
28 April, 2015

G.O.MS.No.10, Dt: 24.9.14 :: Inclusion of Kalinga Komati / Kalinga Vysya Caste under Group-D at Sl.No.48 inthe A.P.List of B.C's for Srikakulam, Vizianagaram and Vishakapatnam dist.'s

G.O.MS.No. 10, B.C.WELFARE (C) DEPARTMENT, Dated: 24.09.2014 :: Inclusion ofKalinga Komati / Kalinga Vysya Caste under Group-D at Sl.No.48 inthe A.P. List of Backward Classes for the purpose of Article 15(4) and16(4) of the Constitution of India and the area of operation shall beconfined to Srikakulam, Vizianagaram and Vishakapatnam districtsonly - Orders - Issued.

Read the following:
1. G.O.Ms.No.1793, Education Department,dated 23.09.1970.
2. From the Chairman, A.P. Commission for BackwardClasses, Hyderabad, D.O. Letter No.Cl/195/2006, dated21.02.2009.

1. In the G.O. 1st read above, the Government have approved thelist of Backward Classes (other than Scheduled castes and ScheduledTribes) and declared that the castes and communities specified inAnnexure-I to the said order are Socially and Educationally BackwardClasses for the purpose of Article 15(4) and 16(4) of the Constitutionof India.

2. The President, District Kalinga Komati Association and otherssubmitted representations requesting to include Kalinga Komati /Kalinga Vysya Castes / Communities in the list of Backward Classes.

3. In the reference 2nd read above, the Chairman, A.P.Commissionfor Backward Classes, Hyderabad has submitted a report,recommending that the Kalinga Komati / Kalinga Vysya caste issocially, educationally, economically and politically backward and fit tobe included in the list of Backward Classes for the purpose of Articles15(4) and 16(4) of the Constitution of India under Group - D atSI.No.46 and the area of operation shall be confined to Srikakulam,Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy Districts.

4. The complete unedited list of BC-D castes including deletedcastes comprises of 47 castes. Consequent to deletion of Nelli &Poosala castes, the Kalinga Komati caste will be 46th in the list of BC-Dcastes.

5. The Government, after careful examination of the matter, havedecided to accept the recommendation of the A.P. Commission forBackward Classes, Hyderabad i.e., "inclusion of Kalinga Komati /Kalinga Vysya caste under Group-D at SI.No.46 (which is SI.No.48th ofthe BC-D unedited list) and the area of operation shall be confining toSrikakulam, Vizianagaram and Vishakapatnam districts only in the A.P.List of Backward Classes for the purpose of Article 15(4) and 16(4) ofthe Constitution of India.

6. Accordingly, Government hereby order that the caste "KalingaKomati / Kalinga Vysya" be included in the A.P. List of BackwardClasses under Group-D at Serial No.48 for the purpose of Articles15(4) and 16(4) of the Constitution of India and the area of operationshall be confined to Srikakulam, Vizianagaram and VisakhapatnamDistricts only.

7. The Commissioner, Backward Classes Welfare, Hyderabad andall the District Collectors are hereby directed to take necessary actionaccordingly.

8. A copy of this order is available on the internet and can beaccessed at the address

Download G.O.MS.No.10, Dt: 24.9.14

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