24 May, 2015

G.O.MS.No.58, Dt:23.5.15 :: Max 3 Yrs. at a Station and Minimum Zero Yrs. for Transfer and Postings of Employees

G.O.MS.No. 58, FINANCE (HR. I) DEPARTMENT, Dated:23.05.2015 :: Human Resources Management - Transfer and Postings of Employees -certain amendments - issued.

Read the following: -
1. G.O.Ms No 211 of Finance (DCM-II) Department dated 15.11.2014.
2. G.O. Ms. No. 57, Finance (HR-I) Department, dated: 18-05-2015

1. In the reference second read above Government has issued guidelinesand instructions for transfer and right placement of employees dulyrelaxing the ban on transfer of employees imposed in reference first read
above for the period from May 18 to 31' 2015.
2. Certain representations from different quarters of employees havebeen received that the period of five years at a station for the mandatoryand two years for administrative/optional transfers ordered in the G.O.
isnot necessarily in the interest of administrative efficiency.

3. In this context, the Government after careful examination of theissue, hereby issue following amendments to the orders issued in the G.O's second read above.

4. This order is available in the internet and can be accessed at the address http://

Download G.O.MS.No. 58, Dated:23.05.2015

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