01 October, 2014

Rc.No.118, Dt: 29.9.14 :: The DCEB's were cancelled in view of CCE implementation Under RTE act

Rc.No.118/A&1/2014 Dated: 29-09-2014 :: School Education- Office of Commissioner of   School Education, AP., Hyderabad-District Common Examination Boards in the  District-Reg.

1. RTE Act & Rules 2009.

The attention of the all District Educational Officers is invited to the reference read above and informed that prior to  implementation of  R.T.E Act in Andhra Pradesh, the District Common   Examination Board was set up and they were supplying printed question papers to all the schools in District duly collecting nominal fee from the Schools.

Further the Government of India enacted Right to Education Act-2009.As per the rule 29(h) of RTE Act 2009 "Comprehensive and  Continuous Evaluation(CCE) of Childs understanding of Knowledge and  his or her ability to apply the same"

The National Curriculum frame work 2005,chapter 5 reads   "Continuous Comprehensive basically is a tool that every school has to prepared taking into consideration the learning levels of everyone of his students in the  class subject wise. The Government of Andhra Pradesh has been implementing CCE since 2 years in all the Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools for Classes I to X. In view of this every teacher has to prepare a question Paper/Assessment tool on his own for either formative /summative assessment of this children. No out side question paper is permissible.

According to implementation of RTE Act & Rules preparing of single set of Question Papers for all the schools and collecting   any type of fees is against the provisions of .RTE Act.. Hence suitable changes have been introduced in examination scheme giving weightage for "Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation(CCE) .

Therefore, all the District Educational Officer in the state  are informed that henceforth under RTE -2009 I each school have to prepare question Paper for "Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation" but not District Common Examination   Board as they have  no longer relevant because of Change of Exam Syllabus/system and DCEB has no relevant in present system and are cancelled.

This has got the approval of the Commissioner of School Education, AP., Hyderabad.

Download Rc.No.118/A&1/2014 Dated: 29-09-2014

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