27 October, 2014

Cir.Rc.No.63, Dt.22-10-14 :: Micro planning initiated with MEOs for development of CLUSTER SCHOOLS in every Mandals

Circular.Rc.No. 63 / SSA/A3/2014. Dt.22-10-2014 :: A.P.S.S.A- Development of cluster schools of PS, UPS &HS in the Mandals- Micro planning with MEOs at Mandal level -Instructions- Reg.

The attention of the all D.E.Os and P.Os, SSA in the state is invited to the subject cited and they are informed that as per the discussions and guidance of CSE and SPD of SSA on development of Cluster schools at Primary level, Upper Primary level and High school level in each mandal , a concept paper is developed detailing the need for developing cluster schools. The purpose of the cluster schools is to build the schools as centers of excellence as a part of exercise to strengthen Public Education System in Andhra Pradesh to provide a comparable "Good Quality education" to rural poor people which is available in premier institutes located in urban areas. Thus the cluster schools will be a brand name stands for Excellence and Quality in the Public Education System.

Every cluster schools will be equipped with good infrastructural facilities such as building, compound wall, furniture, it will also be equipped ICT. Effort will be made to make every Cluster school a 'Smart' school. Pick and Dropping facility will be provided by the cluster school to the children coming far off places by arranging local transport. The concept of Green School will be introduced in these schools such as harnessing of solar energy, green cover, rain water harvesting, waste disposable system. Every cluster school in the State will have Telugu medium at Primary stage but at Upper primary and Secondary level the medium of instruction will be English. Each school will have one Head Master, and at least one teacher for each class in Primary/U.P/H.S .

Further all MEOs in the State are requested to assess their Mandals including number of primary , upper primary and High Schools available in the Mandal and critically analyze all the schools including their performance. The reasons for poor performance of primary schools has to be more critically analyzed.

As the concept of cluster schools is to develop well performing quality oriented primary, upper primary and High Schools , they should indentify some schools depending upon the necessity as cluster schools covering the entire geographical area of the Mandal so that most of the students in the Mandal will get benefitted by high quality school. For this purpose mapping of existing schools should be done and cluster schools should be selected in the state and that they would be convenient to the benefit of all the students in various habitations in the Mandal.

The plan prepared by West Godavari ( Dist) in respect of Dwaraka Tirumala is enclosed herewith to give an idea. The number of cluster schools for primary , upper primary and High Schools should be totally flexible and it should be decided based on the local needs only. This identification of cluster schools exercise should be completed by 30-10-2014 and consolidated proposals should be submitted by all the DEOs by 1-11-2014. While submitting the proposals the financial needs should also be indicated in the enclosed proforma.


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