16 February, 2012

APDSC 2012 Online Application Procedure :: Steps To Follow

(1) Go to //http:// apdsc.cgg.gov.in
(2) Click on Application Submission
(3) Click on the Category of School you intend to apply for i.e. General Schools or Special Schools.
(4) Click on the dialogue box(i.e., WELCOME TO ONLINE APPLICATION)
(5) Confirm the next dialogue box(i.e., Fields marked with ‘*’ are compulsory)
(6) Enter your Journal Number, Date of Payment of fee, Date of birth, Details of Post/s applying for, Community, PH Status and TET Hall Ticket Number/s. 
(7) At the field ‘Attach your latest photograph’ Click on Browse button and attach your photograph and your signature stored on the local machine.
(8) Tick the declaration and enter the verification code.
(9) Press Upload
(10)The application will be opened.
(11)When   the   application   form   is   opened   submit   the   study   particulars   for establishing the local/non-local status.
(12)Submit your Academic and Professional Qualifications
(13)Check on the application, if the photo is of required size, clear and is of the same candidate of whom the details are to be filled in the application. If the photo is smaller in size, not clear or does not belong to the candidate press 'BACK' button below the photograph on the application form and restart with scanning of the photograph.
(14)Now fill in the application form as per the instructions given in the User Guide and Information  Bulletin and those offered while filling the online application form.
(15)After filling all the details press PREVIEW button. This will display the details submitted by you
(16)If you find all the details correct press SUBMIT other wise press EDIT and resubmit the information

            On submission of application form online the candidate shall be given reference ID number  which   should   be   kept   carefully   for   any   kind   of   future   correspondence. Submission   of   application   can   be   considered   to   have   been   completed   only   on receiving reference ID number.
            On completion of submission, the candidates shall take a printout of the application and preserve / retain it for future use. Candidates should not submit the printout of the application through ‘post’ to any Authority.
             Repeat   the   same   process   if   you   intend   to   apply   for   posts   in   both   the   category   of
Schools. Online applications will be accepted till midnight on 17.03.2012.
             In case of any clarifications before, during or after submission of application online the candidates   may   contact   the   help   desk   at   Telephone   Numbers   CGG:   9701376237, 9701376238 between 10.30 a.m. and 5.00 p.m on all working days from 15-02-2012 to 19-03-2012.
             After   taking   a   print   out   of   online   application,   the   candidate   shall   go   through   the particulars furnished by him/her immediately.   If any complaints/errors, the candidates can post their complaints/errors pertaining to their application at http://apdsc.cgg.gov.in between   18.02.2012   to   20.03.2012.   However,   a   candidate   can   post   her/his complaints/errors, pertaining to their applications, twice only.  Complaints/errors relating to photograph will not be entertained.
             In any case applications will not be received in any kind of manual form. Candidates can download their Hall Tickets from the website at http://apdsc.cgg.gov.in from the date to be notified later.   In case any candidate cannot download the Hall ticket she/he   should   contact   the   Help   Desk,   O/o. Commissioner   &   Director   of   School Education, DSC- 2012, between 10.30 AM to 5.00 PM on all working days from date of download to 04.05.2012 in person only giving details of the journal number of the fee paid,   Reference   number   of   the   application   submitted,   a   copy   of   the   printout   of   the Application form and one photograph (as pasted on the application form).
              Request for issue of duplicate Hall Ticket will not be entertained after the examination in any case. "The Candidates who have obtained Degrees through Open Universities / Distance Education mode are required to have recognition by the Distance Education Council, IGNOU. Unless such Degrees had been recognised by the D.E.C. they will not be accepted for the purpose of Educational Qualification. The onus in case of doubt, of Proof   of   recognition   by   the   D.E.C.   that   their   Degrees   /   Universities   have   been recognized, rests with the Candidate."

APDSC 2012 Online Application :: Procedure

 For latest updates, please check at DSC website  http://apdsc.cgg.gov.in/  .   For any queries contact Helpdesk at 040-23231972, 23231194, 9701376246.

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