SCF 2011 invites suggessions from teachers, experts and public on curriculam to change syllabi
The State has taken up curricular reforms based on National Curriculum Frame Work – 2005, Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act – 2009 and National Curriculum Frame Work for Teacher Education for 2010. A series of workshops have been conducted duly involving teachers, teacher educators, field functionaries, NGOs and National level experts to deliberate on the proposed curricular reforms and to develop the position papers. The Principal Secretary (PE) constituted focused groups to discuss and finalize the position papers and also an advisory committee and a steering committee for this purpose.The suggestions and recommendations from NCF – 2005, RTE-2009 and NCF TE – 2010 have been referred while developing the State Curriculum Frame Work.
The draft State Curriculum Frame Work and Position Papers have been
developed in the following areas.
Curricular areas
1.1 Position paper on Language and Language Teaching
1.2 Position paper on Teaching of English
1.3 Position paper on Science Education
1.4 Position paper on Mathematics Education
1.5 Position paper on Social Studies Education
1.6 Position paper on Habitat and Learning
1.7 Position paper on Art Education
Systemic Reforms
2.1 Position paper on Aims of Education
2.2 Position paper on Systemic Reforms
2.3 Position paper on Teacher Education and Teacher Professional
2.4 Position paper on Assessment of Learning
2.5 Position paper on Education technology
2.6 Position paper on Curriculum and Textbooks
State Concerns
3.1 Position paper on Diversities – S C, ST, Minorities, Girls and
Inclusive Education
3.2 Position paper on Health Education and Physical Education
3.3 Position paper on Early Childhood Care and Education
3.4 Position paper on Work and Education
3.5 Position paper on Ethics, Values and Human Rights
The draft State Curriculum frame work along with 18 position papers,
revised syllabus from class I to X and Academic Standards are now proposed to be released to the press and also placed in the SCERT website for public comments.
Plan of Action
* Releasing the draft State Curriculum Frame Work 2011 and position papers to the press by the Hon’ble Minister for Primary Education and
SSA and subsequently place these documents in the SCERT website for
comments. The comments and suggestions may be requested from
parents, teachers and public before 20th October 2011.
* Convening the Steering Committee Meeting during October / November
2011 to discuss the comments and suggestions received by the teachers,
parents and public and finalizing the Curriculum Frame Work 2011 and
Position Papers.
* Placing the final Curriculum Frame Work 2011 and Position Papers
before the State level Advisory Committee Meeting for approval and
releasing it to the press and organize orientations to the teachers and
field functionaries.
The State Curriculum Frame Work 2011, eighteen (18) Position Papers, Syllabus from class I to X, Academic Standards have been placed in the SCERT website and now available – SCERT website - Therefore, the teachers, parents, students and other public are requested to send comments and suggestions for further improvement and finalization of State Curriculum Frame Work, Position Papers, Syllabus and Academic Standards. Address to send comments and suggestions before 20-10-2011. – The Director, SCERT, Opp. L.B. Stadium E-gate, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad – 500001. e-mail Address –
The State has taken up curricular reforms based on National Curriculum Frame Work – 2005, Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act – 2009 and National Curriculum Frame Work for Teacher Education for 2010. A series of workshops have been conducted duly involving teachers, teacher educators, field functionaries, NGOs and National level experts to deliberate on the proposed curricular reforms and to develop the position papers. The Principal Secretary (PE) constituted focused groups to discuss and finalize the position papers and also an advisory committee and a steering committee for this purpose.The suggestions and recommendations from NCF – 2005, RTE-2009 and NCF TE – 2010 have been referred while developing the State Curriculum Frame Work.
The draft State Curriculum Frame Work and Position Papers have been
developed in the following areas.
Curricular areas
1.1 Position paper on Language and Language Teaching
1.2 Position paper on Teaching of English
1.3 Position paper on Science Education
1.4 Position paper on Mathematics Education
1.5 Position paper on Social Studies Education
1.6 Position paper on Habitat and Learning
1.7 Position paper on Art Education
Systemic Reforms
2.1 Position paper on Aims of Education
2.2 Position paper on Systemic Reforms
2.3 Position paper on Teacher Education and Teacher Professional
2.4 Position paper on Assessment of Learning
2.5 Position paper on Education technology
2.6 Position paper on Curriculum and Textbooks
State Concerns
3.1 Position paper on Diversities – S C, ST, Minorities, Girls and
Inclusive Education
3.2 Position paper on Health Education and Physical Education
3.3 Position paper on Early Childhood Care and Education
3.4 Position paper on Work and Education
3.5 Position paper on Ethics, Values and Human Rights
The draft State Curriculum frame work along with 18 position papers,
revised syllabus from class I to X and Academic Standards are now proposed to be released to the press and also placed in the SCERT website for public comments.
Plan of Action
* Releasing the draft State Curriculum Frame Work 2011 and position papers to the press by the Hon’ble Minister for Primary Education and
SSA and subsequently place these documents in the SCERT website for
comments. The comments and suggestions may be requested from
parents, teachers and public before 20th October 2011.
* Convening the Steering Committee Meeting during October / November
2011 to discuss the comments and suggestions received by the teachers,
parents and public and finalizing the Curriculum Frame Work 2011 and
Position Papers.
* Placing the final Curriculum Frame Work 2011 and Position Papers
before the State level Advisory Committee Meeting for approval and
releasing it to the press and organize orientations to the teachers and
field functionaries.
The State Curriculum Frame Work 2011, eighteen (18) Position Papers, Syllabus from class I to X, Academic Standards have been placed in the SCERT website and now available – SCERT website - Therefore, the teachers, parents, students and other public are requested to send comments and suggestions for further improvement and finalization of State Curriculum Frame Work, Position Papers, Syllabus and Academic Standards. Address to send comments and suggestions before 20-10-2011. – The Director, SCERT, Opp. L.B. Stadium E-gate, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad – 500001. e-mail Address –
The implementation of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 requires the recruitment of a large number of teachers across the country in a time bound manner. In spite of the enormity of the task, it is desirable to ensure that quality requirement for recruitment of teachers is not diluted at any cost. It is therefore necessary to ensure that persons recruited as teachers possess the essential aptitude and ability to meet the challenges of teaching at the primary and upper primary level.
The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India has entrusted the responsibility of conducting the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) to the Central Board of Secondary Education which shall be held on 29.01.2012 (Sunday).
Note: GATE 2012 Online Examination for Papers AR, GG and TF is also scheduled to 29.01.2011
Structure and Content of CTET
All questions in CTET test will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), each carrying one mark, with four alternatives out of which one answer will be correct. There will be no negative marking.
There will be two papers of CTET.
1. Paper I will be for a person who intents to be a teacher for classes I to V.
2. Paper II will be for a person who intents to be a teacher for classes VI to VIII.
Note: A person who intents to be a teacher for both levels (classes I to V and classes VI to VIII) will have to appear in both the papers (Paper I and Paper II).
Paper I (for classes I to V):
Duration of examination: one-and-a-half hours
Structure and Content (All Compulsory):
1. Child Development and Pedagogy: 30 MCQs - 30 Marks
2. Language I: 30 MCQs - 30 Marks
3. Language II: 30 MCQs - 30 Marks
4. Mathematics: 30 MCQs - 30 Marks
5. Environmental Studies: 30 MCQs - 30 Marks
Total: 150 MCQs - 150 Marks
Nature and standard of questions:
The test items on Child Development and Pedagogy will focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning relevant to the age group of 6-11 years. They will focus on understanding the characteristics and needs of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of a good facilitator of learning.
The Test items for Language I will focus on the proficiencies related to the medium of instruction, (as chosen from list of prescribed language options in the application form).
The Language II will be from among the prescribed options other than Language I. A candidate may choose any one language from the available language options and will be required to specify the same in the application form. The test items in language II will also focus on the elements of language, communication and comprehension abilities.
The test items in Mathematics and Environmental Studies will focus on the concepts, problem solving abilities and pedagogical understanding of the subjects. In all these subject areas, the test items will be evenly distributed over different divisions of the syllabus of that subject prescribed for classes� I–V, by the NCERT/CBSE.
The questions in the tests for Paper I will be based on the topics prescribed for classes ½ I–V, but their difficulty standard, as well as linkages, could be up to the secondary stage.
Paper II (for classes VI to VIII):
Duration of examination: one-and-a-half hours
Structure and Content:
1. Child Development & Pedagogy (compulsory): 30 MCQs - 30Marks
2. Language I (compulsory): 30 MCQs - 30Marks
3. Language II (compulsory): 30 MCQs - 30Marks
4. (a) For Mathematics and Science teacher: Mathematics and Science: 60 MCQs - 60Marks
(b) For Social Studies/Social Science Teacher: Social Science: 60 MCQs - 60Marks
(c) For any other teacher either (a) or (b)
Nature and standard of questions:
The test items on Child Development and Pedagogy will focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning, relevant to the age group 11-14 years. They will focus on understanding the characteristics, needs and psychology of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of a good facilitator of learning.
The test items for Language I will focus on the proficiency related to the medium of instruction, as chosen from list of prescribed options in the application form.
The Language II will be a language other than Language I. A candidate may choose any one language from among the available options and as in the specified list in the application form and attempt questions in the one indicated by the candidate in the application form by him. The Test items in Language II will also focus on the elements of language, communication and comprehension abilities.
The test items in Mathematics and Science, and Social Studies/Social Science will focus on the concepts, problem solving abilities and pedagogical understanding of these subjects. The test items of Mathematics and Science will be of 30 marks each. The test items will be evenly distributed over different divisions of the syllabus of that subject as prescribed for classes VI-VIII by the NCERT/CBSE.
The questions in the tests for Paper II will be based on the topics of the prescribed syllabus of the NCERT/CBSE for classes VI-VIII but their difficulty standard as well as linkages could be up to the senior secondary stage.
The following persons are eligible for appearing in the CTET:-
Minimum Qualifications for Classes I-V:
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in final 2–year Diploma in Elementary Education (or its equivalent)
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 45% marks and passed or appearing in final 2–year Diploma in Elementary Education (or its equivalent), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure), Regulations 2002
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in final 4–year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.)
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in final 2–year Diploma in Education (Special Education)*
i). Relaxation of 5% in minimum qualifying marks at BA/B.Sc./Senior Secondary level is admissible for SC/ST/ Differently abled Candidates.
ii). For this year only, a candidate with BA/B.Sc. with at least 50% marks and B.Ed qualification shall also be eligible for test for classes I to V, provided he/she undergoes, after appointment, an NCTE recognized 6–month special program in Elementary Education.
Minimum Qualifications for Classes VI-VIII:
B.A. /B.Sc and passed or appearing in final 2–year Diploma in Elementary Education* (or its equivalent)
B.A. /B.Sc. with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in 1–year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed)*
B.A. /B.Sc. with at least 45% marks and passed or appearing in 1–year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed)*, in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard.
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in final 4–year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.)*
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in final 4–year BA/B.Sc. Ed or B.A. (Ed.)/B.Sc. (Ed.)*
B.A. /B.Sc. with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in 1–year B.Ed. (Special Education)*
* A diploma/degree course in teacher education recognized by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) only shall be considered. However, in case of Diploma in Education (Special Education) and B.Ed. (Special Education), a course recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) only shall be considered.
Relaxation of 5% in minimum qualifying marks at BA/B.Sc./Senior secondary level is admissible for SC/ST and Differently abled Candidates.
Qualifying Marks and award of CTET 2012 Certificate:
The candidates appearing in CTET will be issued marks statement by CBSE. The candidates securing 60% and above marks will be issued CTET certificate.
Qualifying the CTET would not confer a right on any person for recruitment/employment as it is only one of the eligibility criteria for appointment.
Examination Fees/Cost of Information Bulletin:
The cost of Information Bulletin inclusive of examination for Teachers Eligibility Test :
* General/OBC Category Rs 500/- (Five hundred)
* SC/ST/ Differently Abled Category Rs 250/- (Two hundred fifty)
Information Bulletin containing Application Form can be obtained from the Designated Branches of Syndicate Bank/other Banks/Designated Institutions (List of Syndicate Bank Branches ) or can also be obtained by post from the Assistant Secretary (CTET), Central Board of Secondary Education, Shiksha Sadan, 17, Institutional Area, Rouse Avenue, Delhi-110002. The Syndicate Bank/other Banks, the designated institutions will not send the Information Bulletin by Post. Hence, no request should be made to them for sending the Bulletin by Post.
The designated branches of Syndicate Banks/Other Banks/designated Institutions are not responsible for any consequences, that may arise due to non-availability of forms in case the copies of application forms are sold out before the last date. In case of such an eventuality the candidate may apply on-line.
Instructions for completing and sending the Application Form by post are given here. Candidates are advised to go through the instructions carefully before filling up the application form.
i). Request for change/correction in any particulars in the Application Form shall not be entertained under any circumstances. The Board will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of non-acceptance of any correction/addition/deletion in any particular once filled in the application form whatsoever the reasons may be.
ii). Incomplete Application Forms, or the forms having over-writing, will be summarily rejected.
Fee once remitted shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
2. Reservation: 15% scholarships will be reserved for students belonging to the SC category, 7.5% scholarships for students belonging to the ST category and 3% for Physically Challenged Group of Students.
3. Selection: There will be two-stage selection process for award of scholarship. For Stage-I, selection will be done by States/UTs through a written examination. Students who qualify Stage I will be eligible to appear for Stage II examination conducted by NCERT.
4. The States/UTs will also conduct the selection test for National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme along with the Stage-I written examination for NTS.
5. Important Dates: Dates for Submission of Application Form and conduct of examination are given below:
6. Eligibility: Students of Class VIII studying in recognized schools are eligible to appear for the respective Class VIII Stage I examination conducted by the States/UTs in which the schools are located. There will be no domicile restriction.
7. Examination: The pattern of written examination for Class VIII will be as follows:Stage I examination at the State/UT level will comprise two parts, namely (a) Mental Ability Test (MAT) and (b) Scholastic Ability Test (SAT) covering social sciences, sciences and mathematics. Stage II examination at the National level will comprise (a) Mental Ability Test (MAT), (b) Scholastic Ability Test (SAT) covering Social Sciences, Sciences and Mathematics.
8. State Quotas: Each State/Union Territory has been allotted a quota to recommend a specific number of candidates for the Stage II examination, the details of which will be made available on NCERT website. However, there will be no State/Union Territory Quota for the final award of scholarship after the Stage II examination. Reservation for SC, ST and physically challenged will be as notified in para 2 above.
9. Application Form: You may contact the State/UT Liaison officer for procuring application form. However, application form can be downloaded from NCERT website <> also.
10. The completed application form should be signed by Principal of the school. The candidate/Principal of the school must confirm the last date for submission of Application Form and where to submit it from the State/ UT liaison officer whose addresses are given in the end/NCERT website. Different states may have different last dates for submission of application forms. All queries relating to application forms should be made from State Liaison Officers (LOs). No application should be sent to NCERT.
11. Fees: States and Union Territories may notify the fee required which will be paid for the Stage-I examination. Therefore, before submitting the application form you may find out the fees charged for 2011 Stage-I Examination and also the mode of payment from the respective State Liaison Officers (LOs). However, NCERT does not charge any fee for Stage-II examination.
12. Announcement of Results: Results of the Stage-I examination will be declared by the respective State Governments/ Union Territories. Final result after the conduct of Stage-II examination will be declared by NCERT.
13. Indian Students Studying Abroad can appear directly for Stage II NTS Examination under conditions prescribed in the NTS brochure for class VIII which is available on the NCERT website. Candidates may fill up relevant items of the Application Form available on the NCERT website and send to the undersigned along with a photocopy of the mark sheet of previous examination latest by March 31, 2012.
epass 2011 Renewal of applications of Post Matric Scholarships Last Date 31st July 2011
epass Renewal Application 2011-12 present Last Date 31st July 2011, Last date extension possible...
Coal India Recruitment 2011 for the Management Trainees Exam Admit cards download now
Coal India Recruitment 2011 for the Management Trainees Exam on 7th August 2011...
ICAI CA-CPT Results June 2011 today at
ICAI CA CPT Results today 19 July...
AP D-Pharmacy online application and Admission Notification for 2011-12, DTEAP
D-Pharmacy Admission, online application for 2011-12...
AP SSC Supplementary Exams results too late this year 2011, 10th class supplementary Exams are conducted by Board of Secondary School Certificate Education of AP. Tenth class Supplementary Exams started on 18-06- 2011 and been for 01-07- 2011. This year 2011 up t0 250000 students appeared exams. Every year SSC board SSC Supplementary exams results out in 15 to 20 days. But this year its take more time. Board tries to evaluate the all papers in 10 Days from the completion date of exam.
This year 10th Supplementary Results expected in 3rd week of July, any time between 21st to 25th July 2011, SSC board soon will release a press note about results. we will update results information immediate after release by SSC board. IWWH wishes all the best to all SSC Supplementary students for SSC Results 2011.
TET Hall tickets of the APTET 2011 Exam - Download APTET Hall ticket now
The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India has entrusted the responsibility of conducting the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) to the Central Board of Secondary Education which shall be held on 29.01.2012 (Sunday).
Note: GATE 2012 Online Examination for Papers AR, GG and TF is also scheduled to 29.01.2011
Structure and Content of CTET
All questions in CTET test will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), each carrying one mark, with four alternatives out of which one answer will be correct. There will be no negative marking.
There will be two papers of CTET.
1. Paper I will be for a person who intents to be a teacher for classes I to V.
2. Paper II will be for a person who intents to be a teacher for classes VI to VIII.
Note: A person who intents to be a teacher for both levels (classes I to V and classes VI to VIII) will have to appear in both the papers (Paper I and Paper II).
Paper I (for classes I to V):
Duration of examination: one-and-a-half hours
Structure and Content (All Compulsory):
1. Child Development and Pedagogy: 30 MCQs - 30 Marks
2. Language I: 30 MCQs - 30 Marks
3. Language II: 30 MCQs - 30 Marks
4. Mathematics: 30 MCQs - 30 Marks
5. Environmental Studies: 30 MCQs - 30 Marks
Total: 150 MCQs - 150 Marks
Nature and standard of questions:
The test items on Child Development and Pedagogy will focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning relevant to the age group of 6-11 years. They will focus on understanding the characteristics and needs of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of a good facilitator of learning.
The Test items for Language I will focus on the proficiencies related to the medium of instruction, (as chosen from list of prescribed language options in the application form).
The Language II will be from among the prescribed options other than Language I. A candidate may choose any one language from the available language options and will be required to specify the same in the application form. The test items in language II will also focus on the elements of language, communication and comprehension abilities.
The test items in Mathematics and Environmental Studies will focus on the concepts, problem solving abilities and pedagogical understanding of the subjects. In all these subject areas, the test items will be evenly distributed over different divisions of the syllabus of that subject prescribed for classes� I–V, by the NCERT/CBSE.
The questions in the tests for Paper I will be based on the topics prescribed for classes ½ I–V, but their difficulty standard, as well as linkages, could be up to the secondary stage.
Paper II (for classes VI to VIII):
Duration of examination: one-and-a-half hours
Structure and Content:
1. Child Development & Pedagogy (compulsory): 30 MCQs - 30Marks
2. Language I (compulsory): 30 MCQs - 30Marks
3. Language II (compulsory): 30 MCQs - 30Marks
4. (a) For Mathematics and Science teacher: Mathematics and Science: 60 MCQs - 60Marks
(b) For Social Studies/Social Science Teacher: Social Science: 60 MCQs - 60Marks
(c) For any other teacher either (a) or (b)
Nature and standard of questions:
The test items on Child Development and Pedagogy will focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning, relevant to the age group 11-14 years. They will focus on understanding the characteristics, needs and psychology of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of a good facilitator of learning.
The test items for Language I will focus on the proficiency related to the medium of instruction, as chosen from list of prescribed options in the application form.
The Language II will be a language other than Language I. A candidate may choose any one language from among the available options and as in the specified list in the application form and attempt questions in the one indicated by the candidate in the application form by him. The Test items in Language II will also focus on the elements of language, communication and comprehension abilities.
The test items in Mathematics and Science, and Social Studies/Social Science will focus on the concepts, problem solving abilities and pedagogical understanding of these subjects. The test items of Mathematics and Science will be of 30 marks each. The test items will be evenly distributed over different divisions of the syllabus of that subject as prescribed for classes VI-VIII by the NCERT/CBSE.
The questions in the tests for Paper II will be based on the topics of the prescribed syllabus of the NCERT/CBSE for classes VI-VIII but their difficulty standard as well as linkages could be up to the senior secondary stage.
The following persons are eligible for appearing in the CTET:-
Minimum Qualifications for Classes I-V:
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in final 2–year Diploma in Elementary Education (or its equivalent)
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 45% marks and passed or appearing in final 2–year Diploma in Elementary Education (or its equivalent), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure), Regulations 2002
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in final 4–year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.)
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in final 2–year Diploma in Education (Special Education)*
i). Relaxation of 5% in minimum qualifying marks at BA/B.Sc./Senior Secondary level is admissible for SC/ST/ Differently abled Candidates.
ii). For this year only, a candidate with BA/B.Sc. with at least 50% marks and B.Ed qualification shall also be eligible for test for classes I to V, provided he/she undergoes, after appointment, an NCTE recognized 6–month special program in Elementary Education.
Minimum Qualifications for Classes VI-VIII:
B.A. /B.Sc and passed or appearing in final 2–year Diploma in Elementary Education* (or its equivalent)
B.A. /B.Sc. with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in 1–year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed)*
B.A. /B.Sc. with at least 45% marks and passed or appearing in 1–year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed)*, in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard.
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in final 4–year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.)*
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in final 4–year BA/B.Sc. Ed or B.A. (Ed.)/B.Sc. (Ed.)*
B.A. /B.Sc. with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in 1–year B.Ed. (Special Education)*
* A diploma/degree course in teacher education recognized by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) only shall be considered. However, in case of Diploma in Education (Special Education) and B.Ed. (Special Education), a course recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) only shall be considered.
Relaxation of 5% in minimum qualifying marks at BA/B.Sc./Senior secondary level is admissible for SC/ST and Differently abled Candidates.
Qualifying Marks and award of CTET 2012 Certificate:
The candidates appearing in CTET will be issued marks statement by CBSE. The candidates securing 60% and above marks will be issued CTET certificate.
Qualifying the CTET would not confer a right on any person for recruitment/employment as it is only one of the eligibility criteria for appointment.
Examination Fees/Cost of Information Bulletin:
The cost of Information Bulletin inclusive of examination for Teachers Eligibility Test :
* General/OBC Category Rs 500/- (Five hundred)
* SC/ST/ Differently Abled Category Rs 250/- (Two hundred fifty)
Information Bulletin containing Application Form can be obtained from the Designated Branches of Syndicate Bank/other Banks/Designated Institutions (List of Syndicate Bank Branches ) or can also be obtained by post from the Assistant Secretary (CTET), Central Board of Secondary Education, Shiksha Sadan, 17, Institutional Area, Rouse Avenue, Delhi-110002. The Syndicate Bank/other Banks, the designated institutions will not send the Information Bulletin by Post. Hence, no request should be made to them for sending the Bulletin by Post.
The designated branches of Syndicate Banks/Other Banks/designated Institutions are not responsible for any consequences, that may arise due to non-availability of forms in case the copies of application forms are sold out before the last date. In case of such an eventuality the candidate may apply on-line.
Instructions for completing and sending the Application Form by post are given here. Candidates are advised to go through the instructions carefully before filling up the application form.
i). Request for change/correction in any particulars in the Application Form shall not be entertained under any circumstances. The Board will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of non-acceptance of any correction/addition/deletion in any particular once filled in the application form whatsoever the reasons may be.
ii). Incomplete Application Forms, or the forms having over-writing, will be summarily rejected.
Fee once remitted shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
Big relief to students, now no need of write two exams…
IIT and the IISc have withdrawn the JMET exam used for admitting students into management studies and have replaced it with the CAT. Indian Institutes of Technology Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee, and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore will use CAT scores in student selection process for MBA and M. Mgmt programmes from the 2012 academic year. JMET was similar to CAT and 40,000 candidates taking this test every year.
Candidates who take both CAT and JMET in a single year are a big task. The decision to use CAT for admission to IITs and IISc will minimize the preparation and financial burden and time to candidates. CAT is an ideal fit for IITs as it is a well evolved, established, standardized and widely accepted entrance exam for admission into PG programmes in management in India. CAT 2011 convener says, This is a major initiative that brings two premier higher education systems together. Now CAT 2012 applications submission already in progress.
From now Students of IISER will get formal degree certificates. The
first batch of the integrated five-year BS-MS dual degree programme
passed out this year, but with provisional degree certificates in hand.
As per National Institute of Technology Amendment Act, 2010, to include
all five IISERs as an autonomous institution of national importance.
The first batch graduates feared that provisional certificates would not
be recognized by universities abroad, but now they are relieved. The
decision was comesout after pending in Parliament for the past two
Hyderabad, Vishakapatnam, Kochi, Kozhikode, Coimbatore, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai New Delhi.
AP Eamcet 2011 College Seat Allotment orders issued Today and download Bank Fee payment Challan forms
Download your College wise,rank wise seat allotment in eamcet 2011 from website at apeamcet nic in
This year eamcet allotment is very interesting with less competition...
IIT and the IISc have withdrawn the JMET exam used for admitting students into management studies and have replaced it with the CAT. Indian Institutes of Technology Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee, and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore will use CAT scores in student selection process for MBA and M. Mgmt programmes from the 2012 academic year. JMET was similar to CAT and 40,000 candidates taking this test every year.
Candidates who take both CAT and JMET in a single year are a big task. The decision to use CAT for admission to IITs and IISc will minimize the preparation and financial burden and time to candidates. CAT is an ideal fit for IITs as it is a well evolved, established, standardized and widely accepted entrance exam for admission into PG programmes in management in India. CAT 2011 convener says, This is a major initiative that brings two premier higher education systems together. Now CAT 2012 applications submission already in progress.
IISER autonomous institution, all graduates to get formal degrees
From now Students of IISER will get formal degree certificates. The
first batch of the integrated five-year BS-MS dual degree programme
passed out this year, but with provisional degree certificates in hand.
As per National Institute of Technology Amendment Act, 2010, to include
all five IISERs as an autonomous institution of national importance.
The first batch graduates feared that provisional certificates would not
be recognized by universities abroad, but now they are relieved. The
decision was comesout after pending in Parliament for the past two
Since IISERs are national institutes like the IITs, Parliament first
needs to pass an act to enable them to award degrees to students. In
case of state universities, the state assembly has to pass an act. Each
IISER will now be autonomous and each one of them will have the liberty
to design its course and curriculum. Except for few administrative
rules, for instance, transfer of a student from one IISER to another,
all academic rules will be framed by the respective IISER.
CAT 2011 Online application registration last date is 28 September
CAT online Applications in
CAT Online registration start
from August 17 to September 28 for the Common Admission Test 2011 of the
IIMs scheduled between October 22 and November 18. Student should buy
an IIM-CAT 2011 voucher from selected Axis Bank branches by paying
Rs.1,600 and Rs.800 for those belonging to the SC and ST from August 17.
The voucher is essential for the registration on Those appearing for the final-year degree examination may also register for the test.
CAT 2011 centers
Hyderabad, Vishakapatnam, Kochi, Kozhikode, Coimbatore, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai New Delhi.
CAT online test of two hours and
thirty five minutes will have two sections. The first section is of
quantitative ability and data interpretation and the second, verbal
ability and logical reasoning. The objective-type multiple-choice
questions carry a score of three each, but each incorrect answer means
losing one mark from the total marks scored. The minimum qualification
for appearing in the test is a Bachelor's degree in any discipline with
at least 50 per cent marks. CAT test results will be announced on on January 11.
AP Eamcet 2011 College Seat Allotment orders issued Today and download Bank Fee payment Challan forms
ApEamcet College Seat Allotment orders 2011 in :
The Andhra Pradesh 2011 Eamcet college seat Allotments orders will be placed in Website on 14.08.2011 after 06.00 PM. For Downloading the eamcet-2011 allotment orders Enter the ICR Form Number (Registration Number), Hall Ticket number, Password and date of birth in Candidate Login and also Download the allotment order and read the instructions printed and also download challan form for payment of fee.Pay the fees if any, in any Branch of Andhra Bank or Indian Bank. Report to the allotted college on the date mentioned in the allotment order. Failure to report in the allotted college by the date stipulated will automatically result in cancellation of seat and candidate has no claim on the seat allotted
- Download Eamcet allotment orders 2011
- Download Andhra Bank or Indian Bank fee payment challan forms
The Andhra Pradesh 2011 Eamcet college seat Allotments orders will be placed in Website on 14.08.2011 after 06.00 PM. For Downloading the eamcet-2011 allotment orders Enter the ICR Form Number (Registration Number), Hall Ticket number, Password and date of birth in Candidate Login and also Download the allotment order and read the instructions printed and also download challan form for payment of fee.Pay the fees if any, in any Branch of Andhra Bank or Indian Bank. Report to the allotted college on the date mentioned in the allotment order. Failure to report in the allotted college by the date stipulated will automatically result in cancellation of seat and candidate has no claim on the seat allotted
Download your College wise,rank wise seat allotment in eamcet 2011 from website at apeamcet nic in
Final Allotments orders of eamcet-2011 college Seats and Payment of Seats & Reporting at College :
Final Allotments will be placed on the Web and the Candidates have to download the eamcet -2011 allotment order from the offcial website on 14.08.2011 after 6PM.Candidates with downloaded allotment order have to remit the fee in one of the designated banks and obtain a receipt. Candidate with allotment order and fee receipts have to report at the respective colleges where the seat is allotted within the dates mentioned. If Candidate fails to pay the fee and report on the dates stipulated the allotment stands cancelled and candidate has no claim further on the allotment.
- Download Eamcet 2011 Allotments and Challan forms
Final Allotments will be placed on the Web and the Candidates have to download the eamcet -2011 allotment order from the offcial website on 14.08.2011 after 6PM.Candidates with downloaded allotment order have to remit the fee in one of the designated banks and obtain a receipt. Candidate with allotment order and fee receipts have to report at the respective colleges where the seat is allotted within the dates mentioned. If Candidate fails to pay the fee and report on the dates stipulated the allotment stands cancelled and candidate has no claim further on the allotment.
- Download Eamcet 2011 Allotments and Challan forms
ICET Web Counselling start from Aug. 22, Notification
Certificate verification from August 20 to 23...
Good news to one lakh aspirants who seek admission to MCA and MAB courses in A.P this year, Icet notification for the web counselling will be issued on August 15. The certificates verification from August 20th to 23rd in 33 centers in Andhra Pradesh. Candidate need to exercise web options in internet from August 22 to 27 and chance to change their frozen options on August 28. ICET seat allotment on August 29.
This year 1,36,882 students eligible to exercise options on net. 88,88,000 options were exercised by these all student of which maximum options exercised by a student was 2,472 and a min. number was one. Students who got seat allotment will be given time till September first week to report at the respective colleges to take admissions. The classes will commence from September first week.
This year 1,36,882 students eligible to exercise options on net. 88,88,000 options were exercised by these all student of which maximum options exercised by a student was 2,472 and a min. number was one. Students who got seat allotment will be given time till September first week to report at the respective colleges to take admissions. The classes will commence from September first week.
AP Eamcet seat allotment on 14 August
Eamcet allotment of seats for
.B.Tech and B.Pharmacy courses in Andhra pradesh at 5 p.m. on August 14
2011. Students can visit the website ‘' and
download the allotment order after keying in details like hall-ticket
number, password and other personal details. Apsche Officials says all
allotted students will get a SMS message on cell phones with details of
allotted courses and college as per their rank and choice given during
web counselling. Allotments will be placed in Website on 14.08.2011 after 05.00 PM. Enter the ICR Form
Number (Registration Number), Hall Ticket number, Password and date of
birth in CandidateLogin. Download the allotment order and read the
instructions printed and also download challan form for payment of fee.
NTRUHS Admissions MBBS,BDS 2nd Counseling Notification 2011Medical counselling 2nd phase from August 18 to 22...
NTR University of Health
Sciences Vijayawada will hold counselling for admission into MBBS/BDS
courses for filling vacant seats after the first counselling for
2011-12. The details of category wise vacancies will be displayed in the
University Website on 17.08.2011. The counselling for special
categories will be held on August 18 and for other categories it will be
held from August 19 to 22.
Those who had not got any seat in the first counselling, or those who wish to change their college, or those who had cancelled/withdrawn their admission could attend the counselling. The minimum marks in Eamcet should be 80 for OC, 72 for physically challenged, and 64 for the SC/ST and BC. The list of eligible candidates can be seen on the website on August12 and counselling will be held at all four centers. Candidates who have already taken admission in earlier phase shall bring the copies of allotment orders receipt of certificates, fee receipt and admission (copy) from the college where the candidate got admitted. For further details refer to Regulations in the Website of the University.
Those who had not got any seat in the first counselling, or those who wish to change their college, or those who had cancelled/withdrawn their admission could attend the counselling. The minimum marks in Eamcet should be 80 for OC, 72 for physically challenged, and 64 for the SC/ST and BC. The list of eligible candidates can be seen on the website on August12 and counselling will be held at all four centers. Candidates who have already taken admission in earlier phase shall bring the copies of allotment orders receipt of certificates, fee receipt and admission (copy) from the college where the candidate got admitted. For further details refer to Regulations in the Website of the University.
RGUKT IIIT counselling from August 22 - No detention in RGUKT
RGUKT IIIT Selection list already declared...
IIIT Counselling for
admissions in to RGUKT at Basar, Nuzvid and Idupulapaya will be held
from August 22 to 24 for 2,807 seats. The remaining 193 seats are for
students from categories of physically challenged, CAP, NCC and sports,
Counselling will be held separately for them. Minister for Higher
Education released the list.
All candidates have to attend the counselling along with original
documents , who fail to attend will not be eligible for admission. About
10 per cent of the candidates in excess of the seats available have
been wait-listed for counselling, which will be held on August 24.
In Selection list 421 seats were allocated for open merit (15%),
1,002 seats for Andhra University area (42%), 859 seats were allotted to
Osmania University area (36%) and 525 seats (22% per cent) were
allocated to Sri Venkateshwara University area. The rule of reservation
was followed at all levels. Around 270 mandals out of the 1,147 mandals
went without representation in the selections. Most of these were from
urban areas where there were no meritorious candidates among the
AIEEE Spot Round Registration 2011 from 11th August to 13th August
Guidelines to Candidates for Spot Round of Counselling...
AIEEE 2011 Spot Round
Registration started from August 11, 2011. Candidates have to register
as new user for Spot Round at CCB website. Main counselling registration
is not valid for AIEEE 2011 spot round. CCB Spot Round Registration
will be closed on 13th Aug 2011 upto 5:00 PM. CCB has issued list of
vacancies after internal sliding. For verification of original documents
during Registration for spot round, candidates have to bring all
original required documents at the time of reporting for Spot round.
Vacancy for Spot round:
The vacancies would include those available in NITS, IIITS and other
Central/State Funded Institutions after internal sliding along with all
the seats offered by the Self Financed Institutions. Vacancies to be
displayed on CCB Website.
All candidates are eligible for central counseling spot round,
except those who have been admitted to an institute till 5th allotment
round are eligible. Finally locked choices of all candidates will be
processed centrally at the end of registration and result of spot will
be published on 14th Aug 2011.
Apply for Spot Round: AIEEE 2011 Spot Round Registration
ICET counselling for admissions in to MBA, MCA, employees strike is the big hardle
This year only 1.3 lakh candidates have qualified in ICET...
ICET counselling for
admissions into MBA and MCA courses in AP is likely to be delayed in
announcing the schedule in view of the proposed strike of the employees,
and uncertain situation in the State. APSCHE officials decided not to
finalize the dates due to the prevailing situation in the State.
Originally officials had planned to start the counselling from August 18
onwards though official decision was not taken.
Officials in the meeting apparently expressed apprehensions over the smooth conduct of the counselling in view of the proposed employees strike from August 17. They argued that disturbance even in any one of the helpline centers or absence of employees will affect the schedule. Moreover, students would also be put to inconvenience, they felt.
Officials confident on complete the entire counselling in less than 8 days as only 1.3 lakh candidates qualified in ICET. Smooth conduct of counselling is in doubt in view of the proposed employees strike ‘Disturbance even in any one of the helpline centers or absence of staff will affect schedule.
Officials in the meeting apparently expressed apprehensions over the smooth conduct of the counselling in view of the proposed employees strike from August 17. They argued that disturbance even in any one of the helpline centers or absence of employees will affect the schedule. Moreover, students would also be put to inconvenience, they felt.
Officials confident on complete the entire counselling in less than 8 days as only 1.3 lakh candidates qualified in ICET. Smooth conduct of counselling is in doubt in view of the proposed employees strike ‘Disturbance even in any one of the helpline centers or absence of staff will affect schedule.
JNTUA first Year B.Tech and B.Pharmacy Supple Exams Results May2011
JNTU Anantapur 1st Year B.Tech R09,R07,R05,RR and B.Pharmacy R09,R07,NR,OR Supple Exams Results May 2011...
JNTUA first Year B.Tech and B.Pharmacy Supple Exams Results May 2011. JNTU Anantapur has published the results of I B.Tech and B.Pharmacy
Supplementary Examinations. JNTUA Results announced today. JNTUA I
B.Tech Supplementary Examinations R09 exam held in May/June 2011.
Students who have appeared the I B.Tech Supplementary exams can check
the results by logging in the JNTUA website. To get the result one must
enter their Register Number in the box provided and click in the Submit
button in the given below link.
Download Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies IIIT 2011 Merit List :
The Rajiv Gandhi University of
Knowledge Technologies are going to published RGUKT 2011 IIIT merit list
for 6 Years integrated B.Tech Courses in Basara idupulapaya and
Nuzvid.The Merit List of RGUKT IITT 2011 are announced Today at 12PM.
These IIIT-2011 Merit List are available in their website at . Totally 19000 students are applied for the RGUKT Btech
Courses. The RGUKT 2011 IIT counselling Starts from 20.08.2011
CAT 2011 online Application registration - CAT Notification 2011 for PGP in IIMs and Non-IIMs
CAT Registration Starts 17th August 2011 in
Common Admission Test
Notification for admission into PG Programme in Management (its
equivalent to MBA) in IIMs. CAT2011 will be conducted online for 20 days
from 22 October 2011 to 18 November 2011. CAT scores will be considered
for admission into PGP in Management in IIMs at Ahmedabad, Bangalore,
Calcutta, Indore, Kozhicode, Lucknow, Ranchi, Rohtak, Udaipur,
Thiruchirapalli, Raipur, Kashipur and RGIIM- Shillong. Along with PGP in
Management,some IIMs also offer Fellow Programs based on CAT score. CAT
2011 vouchers can be obtained from designated Axis Bank branches across
India from 17 August 2011 to 26 September 2011. Cost of application/
voucher in Rs. 1600 For SC, ST candidates Rs. 800.
Applicants must have a Bachelor’s Degree with minimum 50 percent marks. Candidates appearing for the final year exams of degree and those awaiting for results can also apply. Apart from IIMs, there are so many prestigious private B-Schools which consider CAT scores for admission into their management courses of various type.
CAT Application, After purchasing CAT 2011 voucher, candidates need to login to the website and registration process will start from 17 August 2011 and closes on 28 September 2011. Details of registration available on the above mentioned CAT 2011 website.
The CAT test will be conducted in number of venues across the country. There have been changes in the CAT 2011 examination structure and question paper pattern. There will be only two sections instead of earlier three sections. All other details regarding new question paper pattern, application process, test structure, question paper structure, old CAT exam papers, bank branches, Online Test procedure, Programs available in IIMs and Non-IIMs and reporting for the test are available on IIMs websites along with .
Registration Starts: 17th August 2011
Close of Registration: 28th September 2011
CAT 2011 Dates: 22 October 2011 - 18 November 2011
Applicants must have a Bachelor’s Degree with minimum 50 percent marks. Candidates appearing for the final year exams of degree and those awaiting for results can also apply. Apart from IIMs, there are so many prestigious private B-Schools which consider CAT scores for admission into their management courses of various type.
CAT Application, After purchasing CAT 2011 voucher, candidates need to login to the website and registration process will start from 17 August 2011 and closes on 28 September 2011. Details of registration available on the above mentioned CAT 2011 website.
The CAT test will be conducted in number of venues across the country. There have been changes in the CAT 2011 examination structure and question paper pattern. There will be only two sections instead of earlier three sections. All other details regarding new question paper pattern, application process, test structure, question paper structure, old CAT exam papers, bank branches, Online Test procedure, Programs available in IIMs and Non-IIMs and reporting for the test are available on IIMs websites along with .
Registration Starts: 17th August 2011
Close of Registration: 28th September 2011
CAT 2011 Dates: 22 October 2011 - 18 November 2011
EAMCET 2011 Seats Allotment on 14th August-Engineering seat vacancy positionEAMCET 2011 2nd and final Phase Counseling only for sliding course and colleges...
Eamcet seat allotment 2011 - How many A.P Engineering Colleges going to shut?
The big question before APSCHE how to fill 3 lakhs sears with 1.5 lakhs students. In certificate verification as many as 73,128 students who qualified in Eamcet 2011 engineering skipped the certificate verification of eamcet phase one. Total of 2,07,252 students had qualified in Eamcet 2011 engineering this year, only 1,34,124 had turned up for certificates verification in over 50 helpline centers across the state, when the last date ended on 3rd August.
Eamcet officials expect in 1,34,124 students about 20,000 students to opt for B. Pharmacy courses, only 1.14 lakh students to opt for engineering courses, while nearly 2,14,689 engineering seats are on offer in the convenor quota in the ongoing counselling.
That means more then one lakh seats will remain vacant in the convenor quota alone assuming that all the 1.14 lakh students who turned up for counselling take admissions. Another 1.04 lakh seats available in management quota, for which there are no takers, except few colleges in the top50 colleges list. Eamcet officials expecting this year up to 200 colleges will get only single digit admissions(less then ten students in college) this year and will head for closure due to vacant seats. Who is responsible to this vacant seats crisis?
From now APPSC Departmental test results in official website too
Up to now APPSC Departmental test results only in Udyoga Samacharam...
A.P Chief Minister N. Kiran Kumar Reddy on Monday approved the publication of results of departmental tests on the official website of the A.P. Public Service Commission. APPSC will conduct the Departmental Tests Examinations at 22 District Head Quarters except Ranga Reddy District which is clubbed with Hyderabad District in two Session every year. The applicant should pay Rs.25/- towards application fee for each Test, Rs. 20/- towards publication of results in APPSC Udyoga Samacharam. Accordingly, a proposal relating to amending Rule-6 of the A.P. Departmental Test Rules, 1965 was given the go-ahead by CM. Earlier, results were published only in the APPSC's magazine Udyoga Samacharam.
The results of the candidates who are provisionally declared to have passed the Tests will be displayed on the Notice Board of the Commission’s Office. Now results of the Departmental Tests will be available in the Commission’s Website
ICET Counseling from 16th August, ICET 2011 Admission notification on 9th Aug in
National Talent Search Examination-2012 for students studying in Class VIII
APEAMCET 2011 seat allotments
will be released by APSCHE on 14-08-2011, 6 PM. Allotments for B.Tech
and B.Pharmacy Courses will be displayed on the same website at Candidates can obtain their allotment letters by
logging into the site by enter the Registration Number, Hall Ticket
Number, Password and Date of Birth in Candidate Login. Download the
allotment order and challan form for payment of fee. Candidate should
pay the fee of any in any Branch of Andhra Bank or Indian Bank and paid
fee should report at the allotted college by the date published on the
allotment order. If candidates failed to report in the allotted college
by the date published on the allotment order will be automatically
cancelled and candidate can not claim the seat allotted.
Candidates can change the frozen options once again if they so desire,
on 10-08-2011 and 11-08-2011 from Rank 1 to Last at Help Line Centers
this is the opportunity for changing the options and options recorded in
the Server on the last day of the schedule alone will be considered for
allotment of seats.
Rgukt IIIT Detention system under scaner
Who is responsible to student failures?
much pressure is building on the state government to remove detention
system in the IIITs adopted by the Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge
Technologies -RGUKT.
The higher education minister met the Vice Chancellor of the RGUKT to discuss the policy following reports of hundreds of students against the policy at IIIT campuses in Basar, Nuzividu and Idupulapaya. 1,800 students had failed in the recent engineering first year exams in the IIITs and the RGUKT had offered remedial education for these students for a month to enable them to clear the backlogs. Nearly 1,030 students failed in the supplementary exams and the varsity decided not to promote these students to the Second Year as part of RGUKT detention policy. It receive more protests from students and parents. Some students even threatened to go on indefinite hunger strikes on campus if they were not promoted.
To reduced pressure RGUKT has decided the students that those who have backlogs of less than three papers will be considered for promotion in the varsity’s general council meeting scheduled for August 8. Even now there will still be about 152 students who have backlogs of more than three papers and thus be ineligible for promotion to the second year.
The higher education minister met the Vice Chancellor of the RGUKT to discuss the policy following reports of hundreds of students against the policy at IIIT campuses in Basar, Nuzividu and Idupulapaya. 1,800 students had failed in the recent engineering first year exams in the IIITs and the RGUKT had offered remedial education for these students for a month to enable them to clear the backlogs. Nearly 1,030 students failed in the supplementary exams and the varsity decided not to promote these students to the Second Year as part of RGUKT detention policy. It receive more protests from students and parents. Some students even threatened to go on indefinite hunger strikes on campus if they were not promoted.
To reduced pressure RGUKT has decided the students that those who have backlogs of less than three papers will be considered for promotion in the varsity’s general council meeting scheduled for August 8. Even now there will still be about 152 students who have backlogs of more than three papers and thus be ineligible for promotion to the second year.
RGUKT IIIT seats allotment on 10 Aug - IIIT Selection list for counselling
RGUKT 6-year integrated B.Tech counselling from 20 August...
to the first year of RGUKT 6-year integrated engineering program for
the academic year 2011-12 will be made by adding a deprivation score,
weightage of 4% in terms of percentage of marks, to the tenth class
marks of an applicant from Government schools including the Zilla
parishads and Municipal schools.
The allotment of seats selection list will be publish on 10th August. Counselling to selected list candidates.Admission to 85% of the total available seats shall be reserved for the 'local candidates' and the remaining 15% of the seats shall be un-reserved. As RGUKT is a state-wide institution, the seats reserved for the local candidates 85% of the total available will be distributed among the three regions of the State namely, Andhra University, Osmania University and Sri Venkateswara University areas in the ratio of 42:36:22, respectively. The selection in each category is based on the marks obtained in SSC or its equivalent examination conducted in 2011. While preparing the merit list, a deprivation score, weightage of 4% in terms of percentage of marks, will be added to the tenth class marks of an applicant from Government schools including the Zillaparishad and Municipal Schools.
The list of candidates selected for counseling will be displayed on the university website on 10-08-2011. The candidates will also be informed by post, e-mail and SMS message, wherever possible, to the address written in the application form.
Counselling from 20 august to 22 august.The candidates selected for counseling shall report in person at the RGUKT Campus allotted (Basar/Nuzvid/RKValley) for verification of original certificates / documents and the details provided in the application form.
The allotment of seats selection list will be publish on 10th August. Counselling to selected list candidates.Admission to 85% of the total available seats shall be reserved for the 'local candidates' and the remaining 15% of the seats shall be un-reserved. As RGUKT is a state-wide institution, the seats reserved for the local candidates 85% of the total available will be distributed among the three regions of the State namely, Andhra University, Osmania University and Sri Venkateswara University areas in the ratio of 42:36:22, respectively. The selection in each category is based on the marks obtained in SSC or its equivalent examination conducted in 2011. While preparing the merit list, a deprivation score, weightage of 4% in terms of percentage of marks, will be added to the tenth class marks of an applicant from Government schools including the Zillaparishad and Municipal Schools.
The list of candidates selected for counseling will be displayed on the university website on 10-08-2011. The candidates will also be informed by post, e-mail and SMS message, wherever possible, to the address written in the application form.
Counselling from 20 august to 22 august.The candidates selected for counseling shall report in person at the RGUKT Campus allotted (Basar/Nuzvid/RKValley) for verification of original certificates / documents and the details provided in the application form.
ICET 2011 web Counseling, MBA and MCA Seats Allotment in
MBA and MCA admissions certificate verification likely from 16th August...
2011 web Counseling for admission into MBA & MCA in Government and
Private colleges in A.P will start from 16th August 2011. Schedule with
notification will be issued on 9th Augustn by APSCHE. Certificates
verification will start from 16th August 2011. APSCHE is trying to start
the exercise of web options simultaneously with certificate
verification with 3days gap like eamcet counselling. For exercise of web
options and other details MBA and MCA Colleges in the state visit after 9th August.
Fee Structure for MBA and MCA Courses for 2011-12, MBA / MCA under Convener Quota Rs. 27000 and fee for Management Quota is Rs. 78000. ICET 2010 Last Ranks in various colleges can help to estimate chances of seat in different colleges. 971 colleges in the state of A.P offering 78,340 seats in the MBA Program. MCA Program in 713 colleges with a total intake capacity of 50,148 seats. Every ICET2011 qualified student would get into either MBA or the MCA Program.
Fee Structure for MBA and MCA Courses for 2011-12, MBA / MCA under Convener Quota Rs. 27000 and fee for Management Quota is Rs. 78000. ICET 2010 Last Ranks in various colleges can help to estimate chances of seat in different colleges. 971 colleges in the state of A.P offering 78,340 seats in the MBA Program. MCA Program in 713 colleges with a total intake capacity of 50,148 seats. Every ICET2011 qualified student would get into either MBA or the MCA Program.
Bank of India Recruitment 2011-12 of Specialist Officers -
BOB Specialist Officers recruitment 2011...
Bank of India invites applications for various posts published at
the posts of Specialist Officer. Eligible candidates can apply online
through the Bank's website Candidate should have a valid email ID. The
selection of candidates will be made on the basis of performance in
written test & Group Discussion and Interview.
Marketing Executive (MBA) - JMG Scale-I
No. of Vacancies : 14 Posts, Age Limit : 21-30 Years, Pay Scale : Rs.14500-25700/-, Qualification : MBA / PGDBM with specialization in Marketing with Minimum 50% marks from College / University approved by UGC / AICTE.
Marketing Executive (MBA) - MMG Scale-II
No. of Vacancies : 278 Posts, Age Limit : 21-30 Years, Pay Scale : Rs.19400-28100/-, Qualification : MBA / PGDBM with specialization in Marketing with Minimum 60% marks from College / University approved by UGC / AICTE.
Law Officers - JMG Scale-I
No. of Vacancies : 03 Posts, Age Limit : 21-30 Years, Pay Scale : Rs.14500-25700/-
Qualification : LLB with minimum 50% marks.
Important datesMarketing Executive (MBA) - JMG Scale-I
No. of Vacancies : 14 Posts, Age Limit : 21-30 Years, Pay Scale : Rs.14500-25700/-, Qualification : MBA / PGDBM with specialization in Marketing with Minimum 50% marks from College / University approved by UGC / AICTE.
Marketing Executive (MBA) - MMG Scale-II
No. of Vacancies : 278 Posts, Age Limit : 21-30 Years, Pay Scale : Rs.19400-28100/-, Qualification : MBA / PGDBM with specialization in Marketing with Minimum 60% marks from College / University approved by UGC / AICTE.
Law Officers - JMG Scale-I
No. of Vacancies : 03 Posts, Age Limit : 21-30 Years, Pay Scale : Rs.14500-25700/-
Qualification : LLB with minimum 50% marks.
- Opening date of Online submission of application - 02.08.2011
- Closing date of Online submission of application - 16.08.2011
- Date of Written Examination - 25.09.2011 (Sunday) Tentatively.
Advertisement*Apply online*Fee Payment Challan
Eamcet seat allotment 2011 - How many A.P Engineering Colleges going to shut?
How to fill Engineering Colleges? More then 70K students not attend certificate verification...
The big question before APSCHE how to fill 3 lakhs sears with 1.5 lakhs students. In certificate verification as many as 73,128 students who qualified in Eamcet 2011 engineering skipped the certificate verification of eamcet phase one. Total of 2,07,252 students had qualified in Eamcet 2011 engineering this year, only 1,34,124 had turned up for certificates verification in over 50 helpline centers across the state, when the last date ended on 3rd August.
Eamcet officials expect in 1,34,124 students about 20,000 students to opt for B. Pharmacy courses, only 1.14 lakh students to opt for engineering courses, while nearly 2,14,689 engineering seats are on offer in the convenor quota in the ongoing counselling.
That means more then one lakh seats will remain vacant in the convenor quota alone assuming that all the 1.14 lakh students who turned up for counselling take admissions. Another 1.04 lakh seats available in management quota, for which there are no takers, except few colleges in the top50 colleges list. Eamcet officials expecting this year up to 200 colleges will get only single digit admissions(less then ten students in college) this year and will head for closure due to vacant seats. Who is responsible to this vacant seats crisis?
From now APPSC Departmental test results in official website too
Up to now APPSC Departmental test results only in Udyoga Samacharam...A.P Chief Minister N. Kiran Kumar Reddy on Monday approved the publication of results of departmental tests on the official website of the A.P. Public Service Commission. APPSC will conduct the Departmental Tests Examinations at 22 District Head Quarters except Ranga Reddy District which is clubbed with Hyderabad District in two Session every year. The applicant should pay Rs.25/- towards application fee for each Test, Rs. 20/- towards publication of results in APPSC Udyoga Samacharam. Accordingly, a proposal relating to amending Rule-6 of the A.P. Departmental Test Rules, 1965 was given the go-ahead by CM. Earlier, results were published only in the APPSC's magazine Udyoga Samacharam.
The results of the candidates who are provisionally declared to have passed the Tests will be displayed on the Notice Board of the Commission’s Office. Now results of the Departmental Tests will be available in the Commission’s Website
ICET Counseling from 16th August, ICET 2011 Admission notification on 9th Aug in
ICET web Counseling 2011 Notification will be published in August 9th...
2011 for admission into M.B.A and M.C.A courses of all universities in
Andhra Pradesh conducted by Andhra University this year on behalf of
APSCHE. ICET 2011 web Counselling Notification and web options entry
schedule will be available on 9th this month for the students. The ICET
officials will announce the Notification and schedule 2011 on 9th
APICET Counselling certificate verification likely to be start from 16th August 2011. ICET 2011 web options entry web counseling expected to start from 19th August. This year more than 1,26,000 qualified students will wait for admission to MBA and MCA programs for all universities in Andhra Pradesh. ICET Web Counselling 2011 in
APICET Counselling certificate verification likely to be start from 16th August 2011. ICET 2011 web options entry web counseling expected to start from 19th August. This year more than 1,26,000 qualified students will wait for admission to MBA and MCA programs for all universities in Andhra Pradesh. ICET Web Counselling 2011 in
EPass Renewal of Post Matric Scholarships 2011 for Fee Reimbursement Scheme in Andhra Pradesh
Epass Scholarships online submission present last date 31 July, 100% chances to extend another 10 days more...
Government of A.P receiving online applications through e-Pass website for renewal of Post Matric Scholarships for the academic year 2011-12. All SC/ ST/ BC/ Minority/ EBC and any other students pursuing various Post Matric Courses in A.P can apply for the scholarships for the year 2011-2012. All Students with parental income of less than Rs. 1 lakh are eligible for fee reimbursement. Candidates need to renewal of their scholarships applications for the academic year 2011-12 through ePass gateway-Electronic Payment and Application System of Scholarships through website at
Students now in the second,third & final year's of professional courses such as Engineering, Medicine, Pharmacy, Graduation etc can renewal of their scholarships applications. Online application renewal of their scholarships applications facility on the ePass website will be available from 2nd July 2011 and Last date is 31st July 2011.
Students now in the second,third & final year's of professional courses such as Engineering, Medicine, Pharmacy, Graduation etc can renewal of their scholarships applications. Online application renewal of their scholarships applications facility on the ePass website will be available from 2nd July 2011 and Last date is 31st July 2011.
Enter Application ID, User ID and Pass Word (To get your user ID and Password, you can get the same through click Forgot UserId or Password filling 2010 number and ssc data at ). Renewal Candidates also need to submit the income declaration form in the format available on the ePass website.
National Talent Search Examination-2012 for students studying in Class VIII
Talent Search Scheme is a flagship activity of the NCERT started in the
year 1963. The purpose of the scheme was to identify talented students
and nurture their talent. Talent refers to the potentiality that
manifests itself in a high level of performance in one or more
specialized areas. The scheme, therefore, covers areas like Sciences,
Social Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Management and Law. It honours
and helps talented students by providing financial assistance in the
form of a monthly scholarship. For the courses in Basic Sciences,
Social Sciences and Commerce, this assistance is provided up to Ph.D.
level. For professional courses like Engineering, Medicine, Management
and Law this assistance is given only up to Post Graduation. The NCERT
conducts the National Talent Search Examination for students studying
in Class VIII only.
1. Scholarships:
On the basis of the examination conducted, 1000 scholarships will be
awarded for each group of students appearing for Class VIII
examinations. The amount of scholarship will be Rs.500/- per month as
per NTS rules.2. Reservation: 15% scholarships will be reserved for students belonging to the SC category, 7.5% scholarships for students belonging to the ST category and 3% for Physically Challenged Group of Students.
3. Selection: There will be two-stage selection process for award of scholarship. For Stage-I, selection will be done by States/UTs through a written examination. Students who qualify Stage I will be eligible to appear for Stage II examination conducted by NCERT.
4. The States/UTs will also conduct the selection test for National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme along with the Stage-I written examination for NTS.
5. Important Dates: Dates for Submission of Application Form and conduct of examination are given below:
6. Eligibility: Students of Class VIII studying in recognized schools are eligible to appear for the respective Class VIII Stage I examination conducted by the States/UTs in which the schools are located. There will be no domicile restriction.
7. Examination: The pattern of written examination for Class VIII will be as follows:Stage I examination at the State/UT level will comprise two parts, namely (a) Mental Ability Test (MAT) and (b) Scholastic Ability Test (SAT) covering social sciences, sciences and mathematics. Stage II examination at the National level will comprise (a) Mental Ability Test (MAT), (b) Scholastic Ability Test (SAT) covering Social Sciences, Sciences and Mathematics.
8. State Quotas: Each State/Union Territory has been allotted a quota to recommend a specific number of candidates for the Stage II examination, the details of which will be made available on NCERT website. However, there will be no State/Union Territory Quota for the final award of scholarship after the Stage II examination. Reservation for SC, ST and physically challenged will be as notified in para 2 above.
9. Application Form: You may contact the State/UT Liaison officer for procuring application form. However, application form can be downloaded from NCERT website <> also.
10. The completed application form should be signed by Principal of the school. The candidate/Principal of the school must confirm the last date for submission of Application Form and where to submit it from the State/ UT liaison officer whose addresses are given in the end/NCERT website. Different states may have different last dates for submission of application forms. All queries relating to application forms should be made from State Liaison Officers (LOs). No application should be sent to NCERT.
11. Fees: States and Union Territories may notify the fee required which will be paid for the Stage-I examination. Therefore, before submitting the application form you may find out the fees charged for 2011 Stage-I Examination and also the mode of payment from the respective State Liaison Officers (LOs). However, NCERT does not charge any fee for Stage-II examination.
12. Announcement of Results: Results of the Stage-I examination will be declared by the respective State Governments/ Union Territories. Final result after the conduct of Stage-II examination will be declared by NCERT.
13. Indian Students Studying Abroad can appear directly for Stage II NTS Examination under conditions prescribed in the NTS brochure for class VIII which is available on the NCERT website. Candidates may fill up relevant items of the Application Form available on the NCERT website and send to the undersigned along with a photocopy of the mark sheet of previous examination latest by March 31, 2012.
For more details & Application form: srch_exam.html
The objective of the scheme is to award scholarships to meritorious
students belonging to economically weaker sections of society so as to
provide them better opportunities for higher education increase their
rate of attainment in higher education and enhance their
The scholarship is to be awarded for studies in India in a government or private
college/university,. It will also cover technical and vocational
courses in Industrial Training Institutes/ Industrial Training Centres
affiliated with the National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) of
classes at Graduation level.
Students who have passed Class XII exam or its equivalent in the Academic Year 2010-11 and are interested to pursue higher education in the field of
i) Medicine, Engineering, Graduation, in any discipline, Diploma Course
in any field or other equivalent courses.
ii) Vocational Courses through Government recognized Colleges/Institutes or courses in Industrial Training Institutes (ITI).
For i) above Candidates who have passed Class XII exam or
equivalent in the Academic year 2010-11 with at least 60% marks or
equivalent grade and annual income of whose parents/guardian from all
sources does not exceed ` 60,000/ per annum.
For ii) above The basic educational qualification is relaxed
to Class X or equivalent with at least 60% marks in the Academic year
2011 subject to income ceiling of parents/guardians.
Scholarship shall be provided for the entire course.
10,000/- per annum, ` 1000/ payable monthly for ten months by Cheques to the Beneficiary.
(i) Scholarship shall be awarded to the students who have secured
not less than 60% marks or equivalent grade in the previous final
examination and the annual income of whose parents/guardian from all
sources does not exceed Rs.60,000/ per annum. Students having the
lowest family income shall be given preference in the ascending order.
(ii) The scholarship shall be discontinued if a student fails to
secure 50% in B.A./B.COM. and 55% marks in other streams or equivalent
grade, in the previous final examination of the course for which
scholarship is awarded. Scholarship shall not be awarded for more than
the normal period of time taken to obtain certificate/degree.
(iii) Scholarship shall not be given to more than one student in a family.
(iv) The students should be regular in attendance for which the
yardstick shall be decided by the competent authority of the
(v) Income certificate should be on self-certification basis by way
of an affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper for self-employed parents
and from employer for employed parents supported by documents such as
land held by revenue department in the name of parents.
(vi) If a student violates any other term and condition of the scholarship, the scholarship may be suspended or cancelled.
(vii) If a student is found to have obtained a scholarship by false
statement/certificates, his/her scholarship shall be cancelled
forthwith and the amount of the scholarship paid shall be recovered,
at the discretion of the concerned Divisional Administration of LIC.
(viii) LIC Golden Jubilee Foundation will lay down the detailed
procedure for processing and sanctioning of scholarships to eligible
(ix) The scheme shall be evaluated at regular intervals by the LICGJF.
(x) The regulations can be changed at any time at the discretion of the Board of Trustees of LICGJF
The scholarship, once awarded, may be renewed during the next academic
year of the course on the production of certificate that the student
has secured 50% in B.A./B.COM. and 55% marks in other streams or
equivalent grade in the examination.
Only online applications are to be submitted through the link on the
Home page. Pl. note that MICR number is not mandatory while submitting
the online application form.
Last date for online application is 08.08.2011
LIC Online Application candidates can apply Online
IndianOil Academic Scholarships - Online applications from25 July - IOCL Scholarships 2011
Indian Oil Academic Scholarships for 2011-2012 offers 2600 Scholarships for Students of 10+/ITI, Engineering, MBBS & MBA Courses on merit cum means basis
under Indian Oil Merit Scholarships Scheme 2011-12 for 10+ / ITI
studies and for Graduate and Post Graduate students under 'Indian Oil
Scholarships Scheme. Selection of the candidates will be based on the
marks obtained in the qualifying examination and parental annual income.
All the selected 10 + / ITI candidates will receive Rs. 1000 and other candidates will get Rs. 3000 per month as scholarship. 2000 Scholarships are offered for 10+/ITI students and 600 scholarships are offered for professional courses. These are distributed as for Engineering- 300, MBBS-200 and MBA- 100 scholarships. Details of eligible programs, duration of the scholarship, selection methos, number of scholarships and online application procedure in
All the selected 10 + / ITI candidates will receive Rs. 1000 and other candidates will get Rs. 3000 per month as scholarship. 2000 Scholarships are offered for 10+/ITI students and 600 scholarships are offered for professional courses. These are distributed as for Engineering- 300, MBBS-200 and MBA- 100 scholarships. Details of eligible programs, duration of the scholarship, selection methos, number of scholarships and online application procedure in
IOCL Online Application candidates can apply Online
should take system generated unique Registration Number along with a
print-out of the submitted online application. Print out of the
application form along with other necessary documents should be sent to
'ACE Consultants, Post Box No. 9248, Krishna Nagar Head Post Office,
For more details, see
Important Dates:
- Online application from 25th July 2011.
- Close of Online application through website: 15th September 2011.
- Last date for the receipt of print outs of applications with documents: 15th October 2011.
epass 2011 Renewal of applications of Post Matric Scholarships Last Date 31st July 2011
epass Renewal Application 2011-12 present Last Date 31st July 2011, Last date extension possible...
epass Post Matric Scholarships online submission on the ePass website. All students who have been promoted
to the next year by the college are eligible to apply. They shall
register for renewal of scholarship by logging into their accounts on
the ePass website. In process student need to upload Income affidavit to
be scanned. Income affidavit in Rs.10/- Non judicial stamp paper signed
by renewal student parent. Notary not required this year too. Marks
copy of the final exam to be scanned and uploaded and Allotment order of
the present course too.
Students shall enter the Ration Card number. Details of mobile phone of student to be furnished they can get SMS from the ePass website through the bank. Students must confirm the bank account shown on the website. Where students have been allotted an Aadhaar Card or UID number they shall furnish the details of the number. Students must confirm if they are continuing the same college and in the same course.
Students are requested to ensure that the furnish all the details and complete the renewal by 31-07-2011.
Students shall enter the Ration Card number. Details of mobile phone of student to be furnished they can get SMS from the ePass website through the bank. Students must confirm the bank account shown on the website. Where students have been allotted an Aadhaar Card or UID number they shall furnish the details of the number. Students must confirm if they are continuing the same college and in the same course.
Students are requested to ensure that the furnish all the details and complete the renewal by 31-07-2011.
Coal India Recruitment 2011 for the Management Trainees Exam Admit cards download now
Coal India Recruitment 2011 for the Management Trainees Exam on 7th August 2011...
India informed all applicants for the Management Trainees exam
scheduled on 7th August, 2011 Written examination on Sunday the 7th
August 2011. The venue and time of examination shall be notified through
the Admit Card to be sent to the Eligible candidates.
Coal India Ltd. is a, Maharatna Company with net worth Rs. 258,437.43 million as on 31.3.10 and profit after tax , Rs. 98,294.09 million in fiscal 2010. It is the largest coal producing company in the world. It contributed about 81.9% of total Coal production in India in fiscal 2009.
Coal India Ltd. is a, Maharatna Company with net worth Rs. 258,437.43 million as on 31.3.10 and profit after tax , Rs. 98,294.09 million in fiscal 2010. It is the largest coal producing company in the world. It contributed about 81.9% of total Coal production in India in fiscal 2009.
admit cards are uploaded in a phased manner. If you do not find your
admit card in the above site now, please visit the site on and after
19th July. Do not wait for the Hard copy of Admit Card sent to you
through Postal Department. Downloaded Admit cards are equally valid for
the Written Examination on 07.08.2011.
JNTU Anantapur B.Tech 3-1 R07,R05,RR Supple Results May 2011 announced
JNTU Anantapur B.Tech and B.PHARMACY 3-1 semester R07,R05,RR Supple Results May 2011 announced..
date for Recounting/Revaluation:25-07-2011 . JNTUA B.Tech 3-1 semester
R07,R05,RR Supple Results May 2011 and B.PHARMACY 3-1 semester R07,NR
results announced. The results of III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary
Examinations results in University's official website. Students who have
appeared the III B.Tech and B.PHARMACY I Semester exams May 2011 Exam
can check the results by logging in the JNTUA website. To get the result
one must enter their Register Number in the box provided and click in
the Submit button in the given below link.
ICAI CA-CPT Results June 2011 today at
ICAI CA CPT Results today 19 July...
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India known as ICAI has announced
the Common Proficiency Test CPT Result date of June 2011 exam. As per
announcement, ICAI CPT Result December 2011 will be Published today on
19.07.2011 ONLINE at the official website of ICAI and ICAI CPT Examinations are held quarterly March, June,
September, December every year. Candidates, who had appeared the ICAI
CPT held in June 2011 will get the Result by visit link given below.
At the time of CPT 2011 Results publish, the server process will slow due to heavy traffic. CA Results will be availble at official website.Please find below link to get the cpt results 2011.
At the time of CPT 2011 Results publish, the server process will slow due to heavy traffic. CA Results will be availble at official website.Please find below link to get the cpt results 2011.
ICAI CA Cpt Results 2011 will be available on website. CPT Result in for june 2011
CA-CPT exam June attempt 2011 Results today 19 July 2011...
Institute of chartered Account of India common Proficiency Test Results
2011 will declared today of July 19th at official website. CPT
entrance were conducted in the month of July,Every Year ICAI has twicely
conducted for final Examinations. CPT Entrance Test conducted for
Admissions into the IPCC Course, Every Year ICAI will be Announced
Common Proficiency Test Results 2011 in month of July.
The results of the CA Common Proficiency Test examination held on 19th June 2011. The Results will be at official website Every Year ICAI has conducted the CPT entrance exam twice (June&December) Entrance Test conducted for Admissions into the IPCC Course.
The results of the CA Common Proficiency Test examination held on 19th June 2011. The Results will be at official website Every Year ICAI has conducted the CPT entrance exam twice (June&December) Entrance Test conducted for Admissions into the IPCC Course.
AP D-Pharmacy online application and Admission Notification for 2011-12, DTEAP
D-Pharmacy Admission, online application for 2011-12...
of Technical Education, Government of AP issued notification for
admission in to D.Pharmacy course for the year 2011-12. Admission into
pharmacy colleges working under DTEAP. Students have to apply online
only through D. Pharmacy -Diploma Course in Pharmacy,
Duration of the course is 2 years. Candidates should have passed in
Inter BiPC or MPC groups or its equivalent. Vocational candidates with
bridge course also can apply. Candidates can apply online only. List of
colleges for AU, OU and SVU regions is available on
Important Dates:
Commencement of online application: 22nd July 2011
Last date for online application: 6th August 2011
SSC Supplementary Results and marks 2011 - S.S.C Advanced Supplementary Exam June-2011 results soon
10th class Supplementary results in this week...AP SSC Supplementary Exams results too late this year 2011, 10th class supplementary Exams are conducted by Board of Secondary School Certificate Education of AP. Tenth class Supplementary Exams started on 18-06- 2011 and been for 01-07- 2011. This year 2011 up t0 250000 students appeared exams. Every year SSC board SSC Supplementary exams results out in 15 to 20 days. But this year its take more time. Board tries to evaluate the all papers in 10 Days from the completion date of exam.
This year 10th Supplementary Results expected in 3rd week of July, any time between 21st to 25th July 2011, SSC board soon will release a press note about results. we will update results information immediate after release by SSC board. IWWH wishes all the best to all SSC Supplementary students for SSC Results 2011.
JNTU Hyderabad B.Tech 2-1 May 2011 R09, R07, R05, RR, NR Supple Results out
JNTU HYD B.Tech 2-1 semester R09,R07,R05,RR,NR Supple Results May 2011 announced..
date for Recounting/Revaluation:25-07-2011 . JNTU HYD B.Tech 2-1
semester R09,R07,R05,RR,NR Supple Results May 2011 announced. JNTUH
published 2-1 Results Supple 09,R07,R05,RR,NR May 2011 Results. The
results of II B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations results more
about the results University's official website. Students who have
appeared the II B.Tech I Semester exams May 2011 Exam can check the
results by logging in the JNTUH website. To get the result one must
enter their Register Number in the box provided and click in the Submit
button in the given below link.
B.Tech. II Year I Semester R09 Results - May - 2011
B.Tech. II Year I Semester (R07) Results - May - 2011
B.Tech. II Year I Semester (R05) Results - May - 2011
B.Tech. II Year I Semester (RR) Results - May - 2011
B.Tech. II Year I Semester (NR) Results - May - 2011
B.Tech. II Year I Semester (R07) Results - May - 2011
B.Tech. II Year I Semester (R05) Results - May - 2011
B.Tech. II Year I Semester (RR) Results - May - 2011
B.Tech. II Year I Semester (NR) Results - May - 2011
TET Hall tickets of the APTET 2011 Exam - Download APTET Hall ticket now
Posted: 16 Jul 2011 10:04 AM PDT
APTET Hall Ticket Down Load now available at
website. TET Online Registration Application received by Department
of School Education for the first APTET examination is scheduled on
31st July, 2011. The hall tickets now available at official website of
AP TET. 3,73,644 candidates were registered online to appear for
Paper-I, and II.
Candidate should be present with the Hall Ticket in the Examination centre one hour before the time of exam. No candidate will be allowed after the commencement of the examination i.e 9.30 AM (Morning Session) or 2.30 PM (Afternoon Session). No candidate shall be allowed to leave the Examination Hall before 12 Noon in the Morning Session and 5.00 PM in the Afternoon Session.
Candidate should be present with the Hall Ticket in the Examination centre one hour before the time of exam. No candidate will be allowed after the commencement of the examination i.e 9.30 AM (Morning Session) or 2.30 PM (Afternoon Session). No candidate shall be allowed to leave the Examination Hall before 12 Noon in the Morning Session and 5.00 PM in the Afternoon Session.
TET Hall tickets of the APTET 2011 Exam -
Download APTET Hall ticket from
any downloaded Hall Ticket does not contain photograph with signature
candidate should paste a recent passport size photograph in the space
provided on the Hall Ticket and get it attested by a Gazetted Officer.
The Candidate should also bring another photograph to the exam hall for
affixing on the nominal roll cum attendance sheet.
Every candidate should bring Two fine Black Ball point pens and a writing pad to mark on OMR Sheet. Any other colour pen is not permitted. Candidate should carefully read and follow the instructions given on the Side-I of OMR Answer Sheet before starting to answer the paper.
Every candidate should bring Two fine Black Ball point pens and a writing pad to mark on OMR Sheet. Any other colour pen is not permitted. Candidate should carefully read and follow the instructions given on the Side-I of OMR Answer Sheet before starting to answer the paper.
APPSC Asst. Architectural Draughtsman & Surveyors Hall Tickets ...
invited Online Applications in 2009 for recruitment to the Post of
Assistant Architectural Draughtsman & Surveyors in A.P. Town
Planning Subordinate ...
Merit Scholarships for SSC Students from Tirumala Tirupathi Devastanams:
IBPS CWE 2011 online application submission in
Please note that all the particulars mentioned in the online application including Name of the Candidate, Category, Date of birth, Address, Email ID, Center of Examination etc. will be considered as final and no modifications will be allowed after the last date specified for Editing/ Updating the same. Candidates are hence requested to fill in the online application form with the utmost care as no correspondence regarding change of details will be entertained.
An online application which is incomplete in any respect such as without the photograph and signature uploaded in the online application form will not be considered valid. Request for change/correction in any particulars in the Application Form shall not be entertained under any circumstances after last date for Editing/ Updating application details specified.
There is a provision to modify the submitted Online Application. Candidates are requested to make use of this facility to correct their details in the Online Application if any. This modification facility will be available up to 03.08.2011. After this date, no modification will be permitted.
1.The candidate should be an Indian National.
2. The candidate should have qualified in EAMCET-2011.OC 50% marks (80 marks),BC/SC/ST 40% marks (64 marks),OC PH 45% marks (72 marks).
3. The candidate should have passed Intermediate (10 + 2 pattern) or its equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology and English. OC-50%, BC/SC/ST -40%,OC PH-45% marks.
4. The candidate should have completed 17 years of age as on 31-12-2011. The candidates who do not complete 17 years as on 31-12-2011 need not attend the counseling.
ICET 2011 Counselling, ICET Web Counselling 2011at - ICET 2010 Last rank Info and MBA and MCA List of Colleges
ICET Counseling 2011 Notification will be published in this week...
JNVST 2011 results-Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test 2011-2012 results soon
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test for Admission Class VI...
RRB Secundrabad Results 2011-2012 for Section Engineers and Junior Engineers announced
RRB Secundrabad SE and JE Results 2011...
Andhra Pradesh government hope of getting 500 additional medical seats for the current academic year 2011-12 is failed, the MCI has put the proposals to increase seats on hold give only 50 seats. State government has submitted proposals to increase the intake by 500 seats, the MCI has approved only 150 additional seats within the cut-off date of June 30, even as the NTRUHS first phase of Eamcet medical counselling begins from July 17. It has also withheld approval for 100 seats in a private medical college in Srikakulam for this year.
The NTR University of Health Sciences, which conducts the Eamcet medical counselling, is hoping the approval will come through during the second phase of counselling. NTRUHS conduct the first phase of counselling from July 17. If the MCI approves any additional seats later, University will include them in the second phase. The MCI has so far approved 100 extra seats in Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Ongole, and an additional 50 seats in Katuri Medical College, Guntur but it has not approved 100 extra seats in Great E
astern Medical School, Srikakulam.
So only 50 additional seats will be available in medical colleges for this 2011-12 year. Now in Andhra pradesh 14 government and 23 private medical colleges with an intake of 4,700 seats. While 2,800 MBBS seats are available in private medical colleges, the remaining 1,900 seats are in government medical colleges.
A.P government has proposed doubling the intake in Osmania and Gandhi medical colleges and increasing the intake in other government medical colleges. The government was confident that the MCI would approve the proposals but it has not done so within the cut-off date of June 30 for this year.
Start date for Online Registration: 09/07/2011.
Payment of Application Fees: 08/07/2011 to 30/07/2011, (both days inclusive).
Last date for Online Registration: 01/08/2011.
Last date for Editing Application Details: 03/08/2011.
Download of Call letter for Written Examination: After 04/09/2011.
Date of Written Examination: 18/09/2011.
Eligibility conditions to apply for common written test, as on 1.07.2011
Age to be minimum: 20 yrs & maximum: 30 yrs
Online transaction has been successfully completed a registration number and password will be generated, candidates should note down the registration number and password for future reference. If candidates do not receive the e-mail and Sms intimations at the e-mail ID/Mobile number specified by them they may consider that their online application has not been successfully registered.
IBPS Common Written Examination 2011 Syllabus:
Composite Time of 150 minutes + 60 Minutes*(English Composition-Essay, Précis, Letter Writing etc)
1 Reasoning- 50
2 English Language- 50 (25+*25)
3 Quantitative Aptitude- 50
4 General Awareness(with special reference to Banking Industry)- 50
5 Computer Knowledge 50 = Total 250. more in :
invited Online Applications in 2009 for recruitment to the Post of
Assistant Architectural Draughtsman & Surveyors in A.P. Town
Planning Subordinate ... appsc-asst-architectural- draughts...
Online Application for the Merit Scholarships for SSC students from Tirumala Tirupathi Devastanams
Merit Scholarships for SSC Students from Tirumala Tirupathi Devastanams:
I. Important Instructions:
has introduced in 2008 to sanction scholarships to meritorious students
below poverty line to over come the hurdles in prosecuting higher
studies under S.V.Vidya Dana Scheme.
2.Scholarships will be extended
to 1,000 students, every year and an amount of Rs:300/- per month will
be awarded by TTD in two equal installments on satisfying the following
3. The applicant should be below poverty line as per State Govt., orders issued from time to time.
4. The applicant should have
secured more than 500 marks in SSC Public Examination Conducted in March
/ April every year by A.P.Govt.
5. Scholarship is applicable
only to students studied in Schools of Govt., / Zilla Parishad /
Municipal corporation / Municipality / Govt. Aided and TTD Schools.
6. Scholarship is not applicable
to the students, who studied in Navodaya Vidyalayas, A.P Tribal Welfare
Hostels, A.P Gurukula Vidyalayas, A.P Residential Schools, Schools
attached to Social Welfare Hostels, Corporate Schools and those who
Passed SSC examination without School study.
7. For Continuation of
Scholarships in every year till post graduation, the applicant should
necessarily adhere to the attendence i.e. 70% in each year.
8. The applicant should apply
through online application placed in TTD Official websites i.e.
'', which will be available from 5th July
onwards to 31st July,2011 up to 5.00 PM only.
9. If any of the condition not
satisfied, the application of the student will be rejected at the time
of applying itself (The Software is Developed accordingly).
II. General Instructions:
1. System will generate an
unique number. A copy of provisional list will be consulted with "Board
of Secondary Education" for further confirmation in respect of marks,
school category ext.
2. Letters will be addressed to
the students and to the Head Master of the schools, Where the student
studied, duly requesting to send the attested photo copies of
Certificates, such as Marks memorandum, BPL Certificate and Study
Certificate, etc.
3. After the Last Date, all the
applications will be subjected to scrutiny as per the guidelines and
complete proforma will be sent only to the eligible candidates, who are
provisionally selected for merit scholarships in respect to addresses
given for communication. This Proforma will be a detailed one requesting
all details and also neccessary certification with the signatures of
the Head Master, where he has completed 10th standard and also the
Principal of the College, where he is presently studying
4. The last date for receiving
the said proforma is 30.09.2011. In case, if the candidate has not
joined any college by that date, he will be permitted to send the
filled-in proforma later on availing permission from TTD.
5. The incomplete proforma
received will be rejected and there will be no more Communication.
Hence, they are requested to pay full attention and send the complete
filled-in proforma along with neccessary enclosures. The candidates are
requested to give phone number of the respective institution for
neccessary clarification, if any. The proforma will be sent to the
respective postal address from 15.08.2011 onwards.
6. Every year, Scholarship will
be arranged in two installment i.e. first installment will be released
in the month of December and second will be in the month of May for
First Year and on fulfillment of attendence the same will be released
for relevant academic year.
7. Scholarships will be extended
to the eligible student, till his Post Graduation on Satisfying the
following Conditions. A) Candidates joining in Degree or its equivalent
Course Should have secured 85% of Marks in Intermediate Public
Examination with 70% of attendence. B) Candidates joining in Post
Graduation or its equivalent Course Should have secured 70% of Marks in
Degree Examination if it its Science Group 60% marks if it is Arts
Group,70% of attendence in both the cases.
8.If the Students have not
passed the annual examination / not achieved 70% of attendence in each
academic year / fails to produce certificate with in stipulated period,
Schorarships will not extended and will be moved to defaulter category
and no further correspondence will be made.
9. TTD reserves all rights.
Note: Characters like ~ $ <
> ( ) % \ - + : ; { } [ ] ` ! # ^ & * + = | " ? should not be
entered in ANY of the FIELDS/COLUMNS
For Feedback if any, regarding filling up of the Online Application Form contact: No:
Help Desk: 0877-2277777, 0877-2233333 between 10:30 AM to 5 PM on all TTD Working Days.
Help Desk: 0877-2277777, 0877-2233333 between 10:30 AM to 5 PM on all TTD Working Days.
For Submitting Online Application Click Here
For Duplicate Acknowledgement Search Click Here
IBPS online application, How to apply IBPS Common Written Examination?
IBPS CWE 2011 online application submission in
IBPS Common Written Examination for Recruitment of Probationary Officers / Management Trainees in 19 Public Sector Banks online application submission stats now. online application submission in
How to apply:
Candidates can apply online only from 09.07.2011 to 01.08.2011. Before applying online, candidates should scan their photograph and signature ensuring that both the photograph and signature are within the required specifications. Application fee remittance details Transaction details such as NEFT UTR No., IFSC Code etc. Candidates have a valid personal email ID, which should be kept active till the declaration of results of this round of CWE. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he should create hisr new e-mail ID before applying on-line and must maintain that email account .
Application FeesPayable from 08.07.2011 and 30.07.2011 boths dates inclusive, Rs. 50/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates. Rs.450/- for all others
Filling in the Online Application
IBPS online application in
An online application which is incomplete in any respect such as without the photograph and signature uploaded in the online application form will not be considered valid. Request for change/correction in any particulars in the Application Form shall not be entertained under any circumstances after last date for Editing/ Updating application details specified.
There is a provision to modify the submitted Online Application. Candidates are requested to make use of this facility to correct their details in the Online Application if any. This modification facility will be available up to 03.08.2011. After this date, no modification will be permitted.
NTRUHS - Ntr university of health sciences Admission Notification for 2011-12 into MBBS/BDS courses Shortly
NTR university online application to MBBS/BDS course, (Tentative, not sure)...
NTR university of health sciences Notification for Admission into mbbs / bds courses for the academic year 2011-12 counseling expecting this week. Aspirants need to attend the counseling for admission into MBBS/BDS Courses for the academic year 2011-12 at Counseling Centers in Hyderabad(JNTUH, Kukatpally), Visakhapatnam(Andhra University Campus), Vijayawada(Dr NTR University of Health Sciences), Tirupati(Old MBA building, S.V University). Eligible candidates are can to attend for counseling at any one of the counseling center of their choice.
Eligibility for admission into MBBS/BDS courses:1.The candidate should be an Indian National.
2. The candidate should have qualified in EAMCET-2011.OC 50% marks (80 marks),BC/SC/ST 40% marks (64 marks),OC PH 45% marks (72 marks).
3. The candidate should have passed Intermediate (10 + 2 pattern) or its equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology and English. OC-50%, BC/SC/ST -40%,OC PH-45% marks.
4. The candidate should have completed 17 years of age as on 31-12-2011. The candidates who do not complete 17 years as on 31-12-2011 need not attend the counseling.
The Medical/Dental graduates passing out of the Govt. Medical and Dental colleges as well as Private Medical and Dental (Minority and Non-minority) colleges in the State shall serve one year Compulsory Rural Medical/Dental service. This orders shall apply to the candidates who are admitted from the academic year 2010-11. Certificates to be produced at the time of counseling: The candidates are directed to bring all the original certificates (mentioned below) and two sets of attested Xerox copies. More details you can get from Notification 2011-12 after release. The details of Rules and Regulation of admissions are available on the WEB SITE of University:
ICET 2011 Counselling, ICET Web Counselling 2011at - ICET 2010 Last rank Info and MBA and MCA List of Colleges
ICET Counseling 2011 Notification will be published in this week...
ICET for admission into M.B.A and M.C.A courses of all universities in AP conducted by Andhra University, Visakhapatnam on behalf of APSCHE. ICET 2011 web Counselling Notification and schedule will be available soon for the students. The ICET officials yet not announce the Notification and schedule 2011. ICET Counselling certificate verification likely to be start from 15th or 16th July 2011(Tentative). ICET 2011 Mock Counselling offering by which gives a rough idea about the colleges you may get.
More Than two lac aspirants will be appear for admission to MBA and MCA programs for all universities in Andhra Pradesh. ICET Web Counselling 2011 in
JNVST 2011 results-Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test 2011-2012 results soon
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test for Admission Class VI...
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test 2011 for admission to Class VI will now be conducted on 10th July 2011 for all Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas. Admission to Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas is made through National Level Competitive Examination conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education and the children are admitted at class VI level. Education in Navodaya Vidyalayas is free of cost. A total of 75% of seats are reserved for rural children and a minimum of 33% of seats are reserved for girls. SCs/STs also have due reservations of 15% & 7% respectively. The Scheme envisages establishment of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas, one in each district of the country.
The medium of the test is in 21 Indian languages and is largely non-verbal and objective in nature and is so designed that talented children from rural areas are able to compete without suffering a disadvantage. All the children who have studied in and passed from Class V from any recognized school of that district and are between 9 to 13 years of age are eligible to appear JNVST for Class VI.
As per the Scheme, a maximum of 80 students can be admitted in Class VI per year in a JNV. However, in view of shortage of accommodation in some Vidyalaya, it is restricted to 40 only.
Result of the Selection Test will be notified on the Vidyalaya Notice Board as well as published in selected local newspapers. Selected candidates will also be intimated by post.
The medium of the test is in 21 Indian languages and is largely non-verbal and objective in nature and is so designed that talented children from rural areas are able to compete without suffering a disadvantage. All the children who have studied in and passed from Class V from any recognized school of that district and are between 9 to 13 years of age are eligible to appear JNVST for Class VI.
As per the Scheme, a maximum of 80 students can be admitted in Class VI per year in a JNV. However, in view of shortage of accommodation in some Vidyalaya, it is restricted to 40 only.
Result of the Selection Test will be notified on the Vidyalaya Notice Board as well as published in selected local newspapers. Selected candidates will also be intimated by post.
Karnataka SSLC Supplementary Results 2011-2012 -KSEEB- Kar PUC, SSLC Exam Results in
Kar 10th Class Supplementary Results 2011 at
Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB) SSLC Supplementary Result 2011 - 2012 is scheduled to be published on 11 July 2011. Earlier Karnataka Board of Education conducted the 10th Class (SSLC) Supplementary Exam on month of June, 2011 for all those candidates who are failed in regular exam. Arrangement has been made check your Karnataka SSLC Supplementary Results at online web portal also by SMS service. Just SMS KAR10 (space) REGISTRATION NUMBER - to 56263. & are the main official site you can refer once your Supplementary SSLC Results will be arrived for KSEEB.
Check your Karnataka SSLC Supplementary Results 2011 - 2012 Here.
KSEEB SSLC Result 2011 - 2012
SRM University Results 2011 for UG and PG Regular and supply Exams results released
SRM University UG and PG Results 2011 released...
SRM University has declared results 2011 for Faculty of S&H – UG and PG Regular/Supply and Faculty of E&T – M.Tech, MBA, MCA, B. Tech, B. Arch, B.Des. Students now can be checked for SRM University results Regular & arrear exams.
In 1985, ‘SRM Engineering College’ was set up in the year 2002, ‘SRM College of Dentistry’ was given to the status of deemed university by the Ministry of HRD. From 2006, the deemed university got the status of a full-fledged university. In this year 2011, the engineering, medical and para-medical colleges of the group were brought under the realm of SRM Deemed University.
In 1985, ‘SRM Engineering College’ was set up in the year 2002, ‘SRM College of Dentistry’ was given to the status of deemed university by the Ministry of HRD. From 2006, the deemed university got the status of a full-fledged university. In this year 2011, the engineering, medical and para-medical colleges of the group were brought under the realm of SRM Deemed University.
Get SRM University Results 2011 refer to this link:
SRM University Results
RRB Secundrabad Results 2011-2012 for Section Engineers and Junior Engineers announced
RRB Secundrabad SE and JE Results 2011...
RRB Secundrabad results 2011 of written examination declared Based on the performance in the written examination held for the posts of Section Engineers and Junior Engineers Cat Nos.01, 02, 05, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 34, 37, 38, 43, 44, 47, 59, 62, 63, 73, 83, 84 and 88, following are the roll numbers of candidates who are provisionally eligible to be called for verification of original documents. The dates on which the candidates have to attend the verification are mentioned in the list. Process for verification of original documents will be start from 25th July 2011.
Download RRB section engineers/Junior engineer Results:
RRB Secundrabad Results
above candidates who have qualified in the written examination held on 19-12-2010 are required to attend the office of Railway Recruitment Board, Secunderabad on the above mentioned dates and time, for verification of original certificates in support of the qualification, date of birth, caste and all other relevant records as mentioned in the individual intimation letters, which are being sent separately.
In case of non-receipt of intimation letters, the candidates can directly approach the office of Railway Recruitment Board, Secunderabad, in person on the day of their verification along with two sets of attested Photostat copies of the original certificates mentioned above and one recent passport size photograph.
While every care has been taken in preparing the above results, the Railway Recruitment Board, Secunderabad, reserves the right to rectify the errors & omissions, if any. The results can also be seen on websites or
In case of non-receipt of intimation letters, the candidates can directly approach the office of Railway Recruitment Board, Secunderabad, in person on the day of their verification along with two sets of attested Photostat copies of the original certificates mentioned above and one recent passport size photograph.
While every care has been taken in preparing the above results, the Railway Recruitment Board, Secunderabad, reserves the right to rectify the errors & omissions, if any. The results can also be seen on websites or University Results-University of Madras P.G. and Professional Degree Results April 2011
Latest Examination Results from Madras University...
University of Madras Examination Results 2011 of P.G. and Professional Degree Results April 2011 - now available in web to M.A. / M.Com. / MSW / M.A.(LM) / M.A. (HRM) / M.Sc. / M.B.A. courses in Madras University has announced the Results 2011 for Post Graduate Courses held in April 2011. Madras University Results on the main official website of the University.
Candidates, who had appeared the Madras University PG Examination held in 2011 will get the results by visit link given as follow.
Candidates, who had appeared the Madras University PG Examination held in 2011 will get the results by visit link given as follow.
Madras University Results 2011:Candidates can get the Madras University Results directly in your inbox by subscribe your email id in form given below.
Eamcet medical counselling 2011 begins from July 17 - NTRUHS Admissions 2011
Bad news to Students Good news to Private Medical collges,Only 50 medical seats added for 2011...Andhra Pradesh government hope of getting 500 additional medical seats for the current academic year 2011-12 is failed, the MCI has put the proposals to increase seats on hold give only 50 seats. State government has submitted proposals to increase the intake by 500 seats, the MCI has approved only 150 additional seats within the cut-off date of June 30, even as the NTRUHS first phase of Eamcet medical counselling begins from July 17. It has also withheld approval for 100 seats in a private medical college in Srikakulam for this year.
The NTR University of Health Sciences, which conducts the Eamcet medical counselling, is hoping the approval will come through during the second phase of counselling. NTRUHS conduct the first phase of counselling from July 17. If the MCI approves any additional seats later, University will include them in the second phase. The MCI has so far approved 100 extra seats in Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Ongole, and an additional 50 seats in Katuri Medical College, Guntur but it has not approved 100 extra seats in Great E

So only 50 additional seats will be available in medical colleges for this 2011-12 year. Now in Andhra pradesh 14 government and 23 private medical colleges with an intake of 4,700 seats. While 2,800 MBBS seats are available in private medical colleges, the remaining 1,900 seats are in government medical colleges.
A.P government has proposed doubling the intake in Osmania and Gandhi medical colleges and increasing the intake in other government medical colleges. The government was confident that the MCI would approve the proposals but it has not done so within the cut-off date of June 30 for this year. IBPS Notification Common Bank Test in September 2011 Online Application-CWE 2011
IBPS Last Date to apply 1st August-2011...
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection- IBPS invited online applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of Probationary Officer/Management Trainee vacancies through Common Written Examination CWE 2011 for 19 Public Sector Banks. CWE twice in a year. IBPS Common Written Examination 2011 Notification .
Participating Banks:
Allahabad Bank, Indian Overseas Bank, Andhra Bank, Oriental Bank of Commerce, Bank of Baroda, Punjab National Bank, Bank of India, Punjab & Sind Bank, Bank of Maharashtra, Syndicate Bank, Canara Bank, Union Bank of India, Central Bank of India, United Bank of India, Corporation Bank, UCO Bank, Dena Bank, Vijaya Bank and Indian Bank.
Candidates those who wants to join in any of the below banks as a Probationary Officer/Management Trainee will necessarily require applying for Common Written Examination CWE 2011 through Institute of Banking Personnel Selection.
IBPS Scorecards issued by IBPS will be valid for 1 year from the date of issue of the scorecards. IBPS has sent the scorecards for each qualifying candidates by registered post/speed post. Candidates who appear for the Common Written Examination will be issued scorecards, who secure minimum qualifying marks. Each bank will then carry out their own selection process like Group Discussion/Interview etc for final selection.
Important Dates:IBPS Scorecards issued by IBPS will be valid for 1 year from the date of issue of the scorecards. IBPS has sent the scorecards for each qualifying candidates by registered post/speed post. Candidates who appear for the Common Written Examination will be issued scorecards, who secure minimum qualifying marks. Each bank will then carry out their own selection process like Group Discussion/Interview etc for final selection.
Start date for Online Registration: 09/07/2011.
Payment of Application Fees: 08/07/2011 to 30/07/2011, (both days inclusive).
Last date for Online Registration: 01/08/2011.
Last date for Editing Application Details: 03/08/2011.
Download of Call letter for Written Examination: After 04/09/2011.
Date of Written Examination: 18/09/2011.
Eligibility conditions to apply for common written test, as on 1.07.2011
Age to be minimum: 20 yrs & maximum: 30 yrs
Must have a degree in any discipline from a recognized university
For more information regarding age limit, educational qualification, pay scale, how to apply, selection process, examination centers and pattern, application fee, closing date for online registration and other information of Institute of Banking Personnel Selection is available at following link…
IBPS Common Written Examination 2011 Notification Details Link.For more information regarding age limit, educational qualification, pay scale, how to apply, selection process, examination centers and pattern, application fee, closing date for online registration and other information of Institute of Banking Personnel Selection is available at following link…
IBPS Common Written Examination 2011 Notification
Click here for Cash Voucher
Click here for Online Application.
IBPS CWE 2011- IBPS Online application, Syllabus, Score cards and Exam date
IBPS online Application Instructions...
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection-IBPS invite online applications from eligible and qualified candidates for the recruitment of Probationary Officer/Management Trainee vacancies through Common Written Examination -CWE 2011 for 19 Public Sector Banks. IBPS conducted CWE twice in a year. The information regarding age limit, educational qualification, how to apply and other information, Notification of Institute of Banking Personnel Selection read in my previous post.
- Before apply online candidates scan their photograph and signature.
- Candidates have a valid personal e-mail ID,
- Candidates ready to keep the application fee details,
Online transaction has been successfully completed a registration number and password will be generated, candidates should note down the registration number and password for future reference. If candidates do not receive the e-mail and Sms intimations at the e-mail ID/Mobile number specified by them they may consider that their online application has not been successfully registered.
IBPS Common Written Examination 2011 Notification
Click here for Cash Voucher
Click here for Online Application.
Composite Time of 150 minutes + 60 Minutes*(English Composition-Essay, Précis, Letter Writing etc)
1 Reasoning- 50
2 English Language- 50 (25+*25)
3 Quantitative Aptitude- 50
4 General Awareness(with special reference to Banking Industry)- 50
5 Computer Knowledge 50 = Total 250. more in :
RGUKT Online application for IITs Admission into 6 year integrated B.Tech in
RGUKT triple IT Online application for IIITs Admissions 2011...
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies known as RGUKT IIITs invites applications from eligible candidates for admission to the first year of its 6 year integrated programme 2011, leading to B.Tech. degree, at it's three RGUKT IIITs located at Basar, Nuzivid and R.K. Valley. This year's total intake into the first year is 3,000. The annual highly subsidized fee for each of the first two years for AP students is Rs.36,000/-. Candidate should have applied for admission in the prescribed form, and sent the print copy of the online application submitted along with all the certificates to the Registrar, RGUKT, on or before the last date prescribed.
Candidates should not have completed 18 years of age as on 31.12.2011, 21 years in case of students belonging to SC and ST categories.
How To Apply: The candidates should apply online either thorugh RGUKT Website or APOnline services.
Online application through RGUKT Website:
The 'online' application and other details are available at the website The registration fee for online submission of the application is Rs. 100/- (one hundred rupees only) paid through a crossed DD from any Nationalized Bank, drawn in favor of 'The Registrar, RGUKT', and payable at Hyderabad.
Fill all the items in the application correctly (including the DD number) and click on 'submit'.
Immediately after submitting the application online, take a printout, sign it and send it along with the original DD for Rs.100/- and copies of certificates (listed below) to the Registrar, Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Vindya C-4, IIIT Campus, Gachi Bowli, Hyderabad-500032, by Registered Post to reach before the last date.
Online application through APOnline:
The applicants can send their online applications by availing the services of any "A.P. Online Centre" by paying Rs. 100/-, (in cash), plus a service charge of Rs.15/- per application at the AP Online Centre. The centre will issue a receipt for the same. The applicant shall submit a print copy of the filled-in application, duly signed, along with copies of receipt issued by APOnline centre and certificates, to the Registrar.
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies known as RGUKT IIITs invites applications from eligible candidates for admission to the first year of its 6 year integrated programme 2011, leading to B.Tech. degree, at it's three RGUKT IIITs located at Basar, Nuzivid and R.K. Valley. This year's total intake into the first year is 3,000. The annual highly subsidized fee for each of the first two years for AP students is Rs.36,000/-. Candidate should have applied for admission in the prescribed form, and sent the print copy of the online application submitted along with all the certificates to the Registrar, RGUKT, on or before the last date prescribed.
- Online Application commences on 06-07-2011 from 8.00 AM
- Last date for receipt of applications 25-07-2011 upto 8.00 PM
Candidates should not have completed 18 years of age as on 31.12.2011, 21 years in case of students belonging to SC and ST categories.
How To Apply: The candidates should apply online either thorugh RGUKT Website or APOnline services.
Online application through RGUKT Website:
The 'online' application and other details are available at the website The registration fee for online submission of the application is Rs. 100/- (one hundred rupees only) paid through a crossed DD from any Nationalized Bank, drawn in favor of 'The Registrar, RGUKT', and payable at Hyderabad.
Fill all the items in the application correctly (including the DD number) and click on 'submit'.
Immediately after submitting the application online, take a printout, sign it and send it along with the original DD for Rs.100/- and copies of certificates (listed below) to the Registrar, Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Vindya C-4, IIIT Campus, Gachi Bowli, Hyderabad-500032, by Registered Post to reach before the last date.
Online application through APOnline:
The applicants can send their online applications by availing the services of any "A.P. Online Centre" by paying Rs. 100/-, (in cash), plus a service charge of Rs.15/- per application at the AP Online Centre. The centre will issue a receipt for the same. The applicant shall submit a print copy of the filled-in application, duly signed, along with copies of receipt issued by APOnline centre and certificates, to the Registrar.
More info in:
Online Application in:
IGNOU Distance B.Ed. Admissions 2012 Notification-B.Ed in Distance Education
IGNOU Distance B.Ed. Admissions 2011-2012, Last date to submit applications 15 July...Indira Gandhi National Open University known as IGNOU has announced notification for admission into its most important program B.Ed. (Bachelor of Education) for the year 2011-2012.Duration of the program is 2 years and the program is available in English and Hindi mediums in the distance mode.IGNOU will conduct an all India level entrance exam for short listing the candidates. B.Ed. Entrance test will be conducted by the IGNOU and the dates for the same will be announced later. Working teachers sponsored by the state governments are exempted from the entrance test.
Government of India has relaxed the eligibility conditions for various categories of candidates for admission into B.Ed. program from 2011 50 percent to 45 percent marks only. All other eligibility and qualification conditions remain unchanged. Following are the details of eligibility and application procedure:
Eligibility: Apart from educational qualifications, candidates should have at least two years teaching experience in a government recognized school or government school. Candidates those pursuing their final year course of qualifying examinations also can apply. There is no age limit for admission to the program.
How to Apply: Candidates can obtain application forms from all regional centers of IGNOU and also from selected study centers across the country. In the state of Andhra Pradesh, applications are available at Regional Centers in Hyderabad and Vijayawada. Application fee is Rs. 500. Last date for receipt of filled in applications is 15th July 2011.
Government of India has relaxed the eligibility conditions for various categories of candidates for admission into B.Ed. program from 2011 50 percent to 45 percent marks only. All other eligibility and qualification conditions remain unchanged. Following are the details of eligibility and application procedure:
Eligibility: Apart from educational qualifications, candidates should have at least two years teaching experience in a government recognized school or government school. Candidates those pursuing their final year course of qualifying examinations also can apply. There is no age limit for admission to the program.
How to Apply: Candidates can obtain application forms from all regional centers of IGNOU and also from selected study centers across the country. In the state of Andhra Pradesh, applications are available at Regional Centers in Hyderabad and Vijayawada. Application fee is Rs. 500. Last date for receipt of filled in applications is 15th July 2011.
Details of regional centers in other states and application
procedure will be available on
MJPRU Results-MJP Rohilkhand University Results 2011 in