10 April, 2015

G.O.MS.No.39, Dt:7-4-15 :: Creation and sanction of 1476 School Assistants (Special teacher) posts under Central Sponsored Scheme for IEDSS in AP

G.O.MS.No. 39, FINANCE (HR-I) DEPARTMENT, Dated:07-04-2015 :: School Education Department –Creation and sanction of 1476 School Assistants (Special teacher) posts under Central Sponsored Scheme for “Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary Stage (IEDSS)” in the State- Amendment -Issued.

Read the following:-
1. G.O.Ms.No. 341, Finance (SMPC-I) department dated. 21-12-2012
2. A.P Reorganization Act,2014(Act No 6 of 2014)
3. School Education Dept., U.O.No. 1043/SE.Prog.I8/A2/2011, dated.12.12.2014

In the G.O first read above, Government has issued orders for sanction of 1476 posts of School Assistant (Special teacher) under the scheme of Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary Stage(IEDSS) for the benefit of hearing impaired and visually impaired students.

The School Education department in the reference third read above has informed that the Hon’ble High Court while disposing PIL No 2 of 2013 filed by Voggu Murali Kusuma Krishnaveni and two others, requesting to include Special Education Teachers (Mentally Retarded) also in the recruitment of School
Assistant (Special Teachers), directed the State Government to consider petitioners proposals of giving equal treatment to the Specialized Teachers and to amend G.O.Ms.No.341 dated: 21.12.2012 suitably.
The School Education Department has further stated that after bifurcation of the State w.e.f 2-6-2014 as per A.P reorganization Act,2014 total Eight Hundred Sixty (860) School Assistant(Special Teacher) posts are located in the (664) Mandals of Residual State of A.P. The Department has requested to issue
suitable orders for redistribution of the Eight Hundred Sixty (860) sanctioned posts of School Assistant (Special Teacher) under the scheme, for the benefit of hearing impaired, visually impaired and also mentally restarted students as per the directions of Hon’ble High Court of A.P. The issue has been examined carefully and the Government, in partial modification of the orders issued in reference first read above, (to the extent applicable to the successor state of Andhra Pradesh) hereby issue orders for
redistribution of the Eight Hundred Sixty (860) School Assistant (Special Teacher) posts located in the (664) Mandals of Residual State of A.P. among the three categories of Special Teacher posts ie., Visual Impaired, Hearing Impaired and Mentally Retarded as detailed below.

Sl.No. District No. of Mandals Visually impaired (VI) Hearing impaired (HI) Mentally retarded (MR) Grand Total

1 Srikakulam 38 18 18 17 53

2 Visakhapatnam 43 19 19 20 58

3 Vizianagram 34 17 16 16 49

4 East Godavari 60 25 25 25 75

5 West Godavari 46 20 21 20 61

6 Krishna 50 22 22 21 65

7 Guntur 57 24 24 24 72

8 Prakasam 56 24 24 23 71

9 SPSR Nellore 46 20 20 21 61

10 Chittoor 66 27 27 28 82

11 YSR Kadapa 51 22 22 22 66

12 Ananthapur 63 26 26 26 78

13 Kurnool 54 23 23 23 69

Grand Total 664 287 287 286 860

The Education (SE) Department shall take further action accordingly.

Download G.O.MS.No. 39, FINANCE (HR-I) DEPARTMENT, Dated:07-04-2015

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