30 June, 2015
List of Prime Numbers from 1 to 1,00,000
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బదిలీల GO పై ప్రభుత్వానికి చుక్కెదురు :: saakshi main 30.6.15
The Department of Animal Husbandary has challenged the GO 57, in high court. The Megistrate issued stay orders by suspending GO 57 on 26.6.2015.
27 June, 2015
Lr.Rc.No:746/SSA/C8/2015, Dated.22.6.15 :: MEOs will act as authorised joint signatory instead of SMC chairmans as SMCs period expired by 29.6.15
Lr.Rc.No:746/SSA/C8/2015, C&DSE, AP, Dated.22.6.15 :: A.P.SSA, Hyderabad Tenure of SMCs completion on 29.06.2015-
Alternative arrangements for release of funds Req- Reg.
1. This office U. Rc. No. 746/RVM/(SSAJ/C8/2012, Dated:24-06-2013.
In continuation of this office letter, cited, l am to inform that thetenure of the present SMCs In the State will expiring by 29.06.2015
In this connection I am to inform you that the construction of toilets Inthe schools are In full swing and making payments will required to be released by SMCs to the contractors. Other developmental activities will also be affected.
In view of the above, I request you to be keep MEO of the concernedMandal as In-charge Chairperson of the SMC with School Head Master and
School Complex Head Master as Joint signatories for release of payments tillthe formation of new SMCs.
Memo-3856, Dt.23.6.15 :: Procedural Instructions for Pay fixation of employees in RPS 2015 for AP Aided Staff and Work-Charged Employees
Circular Memo. No.3856-A/29/A2/HRM.V-PC/2014-l, FINANCE (HRM.V-PC) DEPARTMENT, Dated: 23-6-2015 :: PUBLIC SERVICES - Revision of Pay Scales, 2015 - ProceduralInstructions for fixation of pay of employees in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015and Audit of Claims in respect of Teaching and Non-Teaching staff ofAided Institutions and Provincialized Work-charged EmployeesInstructions - Issued.
1. G.O.Ms.No.46, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Department dated: 30.04.2015.
2. G.O.Ms.No.47, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Department dated: 30.04.2015
3. G.O.Ms.No.48, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Department dated: 30.04.2015.
4. G.O.Ms.No.49, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Department dated: 30. 04.2015.
5. Circular Memo. No.3856-A/29/A2/HRM.V-PC/2014, Dated: 26.5.2015.
6. G.O.Ms.No.67, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Department dated: 12.06.2015.
7. G.O.Ms.No.68, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Department dated: 12.06.2015.
8. Circular Memo. No.5375-J-A/29/TA - A&L/2015, Dated: 18.06.2015.
1. In the reference first cited, orders were issued revising the pay scale of the StateGovernment employees as recommended by the Tenth Pay Revision Commission withthe following modifications:
a) A fitment benefit of 43% would be given for fixing the pay in the Revised PayScales, 2015;
b) The Revised Pay Scales will be implemented notionally from 01.07.2013 withmonetary benefit from 02.06.2014;
c) As regards the payment of arrears the salary in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015from 02.06.2014 to 31.03.2015 orders will be issued separately;
d) The salary in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 would be paid in cash from themonth of April, 2015 payable in May, 2015.The principles of fixation of pay in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 were notified inthe Government Order first cited.
2. In the reference second cited, orders were issued regulating the rates of DearnessAllowance from 01.01.2014 and 01.07.2014 in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015. Similarly,in the orders third and fourth cited orders were issued, revising the rates of House RentAllowance and City Compensatory Allowance respectively as recommended by theTenth Pay Revision Commission. In the reference 6th, 7th & 8th cited orders were issuedregarding Stagnation increments, Automatic Advancement Scheme and Special Paysand Allowances respectively. In the reference fifth cited instructions were issued forfixation of pay in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 under the e-Nidhi (ComprehensiveFinancial Management System).
3. All the above orders are applicable to the Teaching and Non-teaching staff ofaided Government institutions and Provincialized Work Charged employees. However,as the claims of the employees of the aided educational institutions require pre-audit bythe Director of State Audit and the claims of the provincialized work-charged employeesrequire pre audit by the Director of Works Accounts, it is not feasible to process theseclaims of the above categories on e-Nidhi (CFMS). Hence, these claims are exemptedfrom online processing through e-Nidhi (CFMS) may be processed off-line dulyfollowing instructions:
A. Instructions to the Heads of the Teaching and Non-Teaching staff of the AidedInstitutions and Head of offices under whose control the Provincialized Work-Charged employees are working -
i) The Head of the Institution/ Head of the Office shall prepare the payfixation Statements, in quadruplicate in the form appended Appendix-I.
ii) The claims shall be preferred in three parts but in one bill:
Part I: From 01.07.2013 to 01.06.2014 for which the fixation is notional.
Part II: From 02.06.2014 to 31.03.2015 for which the arrears of Payfixation in Revised Pay Scales, 2015 are to be paid as per the orders thatwill be issued separately.
Part III: From 01.04.2015 onwards the date of fixation of pay in theRevised Pay Scale, 2015 for which the arrear shall be paid in cash.
Part III: For arrears to be paid in cash from 01.04.2015 onwards
iii) The claims on account fixation of pay in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015shall be preferred in duplicate in the establishment pay bills form andpresented to the Audit Officer of the State Audit Department in case ofTeaching and Non- teaching staff of Aided Institutions and to theAssistant Pay and Accounts Officer/Pay and Accounts Officer (Works) incase of Provincialized Work Charged employees, along with pay fixationstatements in triplicate together with the Service Register of the individualconcerned together with update entries. The bill should be superscripted inRED INK as "Claims for Pay fixation arrears in the Revised Pay Scales,2015" to make it distinct from other bills.
iv) The employees shall be informed as to how much arrears of Pay fixationin the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 are adjusted notionally; will be paid to theemployees after issue of orders and amounts paid in cash in the proformaappended to (Appendix II) to these instructions.
v) If the Audit Authorities report any erroneous pay fixation, the payfixations shall be checked again and pay fixation shall be rectifiedimmediately.
vi) The columns of the pay fixation Statements should be altered or any newitem shall not be included.
B. Instructions to the Audit Officers :
i) The Audit Officers shall obtain a list indicating the names anddesignations of all the members of the staff according to the monthly paybill in quadruplicate in the proforma in Annexure -I duly ensuring that nomember of the staff whether on duty or on leave or under suspension orunder training or under deputation/foreign service escapes inclusion fromthe list,
ii) After obtaining the list in Annexure -I the Audit Authorities shall verifywhether pay fixations are in accordance with the orders issued in the GOfirst read above.
iii) The pay fixation claims from 1.7.2013 shall be checked with reference tothe entries in the Service Registers and then only the bill will be admitted.
iv) After such verification, the officers shall record in column (5) of AnnexureI, the result of such pay fixation and attest the entries.
v) In case any erroneous pay fixation is detected, the audit authorities shallnote the details of the erroneous pay fixation in the proforma indicated inAnnexure II to this Memo.
vi) The audit authorities shall report the number of cases, where pay fixationhave been completed and the erroneous fixations to the Director of StateAudit/Director of Works Accounts by 10th of the succeeding month.
4. All the Heads of Departments are requested to issue necessary instructions to theDepartmental Officers under their control to follow the above instructions scrupulouslyand co-operate with the Audit Authorities.
5. Any further clarification in this regard can be sought from the Finance (HRM.V-PC) Department.
6. This memo is available on Internet and can be accessed at the addresshttp: //www.aponline. and http: //www.apfinance.
23 June, 2015
Procs.No.42, Dt. 11.6.15 :: Instructions issued for Re-engagement/renewal of CRTs/PETs for the academic year 2015-16
Procs.No.42/APRVM/SSA/KGBV/2014, PROCEEDINGS OF THE SPD, SSA, AP, HYD, Dated:M-06-2015 :: APSSA, KGBV, Hyderabad - Re-engagement/renewal ofCRTs/PETs for the academic year 2015-16 - Instructionsissued - Reg.
Procs.Rc.No.42/APSSA/KGBV/20l4, dt.20-04-2015.
1. In the reference cited, the Project Officers of APSSA and theSecretaries of APREIS, APSWREIS & APTWREIS are requested toterminate the services of CRTs/PETs for the academic year 2014-15 w.e.f.30-04-2015 AN.
All the Project Officers APSSA and the Secretaries of APREIS,APSWREIS & APTWREIS are hereby requested to re-engage/renewal theservices of CRTs who worked during the Academic year 2014-15, whoappeared for the written test on 28-04-2015 and place them in the sameKGBV where they have worked during 2014-15.
In this connection, the Project Officers APSSA and the Secretariesof APREIS, APSWREIS & APTWREIS are requested to appraise thefollowing key issues while renewing the services of CRTs/PETs dulycirculating the file to the District Collector & Chairman, SSA.
1) Teaching skills of the CRTs
2) Last 3 years average pass percentage of X class in the particular,subject of individual I.e. 80% an average.
3) Discipline and punctuality in attendance.The present contract period will be w.e.f. 1-6-2015 till end of theacademic year 2015-16, by executing the MOU as per the usualprocedure. However the following conditions are required to be included Inthe MOU and orders of re-engagement.
For the next academic year i.e. 2016-17, the followingformula is to be followed for renewal of CRTs/PETs.
22 June, 2015
GO MS No 74, Dt:18-6-15 :: Calculation of expected interest on pricipal of APGLI Loan on diminishing balance method
G.O.MS.No. 74, FINANCE (ADMN.II) DEPARTMENT, Dt:18-06-2015 :: APGLI Department – Sanction of Loan to Policyholders on their polices Collection of expected interest of Loan – Orders - Issued.
Read the following:
1. Circular Memo. No. 707/119/A2/Admn-II/2013, dt: 21-06-2013
2. Lr. No. 1/Genl/2014-15, dt: 24-02-2015 of the Director of Insurance, A.P. Hyderabad.
1. In the reference 1st read above, Government have instructed theDrawing & Disbursing Officers to collect the interest on APGLI Loans shall be deducted after the Principal amount has been fully recovered, calculating the same at the interest rate as informed by the Director of Insurance in the deduction orders in one or more instalments not exceeding (10) monthly instalments.
2. In the reference 2 nd read above, the Director of Insurance (FAC), has informed that most of Drawing & Disbursing Officers are not deducting the interest amount after completion of Principal, they are deducting Principle amount only. This type of issue is causing loss to the APGLI Fund and interim to subscriber. The Accountant General, Andhra Pradesh also pointed out that the delay in recovery of interest on Loans resulting heavy loss to the Fund Account. Therefore, the Director of Insurance has requested the Government to accord permission to calculate the accruable amount of interest due, at the time of sanction of loan itself and total amount arrived thereon (Principal loan +Interest) should be deducted in Equated Monthly Instalments (EMI), from the subscriber’s salary and also instructions may please be issued to all the Drawing & Disbursing Officers to effect recovery of EMI amounts as per the specified instalments promptly.
3. Government after careful examination of the proposal of the Director of Insurance (FAC), A.P., Hyderabad hereby accord permission to calculate theexpected amount of simple interest on diminishingbalance method at the time ofsanction of loan itself, fix the E.M.I., and inform the same to the concerned Drawing and Disbursing Officers duly requesting them to recover the same which will beconsisting of principal and interest. The Director of Insurance shall see that any excess or less amount of interest so recovered is accounted and adjusted at the timeof subsequent loan or settlement of claim.
4. The Director of Insurance (FAC), A.P., Hyderabad shall take necessaryaction in the matter accordingly.
20 June, 2015
19 June, 2015
Rc No 2, Dt:18.6.15 :: Launch of school readiness programe for class I&II and class Readiness for class II to X in AP from 22.6.15 to 5.8.15
Rc.No.2/SSA/A3/2015, PROCEEDINGS OF THE STATE PROJECT DIRECTOR 5ARVA SHIKHA ABHIYAN, ANDHRA PRADESH: HYDERABAD, Dt.18-06-2015 :: Launch of a 45 day programme on school readiness forclass I&II and class Readiness for class II to X across the state in Telugu&Urdu mediumschools from 22nd June to 5th August 2015
Rc.No.2607, Dt:15.6.15 :: Guidelines for Utilization of School Grant & Maintenance Grants for the year 2015-16
Rc.No. 2607/SSA/AP/A9/20I4, PROCEEDINGS OF THE STATE PROJECT DIRECTORSARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN, ANDHRA PRADESH, HYDERABAD, Date:15.06.2015 :: Guidelines Issued for Utilization of School Grant and MaintenanceGrants for the year 2015-16 - - Reg.
All the Project Officer, SSA in the State are informed that the School Grant and Maintenance Grants approved for the year 2015-16.
The guidelines framed for utilization of School Grant and MaintenanceGrants for the year 2015-16 are herewith enclosed and they are thereforerequested to follow the guidelines scrupulously without any deviation.
15 June, 2015
G.O.Ms.No.69, Dt:12.6.15 :: Transfers and postings of employees - Ban on transfers - Orders - Issued.
G.O.Ms.No.69, FINANCE (HR-I) DEPARTMENT, Dated:12.06.2015 :: PUBLIC SERVICES - Transfers and postings of employees - Ban on transfer of employees - Orders - Issued.
Read the following :-
1) G.O.Ms.No.57, Finance (HR-I) Dept, dt. 18.5.2015.
2) G.O.Ms.No.58, Finance (HR-I) Dept, dt.23.5.2015.
3) G.O.Ms.No.59, Finance (HR-I) Dept, dt.25.5.2015.
4) G.O.Ms.No.61, Finance (HR-I) Dept, dt.29.5.2015.
5) G.O.Ms.No.63, Finance (HR-I) Dept, dt.2.6.2015.
1. In the reference 1st to 4th read above, orders were issued relaxing the ban on transfers for the period from 18.05.2015 upto midnight of May 31, 2015.In the G.O 5th read above orders were issued to freeze the movements of employees due to postings and transfers with effect from mid-night of May 31, 2015 and to recommence the process on 9th June, 2015 which shall be completed by the mid-night of June 15, 2015 duly following the guidelines, instructions issued in the references first read above.
2. However, in view of the model code of conduct due to elections to the State Legislative Council, the Government hereby re-impose ban on all transferswith immediate effect.
3. The treasury officers shall not admit the pay bills of the employees whose transfers are considered in deviation of the above orders.
4. All the Departments of Secretariat and Heads of Departments shall followthe above orders scrupulously.
5. This order is available online and can be accessed at the address http:/ / and
13 June, 2015
G.O.Ms.No.67, Dt: 12.6.15 :: Sanction of Stagnation Increments in RPS 2015
G.O.Ms.No.67, FINANCE (HRM.V-PC) DEPARTMENT, Dated: 12.06.2015 :: PUBLIC SERVICES - Revised Scales of Pay 2015 -Sanction of Stagnation Increments- Orders- Issued.
Read the following:-
G.O.MS.No.46, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Department, dated: 30-04-2015
1. In the Government order read above, Government issued orders implementing theRevised Scales of Pay, 2015.
2. The Tenth Pay Revision Commissioner,among others,recommended for sanction of
five stagnation incrementsto the employees who reached the maximum of the pay scale.
3. After careful examination, Government accepted the above recommendation andaccordingly here by order that all the employees drawing pay in Revised Scales of Pay 2015 are
entitled for five stagnation increments beyond the maximum of time scale in which they are
drawing pay. These stagnation increments shall be treated as regular increments for all
purposes such as fixation of pay on promotion/Automatic Advancement Scheme, Pension etc.
4. The following notification shall be published in the A.P. Gazette.
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of
India, the Government of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following amendment to Andhra
Pradesh Revised Scales of Pay Rules, 2015.
The following rule shall be inserted after Rule 7.
"7-A.In the event of stagnation, five stagnation increments shall be allowed beyond thetime scale in the Revised Scales of Pay, 2015. These stagnation increments shall betreated as regular increments for all purposes such as fixation of pay on promotion /Automatic Advancement Scheme, Pension etc."
G.O.Ms.No.66, Dated:12.6.15 :: Sanction of Additional Quantum of Pension to the Pensioners / Family pensioners
G.O.Ms.No.66, FINANCE (HRM.VI) DEPARTMENT, Dated:12-06-2015 :: PENSIONS - Consolidation of Pension/Family Pension to Pensioners in theRevised scales of Pay, 2015 - Sanction of Additional Quantum of Pension to the Pensioners/Family pensioners" - Orders - issued.
Read the following:-
1. G.O. Ms No. 100, Finance (Pension. I) Department,dated: 06.04.2010
2. G.O.Ms.No.51 Finance (HRM.VI) Department,dated: 08.05.2015.
1. In the Government Order 2nd read above, orders were issuedconsolidating the pension to the pensioners and family pensioners inRevised Pay Scales 2015.
2. Consequent to issue of orders in the reference 2nd read above,Government hereby order that the existing additional quantum ofpension/Family Pension to those Pensioners/Family Pensioners admissiblein 2010 Pay Scales sanctioned in the orders 1st read above and as indicatedin the table here under, shall be continued until further orders.
Sl.No :: Age of pensioners ::Additional quantum of pension
i) From 75 years to less than 80 years :: 15% of basic pension
ii) From 80 years to less than 85 years :: 20% of basic pension
iii) From 85 years to less than 90 years :: 25% of basic pension
iv)From 90 years to less than 95 years :: 30% of basic pension
v) From 95 years to less than 100 years :: 35% of basic pension
vi) 100 years or more :: 50% of basic pension
3. All the Pension Disbursing Officers shall take necessary action toimplement these orders without any further authorisation from theAccountant General, (A&E), A.P., Hyderabad/Director of State Audit, A.P.,Hyderabad.
G.O.Ms.No.68, Dt: 12.6.15 :: Recommendations of 10th PRC- Implementation of AAS - ORDERS ISSUED
G.O.Ms.No.68, FINANCE (HRM.V-PC) DEPARTMENT, Dated: 12-06-2015:: Public Services — Recommendations of 10th Pay Revision Commission - Implementation of Automatic Advancement Scheme - Orders - Issued.
Read the following:
1. G.O.Ms.No. 117 Fin &Plg (FW.PRC.I) Dept., dated 25.05.1981.
2. G.O.Ms.No. 164 Fin &Plg (PRC.I) Dept., dated 01.06.1982.
3. G.O.Ms.No.297 Fin &Plg (PRC.I) Dept., dated 25.10.1983.
4. G.O.(P).No.2 Fin &Plg (PRC.I) Dept., dated 04.01.1988.
5. G.O.(P) No.290 Fin &Plg. (PC.II) Dept., dated 22.07.1993.
6. G.O.Ms.No.311 Fin &Plg (PC.II) Dept., dated 20.08.1993.
7. G.O.(P).No.362 Fin &Plg (FW.PC.II) Dept., dated 28.10.1994.
8. G.O.(P).No.l50 Fin &Plg (PC.II) Dept., dated 01.09.1999.
9. G.O.(P).No.241 Fin &Plg (PC.II) Dept., dated 28.09.2005.
10. G.O.(P).No.201 Fin &Plg (PC.II) Dept., dated 10.07.2006.
11. Govt.Cir.Memo.No.038035/199/PCJI/2008,Fin.(PC. Dept., Dated: 19.09.2009.
12. G.O.Ms.No.93 Finance (PC.II) Dept., dated 03-04-2010.
13. G.O.Ms.No.96 Finance (PC.II) Dept., dated 20-05-2011.
14. Cir.Memo.No.020091/125/PC.11/2011, Fin (PC.II) Dept., dt. 17.08.2011.
15. Memo.No.023400-A/163/PC. 11/2011, Fin (PC.II)Dept.,dt.09.09.2011.
16. G.O.Ms.No.46, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Department, dt.30-04-2015
1. In the G.O 13th read above, Government issued orders introducingthe Revised Automatic Advancement Scheme with the periodicity of theScheme as 6/12/18/24 years of service replacing the earlier scheme withperiodicity of 8/16/24 years. Subsequently, necessary clarifications werealso issued in the Memos 14th and 15th read above. In the G.O. 16thread above, the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 were implemented.
2. The Tenth Pay Revision Commission recommended that the existingscheme of Automatic Advancement Scheme requires no further changesand it may be continued to be implemented in existing form.
3. Government accepted the above recommendation and accordinglyhereby order that ;
i. The existing Special Grade, SPP-IA/SAPP-IA/SPP-IB/SAPP-IB/SPPII/SAPP-II shall be continued with the Special Grade after6 years, SPPIA/SAPP-IA after 12 years, SPP-IB/SAPP-IB after 18years and SPPII/SAPP-II after 24 years.
ii. If service rules are changed prescribing additional qualificationsfor promotion after the entry of the individual into service,thereby depriving him of the benefit of promotion andconsequently to the benefits of Special Promotion Post Scale-IA&B/ Special Promotion Post Scales-II, he/she shall be given thebenefit of the next scale contemplated under the Special AdhocPromotion Post Scale-IA & IB and SAPP-II.
iii. The benefit of pay fixation under F.R.22-B be continued onpromotion even if the employee had derived the benefit underSpecial Grade or SPP I-A and SPP I-B and if this results in thesenior drawing less pay than the junior the pay of the senior bestepped up to that of the junior subject to the conditionsenumerated in G.O.Ms.No.297, Fin.(PRC-I) Dept., dt.25-10-1983.
iv. Where service rules are relaxed to enable regular promotion, theyshould be automatically extended to the Automatic AdvancementScheme for purposes of extending the benefit of SPP-IA / SPP-II.
v. In certain categories like Attender, Dafedar, Jamedar and RecordAssistants or Roneo Operators, the services rendered by them inthese categories together shall be reckoned for purpose ofAutomatic Advancement Scheme.
vi. The benefit of Automatic Advancement Scheme shall be continuedup to and inclusive of Grade-XXV in the revised scales i.e.,Rs.49,870-1,00,770.
4. The employees after availing the benefit of SPP-II are not eligible forthe Automatic Advancement Scheme on their further promotion.
5. The service that is to be reckoned for the purpose of appointment toAutomatic Advancement Scheme is as spelt out in Govt.Memo.No. 11thread above.
6. All the conditions laid down, clarificatory orders and instructions onAutomatic Advancement Schemeissued from time to time so far as they arein consonance with these orders shall continue to be in force.
7. These orders shall be applicable to the Government employees,teaching and Non-teaching staff of Local Bodies and Aided Institutionsdrawing State Pay Scales and drawing the pay in Grade-I to Grade-XXV inthe Revised Scales, 2015, i.e.up to and including the pay scale ofRs.49,870-1,00,770.
8. The Scheme shall be deemed to have come into force on and from01.07.2013. The salary as per the pay fixation under this scheme in theRevised Pay Scales, 2015 will be paid in cash from the month of April,2015 onwards. As regard the arrears of pay fixations as per the AutomaticAdvancement Scheme in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 from 02-06-2014 to31-03-2015, orders will be issued separately.
9. The Special Grade Scales in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 are asindicated in Annexure-I. Automatic Advancement Scheme scales for thecategories of Last Grade Posts,Record Assistants, Roneo Operators andDrivers are indicated in the Annexure- II.
10. Any pay fixations contrary to the above Rules are liable for revisionof pay and the excess amount paid thereon shall be recovered from thesalaries of the employees concerned without any notice.
11. The G.O is available on Internet and can be accessed at theaddress., http:/ / and
Grade :: Ordinary Oracle scale in RPS 2015 (Rupees) :: special Oracle scale in RPS 2015 (Rupees)
I :: 13000-390-14170-430-15460-470-16870-510-18400-550-20050-590-21820-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-40270 (40) :: 13390-390-14170-430-15460-470-16870-510-18400-550-20050-590-21820-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-41380 (40)
II :: 13390-390-14170-430-15460-470-16870-510-18400-550-20050-590-21820-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-41380 (40) :: 13780-390-14170-430-15460-470-16870-510-18400-550-20050-590-21820-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490 (40)
III :: 13780-390-14170-430-15460-470-16870-510-18400-550-20050-590-21820-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490 (40) :: 14600-430-15460-470-16870-510-18400-550-20050-590-21820-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-44870 (40)
IV :: 14600-430-15460-470-16870-510-18400-550-20050-590-21820-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-44870 (40) :: 15030-430-15460-470-16870-510-18400-550-20050-590-21820-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060 (40)
V :: 15030-430-15460-470-16870-510-18400-550-20050-590-21820-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060 (40) :: 15460-470-16870-510-18400-550-20050-590-21820-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880 -33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-47330 (40)
VI :: 15460-470-16870-510-18400-550-20050-590-21820-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880 -33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-47330 (40) :: 16400-470-16870-510-18400-550-20050-590-21820-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-(40)
VII :: 16400-470-16870-510-18400-550-20050-590-21820-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-(40) :: 17890-510-18400-550-20050-590-21820-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950 (40)
VIII :: 17890-510-18400-550-20050-590-21820-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950 (40) :: 18400-550-20050-590-21820-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-55410 (40)
IX :: 18400-550-20050-590-21820-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-55410 (40) :: 19500-550-20050-590-21820-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330 (40)
X :: 19500-550-20050-590-21820-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330 (40) :: 21230-590-21820-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-(40)
XI :: 21230-590-21820-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-(40) :: 22460-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-66330 (40)
XII :: 22460-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-66330 (40) :: 23100-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990 (40)
XIII :: 23100-640-23740-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990 (40) :: 24440-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660 -67990-1760-71510 (40)
XIV :: 24440-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660 -67990-1760-71510 (40) :: 25140-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270 (40)
XV :: 25140-700-25840-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270 (40) :: 26600-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270-1880-77030 (40)
XVI :: 26600-760-28120-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270-1880-77030 (40) :: 28940-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270-1880-78910 (38)
XVII :: 28940-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270-1880-78910 (38) :: 29760-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270-1880-78910-2020-80930 (38)
XVIII :: 29760-820-30580-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270-1880-78910-2020-80930 (38) :: 31460-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270-1880-78910-2020-84970 (38)
XIX :: 31460-880-33220-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270-1880-78910-2020-84970 (38) :: 35120-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270-1880-78910-2020-84970-2160-87130 (35)
XX :: 35120-950-36070-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270-1880-78910-2020-84970-2160-87130 (35) :: 37100-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270-1880-78910-2020-84970-2160-91450 (35)
XXI :: 37100-1030-39160-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270-1880-78910-2020-84970-2160-91450 (35) :: 40270-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270-1880-78910-2020-84970-2160-91450-2330-93780 (33)
XXII :: 40270-1110-42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270-1880-78910-2020-84970-2160-91450-2330-93780 (33) :: 42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270-1880-78910-2020-84970-2160-91450-2330-96110 (32)
XXIII :: 42490-1190-46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270-1880-78910-2020-84970-2160-91450-2330-96110 (32) :: 46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270-1880-78910-2020-84970-2160-91450-2330-98440 (30)
XXIV :: 46060-1270-49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270-1880-78910-2020-84970-2160-91450-2330-98440 (30) :: 49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270-1880-78910-2020-84970-2160-91450-2330-100770 (28)
XXV :: 49870-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270-1880-78910-2020-84970-2160-91450-2330-100770 (28) :: 52590-1360-53950-1460-58330-1560-63010-1660-67990-1760-73270-1880-78910-2020-84970-2160-91450-2330-100770-2520-103290 (27)
SI. No :: Category :: Ordinary :: SG Scale :: SAPP Scale-I-A and I-B * (12 & 18 years) :: SAPP Scale - II (24 years)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
1.Office Subordinate and other Last Grade Posts in the Scale of Rs.6700-20110 :: 13000-40270 :: 13390-41380 :: 14600-44870 :: 15030-46060
2.Dafedar :: 13390-41380 :: 13780-42490 :: 14600-44870 :: 15030-46060
3.Jamedar :: 14600-44870 :: 15030-46060 :: 15460-47330 :: 16400-49870
4. Record Assistant / Roneo Operator :: 17890-53950 :: 15030-46060 :: 15460-47330 :: 16400-49870(unqualified) / 21230-63010 (qualified)
5.Driver (LV) :: 15460-47330 :: 16400-49870 :: 17890-53950 :: 18400-55410
6.Driver (HV) :: 17890-53950 :: 18400-55410 :: 19500-58330 :: 21230-63010
Download G.O.Ms.No.68, FINANCE (HRM.V-PC) DEPARTMENT, Dated: 12-06-2015
08 June, 2015
R.C.No. 25, Dt: 6.6.15 :: Instructions for Resource Redistribution- Rationalization of teachers/posts/schools at Primary Level
R.C.No 25/Estt-3/2015, PROCEEDINGS OF THE C&DSE, AP, HYD, Dated: 06-06-2015 :: School Education - Resource Redistribution- Rationalization of teachers/posts/schools - Primary schools - instructions - issued- Regarding
All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District EducationalOfficers and Project Officers. Sarva Siksha Abhiyan m the state are informed that,Government of India enacted the Right to Education Act 2009 As per section 25(1) of RTEAct 2009 envisages that the appropriate Government and the local authority shall ensurethat the Pupil-Teacher Ratio as specified in the Schedule, is maintained in each school. "The School Education Department constituted a Working Group to study and reporton the Teacher - Pupil Ratio and modalities for Resource Redistribution Rationalization(RR-R) of Schools and Teachers working in Primary (Govt /ZP/MP) in the State
The Working Group examined
(a) the Aadhar Mapped U-DlSE and Child Information Data
(b) children yet to be enrolled in new academic year
(c) No. of Schools
(d) No ofTeachers
(e) No of Gram Panchayats,
(f) Schools in each Gram Panchayat
(g) the scopeof positive consolidation of the schools within the Gram Panchayat were the enrollment isless than 30 in each school
(h) availability of Schools within 1 Km radius in respect ofPrimary Schools. 3 KM Radius in respect of Upper Primary Schools 5 Kms radius in respectof High Schools/Success Schools,
(i) the scope for Resource Redistribution -Rationalization in terms of infrastructure and human resources etc.
The Working Group also took into consideration the performance of Andhra Pradesh in terms of Key Education Indicators. It also studied the key findings relating to the learninglevels of students in Government schools in the State as per the National level Annual Status of Education Report 2014 (ASER) and State Level Achievement Survey 2014-15(SLAS).
The Working Group noted that while the Teacher - Pupil Ratio (TPR) at the State and district level is higher than the national average, at the School level it needs to be improved Further, it found that there are some schools with higher student strength vis-a-vis the sanctioned teaching posts and on the other hand some schools with uneconomic strength of students have more teachers.
The Working Group also noted that there are several Primary Schools within a radius of 1 Km with less than 30 enrollment and with more than 30 enrollment
The WorkingGroup recommended that positive consolidation of such Schools and staff/posts in these schools may be done by pooling them to develop as a Model Primary Schools in the GramPanchayat / Municipality Such Resource Redistribution - Rationalization help in making
best use of the available resources - infrastructure, teachers etc. It will make it possible for ensuing one Teacher for one Class and minimize multi grade teaching by single teacher which is resulting in poor learning levels.
In the above context the Working Group recommended the following norms for undertaking the positive consolidation and for developing a Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School) in every Gram Panchayat/Municipality.
The Concept of Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary Schools).
1. Establishment proposed for each Model Primary School
a. Under one teacher, One Class room norm, five (5) Secondary Grade Teachers for Five (5) classes will be provided for Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School) per GP/Municipality, provided the minimum enrolment from Class I to V is atleast 100. (However, for the year 2015-16 the required enrolment is atleast 80)
b. One of the 5 teachers in the Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School) will be exclusively identified as English Teacher
c. Beyond 130 students enrolled, 5 SGTs + 1 Head Master post will be provided.
d. If the enrolment is <80, 4 Secondary Grade Teachers shall be provided, and on increased enrolment, the norm as at v(a) shall be made applicable.
2. Comprehensive infrastructure facilities to be provided for Model Primary School are
(a) Adequate class rooms,
(b) Toilets & Water supply,
(c) Furniture,
(d) Library room with adequate books,
(e) Audio-Visual equipped class rooms and
(f) attached Early Childhood Center (ECE) as feeder Center.
3. Academic support will be provided on priority for Model Primary School for, quality enhancement and improving learning levels of students, special Training in English Teaching to the identified Teacher, Academic Coordination & Monitoring support by additional teachers (if required) and adequate Teaching- Learning Material will be provided to the Model PS.
4. Any of the teachers to be adjusted after allocation to the Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School), such teachers services will be utilized as an Academic Support to M.E.O. / Dy.E.O. / D.E.O. / D.I.E.T. / S.S.A etc., and as Cluster Academic Coordinators in Special projects for enhancing learning levels.
The basic Norm for consolidation of schools as Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala.(Model Primary School)
1. To take Gram Panchayat / Municipality as a Unit.
2. Identify the Number of Primary schools (Govt.,/MPP/
Mpl)functioning in the Gram
Panchayat / Municipality.
3. Where there are multiple Primary Schools in a Gram Panchayat / Municipality within 1 km radius and with < 30 students enrolled, they may be consolidated as one Model Primary School.
4. The Schools with <30 enrolment is to be consolidated with the schools with >30 enrolment (or vice-versa) within 1 KM radius in the Gram Panchayat
5. The identified school to be designated as Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School) shall be Centrally located and accessible.
6. Primary/Upper Primary School may be identified and designated as Adarsha
Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School) for that GP/Municipality
7. The identified Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School) must have adequate land for future expansion.
8. There will be no multi grade/class teaching by 1 Teacher in the Model Primary
9. In no instance should any Primary school beyond 1 Km be included in this positive consolidation exercise.
10. The basic data for positive consolidation of Primary Schools shall be “Child Info – Aadhar seeded data”.
11. Exceptions for positive consolidation are
(i) where there is only one primary school in the whole Gram Panchayat (even with <30 enrolments),
(ii) Schools which have Physical barriers – Canal, National Highway, Railway track, etc.,
(iii) schools located in Primitive Tribal Groups’ habitations,
(iv) Minor medium schools,
(v) Primary Schools in exclusive SC, ST colonies. If the minor media schools and the schools in SC/ST colonies prefer to be consolidated with the Model Primary School of the Gram Panchayat such request may be agreed to.
12. The scope for identifying more than one Model Schools in a GP/Municipality if the enrolment after consolidation is over 150 in the first Model Primary School.
13. Other Primary Schools that continue to function within 1 Km in the same GP/Municipality where positive consolidation is undertaken will be provided Teachers as per RTE norm of 1:30. One Class-One Teacher norm will be applied when enrolment improves in these schools.
14. The Premises of the Primary School which is consolidated with the Model Primary School in the Gram Panchayat can be used as an attached ECE (Early Childhood Centre).
This will help in improving enrolment in the Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School). The necessary logistical support will be provided in coordination with the Women and Child Welfare Department.
Therefore, all the Regional Joint Director of School Education and the District Educational Officers are instructed to take up preliminary exercise of Resource Redistribution- Rationalization duly verifying the physical status, availability of teachers, enrollment of students in each school in each Gram Panchayat, feasibility of consolidation of Primary schools and identifying the Model Primary school, duly constituting a Committee at Mandal level with the following Officers:
(1) Mandal Parishad Development Officer
(2) Mandal Educational Officer
(3) Senior Primary school Headmaster in the Mandal
(4) Cluster Resource Person (S.S.A)
The Regional Joint Director of School Education and the District Educational Officer concerned shall supervise the entire exercise. Detailed report may be submitted to Commissioner of School Education for taking an appropriate decision in the matter. The entire exercise shall be completed by 15.06.2015. The Services of Assistant Statistical officer and Cluster Resource Person (SSA) shall be utilized for the purpose
Download R.C.No. 25, Dt: 6.6.15
04 June, 2015
GO.Ms.No: 32, Dt: 3.6.15 :: Enhancement of seats in the Best Available Schools (Residential) from the academic year 2015-16
GO.Ms.No: 32, Dt: 3.6.15 :: Best Available School Scheme (Residential)- Enhancement of seats in the Best Available Schools (Residential) from the academic year 2015-16 – Orders – Issued
Read the following:-
1. G.O.Ms.No.101, S.W. (Edn.2) Dept., dt. 31.05.2008.
2. G.O.Ms.No.97,SW (Edn.2) Dept., dt. 24.12.2013.
3. Minutes of the 3rd Meeting of the State Council for Development of SCs & STs held on 27.12.2014
4. From the DSW., AP., Hyd. Lr. Rc.No.8948/2014, dt. 27.11.2014 & 29.04.2015.
1.In the G.O. first read above, guidelines were issued for implementation of the Best Available Schools scheme.
2. In the G.O. second read above, orders were issued enhancing the number of seats from 50 to 100 per district under the Scheme from the academic year 2014-15.
3. The DSW, has stated that there is great demand for admission in Bèst Available Schools (Residential) and has proposed to provide addl. No. of seats basing on the SC population @ 100 to district of Srikakulam, Vizianagram, Visakhapatnam, Anantapur, Kadapa and @ 200 to the districts of East Godavari , West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam , Nellore Chittoor and Kurnool, in addition to the existing seats already provided to the districts from the academic year 2015-16 with an outlay of Rs. 6.30 crores additionally per anum.
4. The State council for Development of SCs and STs, in the meeting held on 27/12/2014, has approved the proposal.
5. In the circumstances reported by the Director of Social Welfare and in view of the approval of the State Council for Development of SCs and STs. Government hereby accord permission to the Director of Social Welfare for enhancement of seats @ 100 to the districts of Srikakulam, Vizianagram, Visakhapatnam, Anantapur, Kadapa and @ 200 to the districts of East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam , Nellore, Chittoor and Kurnool, in addition to the existing seats already provided to the districts, from the academic year 2015-16 with an outlay of Rs. 6.30 crores additionally per annum.
6. The Director of Social Welfare shall take necessary action accordingly.
7. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their U.O.No. 7058/139/A1/EBS.III/15, DT : 26.5.15
Rc.No:271, Dt: 30.5.15 :: Guidelines to appoint Part time instructors in Art Edn., Health & Physical Edn. and Work Edn. for 2015-16
Rc.No.271/AP-SSA/A9/2014, PROCEEDINGS OF THE STATE PROJECT DIRECTOR, SSA, AP HYD, Date: 30.05.2015 :: APSSA, Hyderabad - Part time instructors in Art Education, Health & Physical Education and Work Education in the Upper Primary Schools/Upper Primary Sections of High Schools for the acade'mic year 2015-16 - Guidelines - Issued - Reg.
Ref: Project Approval Board Meeting (PAB) held on 05.02.2015
Guidelines for engaging Part time instructors in Art Education, Health & Physical Education and Work Education in the Upper Primary Schools/Upper Primary Sections of High Schools for the academic year 2015-16 are issued herewith. All the Project Officers of SSA and District Educational Officers in the State are requested to complete the process of engaging Part time Instructors for the academic year 2015-16 duly following the guidelines by 12.06.2015 opening day of the school. End: Guidelines To All the Project officers of SSA and District Educational Officers in the State Copy to all the District Collectors/ Chairman, SSA in the State. Copy to the Commissioner School Education, AP, Hyderabad Copy submitted to the Secretary to Government, School Education, AP, Hyderabad
Guidelines for filling up the posts of Part Time Instructors (a) Art Education (b) Health and Physical Education (c) Work Education in upper primary schools and upper primary sections of high schools for the academic year 2015-16
Part time instructors for (a) Art Education (b) Health and Physical Education (c) Work Education shall be engaged in the Upper Primary Schools/ Upper Primary sections of High Schools where the enrollment in Upper Primary classes is more than 100. For this purpose 6th to 8th classes in Upper Primary schools and 6th to 8th classes in High schools shall be considered. Accordingly, 5749 posts have been sanctioned in Annual plan of 2015-16 with required budget. Category wise no. of posts are as shown below.
Part time instructors in UP Schools / UP sections of high schools
a) Art education - 1942
b) Health and Physical Education - 1696
c) Work Education - 2111
Total - 5749
The district-wise details are at Annexure. The following guidelines are issued to fill up these posts at district level.
Eligibility criteria:
Age: No person shall be eligible for any post unless he/ she is above 18 years and below 39 years of age as on 01,07,2015. However, in case of SC/ST/BC candidates the maximum age limit shall be 44 years and in case of physically challenged candidates the maximum age limit shall be 49 years.
a) Part-time instructor for Art Education
i) 10th class or its equivalent examination.
ii) Diploma or a certificate in drawing commercial art, fine arts and architecture, painting, sculpture, music, dance or a certificate in higher grade drawing certificate from a recognized institution and
iii) Posses technical teacher certificate of Government of Andhra Pradesh
b) Part-time instructor for Health & Physical Education
i) Intermediate Education/Graduation and
ii) Under Graduate Diploma in Physical Education / B.P.Ed, from a recognized institution.
c) Part-time instructor for Work Education
i) 3 year Diploma in Craft Technology or 3 year Diploma in Home Science offered by State Board of Technical Education & Training or 10th class or its equivalent examination
ii) Certificate in a trade viz., carpentry, weaving, sewing, tailoring, textile printing issued by any ITI / DLTC from a recognized institution and
iii) Technical teacher certificate of Government of Andhra Pradesh
Selection procedure:
* The DPO shall communicate the list of UP Schools/UP sections of High Schools where enrolment is more than 100 as per UDISE 2014-15 to the concerned Mandal Educational Officers for engaging Part-time Instructors. The MEOs in turn shall display the details in notice boards of MRC/ High Schools.
* A school level committee shall be constituted with School Complex Headmaster and SMC Chairman, Head Masters of concerned school for selection of Part-time Instructors.
* The candidates having prescribed qualification are eligible to work as Part-time Instructors in upper primary schools / upper primary sections of high schools where there are more than 100 children available. * The services of Part-time Instructors shall be engaged from the day of reopening of schools during the academic year - 2015-16.
* The candidates who reside in the same village or nearby the village alone should be considered to the extent possible as they can't operate from far off places. .
* For any school three posts are sanctioned i.e., one PET, one Art Education and one Craft Education if any one of the above already exists, rest of posts can be filled for eg. PET already exists balance two posts can be filled and so on. * Similarly atleast one lady Part-time Instructor is to be considered out of the three so that girl children will get due importance / prominence. • After receipt of applications from the eligible candidates the school level committee will scrutinize the applications and select the candidates to work as Part-time Instructors. School shall be taken as unit for engaging Part-time Instructors.
* If more no. of eligible candidates are available merit list shall be prepared taking the marks in academic and professional qualifications in the ratio of 50:50 and the candidates shall be selected based on the merit.
* The headmaster shall communicate the list of selected candidates to the concerned DPO for engaging of Part-time Instructors.
* The process of engaging of Part-time Instructors shall be completed by 12.06.2015 as per the guidelines so as to place the Part-time Instructors on the re-opening day of school.
* The Part-time Instructors who worked during 2014-15 shall be continued if their performance is satisfactory and if the school is having more than 100 children in UP Schools/Up Sections of High Schools. The school management committee / school level committee shall assess the performance and geniuses of the qualification certificates recognized by Government of Andhra Pradesh for taking a decision. Those candidates shall be given age relaxation if required and can be reengaged.
* The data base of all Part-time Instructors engaged in the district shall be maintained at District Project Office. List of Selected Candidates for various 3 posts shall be furnished to District Committee for approval. However. Category- wise, Qualification wise no. of Part time Instructors engaged in the district shall be furnished to SPO by 25.06.2015.
* The district committee will examine school-wise list of selected candidates keeping in view the Merit and approve to engage Part Time Instructors in the identified schools.
* After receipt of the approval from district level committee. The concerned school head master shall in turn position the candidates in their respective schools.
* In certain habitations, if the suitable candidates are not available, eligible candidates from other habitations can be engaged with the approval of School level committee.
* The services of the part time instructors shall be engaged till the last working day of academic year.
Constitution of District level Committee:
A District Level Committee shall be constituted under the Chairmanship of the District Collector. The composition of the committee is as follows:
i) District Collector - Chairman
ii) District Educational Officer - Member
iii) Project Officer SSA - Member Convener
The above Committee will ensure that the entire process of engaging of part time instructors shall be conducted as per the guidelines. Honorarium: A honorarium of 6000/- per month shall be paid for all three posts. The District Project Officer shall release honorarium of Part Time Instructors after receipt of monthly attendance certificate from the Head Masters of Schools concerned on or before 2nd of every month.
FOR Annexure Related to Art Edn, Health & Physical Edn, Work Education approved vacancies see Document.
03 June, 2015
02 June, 2015
G.O.Ms.No.63, Dt:2.6.15 :: Commencement of Transfers and postings of employees is postponed to later dates from 9.6.15 to 15.6.15
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NOTIFICATION NOS. 15/2011 LIMITED & 18/2011 GENERAL It is informed that Group-I Services (Mains) Examination will be held from 03/09/20...
Dear Readers and viewers, our teachers are facing some troubles to download the DSC lists from right pan of this blog, I have reposted all ...
Results Of Notification No. 11/2011 , Departmental Tests NOVEMBER 2010 Results View H...
The AP Department of School Education board are going to recruit 7100 teachers for Newly started AP model schools in Andhra pradesh Stat...
G. O. Ms. No. 90, Dt:01.05.2014 :: Employees Welfare Scheme – Andhra Pradesh State Employees Group Insurance Scheme – 1984 – Revised Rate o...
Dear teachers, The question banks prepared by IASE, kurnool are very use ful for March 2019 Exams and some of the models are given in PS ...
The A.P Treasuries Department in its website has introduced the application for Health Cards of Employees. 1. Go to https://treasury.ap.go...