees, Drawing and Disbursing Officers bank account details, third party details through Treasuary portal http://treasury.ap.gov.in/ddoreq
2. The Drawing and Disbursing Officers shall submit. the bank details of all beneficiaries of each bill while submitting electronic copy.
3. The Drawing and Disbursing Officers shall take a print out of the beneficiary details from the above system and enclose it to the bill under proper signatures.
4. The Treasury will-inform the status of each bill In the above portal from time to time based on the information received from bank.
5. Whenever a transaction is failed, the Drawing and Disbursing Officers have to submit the correct beneficiary bank account details both electronically and physically (hard copy) for reprocessing it for payment.
3) Government have decided to implement electronic payment system initially for the Drawing and Disbursing Officers, in the jurisdiction of District Treasury, Ranga Reddy with effect from 01-03-2014 on pilot basis and for other Treasuries from 01/04/2014.
4) Therefore, all the Drawing and Disbursing Officers in the in the jurisdiction of District Treasury, Ranga Reddy are directed to feed the data required in Human Resource Management System (HRMS) package immediately and furnish all bills to the District Treasury, Rangareddy in the procedure prescribed above, w.e.f 01.03.2014
The Director Treasuries and Accounts is directed to extend support by providing help document In the web and take necessary steps to conduct trainings wherever required.
All Heads of the Departments are requested to issue necessary instructions to the Drawing and Disbursing Officers of their department.
Download Memo No:10389, Dt:4.3.2014
19 March, 2014
Steps to download SSC Hall Tickets:
1. Click on REGULAR / PRIVATE / OSSC / VOCATIONAL Hall Tickets download link below.
2. Select your district.
3. Select your School.
4. Then click on search.
Vocational Hall Tickets Download
If you want to search on Name:
1. Enter part of name
2. Then click on Search.
3. Select your name from the list populated below and download Hall Ticket.
The Hon'ble Chief Justice of India, Supreme Court of India, New Delhi: Suo moto notice - Plight of 10% of India's Population -Senior Citizens of the Country - Violation of Fundamental Rights and Human Rights
Dear Viewers,
I just signed the petition "The Hon'ble Chief Justice of India, Supreme Court of India, New Delhi: Suo moto notice - Plight of 10% of India's Population -Senior Citizens of the Country - Violation of Fundamental Rights and Human Rights" and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name.
Our goal is to reach 200 signatures and we need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here:
Copy and paste the following link in your web browser to open the petition online.
Srinivasa Rao
List of Assets which can be identified with a particular succesor state on the basis of Location :: MEO's have to send info. to DEO's
All the District Educational Officers in the state are informed to submit the details of assets (lands, buildings, machinery equipment and office equipment etc.,) pertaining to Government ,MPP/ZPP, Muncipal and Government Aided schools under your jurisdiction in the proforma II communicated vide vide Rc.No.58/F2-2/2014-1, dated:01-03-2014 immediately.
All the MEO's have to fill the profarma and have to submit to DEO's at an early date.
16 March, 2014
Circular No: 464/INST-PAY/2014-EPS Dated 28th Feb 2014 regarding the Election Remuneration to Polling Personnel in General & Assembly Elections 2014
ECI Circular No.464 Remuneration Rates to Election Duty Polling Persons Election Duty Remuneration Rates to Polling Personnel Hiked and Fixed
AP Govt has issued Circular No: 464/INST-PAY/2014-EPS Dated 28th Feb 2014 regarding the Election Remuneration to Polling Personnel. Those who appointed to election duty as polling personal in General, Assembly Elections 2014, their remuneration has been hiked and fixed as per the Election Commission Commission of India circular. The uniform remuneration rates applicable for Loksabha and General Elections.
The fixed and enhanced remuneration rates as follows
Sector Officer/Zonal Magistrate Rs:1500/-Presiding Officer/Counting Supervisor Rs:350/- per day or part thereof
Polling Officers/Counting Asstt Rs:250/- per day or part thereof
Class-IV 150/- per day or part thereof
Packed lunch and/ or light refreshment Rs:150/- per head per day
Video Surveillance Team, Video Viewing Team, Accounting Team, Expenditure Monitoring Control Room and Call Center Staffs, Media · Certification and Monitoring Committee, Flying Squads, Static Surveillance Team,
Class- I/II (Rs. 1200/-lumpsum)
Class - III (Rs. 1000/- Lumpsum)
Class-IV Rs.200 Per day
RVM(SSA) announced Rankings to MEO's of Prakasam District based on school visits of 2013 ie from 2.10.13 to 12.2.14
RVM(SSA) announced Rankings to MEO's of Prakasam District based on school visits of 2013 ie from 2.10.13 to 12.2.14.
The School visits of a higher authority will automatically improve Quality and performance of teachers and functioning of schools as well as Minimum Levels of learning ie quality of learning among children. Hence the best Ranked MEO's tried their level best to improve quality of children of their respective Mandals. iteacherz wishing them to serve more to the Dept. of Education and try to made the district No.1 in the field of Education.
As per the Rankings the following MEO's stood in first 10 Ranks among 56 Mandals of Prakasam District.
The following Mandal Educational officers have visited Zero schools and stood in last three ranks
Total percentage of visits by MEO's Disrict wise is 47%
15 March, 2014
FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS OFFICER, RAJIV VIDYA MISSION informed all MEO's of prakasam dist that the Statuary Audit for SMC/CRC/MRC will be conduct from 15-03-2014 onwards. The H.M's have to prepare the following audit requirements.
1. Bank statement for the period from 01-04-2013 to 31-03-2014. 2. Cash Book 3. Resolution Book 4. Supported bills and documents 5. Previous year audit reports
The audit schedule will be announced shortly.
Rc.No.51/E1-1/2013, Dated:14.03.2014 :: Instructions Issued during Half day Schools during summer from 15.03.2014
Rc.No.51/E1-1/2013, Dated:14.03.2014 :: School Academic Calendar - 2013-14 - Instructions Issued during Half day Schools during summer from 15.03.2014
School Academic Calendar 2013-14.
All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Officers in the State are instructed to run the schools for half - a - day from 8.00 A.M. to 12.30 PM due to summer from 15.03.2014 onwards, and further instructed to run the schools which are constituted as S.S.C Examination centre from 1.00 P.M to 5.00 P.M.
Therefore, the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Officers are requested to take necessary action in the matter accordingly.
The DDO's Guide to feed bank account details of all beneficiaries ie employees in DDOREQ Website as per GO 48
Directorate of Treasuries and Accounts office has issued certain instructions in the memo No. N1 /10389 /2012 cited on implementation of electronic payments on pilot basis in respect of bills pertaining to Treasury establishment and hostels of welfare departments in District Treasuries and 9 Sub Treasuries. A screen for capturing the bank account details of all beneficiaries i.e., DDOs, employees and third parties is
made available in HRMS. The documentation provided here for ready reference. The Deputy Directors of all District Treasuries are requested to complete the data entry in respect of all beneficiaries pertaining to Treasuries and Accounts Department immediately.
Memo No. 138/36/TFR/2014 Finance Dept Dt. 19/02/2014 ::
As per Memo No. 138/36/TFR/2014 Finance Dept Dt. 19/02/2014. Govt. has decided to implement electronic payments to credit the amounts directly to the beneficiaries bank accounts in respect of all bills processed through treasuries. All DDOs are presently presenting the bills to the Treasuries electronically using Treasury Human Resource Management System(HRMS) package apart from physical copy of bill. Now, In view of decision to implement electronic payments, the DDOs have to submit the following details along with physical and electronic copies of bills to the Treasury.
Role of DDO's :: The DDOs shall feed the bank account details of all beneficiaries like employees, DDOs bank account details, third party details through Treasury portal i.e. https://treasury.ap.gov.in/ddoreq. The DDOs shall take a print out of the beneficiary details from the above treasury site and enclose it to the bill under proper signature. The Treasury will inform the status of each bill in the above portal from time to time based on the information received from bank. Whenever a transaction is failed the DDOs have to submit the correct beneficiary bank account details both electronically and
physically(Hardcopy) for reprocessing it for payment.
Three Sub Columns added in the Pay Bill Section on Treasury DDO Request Website:
1. Bank Beneficiary Details
2. Beneficiary Bank Details Delete 3. TBR Beneficiary Entry
User Guide for DDO's-
1.How to A dd Beneficiary Account Details on DDO Request Official Website[How to feed the data in Treasury Human Resource Management System (HRMS)]:
First DDOs can access the application through HRMS i.e., http://treasury.ap.gov.in/ddoreq
The following screen appears.
The DDOs have to login with their User ID and Password. then click on submit button.
The following screen appears.
Go to left Side of the Screen and Click on Pay Bills "+" Button Icon.
Then select “Benf Bank details” (Beneficiary Bank Details) sub module under “Pay bills” Module. The following screen appears.
This is the module for entering the data. The DDO code in the above screen will be automatically populated with your DDO Code. When you are entering first record, you have to feed IFSC code and bank account number of DDO current account in Treasury Bank IFSC code and DDO ACCNO fields respectively.
Employee bank details:
Required employee details:
The DDOs must enter the details of all employees bank details like
1. Employee code(Employee Id).
2. Name of employee.
3. Bank Branch IFSC code.
4. Bank Branch MICR Code(If Not known Enter “NONMICR”).
5. Bank Account Number.
The beneficiary details i.e. the Bank account numbers and other details of all employees, the DDO have to be entered in the above screen i.e. “Benf Details Entry” in Pay bills module of HRMS package.
For every employee, the details have to be fed by the DDO.
Type employee code in the above screen. The name of employee will automatically be displayed.
Type IFSC code of the bank branch in which the employee is maintaining bank account for receipt of his salary and other benefits should be provided in “IFSC code” field. Once the data is fed, the name of the bank branch will be displayed for cross verification. The MICR code will be automatically be displayed in the “MICR code” field.
The DDO has to enter the bank account number of that employee. Press Submit button finally.
Third Party Bank details:
In this case, no employee code is required. Skip this field. Type the party name clearly without any errors. Type IFSC code in “IFSC code” field. Name of the branch will be displayed for cross verification. MICR code will be displayed automatically. Enter the bank account number of third party and press “Submit” for confirmation.
Viewing the data completed
The DDO can view the list of beneficiaries using “LIST” button.
After completion of beneficiary details entry, DDO check the details by click on “LIST” Button in Benf Details Entry module. DDO can check the bank account details of all employees in the below screen.
2.How to delete the any employee data if any entry wrong: Number or other data the data will be deleted by the ddo as follows.
Again click on Benf Bank Details Delete(Beneficiary Bank Details Deletion).
In the above screen ddo will delete the any employee data by select “Delete” option.
3. How to Add TBR Beneficiary in the Bill:
After feeding the data of all employees the DDO will submitting the salary bills and other contingent bills i.e. TBR Generation as old manner. After generation of TBR Number DDOs has to be enter the beneficiary details in TBR Beneficiary entry screen The Screen as follows
DDO has to select the generated TBR Number from the drop down list, then the system displays the TBR number’s Net Amount and all employees details on the Screen.
The DDO has to be entered the Beneficiary Details for that generated TBR Number and finally submit them if everything is correct, Same procedure for all Bills.
This is an example taken from the Power point presentation of Deputy Director, District Treasury, Nellore. DDO's are requested please wait for certain orders will be issued from the State Treasury Department Officials for implementation of electronic payments.
G.O.Ms.No. 48, Dated:19-02-2014 :: Payment of salaries and all other employee payments mandatorily “ONLINE” through Banks - Amendment Orders
G.O.Ms.No. 48, Dated:19-02-2014 :: SALARIES - Payments to the Employees through Banks - Payment of salaries and all other employee payments mandatorily “ONLINE” through Banks - Amendment Orders - Issued.
Read the following:-
1) G.O.Ms.No.90, Finance (TFR) Dept., dt:31.01.2002.
2) G.O.Ms.No.508, Finance (TFR) Dept., dt:10.04.2002.
3) Circular Memo No.1225/163/TFR.II/2006, Dt:21.06.2006 of Fin.(TFR.II) Dept.,
4) Letter. No.N1/10389/2012, dt:21.01.2014 of the DTA A.P., Hyderabad.
O R D E R:
In the reference 1st read above, the Government had introduced a scheme for payment of salaries and all other payments of the employees through Banks, while making the scheme optional to the Employees.
2) In the reference 2nd read above, it was ordered that salaries and other payments of the employees, who are yet to exercise their option to open their Bank Account, shall be credited to the Current Account of the Drawing and Disbursing Officer in the Government Bank in the first instance along with the Salaries of those employees who have already opted for the Bank Scheme. In this process, Salaries and other payments of the employees who have exercised their option in favour of opening Bank Account shall be credited to their Bank Accounts and for those employees who have yet to exercise their option shall be paid in cash by the DDO through encashing cheques from the DDOs Account.
3) In the reference 3rd read above, the DTA and PAO were requested to issue instructions to their subordinate officers to ensure that all payments are credited to the Bank Accounts of the employees in the Districts concerned and through Electronic Clearance System (ECS) in respect of the employees of twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad.
4) In the reference 4th read above, the Director of Treasuries & Accounts, A.P., Hyderabad has requested the Government to issue instructions making mandatory for payment of salaries of all employees duly superseding the instructions issued in the reference 1st read above.
5)In partial modification of the orders issued in the reference 1st to3rd read above, Government hereby issue the following amendment:
Para 3 of G.O.Ms.No.90, dt:31.01.2002: “The Scheme is made optional to the employees”
“The Scheme is made mandatory to the employees”
Salaries and other payment of the employees, who are yet to exercise their option to open their Bank Account, shall be credited to the Current Account of the DDO in the Government Bank in the first instance along with the Salaries of those employees who have already opted for the Bank Scheme. In this process, Salaries and other payments of the employees who have exercised their option in favour of opening Bank Account shall be credited to their Bank Accounts and for those employees who have yet to exercise their option shall be paid in cash by the DDO through encashing cheques from the DDOs Account
Salaries and all other payments of the employees, including loans and advances, shall be credited directly into the Savings Bank Account of the employee only.
6) The Director of Treasuries & Accounts, A.P., Hyderabad and the Pay and Accounts Officer, Hyderabad and Director of Works Accounts, Hyderabad shall issue necessary instructions to the Subordinate Officers working under their respective administrative control for strict compliance of the above amended orders.
7) These orders shall come into force with effect 01.03.2014
09 March, 2014
Rc.No:135, Date. 6.3.14 :: Instructions of DISTRICT COLLECTOR for Preparatory arrangements for General House of Elections
Rc.No:135, Date:: 6.3.14 :: Instructions of DISTRICT COLLECTOR to prepare and submit the particulars of employees who involve in General House of Elections
Proc.Rc.No.233/RVM(SSA)/C1/2014, Dt:10.02.2014 :: National Award for the child Welfare, National Award for Exceptional Achievement, Rajiv Gandhi Manav Seva Award for Service to Children for the year 2014
Proc.Rc.No.233/RVM(SSA)/C1/2014, Dt:10.02.2014 :: A.P.RVM(SSA) - National Award for the child Welfare, National Award for Exceptional Achievement, Rajiv Gandhi Manav Seva Award for Service to Children for the year 2014
1.Govt.Memo.no.60/JJ/A1/2014-1, Dt.20.01.2014 Dept.for Women, Children, Disabled & Senior Citizens (JJ).
2.Govt.Memo.no.61/JJ/A1/2014-1.Dt.20.01.2014.Dept, for Women, Children.Disabled & Senior Citizens (JJ).
3.Govt.Memo.no.73/JJ/A1/2014-1, Dt.20.01.2014 Dept.for Women, Children, Disabled & Senior Citizens (JJ).
4.From Dr.Vivek Joshi, Jt.Secy to GOI, Ministry of W & CD Dept, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi.D.O.No.9-4/2013-CW-1 dt.l 9.12.2013,
The attention of the District Educational Officers and Project Officers, RVM(SSA) In the state are invited to the references read above are informed that the Dept.for Women, Children, Disabled & Senior Citizens (JJ) has requested to send the eligible nominations of suitable individuals and institutions for the National Award for the child Welfare, National Award for Exceptional Achievement, Rajiv Gandhi Manav Seva Award for Service to Children for the year 2014.
Therefore, the District Educational Officers and Project Officers, RVM(SSA), A.P.Hyderabad in the state are requested to furnish the details of nominations for the above said awards in the proforma enclosed in both soft & (2) hard copies directly to the Commissioner, Women Development & Child Welfare Dept, Ameerpet at an early date.Further a copy of the action taken in this regard shall be sent to the undersigned.This may be given "TOP PRIORITY".
This has got the approval of the State Project Director, A.P, Hyderabad.
Rc.No.611 /RVM(SSA)/A4/2014, Dt 01 03 2014, O/o PO, RVM(SSA), Prakasam District :
True copy communicated to all the Mandal Educational Officers, They are requested to furnish to details of nominations for the awards in both soft & 2 hard copies to the Commissioner, Woman Development & Child welfare Department, Ameerpeta.Hyderabad at an early date.
Prakasam District, Ongole
G.O.Ms.No. 61, Date:05-03-2014 :: Amendment to A.P. Treasury Code Volume - I - S.R.72 (b) under T.R.16
G.O.Ms.No. 61, Date:05-03-2014 :: A.P. Treasury Code Volume - I - S.R.72 (b) under T.R.16 Certain Amendment - Orders - Issued.
References : Lr.No.D (1) 2/2567/2011, dt :16.04.2012 of the DTA., A.P., Hyd.
In the reference read above, the Director of Treasuries & Accounts, A.P., Hyderabad has informed that as per S.R. 72 (b) under T.R. 16 of A.P. Treasury Code Volume-I, monthly disbursement particulars have to be recorded in both halves of the PPOs. Accordingly, the PPOs are being issued by the Accountant General/Director of State Audit, duly attaching payment record sheets. Recently, the A.G., A.P., Hyderabad has changed the procedure discontinuing the attachment of the additional Sheets (for recording disbursement particulars) along with both halves of the Pension Payment Orders. Once Pension payments through the Banks have become mandatory, the necessity for recording the payment date in the Pension Payment Order has lost its purpose. Further on Computerization of pension payments, the required payment details can be accessed by the Pension Disbursing Authority through the systems and required report can be generated i.e., Pay Bank Reports, Pensions Bills, List of Payments without referring to the Pension Payment orders.
2. The Director of Treasuries & Accounts, A.P., Hyderabad has therefore requested the Government to issue orders dispensing the procedure of recording disbursement particulars in the both halves of the Pension Payment Orders and issue an amendment to that effect to the Codal Provisions contained in S.T. 72 (b) under T.R. of A.P. Treasury Code Volume - I.
3. Government after careful examination of the proposal hereby issue the following amendment to SR 72(b) under TR.16 of APTC Vol.I:
A M E N D M E N T :
“Every payment of pension shall be entered on the reverse of both halves of the Pension Payment Order and attested by the initials of the disbursing Officer”.
Existing Rule is Dispensed with as pay bank report, pension bills and LOPs etc. have been fully computerized. The payment details can also be generated through the system, in the form of “Pensioner’s Payment Information”.
G.O.Ms.No.40, Dt: 07-03-2014 :: Amendment to Andhra Pradesh Tribal Welfare Subordinate Service Rules
G.O.Ms.No.40, Dt: 07-03-2014 :: Amendment to Andhra Pradesh Tribal Welfare Subordinate Service Rules
1. G.O.Ms.No.45, Social Welfare (TW-Ser.III/A1) Department, Dated 28-6-2011.
2. From the Commissioner of Tribal Welfare, Hyd, Lr.Rc.No.K2/11778/2009, dated 24-7-2012 & 26-4-2013.
3. From the Secretary, A.P.P.S.C., Hyderabad, Lr.No: 1581/RR/2013, Dt.14.2.2014
O R D E R:-
In the circumstances reported by the Commissioner of Tribal Welfare, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad in the reference 2nd read above, Government have decided to amend the Andhra Pradesh Tribal Welfare Subordinate Service Rules issued in the reference 1st read above.
Accordingly, the following notification will be published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette.
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India and of all other powers hereunto enabling the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following amendment to the Andhra Pradesh Tribal Welfare Subordinate Service Rules issued in G.O.Ms.No.45, Social Welfare (TW-Ser.III/A1) Department, dated 28-6-2011.
In Rule 3 of the said Rules.
(I) In Column-3 against category - 8 under Class- C in Annexure - I & IIfor the existing words, the following shall be substituted, namely:-
(i) By Direct Recruitment.
(ii) By Transfer or promotion from the qualified persons based on the combined seniority of all categories of Class -D
The following cycle is proposed in the ratio of 3:7 to be filled up as required under Rule 4(b) of the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996:-
(1) Direct Recruitment
(2) By Transfer or promotion from the qualified persons based on thened seniority of all categories of Class -D
(3) By Transfer or promotion from the qualified persons based on the ned seniority of all categories of Class -D
(4) By Transfer or promotion from the qualified persons based on the ned seniority of all categories of Class -D
(5) Direct Recruitment
(6) By Transfer or promotion from the qualified persons based on the ned seniority of all categories of Class -D
(7) By Transfer or promotion from the qualified persons based on the ned seniority of all categories of Class -D
(8) By Transfer or promotion from the qualified persons based on the ned seniority of all categories of Class -D
(9) Direct Recruitment
(10) By Transfer or promotion from the qualified persons based on the ned seniority of all categories of Class -D
(II) In Column-5 against Category - I under Class-D in Annexure-II for the existing words the following shall be substituted, namely:-
“(1) Must possess the Intermediate Certificate issued by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh and Diploma in Education Certificate issued by the Commissioner of Government Examinations, Andhra Pradesh or its equivalent certificate recognized by National Council for Teacher Education.
(2) Relaxations issued vide G.O.Ms.No.302, dated 10-7-1994 read with G.O.Ms.No.46, dated 7-2-94 in respect of qualifications for Girijan Vidya Vikas Kendra Teachers (Now renamed as Government Primary School (Tribal Welfare) will be applicable to Gigijana Vidya Vikas Kendra Teachers only. They will not be applicable to others”
08 March, 2014
G.O.Ms.No. 56, Dt: 28/02/2014 :: Modification of the Form Appendix S, note 2 sub-rule(7) under Rule 7 of A.P. General Provident Fund (Andhra Pradesh) Rules, 1935
G.O.Ms.No. 56, Dt: 28/02/2014 :: Modification of the Form Appendix S, note 2 sub-rule(7) under Rule 7 of A.P. General Provident Fund (Andhra Pradesh) Rules, 1935 – Orders – Issued.
Read the following:
1) Lr.No.FM/G II/9-3/2013-14/1707, Dt:-15/01/2014 from Deputy
Accountant General (Funds), O/o Principal Accountant General
(A&E), A.P., Hyderabad.
The Principal Accountant General (A&E), A.P., Hyderabad in the
reference read above has proposed to modify the form of application for admission to GPF under Appendix S, note 2 sub-rule (7) under Rule 7 of APGPF Rules, 1935 so as to ensure that full details required for opening the GPF account of the employee are received in their office and also for smooth transfer of previous balance available in other PF accounts.
2 The Government after careful examination have modified the existing form which is appended to this order.
3 All the Departments in the Secretariat and Heads of Departments are requested to take necessary action accordingly in the matter
National Talent Search Examination Nov-2013 :: First level Results - category wise
Recommended candidates of NTSE-2014-First Level Result as per quota including tie-up cases was announced and available here for Download.
G.O.Ms.No. 62,Dt: 07.03.2014 :: Withdrawal procedures (Ecut Policy) for Subscribers from New Pension System
G.O.Ms.No. 62,Dt: 07.03.2014 :: New Pension System – Exit Policy – Withdrawal procedures for Subscribers from New Pension System
1 G.O.Ms.No.653, Finance (Pen.I) Department, dt. 22.09.2004.
2 G.O.Ms.No.655, Finance (Pen-I) Department, dt. 22.09.2004.
3 F.No.8/97/2010-PFRDA, Dt.17.04.2012 of PFRDA, New Delhi.
4 Govt Circular Memo No.30857/422/Pen.I/A2/2010,
5 Lr.No.D(II)1/3058/2013, Dt.04.02.2014 of the DTA, AP, Hyd.
O R D E R:
In the G.O. 1st read above, Government have introduced New Pension Scheme (CPS) to the AP Government employees who were appointed on or after 01.09.2004. In the G.O. 2
nd read above, Government have issued operational guidelines. In the New Pension scheme each employee shall pay a monthly contribution of 10% basic Pay + DA from his salary and the Government will contribute an equal amount as its share.
2. In the reference 3rd read above the Provident Fund Regulatory Development Authority (PFRDA) has proposed an interim procedure and accordingly the Government in the reference 4th read above, have issued instructions of interim procedure pending finalization of the Guidelines.
3. In the reference 5th read above the Director of Treasuries and Accounts (DTA) has requested to consider the guidelines as proposed by the PFRDA and requested to issue orders on withdrawal procedures
consequent to instructions issued vide reference 4th read above.
4. Government, after careful consideration of the matter hereby prescribe the Exit guidelines and the procedures to be followed by the stake holders for submitting and forwarding exit / withdrawal proposals as per the guidelines contained in Annexure-I and II enclosed herewith. Accordingly Government hereby withdraw the
instructions issued in the Circular Memo 4th read above. However, if any payments are made in the past, they have to be adjusted against the accumulated funds in CPS.
5. All the Drawing and Disbursing Officers and Treasury Officers are
requested to take necessary action immediately.
01) The following modes are prescribed for exiting the New Pension System in case of Government Employee subscribers:-
a) Upon Normal Superannuation: On attaining the age of superannuation, at least 40% of the accumulated pension wealth should be utilized for purchase of an annuity providing for monthly pension in the PFRDA empanelled Annuity Service Provider as per terms and conditions of the Annuity Scheme chosen by the
Subscriber in his “With Drawal Form” prescribed (Form.101-GS). The balance is paid in lump sum or by deferred payment mode as chosen by the subscriber. For
this the subscriber (retired employee) need to submit the
following forms duly filled in through the Drawing and
Disbursing Officer concerned and the Treasury Officer.
i.) Form 101-GS - Withdrawal Form for Claim of Accumulated Pension Wealth on Superannuation for Government Employees.
ii.) Annexure for Nomination Details:
Form 101-GS - in case of single nominee.
Form 101-GS-N1 - in case of multiple nominees.
b) Upon Death: In case of death before superannuation the
entire accumulated pension wealth (100%) is paid to the
nominee / legal heir of the subscriber. The legal heir
needs to submit the following withdrawal form duly filled
in along with prescribed Certificates from the competent
authority through the Drawing and Disbursing Officer and
the Treasury Officer concerned:-
Form 103-GD - Withdrawal of Accumulated Pension Wealth by Claimant due to the death of the
c) Exit from NPS before the age of Normal superannuation (irrespective of cause): In this case, the subscriber should utilize at least 80% of the accumulated pension wealth for purchase of annuity from the PFRDA empanelled Annuity Service Provider as per terms and conditions of the Annuity Scheme chosen by the Subscriber in his “With Drawal Form” prescribed (Form.102-GP). The balance is paid in lump sum or by deferred payment mode as chosen by the subscriber. For this the subscriber need to submit
the following forms duly filled in through the Drawing and Disbursing Officer concerned and the Treasury Officer:-
i) Form 102-GP - Withdrawal Form for Claim of Accumulated Pension Wealth on Exiting before the age of normal Superannuation for Government Employees.
ii.) Annexure for Nomination Details:-
Form 102-GP - in case of single nominee.
Form 401-AN - in case of multiple nominees.
02.) Mode of Deferred Payment: A subscriber on superannuation or premature exit has an option to defer withdrawal of lump-sum amount payable (40% in case of superannuation and 20% in case of premature exit) till he attains the age of 70 years. He has choice to withdraw the accumulated amount at any time before that by submitting a withdrawal request. The amount will be credited automatically to the bank account upon attaining age of 70 years. Till then the amount continues to be invested with the Pension Fund
03) Option to withdraw accumulated Pension Wealth ≤ 2,00,000/-:
The NPS provides for withdrawal of the entire accumulate Pension
Wealth, in case it is less than or equal to `.2,00,000/- as on the date of superannuation. The subscriber has to submit the prescribed form viz., Form.101-GS duly filled in along with a specific request in a form
04) Purchase of Annuity: The NPS provides for purchase of annuity
by a subscriber on his superannuation or premature exit by utilizing a proportion of the accumulated Pension Wealth from the empanelled Annuity Service providers. It is at least 40% on superannuation or 80% on pre-mature exit. However, it is exempted in case of accumulated Pension Wealth equal to or less than 2,00,000/- at the time of superannuation. The PFRDA has empanelled the following
service providers as of now:-
a.) Life Insurance Corporation of India,
b.) SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd.,
c.) ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd.,
d.) HDFC Standard Life Insurance Co. Ltd.,
e.) Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd.,
f.) Reliance Life Insurance Co. Ltd., and
g.) Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
The subscriber can choose the scheme and the annuity provider
according to his choice at the time his withdrawal request. The NPS
also provides for the following default option in the interest of
subscribers to avoid delay in claim processing:-
a.) Default Annuity Service Provider: Life Insurance
Corporation of India.
b.) Default Annuity Scheme: Annuity for life with a provision
of 100% of the annuity payable to spouse during his / her
life on death of annuitant. Payment of monthly annuity
ceases on the death of the annuitant and the spouse.
c.) If the corpus is not adequate to buy default annuity variant, the subscriber has to compulsorily choose Annuity Service Provider which offers it at the available corpus.
05) Procedure for withdrawal: The subscriber or the claimant, in
case of death has to submit a withdrawal application in a proforma prescribed for the respective purpose to the CRA through the Drawing and Disbursing Officer and the Treasury Officer / PAO concerned. The CRA processes such requests as per the scheme procedures and authorizes the payment for crediting to bank account of the subscriber / claimant.
The withdrawal request should be in the form prescribed for the respective category of exit.
The Subscriber PRAN should be in active status in CRA system and the request for withdrawal should be processed through the DDO who deducts the last contribution of the subscriber and the corresponding Treasury Officer.
The application should be filled in all respects by the
Claimant / Subscriber in black ink without any over write or
corrections. All the mandatory fields should be filled in with
correct postal address. It should be accompanied by the documents prescribed and detailed at the end of relevant
application form, viz., Form.101-GS, 102-GP and 103-GD
depending upon the type of withdrawal.
If the accumulated Pension Wealth on superannuation is
equal to or less than `.2,00,000/- and the subscriber prefers to
withdraw the entire amount, Form.101-GS should be
accompanied by a specific request in the following proforma:-
Request for withdrawal of Total Pension Wealth upon Normal
Superannuation (for Government employees) / Upon attaining the
age of 58 / 60 Years and where the total Pension Wealth is equal to or less than 2,00,000/-
I_____________________________________________ holding a Permanent Retirement Account with number (PRAN) ___________________ do hereby apply for the payment of the accumulated pension wealth in my NPS Account being the full
and final benefits receivable by me.
Signature of the Subscriber
The PFRDA prescribes the following checks / guidelines for
submission of withdrawal request.
Superannuation & Premature exit:
01) Photograph needs to be duly attested by the subscriber. Lump-sum amount for withdrawal and
annuity needs to be mentioned in percentage.
02.) Cancelled Cheque / Bank Certificate on the bank letter
head indicating the Bank name and address, Bank account number, IFS Code and MICR code.
03.) Nominee details need to be completely filled along with the witness signature.
04.) Withdrawal form needs to be duly stamped and signed by the mapped Nodal Office, i.e. the Drawing and Disbursing Officer concerned.
01.) Advanced stamped receipt need to be duly filled along
with the subscriber signature on the Revenue stamp.
02.) Original PRAN card (or) affidavit in case of non
submission of PRAN card.
03.) KYC documents (address and Photo ID proof) should
write with “verified with original” and attested by mapped Nodal Office, i.e., the Drawing and
Disbursing Officer concerned.
04.) Copy of Bank Passbook should be self attested by the
Subscriber and mapped Nodal Office, i.e., the Drawing and Disbursing Officer concerned.
Withdrawal request should be submitted by the Nominee provided in the CRA system. In case of Nominee not available on the CRA system, a legal heir certificate (or) a certified copy of family members certificate issued by Executive Magistrate is required indicating the relationship of the claimant as well with supporting documents to be provided.
Relinquishment deed from all the legal heirs on a Stamp paper of 100/- is to be furnished, if they are not claiming the pension funds. KYC documents (Photo ID proof and Address proof) of all the legal heirs duly attested by the mapped Nodal Office, i.e., the Drawing and Disbursing Officer concerned. The claimant need to furnish an Indemnity bond stating the responsibility for claiming on behalf of all the legal heirs.
The application should be filled in all respects by the claimant
under proper witness whose details need to be filled in.
01) Advanced stamped receipt need to be duly filled
along with the claimant signature on the Revenue stamp.
02) Original PRAN Card (or) affidavit in case of non submission of PRAN Card.
03.) KYC documents (Address and Photo ID proof) of the
claimant should be attested by mapped Nodal Office, i.e., the Drawing and Disbursing Officer concerned.
04.) Original Death Certificate issued by the local authority.
05.) Copy of Bank Passbook should be self attested by the
claimant and mapped Nodal Office, the Drawing and
Disbursing Officer concerned.
06.) Cancelled Cheque / Bank Certificate on the bank letter
head indicating the Bank Name and address, Bank Account Number, Name of the Claimant, IFS Code and the MICR Code.
The Drawing and Disbursing Officer on receiving the
application should check it as per the instructions provided for
in the relevant application form and attest it as provided for in
the application duly affixing his / her stamp.
The application should be forwarded to the mapped
treasury officer / PAO for further prescribed checks and
attestation. The treasury officer / Pay and Accounts Officer
shall verify the genuineness of the application by identifying
the DDOs attestation and check the details with reference to
Master data of the subscriber in the CRA website. The following other primary checks should be done before attesting
and forwarding application.
a.) Status of the PRAN in CRA system. It should be
b.) The Subscriber details.
c.) Full address of the Subscriber / Claimant.
d.) Date of death of deceased subscriber / Date of exit
(or) Date of Superannuation, as the case may be.
e.) The percentage of allocation towards annuity and
Pension Wealth noted in the application.
f.) The bank details, i.e., Bank Account Number, Name
of the Bank and Branch, MICR Code and IFS Code.
The Treasury officer / PAO shall place an online request by login into www.cra-nsdl.com and simultaneously forward the
application with a covering letter in a secured mode of delivery
to the CRA at the following address:-
Exception Handling Cell,
Central Recordkeeping Agency,
NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure Limited,
10th Floor, Times Tower, Kamala Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, MUMBAI – 400 013.
07 March, 2014
APREIS 5th Class Admission Notification 2014
APREIS 5th Class Admission Notification 2014-Apply Online at aprjdc.cgg.gov.in
Andhra Pradesh Residential Educational Institutional Society (APREIS) 5th Class (English Medium) Admission Notification 2014 through Entrance Test. The APREIS (Gurukulam) Society has issued Notification No.491/C1-1/2014, for admission into 5th Class through Entrance Test in 73 General APREI Schools, 26 Minorirty AP Residential Schools including the Three Regional Center of Excellence Schools situated at Tadikonda of Guntur District, Kodigenahalli of Anantapur District, Sarvel of Nalgonda District.. Admission will based through Entrance Test.
APREIS Admissions Entrance Examination will be conducted on 27th April 2014 at all Revenue Division Head Quarters from 11am to 1pm.
Eligibility Conditions: The eligibility conditions for admissions are as follows:
Age Limit:
OC and BC Candidates should have born between 1-9-2003 and 31-8-2005.
SC and ST Students should have born between 1-9-2001 and 31-8-2005.
Should have studied continuously for the Last Two (2012-2013 and 2013-14) Years in either Government or Government Recognized School.
Should have studied Fourth Class in 2013-14 in Govt / Govt Recognized School.
Income Limit:
The Parental Income of the Students should not exceed Rs.60,000 per annum. Children of Armed Personnel are exempted from this Limit.
Fee: Rs.50/-
How to Apply:
Eligible students should apply online between 20th Mar 2014 to 2nd April 2014 at http://aprjdc.cgg.gov.in. Students can also apply at Mee Seva or AP Online Centers. Hence they are advised to contact the AP Online or Mee Seva centers after 20th Mar 2014.
APRJC-CET2014 & RDC-CET2014Entrance Exam and Official Notification Released On 01-03-14 For General and Minority Online Application
"Ric.No:1/RJC-RDC-CET-2014, Dt:1.3.2014 :: APRJC-CETEntrance Exam and Official Notification Released On 01-03-14 For General and Minority Students Who are Eligible to the APRJC-CET For the Year Of 2014-2015 Entrance Exam Held on :07-05-14 in alll Zilla HeadQuarters Are The Examination centres for 2014 ssc Students can Apply Through aprjdc.cgg.gov.in
1.Boys category Colleges: 1)NagarjunaSagar 2)Kodigenahalli 3)Venkatagiri 4)GairamPalli 5)Survail
2.Girls category Colleges: 6)Tatipudi 7)Banavasi 8)HassthanParthi
Co-Education category: 9)Nimmakuru
FEE DETAILS: RDC-CET2014:Rs.150/-APRDC-CET2014:Rs.150/-
02 March, 2014
As all the links are from Google Docs the books can be downloaded( time taken for slow connections, 10 min per each ) from any browser from Menu> File>Download
English Medium:
Telugu Medium:
Deduction u/s 80CCG of the Income Tax Act, 1961 w.e.f. PY 2012-2013 Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme (RGESS), LIC NOMURA offered the scheme (series2) up to 14.3.2014
Know About the SCHEME:
1. The assessee is a resident individual (may be ordinarily resident or not ordinarily resident).
2. His annual taxable income does not exceed Rs. 10 lakhs.
3. He has acquired listed shares in accordance with a notified scheme.
4. The assessee is a new retail investor as specified in the above notified scheme.This sec. applies exclusively for the first time retail investors in Securities Market.
5. The total lock-in period for investments under the Scheme would be three years including an initial blanket lock-in period of one year, commencing from the date of last purchase of securities under RGESS. After the first year, investors would be allowed to trade in the securities in furtherance of the goal of promoting an equity culture and as a provision to protect them from adverse market movements or stock specific risks as well as to give them avenues to realize profits.
6. The assessee satisfies any other condition as may be prescribed
7. Amount of deduction -The amount of deduction is at 50% of amount invested in equity shares. However, the amount of deduction under this provision cannot exceed Rs. 25,000. If any deduction is claimed by a taxpayer under this section in any year, he shall not be entitled to any deduction under this section for any subsequent year.
8. Withdrawal of deduction – If the assessee, after claiming the aforesaid deduction, fails to satisfy the above conditions, the deduction originally allowed shall be deemed to be the income of the assessee of the year in which default is committed.
The Scheme not only encourages the flow of savings and improves the depth of domestic capital markets, but also aims to promote an ‘equity culture’ in India. This is also expected to widen the retail investor base in the Indian securities markets.
The new retail investors making investment for the very first time will be identified on the basis of their PAN numbers.
Under the Scheme, those stocks listed under the BSE 100 or CNX 100, or those of public sector undertakings which are Navratnas, Maharatnas and Miniratnas would be eligible. Follow-on Public Offers (FPOs) of the above companies would also be eligible under the Scheme. IPOs of PSUs, which are getting listed in the relevant financial year and whose annual turnover is not less than Rs. 4000 Crore for each of the immediate past three years, would also be eligible.
In addition to above, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and Mutual Funds (MFs) that have RGESS eligible securities as their underlying and are listed and traded in the stock exchanges and settled through a depository mechanism.
Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme from LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA(LIC)
(RGESS Series-1)
As announced in the Union Budget 2012-2012, the Finance Act 2012 has introduced a new section 80CCG on 'Deduction in respect of investment made under an equity saving scheme' to give tax benefits to "New Retail Investors".
"New Retail Investor" having Income less than or equal to Rs. 10 lakhs in the current Financial year.
New Retail Investor means
An individual who has not opened any demat account as on 23.11.2012 or
An Individual who has a demant account before 23.11.2012 ut has not made any transactions in the qeuity segment or the derivate segment till 23.11.2012 or
An individual who is not first account holder of an existing joint demat account.
Benefits :-
Exclusive 50% Deduction from Income under Sec 80 CCG of IT Act, 1961 for investment upto Rs. 50,000/- over and above deduction of Rs. 1,00,000/- under Section 80C.
Tax Saving of Rs. 2575/- for investors under 10% slab ad Rs. 5150/- for investors under 20% slab.
Equity oriented Scheme investing in BSE 100 and CNX 100 stocks
Minimum Investment Rs. 5,000/- and thereafter in multiple of Rs.1/-.
Call at 9945556138 for planning LIC Insurance policy and safer investments
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