
30 April, 2015

G.O.MS.No. 45, Dated:21.04.2015 ::

G.O.MS.No. 45, Dated:21.04.2015 :: Finance Department – Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS) –Instructions to furnish Data and administrative hierarchies and implementation of budget distribution through CFMS– Orders – Issued.

The Government is in the process of operationalizing Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS) in order to establish state-of-the art IT applications foreffective public financial management. It will provide seamless and dynamic interface withall stakeholders and facilitate real-time resources management, both financial and human.It will fundamentally change the way government manages its public finances with real time management of funds. CFMS uses the Commercial off-the-Shelf (COTS) based SAP platform forcomplete integration of all activities like Budget, Expenditure, HRMS, Revenue,Accounts, Ways & Means and Debt management.

2. The Government has selected the following three modules for the first phase roll out of CFMS:
* Human Resource Management –Leave and loan approvals and payments; payroll and Employee Self Service
* Budget distribution and Control – budget distribution till the last functional / operational unit
* Expenditure Management – Non-works – expenditure proposals and
sanctions, bill processing and bill payments

3. The prerequisites for roll out include putting in place the relevant master and other basic data besides capturing the administrative and financial decision hierarchies. The matter was discussed in the Secretaries conference as well as in the Heads of Departments (HoDs) conference on 10th April, 2015 and it has been decided that the date for state-wide roll out of the CFMS would be the 1st of July, 2015. In the meantime the above mentioned prerequisites need to be fulfilled for which the Secretariat Department / HoDsshall take proactive measures for successful data capture and eventual roll out.

4. In this context the Government hereby direct all the Heads of Departments of all Government departments and District Collectors to ensure the following for well-coordinated implementation of CFMS:
a. Constitution of a dedicated team (CFMS Implementation Team)headed by a senior officer not below the rank of Deputy Secretary to the Government, in case of a Secretariat Department or a Joint Director/Joint Commissioner in case of Heads of Departments, who shall be empowered to report only to the Principal Secretary / Secretary to Government / Head of the Department, as the case may be on implementation issues.
b. Constitution of district level teams by each department for overseeing project
implementation within the district. These teams shall report to the District Collector on the progress of data capture.
c. The CFMS team of a department with the help of the district teams shall map out the offices in the departmental organization chart to the last mile including those offices which do not have DDOs.Only such detailed mapping would facilitate budget preparation and distribution to each and every functional unit of the department, which is an important objective of CFMS implementation.
d. All the DDOs are assigned the task of entry and/or validation of data relating to the employees, hierarchies and workflow for all employees/ offices linked to them. To facilitatethis “DDO Self registration process” has been incorporated on the CFMS Portal the detailed procedure is indicated in the Annexure to this order. The DDO shall complete the data entry/validation process using the new User ID created in the DDO Self registration process.
e. The data available in the Treasury “Integrated Management of Pay and Accounts and Treasuries department” (IMPACT) package and other information collected and available with the Finance Department has already been uploaded into the CFMS system to facilitate the data capture process. Detailed instructions for data entry/validation are indicated in the annexure.
f. To further facilitate the process the Finance Department will hold trainings in the video conference mode for the benefit of departmental users across the state on dates to be informed in due course.User manuals, video tutorials and helpline
numbers for the support are made available on the CFMS portal for the benefit of the users.
g. The DDO has to print the validated data and get approval of the Heads of Offices and send a copy to the Treasury/PAO concerned and one copy to the HoD concerned.
h. The expenditure module will be operationalized for all the departments by 1st July, 2015. Thereforeall the HoDs shall, immediately after completion of data entry including the hierarchy, distribute budget to all the Heads of District offices of the departments (SCOs) and thereafter the District Heads of the departments shall further distribute to all functional units under their jurisdiction.
i. The expenditure module requires that the financial delegations are defined in the  CFMS for all the departments. Departments are requested to submit proposals for  inclusion of items of expenditure not covered by the GOs in vogue with a view to bring the list up to date. The values for the items of expenditure in the delegations were also defined atleast 15 years ago and need to be revised to make them more realistic. Also for routine items of expenditure like electricity bills and rents, departments are requested to recommend norms for adequate budgeting. These proposals may reach the Finance Department by 30th April, 2015.
j. CFMS envisages enhanced security of operations and information. In the first phase of roll out, all authorizing officers in the approval hierarchies would have Aadhar based biometric authentication facility.Necessary instruction in this regard will be issued in the due course in consultation with the IT&C Department.
k. As the implementation of 10th PRC recommendation is to be done through CFMS, the HoDsshall ensure completion of data entry/validation through the data capture module by 30th April, 2015. It shall be ensured that the data from 01.07.2013 required for pay fixations in 10th Pay Revision Commission be taken from the service registers of the employees.They shall send a completion report in this regard to the administrative department concerned by 5th May, 2015
l. For any clarification on matters contained in this GO, the following officials of the Finance Department may be approached:
i) Ms. Hema Munivenkatappa, IA&AS Special Secretary
ii) Sri. K.N. Malleswara Rao, Joint Secretary
iii) CFMS PMU team

If any difficulty is experienced in uploading the data, the same may be brought to the
notice of the Treasury Officers/PAO concerned and also the following CFMS team
memberswho will make necessary arrangements for uploading of data by the DDOs.

1. M. Madhuri, 9951574888,
2. G. Chaitanya, 8142567304,
3. Arvind Kumar, 8341462838,
4. Nageswara Rao, 7032929314,
5. Kranthi, 7032929312,

6. The Director of Treasuries & Accounts,A.P,The Director of Works and Accounts A.P, and Pay and Accounts Officer, A.P, Hyderabadshallliaise with the HODs, Deputy Directors and Pay and Accounts Officersconcerned and use the resources at their disposal to ensure that the data capture by the DDOs is carried out smoothly.

7.The District Collectors with the help of the District heads of Departments shall ensure that the data capture and validation by all the functional units of all the departments in their respective district is completed before the due dates in the para No.6 above.


Instructions to the Drawing and Disbursing Officers:

1. The DDOs have to login to the website “” by usingtheir existing log-in ID (DDO code) issued by the Director of Treasuries and Accounts (DTA) using the default password “ddocode@1” (e.g. for DDO code 10102345 the password would be “10102345@1”).

2. After the first login the DDO has to select his details from the employees list available under his login for automatic generation of user id in CFMS within four hours.

3. After generation of user id in CFMS, DDO has to login with the new user id using the default password employee number followed by date of birth in ddmm format. For eg if the employee number is 12345 and the DoB is 16th of July the password will be 123451607. DDO has to change the password and set a new password. The system has been designed to provide for change of password by the DDOs. They may remember the password and should not disclose toanyone to maintain integrity in dataentry. The DDOs will be held responsible for any errors in dataentry if any passwords are misused or the data is enteredwithout the knowledge of the DDOs.

4. After setting the new password, the DDO has to first enter/validate the details of his own office and the details of the subordinate offices if any and also the details of the next higher office to which the unit office in which the DDO works will report.

5. After finishing the entry of the above data, the DDO has to go through the user manual available on the website for a better understanding of all the fields of different screens intended to capture the data of different modules in CFMS.

6. After go through the user manual, the following have to be entered by the DDO:

S.No - Name of the Task - Details of the Task
a. Cadre strength - Providing the details of Sanctioned strength and working strength for each post under Regular  employees.
b. Assign employees - Validation of list of employees working in DDO office and in the subordinate offices for whom he/she is acting as DDO.
c. Create sections - Creation of sections available in the DDO office and in the subordinate offices for whom he /she is acting as DDO*.
d. Assign posts to sections - Mapping of all posts to the relevant sections
e. Leave approval hierarchy - Creation of workflow for recommendation and sanction of all types of leaves.
f. Leave balances - Entering the leave balances as on 18th April 2015 for all leave types for all employees.
g. Loan approval hierarchy - Creation of workflow for recommendation and sanction of all types of loans.
h. Loan balances - Entering the outstanding balances (as on 1st April 2015, i.e. before the submission of pay bill for 1st April 2015) for all types of loans for all employees.
i. PRC details - Details of pay scale, EoL, Suspension etc.

* - whereas the sections in his own office are to be created with their existing names, subordinate offices located at other places, the letter “SFU”followed by the station in which it is located shall be entered. (for ex: where MEO,Movva is the DDO for an primary/upper primary school and the school is located in Kuchipudi village, The MEO,Movva (DDO) for capturing the school as a subordinate functional office under MEO, Movva (DDO) will create a section with the name “SFU” Kuchipudi)
7. The DDO has to verify the details of employees available in his login and authenticate the
data tobe uploaded. After entry of the details in CFMS, he should save the details in each
screen. After completion of the data entry the DDO has to take a printout through theCFMS
and duly signed and submit to HOO for verification and countersign it duly verifying with the relevant office orders, Service Registers etc. Then DDO can submit the details in CFMS by
using the option “final submit”. The copies of countersigned forms have to be submitted to
the Treasury Officer/PAO along with the pay bill. With a copy marking to HoDs
8. DDOsshall complete the above within 10 working days, in any case not laterthan

Download G.O.MS No.45, Dated:21.04.2015

DDO Guidelines for Data entry in to CFMS Website

28 April, 2015

F.No.1-1 /2014, Dt: 31.3.15 :: Conduct of Lateral Entry Test 2015 for Class IX for Admission of Studentsin JNVs during the Academic year 2015-16

Website: /
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of School Education & Literacy
Goverment of India
31-15, T-201309
B-15, Sector 62, Institutional Area, Noida, G.B. Nagar, U.P-201309

F.No.1-1 /2014
Dated: .03.2015

Most Immediate
The Deputy Commissioner
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
All Regional Offices

Subject: Conduct of Lateral Entry Test 2015 for Class IX for Admission of Studentsin JNVs during the Academic year 2015-16

It is to inform that the Lateral Entry Test for admission of students to Class IX inJawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas is decided to be held on 7th June 2015 (Sunday). The lastdate of submission of Application Form at JNV is 15th May 2015 (Friday).Please find enclosed herewith the following documents for the conduct of LateralEntry Test 2015:
i) Time Activity Schedule
ii) Prospectus-cum-Application Form ( Model Question Paper must be added asper the past practice at your level)
iii) Notification (to be issued by the Regional Offices)

It is requested to adhere to the scheduled programme so that all activities arecompleted in time and selected students for Class IX start their studies in Jawahar NavodayaVidyalayas by 15th July 2015 positively. Guidelines for evaluation of Answer Sheets will beissued separately.It is also requested to keep the Samiti appraised on fortnightly basis about Ineprogress.

Complete Document on Lateral Entry in to 9th class in JNV's containing Application, Prospectus, Test weightages

G.O.MS.No. 42, Dt:13.4.15 :: All ddo's have to submit reconciliation along with bills from this month onwards

G.O.MS.No. 42, FINANCE (TFR) DEPARTMENT, Dt:13.4.15 :: Reconciliation of Departmental figures with those booked in the Treasuries and the figuresbooked in the Accountant General's Office - Responsibility of the Drawing Officers, ChiefControlling Officers and Treasury Officers- Further orders - Issued.
Read the following:-
1. G.O.Ms.No.277, Finance&Planning (FIN.WING.ACCTS) Department,dated:06.06.1990
2. G.O.Ms.No.507,Finance(TFR)Department,dated: 10.04.20002
3. From the Sri Pravindra Yadav, IA&AS., Accountant General (A&E) A.P. HyderabadD.O.Lr.No. AG(A&E)/TM(A/cs)II/U.I/32-2/2014-2015/l 18969,dated:26.09.2014 anddated:2.3.2015.
4. U.O. Note. NO.1241/36/TFR/2015-1, Finance(TFR)Department, dated: 05.03.2015.
1. According to para 16 of the A.P. Budget Manual, every Chief Controlling Officershould watch the progress of expenditure continuously, and for this purpose, he/she shouldrequire of actual expenditure during the previous month and figures of actual expenditureduring the previous month and the liabilities incurred but not yet paid. Each disbursingofficer should therefore maintain a register in Form B of disbursements and liabilities. Assoon as a bill is cashed at the treasury it should be posted in the appropriate columns of theregister against the district treasury in which the payment is made. The Disbursing Officerand the Chief Controlling Officer shall reconcile the figures of expenditure with those bookedin the treasury by sending their clerks to the District Treasury and they should see that thisreconciliation work is completed not later than the 4th of the each month for the expenditureincurred in the previous month. The Chief Controlling Officer should consolidate the totalsof his own expenditure and that shown in the extracts from the registers of the subordinateControlling Officers and he/she should send a clerk of his/her office to the AccountantGeneral's Office with the departmental registers quarterly on a date to be fixed to eachdepartment by the Accountant General.
2. In the G.O. 1st read above, Government directed that
   • The treasury shall prescribe a date on which each Drawing Officer shall reconcile hisfigures of receipts and accordingly the Drawing Officers shall reconcile monthlyfigures with the treasury or Pay and Accounts Officer as the case may be.
   • Unless the reconciliation for the previous month is completed before 4th of thesucceeding month, the salary of the Head of office shall not be allowed to be paid forthe following month.
   • The salary of the concerned officer who is responsible for reconciliation work in theCCO Office, shall not be allowed to be paid by the Pay and Accounts Officer for thesecond month in the next quarter if a certificate of reconciliation with AccountantGenerel's figures is not furnished to the Pay and Accounts Officer.
   • The Treasuries and the Pay and Accounts Office shall furnish the list of Officers whofail to reconcile the figures with the treasuries to the concerned Heads of Departmentsfor information. The treasuries and the Pay and Accounts Office shall maintain aregister showing the dates on which the Drawing Officers shall reconcile the figuresof receipts and expenditure, the dates on which the reconciliation was made by theofficers and shall verify the correctness of the certificates furnished by the DrawingOfficer along with the pay bills.
3. In the G.0.2nd read above, Government while reiterating the orders issued in theG. 0.1st read above, further ordered that no Treasury Officer shall permit any amount to bedrawn by the concerned D.D.Os after 10th of the month until and unless the Reconciliation ofAccounts (all kinds of Receipts and Expenditure figures) upto the previous month iscompleted and the certificate to that extent is appended to the Bills.
4. In the reference 3rd read above, the Accountant General (A&E) A. P. Hyderabad hasinformed that a total of 329 Reconciliation Certificates per month (Receipts-67 andExpenditure- 262) are due from various CCOs. A scrutiny of RCs due to the end of 31stDecember 2014 reveals that 1282 RCs in respect of A/cs from June 2014 to September,2014are due to be received by his Office. He has requested to direct all the Chief ControllingOfficers to reconcile the receipt and expenditure figures with those recorded in A.G books ofaccount in order to facilitate timely reconciliation.
5. In the reference 4th read above all the Departments of Secretariat are requested toissue instructions to the Heads of Departments/ Chief Controlling Officers under their'administrative control with a direction to complete the reconciliation work both receipts andexpenditure by 20.03.2015
6. Government after careful review of the matter with reference to the progress ofreconciliation of accounts hereby reiterates that the orders issued in the GO.s 1st and 2nd readabove and order further that the said orders shall be effectively enforced by all TreasuryOfficers / Pay and Accounts Officers and the HODs/DDOs to complete the reconciliationwork in time lines as prescribed by the Accountant General.
7. All the Treasury Officers are directed to furnish Reconciliation Status report of alldepartmentsupto the preceding month as annexed to this order to the Director of Treasuriesand Accounts/Pay and Accounts Officer, A.P., Hyderabad by the end of the each month.
8. The salary of the Treasury Officer for the next following month shall not be allowedwho fails to furnish the Reconciliation Status report. Any deviation in this regard will beviewed seriously.
9. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts and the Pay and Accounts Officer, A.P.,Hyderabad shall furnish compliance report in this regard to Government every month.
10. All Heads of the Departments are requested to initiate suitable measures to hoop thereconciliation of receipts and expenditure at all levels upto date.
11. The Secretariat Departments shall ensure that these orders should be followedscrupulously.

Status report on Reconciliation of Departmental Accounts 
for the month of xx/xxxx.

Download G.O.MS.No. 42, Dt:13.4.15

G.O.MS.No.10, Dt: 24.9.14 :: Inclusion of Kalinga Komati / Kalinga Vysya Caste under Group-D at Sl.No.48 inthe A.P.List of B.C's for Srikakulam, Vizianagaram and Vishakapatnam dist.'s

G.O.MS.No. 10, B.C.WELFARE (C) DEPARTMENT, Dated: 24.09.2014 :: Inclusion ofKalinga Komati / Kalinga Vysya Caste under Group-D at Sl.No.48 inthe A.P. List of Backward Classes for the purpose of Article 15(4) and16(4) of the Constitution of India and the area of operation shall beconfined to Srikakulam, Vizianagaram and Vishakapatnam districtsonly - Orders - Issued.

Read the following:
1. G.O.Ms.No.1793, Education Department,dated 23.09.1970.
2. From the Chairman, A.P. Commission for BackwardClasses, Hyderabad, D.O. Letter No.Cl/195/2006, dated21.02.2009.

1. In the G.O. 1st read above, the Government have approved thelist of Backward Classes (other than Scheduled castes and ScheduledTribes) and declared that the castes and communities specified inAnnexure-I to the said order are Socially and Educationally BackwardClasses for the purpose of Article 15(4) and 16(4) of the Constitutionof India.

2. The President, District Kalinga Komati Association and otherssubmitted representations requesting to include Kalinga Komati /Kalinga Vysya Castes / Communities in the list of Backward Classes.

3. In the reference 2nd read above, the Chairman, A.P.Commissionfor Backward Classes, Hyderabad has submitted a report,recommending that the Kalinga Komati / Kalinga Vysya caste issocially, educationally, economically and politically backward and fit tobe included in the list of Backward Classes for the purpose of Articles15(4) and 16(4) of the Constitution of India under Group - D atSI.No.46 and the area of operation shall be confined to Srikakulam,Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy Districts.

4. The complete unedited list of BC-D castes including deletedcastes comprises of 47 castes. Consequent to deletion of Nelli &Poosala castes, the Kalinga Komati caste will be 46th in the list of BC-Dcastes.

5. The Government, after careful examination of the matter, havedecided to accept the recommendation of the A.P. Commission forBackward Classes, Hyderabad i.e., "inclusion of Kalinga Komati /Kalinga Vysya caste under Group-D at SI.No.46 (which is SI.No.48th ofthe BC-D unedited list) and the area of operation shall be confining toSrikakulam, Vizianagaram and Vishakapatnam districts only in the A.P.List of Backward Classes for the purpose of Article 15(4) and 16(4) ofthe Constitution of India.

6. Accordingly, Government hereby order that the caste "KalingaKomati / Kalinga Vysya" be included in the A.P. List of BackwardClasses under Group-D at Serial No.48 for the purpose of Articles15(4) and 16(4) of the Constitution of India and the area of operationshall be confined to Srikakulam, Vizianagaram and VisakhapatnamDistricts only.

7. The Commissioner, Backward Classes Welfare, Hyderabad andall the District Collectors are hereby directed to take necessary actionaccordingly.

8. A copy of this order is available on the internet and can beaccessed at the address

Download G.O.MS.No.10, Dt: 24.9.14

G.O.Rt.No.254, Dt:27.4.15 :: Medical Reimbursment faciloty for AP Employees extended upto 30-6-2015 along with EHS in parallel.

G.O.Rt.No.254, HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE (1.1) DEPARTMENT, Dated.27 -04-2015 :: Health, Medical & Family welfare - Employees Health scheme and MedicalReimbursement system under APIMA Rules 1972 - Further extension - Orders -Issued.

Read the following:
1. G.O.Ms.No.159, HM&FW(I.) Dept., dt.22-12-2014.
2. G.O.Rt.No.113, HM&FW(I.) Dept., dt.28-02-2015.
3. Representation from the Chairman, JAC, Employees, Teachers, Workersand Pensioners, Andhra Pradesh, Dated : 17-04-2015

1. In the Government orders 1st read above, following orders were issued inpara 3 of (v) in respect of Employees Health Scheme."The Employees Health scheme and medical reimbursement system underAPIMA Rules, 1972 shall run parallel till 28-02-2015 and the medical claims ofthe employees / pensioners under reimbursement system shall be processedin accordance with the APIMA Rules, 1972 and the orders issued thereunder"

2. In the Government orders 2nd read above, Govt has extended the aboveprovision upto 30-4-2015 along with Employees Health Scheme in parallel.

3. In the letter 3rd read above, the Chairman, Joint Action Committee,Employees, Teachers, Workers and Pensioners, Andhra Pradesh has requested theGovernment to extend the above provision upto 30-6-2015 along with EmployeesHealth Scheme in parallel.

4. Government after careful examination hereby extend the reimbursementfacility as indicated para 3 of (v) in the G.O. 1st read above upto 30-6-2015.

5. All concerned are requested to take necessary action accordingly.

Download G.O.Rt.No.254, Dt:27.4.15

26 April, 2015

Rc.No. 1707, Dt;21-4-15 :: Re-engaging of the services of the certain personnel on Out sourcing/Contract basis in the SSA for 2015-16

Rc.No. 1707/SSA-AP/A9/2015, PROCEEDINGS OF THE SPD, SSA, AP, HYD, Dated;21-04-2015 :: Re-engaging of the servicesof the certain personnel on Out sourcing/Contract basis in theSSA for the year 2015-16- Certain instructions '-issued-Regarding.

Ref:- Project Approval Board (PAB) meeting held on 05.02.15.


1. All the Project Officers of SSA in the state are informed that the ProjectApproval Board of SSA met in New Delhi on 05.02.2015 and approved the budgettentatively for CRCs and BRCs for the year 2015-16.

02. Hence, all the Project Officers of SSA in the state are requested to re-engagethe services of MIS Coordinators, Data Entry Operators, Cluster Resource Persons,Divisional Level Monitoring Teams and Asst Sectoral Officers (NGO) on contractbasis/out sourcing to work from 01.05.2015 till the end of the academic year2015-16 in DPOs, Divisional, Mandal, School Complex and School level in thedistricts duly assessing the performance.

03. A model contract form and proceedings are enclosed herewith for readyreference. No personnel shall be engaged without entering into contract under anycircumstances. If any deviation is noticed, action will be initiated against theconcerned officers as per rules. While engaging them, assessment of previous yearsperformance shall be strictly assessed.

04. Further all the Project Officers of SSA are requested to collect the informationof the personnel category wise in the format enclosed and furnish the same to theState Project Office within 15 days after engaging the services. The informationshall be updated from time to time based on modifications, if any and kept ready atthe District Project Office and furnish the same to the State Project Office as andwhen required.

05. The services are engaged afresh.

06. Therefore, all the Project Officers of SSA in the stare are requested to followthe norms strictly without any deviations and submit compliance to the StateProject Office.

Download Rc.No.1707, Dt:21-4-15
With contract agreement and instructions

Rc.No.1314, Dt:21.4.15 :: Termination of DLMTs, C.R.Ps, Part Time Instructors and Academic Instructors w.e.f 23.4.15 A.N in PRAKASAM

Rc-No. 1314/AP SSA/A4/2014. Dated:21.04.2015, PROCEEDINGS OF PO, SSA, Prakasam :: Termination of DLMTs, C.R.Ps, Part Time Instructors and Academic Instructors w.e.f 23.04.2015 A.N - Orders issued - Reg.

Ref:- Lr. Rc No: 5730/RVM(SSA)/C3/2010/ Dated: 28-04-2014 of
the State Project Director, AP Sarva Siksha Abhiyan,

In pursuance of the orders issued in the reference cited, the following Staff who were engaged during 2014-15 on contract basis to work in Divisions, School Complexes and schools are here by terminated on the dates mentioned against their cadres.

1. DLMTs - 23.04.2015 A.N.
2. C.R.Ps - 23.04.2015 A.N.
3. Part Time Instructors (Art Edn, Work Education &PETs) - 23.04.2015 A.N.
4. Academic Instructors (in place of incharqe MEOs) - 23.04.2015 A.N.

The Mandal Educational Officers are here by instructed to inform the same to the concerned and also further instructed to submit the duty certificates upto 23.04.2015 A.N. immediately so as to release their salaries.

Download Rc-No. 1314/AP SSA/A4/2014. Dated :21.04.2015,

Cir.No:27, Dt.13.4.15, Office of SPD,SSA,AP :: All MEOs and HMs have to Submit Summative III, F2, F3, F4 Results on or before 23.04.2015

Circular No: 27/SSA/A3/201.4 dated. 13.04.2015, Office of the State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad :: All MEO's and HM's have to Submit Summative III, F2, F3, F4 Results on or before 23.04.2015

All the District Educational Officers and Project Officers of SSA in the state are informed that. the Summative III is going on from 13.04.2015 onwards. After the completion of F-I. S-1 & S-11 the data pertaining to Children Performance submitted by
the concerned DPOs to SPO office. Accordingly. the Summative III & Formative's -11, III &IV Children Performance data will  be submit to SPO office in earlier given proforma for future reference.

Further, the Pos & DFOs in the stale are instructed to prepare the data sheets pertaining to Sumnaative --III & Formative's H. Ill &IV Children Performance data for forward to Government before completion of the academic year 2014-15, and it is helpful to prepare future quality initiatives.

Therefore. they are requested to take initiation to communicate above information to all MEOs & HMs in the state to submit on or before 23.04.2015 to State Project Office without fail.


Project Officer, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, Prakasam District, Ongole informed all MEOs to submit F2, F3, F4 reports in previous formats on or before 18.04.2015 without fail. S3 report shall be submit immediately after completion of examinations

Download Cir.No:27, Dt.13.4.15

17 April, 2015

Rc.B1/1401/2015, Dt: 1.4.15 :: All DDO's have to Disburse salaries to their staff on or before 5th of Every month

Rc.B1/1401/2015, Dt:01.04.15, Collector's Office, Ongole :: All DDO's have to pay salaries to their staff on or before 5th of Every month

Sub:- Salaries - Prakasam District - Drawing and Disbursement ofsalaries to the staff by the DDOs - Some of the Officers failed topay the salaries in time - Regarding.

Ref:- Collector's Camp Office No.3/2015, Dated:31.03.2015.

1. It has been come to the notice of the District Collector, Ongole thatsome of the District Officers / Controlling Officers / Drawing and Disbursing Officersare failed to disburse the salaried to their staff in time l.e before 5lh of every month.

2. In this regard, the District Collector, Ongole has directed the DistrictRevenue Officer, Ongole to Instruct all the Officers concerned to take necessaryaction to draw and disburse the salaries to their staff before 5lh of every monthwithout fail.

3. Therefore, all the Officers and DDOs who are authorised to Draw andDisburse the salaries are strictly Instructed to take necessary action to pay thesalaries to the staff in time i.e 5"1 of every month without fall.

4. If any failure found in this regard stringent action will be taken againstthe concerned Drawing and Disbursing Officer for his slackness.


As per Rc.No.811/SSA/2015,Dt.16.04.2015, Project Officer (FAC), Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, Prakasam District, Ongole communicated True copy to all the MEOs in the District with a request tosubmit the duty certificates of MIS Co., Data Entry Operators, DLMTs, Messengers, CRPS,Part Time Instructors and Academic Instructors on the 1st of every month so as to enablethis office to release the salaries on or before 5th of every month.

Download Rc.B1/1401/2015, Dt:01.04.15

Rc.No.1314, Dt: 17.04.15 :: Instructions issued for Termination of IERTs, Aayahs, and Physiotheraphists w.e.f 23.04.2015

Rc.No. 1314/SSA/IE/A3/2014, Dated: 17.04.2015:: PROCEEDINGS OF THE P.O(FAC), SSA,PRAKASAM DIST., ONGOLE:: Instructions issued for Terminationof IERTs, Aayahs, and Physiotheraphists w.e.f 23.04.2015

Sub:- A.P.Sarva Siksha Abhiyan , Prakasam District - Terminationof IERTs, Aayahs, and Physiotheraphists w.e.f 23.04.2015 -Instructions issued - Reg.

Ref:- Proc. Rc No: 3495/APSSA/IE/A11/2014, Dated: 16-04-2015of the State Project Director, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, AP,Hyderabad.

In pursuance of the orders issued in the reference cited, the followingStaff who were engaged during 2014-15 on contract basis to work in Mandalsare here by terminated on the dates mentioned against their cadres. They arerequested to stop the physiotherapy activities in the mandals from the closingday of the academic year 2014-15 i.e., 23.04.2015

1IERTs - Date of termination orders effected: 23.04.2015
2Physiotheraphists - Date of termination orders effected: 23.04.2015
3Aayahs (Care Giving Volunteers) - Date of termination orders effected: 23.04.2015.

The Mandal Educational Officers are here by instructed to take over allthe materials & Stocks relating to Inclusive Education besides Preparedindividualized educational Plans (NRSTC, ECI & HBE) and other relevantmonthly formats from the IERTs and Physiotherapists (Profiles & Assessmentreports of CwSN) and keep the same in their custody.

Download Rc.No.1314, Dt: 17.04.15

G.O.MS.No.39, Dt:7-4-15 :: Creation and sanction of 1476 School Assistants (Special teacher) posts under Central Sponsored Scheme for IEDSS in AP

G.O.MS.No. 39, FINANCE (HR-I) DEPARTMENT, Dated:07-04-2015 :: School Education Department –Creation and sanction of 1476 School Assistants (Special teacher) posts under Central Sponsored Scheme for “Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary Stage (IEDSS)” in the State- Amendment -Issued.

Read the following:-
1. G.O.Ms.No. 341, Finance (SMPC-I) department dated. 21-12-2012
2. A.P Reorganization Act,2014(Act No 6 of 2014)
3. School Education Dept., U.O.No. 1043/SE.Prog.I8/A2/2011, dated.12.12.2014

In the G.O first read above, Government has issued orders for sanction of 1476 posts of School Assistant (Special teacher) under the scheme of Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary Stage(IEDSS) for the benefit of hearing impaired and visually impaired students.

The School Education department in the reference third read above has informed that the Hon’ble High Court while disposing PIL No 2 of 2013 filed by Voggu Murali Kusuma Krishnaveni and two others, requesting to include Special Education Teachers (Mentally Retarded) also in the recruitment of School
Assistant (Special Teachers), directed the State Government to consider petitioners proposals of giving equal treatment to the Specialized Teachers and to amend G.O.Ms.No.341 dated: 21.12.2012 suitably.
The School Education Department has further stated that after bifurcation of the State w.e.f 2-6-2014 as per A.P reorganization Act,2014 total Eight Hundred Sixty (860) School Assistant(Special Teacher) posts are located in the (664) Mandals of Residual State of A.P. The Department has requested to issue
suitable orders for redistribution of the Eight Hundred Sixty (860) sanctioned posts of School Assistant (Special Teacher) under the scheme, for the benefit of hearing impaired, visually impaired and also mentally restarted students as per the directions of Hon’ble High Court of A.P. The issue has been examined carefully and the Government, in partial modification of the orders issued in reference first read above, (to the extent applicable to the successor state of Andhra Pradesh) hereby issue orders for
redistribution of the Eight Hundred Sixty (860) School Assistant (Special Teacher) posts located in the (664) Mandals of Residual State of A.P. among the three categories of Special Teacher posts ie., Visual Impaired, Hearing Impaired and Mentally Retarded as detailed below.

Sl.No. District No. of Mandals Visually impaired (VI) Hearing impaired (HI) Mentally retarded (MR) Grand Total

1 Srikakulam 38 18 18 17 53

2 Visakhapatnam 43 19 19 20 58

3 Vizianagram 34 17 16 16 49

4 East Godavari 60 25 25 25 75

5 West Godavari 46 20 21 20 61

6 Krishna 50 22 22 21 65

7 Guntur 57 24 24 24 72

8 Prakasam 56 24 24 23 71

9 SPSR Nellore 46 20 20 21 61

10 Chittoor 66 27 27 28 82

11 YSR Kadapa 51 22 22 22 66

12 Ananthapur 63 26 26 26 78

13 Kurnool 54 23 23 23 69

Grand Total 664 287 287 286 860

The Education (SE) Department shall take further action accordingly.

Download G.O.MS.No. 39, FINANCE (HR-I) DEPARTMENT, Dated:07-04-2015

Do you lost your SSC Marks list :: Download Your SSC Original Certificate through this link

To Download your SSC Marks Memo you have to input the following details.

1.  Hall Ticket Number : (input your hall ticket number here)
2.  Date of Birth : (Enter your date of birth in dd-mm-yyyy format)
3.  Year of Examination: (Select your examination year when you passed SSC)
4.  Stream of Examination: (select your radio button to which you belongs among the shown below)
Enter the code shown in a box 

Go to Download link

Memo.Rc.No:400, Dt:14.3.15 :: Supply of furniture to 360 UPSchools in PRAKASAM DIST

Memo Rc.No:400/Sr.Acc/APSSA/2015, Sr.Executive Engineer, Dated:14-03-2015 :: APSSA,Prakasam District - Supply of furniture to 360 UPSchoois -Procurement from M/s. Swathi Industries Gundlakamma (V) in addition to, from M/s. Lionsclub,Ongole - Orders issued- Reg.

1. This Office circular Rc.No:400/ Sr.Acc/APSSA/2015,Dt:22-01-2015 of the Project Officer,APSSA,PrakasamDistrict.
2. M/s. Swathi Industries, Gundlakamma (V) Lr Dated: 12-03-2015 with the endorsement District Collector &Chairman, APSSA, Prakasam District.

1. With reference to the circular 1st cited, all the MandalEducational Officers / Head Masters of MPUP Schools were informed toobtain furniture (Benches) for students through Lions Club International,Ongole.

2. The Financial year is coming to an end and many UPSchools are still left without procuring sanctioned furniture. Theexpenditure towards this intervention is to be booked immediately andU.C is to be submitted to H.O at an early date, as this is a one time grantand have no spill over.

In view of the above all the Mandal EducationalOfficers/Head Master of UP Schools are here by informed to procure thefurniture(Benches) from M/s. Swathi Industries, Plot No:317, GrowthCentre, Gundlapalli(V),Prakasam District also, duly following theguidelines mentioned in the reference 1st cited.

> M/S. SWATHI INDUSTRIES Contact Number is 9052628480, Director: K.Venkatesh.

Further they are informed that the SMC should check thequality of benches, before making payment. The expenditure per eachstudent should not be more than Rs.500/- including transport charges.

All  the  MEOs  should' inform  the  action  taken report immediately to this office through E-Mail.

Download Memo.Rc.No:400, Dt:14.3.15

03 April, 2015

Promotion Particulars, Guidelines & Progress reports for Primary and UP Schools for 2014-15 : Prakasam Dist

The SPD, SSA, HYD informed All the DEOs and POs to download the time table with regard to summative III Assessment and Proformas of Pupils promotion for higher classes.

The PO, SSA, Prakasam informed all MEOs in the district not to conduct School Complex meeting in the month of April-2015, Prepare promotion lists in the prescribed formats, and annual progress and consolidation report school wise

The following are the documents related to Annual Promotion, Progress for Primary and Upper Primary Schools.

Download Promotion List & Guidelines, Profarmas for Primary & UP Schools for 2014-15

Revised formats for promotion list 2014-15

01 April, 2015

G.O.MsNo:33, Date:.31.3.2015 :: Regularisation of Samaikyandhra strike period as Special Causal Leave in AP

G.O.MsNo:33, FINANCE (HRM.IV-FR) DEPARTMENT, Dt:31.3.15 :: Public Services- Strike by the employees during Samaikyandhra movement-Regularisation of strike period as Special Causal Leave-orders-Issued.

Read the following:
1. G.O.Ms.No.33, Finance (FR-I) Department, dt. 04.02.2014.
2. G.O.Ms.No.107, Finance (FR-I) Department, dt. 16.05.2014.
3. Memorandum presented to Honb’le Chief Minister by the Andhra Pradesh Non-Gazetted Officer’s Association on 06.06.2014.
4. Representation of the Joint Action Committee of Employees, Teachers, Workers and Pensioners, Andhra Pradesh, dt. 18.07.2014.
5. Representation of Andhra Pradesh Secretariat Association, dt.16.09.2014.

1. In response to the calls given by their representative associations, several categories of employees of the State Government of Andhra Pradesh participated in general strike during the periods from 13.08.2013 to 17.10.2013 and 06.02.2014 to 20.02.2014, opposing the decision of the Government of India to bifurcate the erstwhile state of Andhra Pradesh.

2. In the reference 1st read and second read above, The Government has issued orders, in effect to sanction Earned Leave for the period of absence of the employee. Where employees did not have adequate Earned Leave in their account, it was ordered that the earned leave available will first be exhausted and the shortfall will be considered for sanction as Earned Leave to be earned,  and shall be adjusted from the future credit of Earned Leave for that employee. Only in case of employees retiring within one year with effect from 13-8-2013, if such employees do not have adequate Earned Leave in their account, it was ordered that any eligible leave be considered for sanction after exhausting the available Earned Leave.

3. The employees associations in their representations to the Hon’ble Chief Minister in the references 3rd to 5th read above, requested the Government to treat the above strike period as duty or sanction ‘Special Casual Leave’ stating that the strike of Seemandhraemployees was for the unity of the State and it was not for service benefits.  

4. The strike call was given by the employees’ associations mainly against the decision of the Central Government to divide the erstwhile state of Andhra Pradesh, reflecting the genuine concern of the employees for the integrity of the State. The strike coincided with the general strike throughout the state at that time for the same cause.  Considering the adverse impact of bifurcation on the successor state of Andhra Pradesh, the strike is to be considered as an action for a just cause intended for the benefit of the public at large rather than for the benefit of employees themselves. The Government has, therefore, considered the demand of the employees’ associations in a sympathetic manner and has decided to sanction special casual leave to the employees who participated in the strike during the periods mentioned in paragraph one above. 

5. Accordingly, in modification of the orders issued in the Government Orders first and second read above, Government hereby order that ‘Special Casual Leave’, equal to the number of days of their actual participation in the general strike, be sanctioned to those employees, who have participated in any or both the spells of the general strike during the periods from 13.08.2013 to 17.10.2013 and from 06.02.2014 to 20.02.2014, as per the calls given by their representative associations, and restore to their leave accounts equal amount of leave, if any, already availed by them in terms of the orders issued in the Government Orders first and second read above. These orders are, however, subject to the outcome of the cases pending in the Hon’ble High Court.

6. The orders in paragraph five above shall apply with immediate effect to the eligible employees belonging to local, district, zonal and multizonal cadres which fall entirely in Andhra Pradesh and deemed to have been allotted to the State of Andhra Pradesh under the third provision to sub-section (2) of Section 77 of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014, by the Government of India and notified in G.O.Ms.No. 244, G.A. (SR) Department, dt. 01.06.2014.   However, these orders shall be applicable to the eligible employees belonging to the State cadres or the multizonal cadres which fall in both the states, only after their final allotment to the State of Andhra Pradesh by the Government of India under sub-section (2) of Section 77 of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014.

7. In case of those employees who have availed the benefit of the orders in the references 1st and 2nd read above and have thus received payment for the strike period and whose account has been debited, there shall be no payment of cash but only leave will be re-credited into their leave accounts to the extent of actual number of days of theirparticipation in the strike.   Before giving any credit of Earned Leave under these orders the leave sanctioning authority shall satisfy himself/herself that the employee’s leave account was actually debited by the number of days for which the employee went on strike.

8. In respect of the employees who have not availed the benefit of the G.Os. issued in the references 1st and 2nd read above, but have however, drawn Special Advance in terms of the orders issued in G.O. Ms. No. 292, Finance (FR I) Department, dated 22.10.2013 and G.O. Ms. No. 298,  Finance (FR I) Department, dated 29.10.2013, pay and allowances shall be admitted to the extent of the ‘Special Casual Leave’ sanctioned as per the orders issued in paragraph five above, after effecting all statutory deductions and other recoveries due from the employee and also adjusting the advance drawn by him/ her mentioned above. The Drawing and Disbursing Officers shall ensure consequent revision of the instalments of recoveries of various loans and advances already made and indicate the correct instalments in the schedules so that the missing credits for the loans and advances are properly reconciled by the Accountant General (A&E).

9. In respect of the employees who have not availed the benefit of the G.Os. issued in the references 1st and 2nd read above, and have not drawn any Special Advance in terms of the orders issued in G.O. Ms. No. 292, Finance (FR I) Department, dated 22.10.2013 and G.O. Ms. No. 298, Finance (FR I) Department, dated 29.10.2013, pay and allowance shall be admitted to the extent of the ‘Special Casual Leave’ sanctioned as per the orders issued in paragraph five above, after effecting all statutory deductions and other recoveries due from the employee. The Drawing and Disbursing Officers shall ensure consequent revision of the instalments of recoveries of various loans and advances already made and indicate the correct instalments in the schedules so that the missing credits for the loans and advances are properly reconciled by the Accountant General (A&E).

10. The Drawing and Disbursing Officers before making payment shall verify from the leave sanctioning authority/Service Register of the employee that the employee had not availed the benefit in terms of G.Os 1st and 2nd read above and enclose a certificate to the effect that no emoluments have previously been drawn for those days.

11. The leave sanctioning authorities shall record necessary entries regarding sanction of ‘Special Casual Leave’ in the Service Registers.
12. In the case of employees who went on strike and have since retired or died, appropriate action as per the orders issued in paragraphs five to ten above, shall be taken by the competent authorities and arrears, if any, shall be drawn and paid to the retiredemployee or the legal heirs, as the case maybe.  Their pensionery benefits shall be revised accordingly, if necessary.

13. In respect of those employees who on the date of commencement of the strike, are on sanctioned leave of any kind, either on private affairs or on medical grounds and whose leave period falls in whole or part of the strike period, no orders for cancellation of such leave shall be issued by the leave sanctioning authorities on any ground. And they are to be treated as though they are continuing on leave and the benefit in paragraph five shall not be admissible to them to the extent of sanctioned leave.

Download G.O.MsNo:33, Date:.31.3.2015