
17 April, 2015

Rc.B1/1401/2015, Dt: 1.4.15 :: All DDO's have to Disburse salaries to their staff on or before 5th of Every month

Rc.B1/1401/2015, Dt:01.04.15, Collector's Office, Ongole :: All DDO's have to pay salaries to their staff on or before 5th of Every month

Sub:- Salaries - Prakasam District - Drawing and Disbursement ofsalaries to the staff by the DDOs - Some of the Officers failed topay the salaries in time - Regarding.

Ref:- Collector's Camp Office No.3/2015, Dated:31.03.2015.

1. It has been come to the notice of the District Collector, Ongole thatsome of the District Officers / Controlling Officers / Drawing and Disbursing Officersare failed to disburse the salaried to their staff in time l.e before 5lh of every month.

2. In this regard, the District Collector, Ongole has directed the DistrictRevenue Officer, Ongole to Instruct all the Officers concerned to take necessaryaction to draw and disburse the salaries to their staff before 5lh of every monthwithout fail.

3. Therefore, all the Officers and DDOs who are authorised to Draw andDisburse the salaries are strictly Instructed to take necessary action to pay thesalaries to the staff in time i.e 5"1 of every month without fall.

4. If any failure found in this regard stringent action will be taken againstthe concerned Drawing and Disbursing Officer for his slackness.


As per Rc.No.811/SSA/2015,Dt.16.04.2015, Project Officer (FAC), Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, Prakasam District, Ongole communicated True copy to all the MEOs in the District with a request tosubmit the duty certificates of MIS Co., Data Entry Operators, DLMTs, Messengers, CRPS,Part Time Instructors and Academic Instructors on the 1st of every month so as to enablethis office to release the salaries on or before 5th of every month.

Download Rc.B1/1401/2015, Dt:01.04.15

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