
G.O.Rt.No. 925 Dated: 29.12.2011 & G.O.Rt.No. 203 Dated: 13.04.2010

School Education - Saakshar Bharath Programme” guidelines - Relaxation of minimum qualification with 7th class in tribal areas – Selection of Village Coordinators – Amendment – Orders – Issued. 
G.O.Rt.No. 925 Dated: 29.12.2011
G.O.Rt.No. 203 Dated: 13.04.2010

GORtNo: 907, Dated:23.12.2011 :: Providing sanitory Napkins to girls of Govt, ZP, KGBV Schools

School Education – RVM(SSA) - Improvement of attendance, health and hygiene of Girls – Supply of Sanitary Napkins to Government Schools & KGBV Schools – Permission to the State Project Director, Rajiv Vidya Mission(SSA), A.P., Hyderabad – Accorded – Orders – Issued
GORtNo: 907, Dated:23.12.2011

G.O. Ms. No 169, Dated:29/12/2011 :: Adoption of NCERT books from 2013-14 onwards in AP for VIII th to INTER

School Education Department – SCERT, A.P., Hyderabad – Curriculum and Textbook Development – Adoption of NCERT Textbooks and Capacity Building of Teachers and subject specific resource groups – Permission Accorded - Orders - Issued
i) Permission to adapt NCERT Mathematics and Science Textbooks for the classes VIII, IX& X and introduce during 2013 and 2014.
ii) Permit to introduce single English Language Textbooks for both Telugu, English and all other media students for all classes starting from Class – I and adopt NCERT English Textbooks from Class – VIII to X
iii) Permit to develop State specific Social Studies Textbooks duly representing local Geography, History and Economy by adopting Social and Political Life and Economics from NCERT Textbooks
iv) Permit to adapt first Language NCERT Hindi books for first Language Hindi students in A.P.
v) Permit to organize Teacher training on a large scale by involving National Level experts and institutions. Develop State and District specific resource groups with younger talent in various School subjects
vi) Permit to take the services of the teachers into resource groups on long term basis duly providing a qualified Vidya Volunteer or extra teacher in their place and attach them to the institutions like SCERT and DIETs, Permit to raise the remuneration in terms of Honorarium to the experts and Textbooks writers
vii) SCERT may be permitted to send a team of experts to the nearby States like Kerala, Karnataka, Gujarat, CIET and NGOs to study the ICT School Curriculum

GOMsNo: 72, Dated:21.12.2011 :: Max upper age limit enhanced to 45yrs fr SC&STs

Social Welfare Department – Age Concession in favour of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes for the purpose of Direct Recruitment beyond 31.05.2011 –Amendment to G.O.Ms.No.42, S.W(ROR1)Dept., Dated:08-06-2011 - Orders – Issued.
 GOMsNo: 72, Dated:21.12.2011
(Govt jobs recruitmnt-max upper age limit enhanced to 45yrs fr SC&STs concsn shal b in force till d end of May 2016)

APPSC Notifications from 20/2011 to 37/2011 released on 27.12.2011

Notification No.ApplicationStart DateLast Date for Payment of feesLast date for Submitting ApplicationExam Date
Notification No. 20/2011 
Dt:- 27/12/2011
Lecturers in Govt Polytechnic Colleges04/01/201201/02/201203/02/2012--
Notification No. 21/2011 
Dt:- 27/12/2011
Notification No. 22/2011 
Dt:- 27/12/2011
Port Officer10/01/201206/02/201208/02/201226/02/2012
Notification No. 23/2011 
Dt:- 27/12/2011
Fisheries Development Officer20/01/201216/02/201218/02/201204/03/2012
Notification No. 24/2011 
Dt:- 27/12/2011
Assistant Electrical Inspectors24/01/201220/02/201222/02/201211/03/2012
Notification No. 25/2011 
Dt:- 27/12/2011
Senior Entomologist31/01/201227/02/201229/02/201225/03/2012
Notification No. 26/2011 
Dt:- 27/12/2011
Supdt. Children Home08/02/201206/03/201208/03/201215/04/2012
Notification No. 27/2011 
Dt:- 27/12/2011
Dy. Surveyors15/02/201213/03/201215/03/201222/04/2012
Notification No. 28/2011
Dt:- 27/12/2011
Drug Inspectors22/02/201220/03/201222/03/201229/04/2012
Notification No. 29/2011
Dt:- 27/12/2011
Industrial Promotion Officers29/02/201227/03/201229/03/201206/05/2012
Notification No. 30/2011 
Dt:- 27/12/2011
Assistant Statistical Officers09/03/201207/04/201209/04/201224/06/2012
Notification No. 31/2011 
Dt:- 27/12/2011
Assistant Executive Engineers24/04/201221/05/201223/05/201201/07/2012
Notification No. 32/2011 
Dt:- 28/12/2011
Notification No. 33/2011 
Dt:- 28/12/2011
Assistant Director in A.P. Economics and Statistical Service12/03/201210/04/201212/04/2012--
Notification No. 34/2011 
Dt:- 28/12/2011
Notification No. 35/2011 
Dt:- 28/12/2011
Assistant Director in A.P. Town and Country Planning Service04/05/201202/06/201204/06/2012--
Notification No. 36/2011 
Dt:- 28/12/2011
Notification No. 37/2011 
Dt:- 28/12/2011
Warden Grade-I and Warden Grade - II in A.P. Handicapped Welfare Subordinate Service13/02/201210/03/201213/03/2012--

27 December, 2011

Sensitization Programme for Chemistry Teachers by VIGYAN PRASAR, NOIDA & JANAVIGNANA VEDIKA, AP

Dear Readers,

I & Sri O.V.Ravisekhar from Prakasam dist were attended to Sensitization Programme for Chemistry Teachers from 16th to 18th Dec at Andhra Loyola College, Vijayawada Jointly organized by VIGYAN PRASAR, NOIDA and JANA VIGNANA VEDIKA, ANDHRA PRADESH.
It is a wonderfil experience for teachers who attended from all over A.P.
The programme is as follows:

1) Innovative Experiments in Chemistry By Dr.A.Rana
2)Chemistry Behind Miracles By Sri T.Ramesh, JVV
1) It is all about a bird shit By Dr.T.V.Venkateswaran
2) Demonstration of Activity kit on Chemistry By Ms.Swathi
3) Lecture with Computr Demonstration By Prof.A.Ramachandraiah
4) Lecture on Orbitals and types of Reactions by Prof M.Adinarayana
5) Chemistry - MaPublic Show by Sri T.Ramesh, JVV &   
    Dr.T.V.Venkateswaran & Dr.A.Rana & Prof K.Laxma Reddy
1) Demonstration of Experiments on periodic properties of Elements By     K.Venkateswara Rao
2) Lecture on Radioactivity By Prof.B.Krishnamrajulu Naidu
3) Demonstration of Experiments on water and Environment By Prof.K.Lakshma Reddy
4) Demonstration of Experiments on Organic Chemistry By Dr.E.R.Subramanyam
5) Discussion on Problems in Chemistry Teaching at School Level

All above personalities give inspiring lectures,done wonderfil experiments.
see some photos regarding this.



Demonstratioon of Activity kit By Ms.Swathi









24 December, 2011

Rc.No.1135/RMSA/2011, Dated: 30.11.2011.:: RMSA GUIDELINES TO UTILIZE RMSA FUNDS

SE- RMSA- Release of funds towards implementation of RMSA Programme in Andhra Pradesh under School Annual Grants at School level - Utilization of funds – Certain guidelines and instructions – ssued – Reg.
Rc.No.1135/RMSA/2011, Dated: 30.11.2011

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Post Graduate Teachers (PGT) Recruitment Last Date: 13.01.2012

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (An Autonomous Organization under Ministry of HRD)
Department of School Education and Literacy,
Govt. of India New Delhi – 110048.
Teachers Jobs Summary:

•Post Graduate Teachers
◦Pay: Rs.9300-34800+GP_Rs.4800pm
◦Age: 40 Years.

◦Qualification: Two Year Integrated Post Graduate M.Sc. Course from Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks in aggregate OR Master’s Degree from a recognized university with at least 50% marks in aggregate in the respected subjects.◦Subjects English, Hindi, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Economics, Biology, History, Geography, Commerce

Telugu students of Group I move AP Tribunal :: The Indian Express

HYDERABAD: About 30 Telugu medium candidates who failed to qualify for interview in the Group-I Services main of Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission, filed petitions in the AP Administrative Tribunal on Thursday, seeking a direction to the APPSC to revaluate their answer scripts.

The candidates suspected that the valuation of papers might be erroneous as a large number of candidates who took the exam in English, qualified for interviews.

T Durga Rao, a Telugu medium candidate, said they pointed out the translation mistakes in question papers, which robbed them of marks.

23 December, 2011

Toys From Trash :: Aravind Gupta Toys

This website describes various types of toys that are created from trash. These are very useful to devolop creative abilities in children


European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) scientists control computer screens showing traces on Atlas experiment of the first protons injected in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) during its switch on operation in CERN's control room, near Geneva, Switzerland.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), famously engaged in the quest for the Higgs boson, has turned up a heavier variant of a sub-atomic particle first discovered a quarter-century ago, scientists reported Thursday.
The newcomer is called Chi-b(3P), which was uncovered in the debris from colliding protons, according to research published in the open-access online journal arXiv

Like the elusive Higgs and the photon, it is a boson, meaning it is a particle that carries force.
But while the Higgs is not believed to be made of smaller particles, the Chi-b(3) comprises two relatively heavy particles, the beauty quark and its antiquark.
They are bonded by the so-called "strong" force which also causes the atomic nucleus to stick together.
The Chi-b(3P) is a heavier version of a particle that was first observed around 25 years ago.
"The Chi-b(3P) is a particle that was predicted by many theorists, but was not observed at previous experiments," said James Walder, a British physicist quoted by the University of Birmingham in a press release.

21 December, 2011

Earth Sized Planets found beyond Solar System

Washington, Dec 21 (IANS) NASA’s Kepler mission has discovered the first Earth-sized planets orbiting a sun-like star outside our solar system, the US space agency has announced.
The planets, called Kepler-20e and Kepler-20f, are too close to their star to be in the so-called habitable zone where liquid water could exist on a planet’s surface, but they are the smallest exoplanets ever confirmed around a star like our sun, NASA said Tuesday.

Telugu candidates are worried about G-II fate :: Indian Express

Telugu medium aspirants already feeling hard done by results of the GroupI exam, have cause for more heartache as students who attended the Junior Lecturers' and Group II exams say translation blunders can also cost them dearly.Speaking to Express, T Saidi Reddy, a GroupII aspirant from Nalgonda said at least 20 questions out of the total 150 in each of the three papers had been in English. As Reddy had done all his studies up to graduation in Telugu medium, he was not able to answer 60 questions. "I had put in three years of time for preparation for the exams. Now my hopes of getting a good government job are dashed due to the blunders made by the APPSC."Several candidates said around 90 per cent aspirants attending APPSC examinations were from Telugu medium, but the commission was putting no efforts to prepare questions in Telugu properly. A case in point being the Junior Lecturers' exam held on December 3, where reportedly 63 questions out of 150 in the General Studies paper were in English. Again candidates who attended the Royalty Inspector examination on December 17 said all the questions were given in English only. N Ramesh, an aspirant said they would have prepared in English, if the commission had announced prior to the exam or in the notification itself they would give the paper in English alone. Another aspirant, K Giribabu said they can not compete with their counterparts writing the exams in English.Only 4 pc Telugu Candidates Qualified for GroupI: APPSCAdding fuel to the fire of allegations of unfair treatment towards Telugu students, the list released by the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission shows that only 4 per cent (174) of 4,270 Telugu medium candidates qualified for the GroupI interviews.According to the statement relased by the APPSC secretary Poonam Malakondaiah on Tuesday, about 17.5 per cent (242) out of 1,382 candidates who gave the exam in English qualified for the interview.In the previous GroupI exam also, about 14.2 per cent (215) of 1509 candidates who had given the exam in English qualified for interviews but only only 3.82 per cent (172) of 4,497 Telugu candidates had qualified.

SRINIVASA RAMANUJAN :: A Legend in Mathematics

Born : 22 December 1887, Erode, British India
Died : 26 April 1920 (aged 32), Chetput, (Madras), British India
Residence : Tamil Nadu, India
Nationality : Indian
Fields : Mathematics
Academic advisors : G. H. Hardy, J. E. Littlewood
Known for : Landau–Ramanujan constant
                   Mock theta functions
                   Ramanujan conjecture
                   Ramanujan prime
                   Ramanujan–Soldner constant
                   Ramanujan theta function
                   Ramanujan's sum
                   Rogers–Ramanujan identities

Ramanujan's Notebooks 

Srinivasa Ramanujan 

A maths mystery From Srinivasa Ramanujan's Dairy

A Maths mystery From Srinivasa Ramanujan's Dairy

Dear Readers,
So many Days back I have a mail From my friend. The Content is as follows. is this Possible. if you find any mistake mail me @

Subject: Can u prove 3 = 2 ...??
Date: Sun, 14 May 2006 10:00:43 -0700 (PDT)

Ramanujam's proof!!.... can u find any flaws??

Can U Prove 3=2??

This seems to be an anomaly or whatever u call in mathematics.

It seems, Ramanujam found it but never disclosed it during his life time
and that it has been found from his dairy.

See this illustration:

-6 = -6

9-15 = 4-10

adding 25/4 to both sides:

9-15+25/4 = 4-10+25/4

Changing the order

9+25/4-15 = 4+25/4-10

(this is just like a square + b square - two a b = (a-b)square.)

Here a = 3, b=5/2 for L.H.S and a =2, b=5/2 for R.H.S.

So it can be expressed as follows:

(3-5/2)(3-5/2) = (2-5/2)(2-5/2)

Taking positive square root on both sides:

3 - 5/2 = 2 - 5/2

3 = 2 ????????

APSPDCL 1316 Junior Line Mens (JLM) Recruitment 2011-2012 notification

Recruitment Notification for the Post of Junior Linemen in The APSPDCL invites offline applications for the recruitment of JL (junior Line Men ) 2011-2012 from eligible candidates for filling up of the vacancies in the five Operation Circles of APSPDCL. Last date for submission of application forms is on or before 18.01.2012 only.The Educational Qualifications for the post of JLM is must possess SSLC/SSC/10th Class with I.T.I. qualification in electrical trade or intermediate vocational course in electrical trade/wiremen from a recognized Institution/Board and Age not below 18 years and not above 35 years as on 30.11.2011. Relaxation in upper age limit permissible up to 5 years for SC/ST/BC candidates. For in service contract workers, working in this organization the age at the time of entry in to the organization as contract worker will be considered to ascertain eligibility or otherwise

APTRANSCO Recruitment notification 2011-2012 for 250 Assistant Engineer posts (Electrical-225 and Telecom-25)

Applications are invited through online for recuritment of 225 Assistant Engineer posts (Electrical) and 25 Assistant Engineer posts (Telecom) in APTRANSCO from 22.12.2011 to 18.01.2012 (to 17.01.2012 for payment of fees) The Educational qualification for 225 Assistant Engineers/Electrical posts is must possess BE/B.Tech/ A.M.I.E, Electrical &Electronics Engineering or equivalent qualification in the similar discipline from any recognized University in India and for 25 Assistant Engineers/Telecom post is must possess BE/B.Tech/ A.M.I.E, in Telecommunications/Electronics/ Electronics and Communication or equivalent qualification in the similar discipline from any recognized University in India. The written examination for recruitment of Assistant Engineer/ Electrical and Telecom,will be held on 29.01.2012 at 10 AM to 12 Noon and the hall tickets will be placed on the website before seven days prior to the date of examination. The candidate has to down load the Hall ticket from the website only. Hall tickets will not be sent to the candidates by post.The written examination for recruitment of 250 Assistant Engineer(Electrical and Telecom) Posts will be held at different centers located only in Hyderabad and Secunderabad  
Detailed Notification Application For The Post Of Payment Start Date Payment End Date End Date for Submission
Click Here For Detailed Notification Assistant Engineer (Electrical/Telecom ) 22-December-2011 17-January-2012 18-January-2012

11 December, 2011

Total Eclipse of the Moon December 10, 2011

visit the following site to get a complete view of  Total Eclipse of the Moon December 10, 2011

AP VRO,VRA online application - 2011

AP VRO,VRA online applications forms at :
Application for the posts of village revenue officers and village revenue assistants are invited at online application service at CCLA website only .The online applications starts from 07.12.2011 to 29.12.2011.Each applicant must pay Rs.200/- and 50% concession to the applicants who belongs to SC,ST categories.The fee shall be remitted at any of the E-Seva,Mee-Seva,APonline centres and acknowledgement obtained from the centres.A service charge of Rs.20/- shall be paid to the service providers (e-seva, Mee-Seva, APonline) towards application processing.
Selection process for village revenue officers recruitment 2011 :
The Selection of candidates is based on a objective type Written Test for 100 Marks at Intermediate level.General Studies : 60 Marks, Arithmetic Skills : 30 Marks, Logical Skills : 10 Marks and 50% of questions (30 Marks) will be aimed at testing the knowledge of the candidate on rural areas and rural living conditions.
Selection process for village revenue assistants recruitment 2011 :
The Selection of candidates is based on a objective type Written Test for 100 Marks at S.S.C.,level. General Studies : 60 Marks, Arithmetic Skills : 30 Marks, Logical Skills : 10 Marks and 50% of questions (30 Marks) will be aimed at testing the knowledge of the candidates on rural areas and rural living conditions

APPSC Recent Results


Click Here
Notification No. 24/2007 - Date-Wise Interview Programme

Click Here


Know Your HallticketDetails
Lecturers in Govt. Degree Colleges(16/2010 TO 12/2009)
Results Notification

Click Here
Lecturers in Govt. Degree Colleges(16/2010 TO 12/2009)
Marks List of Interviewed candidates

Click Here
Lecturers in Govt. Degree Colleges(16/2010 TO 12/2009)
Selection List

Click Here

05 December, 2011

State to raise age limit for recruitment exams :: Deccon Cronicle

The state government is seriously considering to increase the upper age limit for various government recruitment exams to 39 years, from the present 34 years.
Though the government had earlier categorically stated there was no question of increasing the maximum age limit, various backward classes, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and economically backward classes associations have been mounting pressure on the government to raise the maximum age limit by five years.
The general administration department is expected to issue an order raising the age limit, soon.
The contention raised is that government had last issued recruitment notifications in 2008 and to compensate for the loss of three years, increasing the age limit is the best option available. The state government will be issuing the notifications this month for all exams to fill 1.16 lakh posts in its various departments by December next year.
APPSC has released notification for 300 Group-I posts. Notification for 3,000 Group-II and Group-IV services are expected shortly. The department of school education is likely to fill 12,500 English medium teachers for its ‘model schools.’
30,000 teacher posts will be filled under DSC recruitment.

విశ్వాసాలు..విజ్ఞానశాస్త్రం .. :: Prajasakthi 2.12.2011

  • విశ్వాసాలు.. వాస్తవాలు...
విజ్ఞానశాస్త్రం చాలా వేగంగా విస్తరిస్తోంది. కానీ అదే సమయంలో సమాజంలో మూఢనమ్మకాల పట్టు కూడా పెరుగుతున్నట్లు కనిపిస్తోంది. ఆశ్చర్య కరమైన విషయం ఏంటంటే వీటి పెరుగుదలలో విజ్ఞానశాస్త్రాన్ని ఉప యోగించడం. బాబాలు, స్వామీజీలు విజ్ఞానశాస్త్రం వినియోగించుకుంటూ తమ మాయల్ని, మంత్న్రాల్ని మహిమల్ని ప్రదర్శిస్తూ సామాన్యుల్ని మభ్యపెడ్తూ మోసపుచ్చుతున్నారు.
continue reading

Group I Notification for 263 posts of Various Categories

Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) on Monday issued the Group I notification for 263 posts in 19 categories on Monday. The preliminary examination for the same will be held on May 27, 2012.
The final examination will be held on October 3, 2012. Group I aspirants can submit their applications from December 9 to January 8, 2012. More details of the test are available on APPSC website.
APPSC Website:
Group I Notification

PS: The following blank formats (Proforma) are available @
The candidates can use, if required.
i). Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate
ii). Declaration by the Un-Employed
iii). School Study Certificate
iv). Certificate of Residence
v). a) Medical Certificate for the Blind
b) Certificate of Hearing Disability and Hearing Assessment
c) Medical Certificate in respect of Orthopedically Handicapped Candidates
vi). Creamy Layer Certificate

G.O.Ms.No. 7 Dated: 24/01/2011 :: Posting of State Govt. Employees having MR Children to a place Where MEdical fecilities available

PUBLIC SERVICES – Postings of State Government Employees having Mentally Retarded Children to a place where medical facilities are available on par with Central Government Employee – Orders – Issued
G.O.Ms.No. 7 Dated: 24/01/2011 

GO MS No: 632, Dated:30.11.2011 :: Census 2nd phase amount released

CENSUS 2011– Payment of Honorarium & Training Allowance to Enumerations, Supervisors and
Master Trainers and Honorarium to Charge Officer/SDO/Addl.Charge Officer, Principal/District
Census Officer in connection with Population Census 2011- Administrative Sanction for an Amount
of Rs.72,08,24,000/- (Rupees Seventy Two Crores, Eight Lakhs, Twenty Four Thousand Only) –
Orders – Issued.

>Census 2nd phase amount released dist wise
vide GO specified above
Honorarium : 3300/-
Total: 4050/-
will be paid soon
GO MS No: 632, Dated:30.11.2011

G.O.Ms.No. 254, Dated: 03-12-2011 :: Sanction of 12,351 Posts for 355 Model Schools

SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT - MODEL SCHOOL - Creation and sanction of 12,351 posts at State, District and 355 Model Schools under Central Sponsored Scheme for ‘setting up of Model Schools’ – Orders – Issued.
G.O.Ms.No. 254, Dated: 03-12-2011

GO MS 165, Dated:03.08.2011:: AP Treasuries&Accounts, AP Pay&Accounts state Services are Declared as Essential Services

Finance Department – The Andhra Pradesh Essential Services and Maintenance Act, 1971 – Declaration of Andhra Pradesh Treasuries and Accounts State Service, The Andhra Pradesh Pay and Accounts State and Subordinate Services and the Andhra Pradesh Works Accounts State Service as Essential Services – Orders-Issued.
GO MS 165, Dated:03.08.2011

GO MS 165,Dated:01.12.2011 :: Enhancement of class IV Emp's of APREIS

SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT - Enhancement of remuneration to from Rs.2500/- to Rs.6700/- P.M. to the employees working on contract basis in the category of Class-IV in A.P.Residential Educational Institutions Society – ORDERS – ISSUED.
GO MS 165,Dated:01.12.2011

27 November, 2011


OPERA experiment reports anomaly in flight time of neutrinos from CERN to Gran Sasso

Following the OPERA collaboration’s presentation at CERN on 23 September, inviting scrutiny of their neutrino time-of-flight measurement from the broader particle physics community, the collaboration has rechecked many aspects of its analysis and taken into account valuable suggestions from a wide range of sources. One key test was to repeat the measurement with very short beam pulses from CERN. This allowed the extraction time of the protons, that ultimately lead to the neutrino beam, to be measured more precisely.

Inside Primary Schools : Survey on Standard of Education in India :: courtesy :

 Pratham, an NGO has carried out a survey in 5 States viz. Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Assam, Jharkhand and Rajasthan with support from UNICEF and UNESCO.
The study has noted that in the last two decades, impressive strides have been made in India in terms of providing school buildings, classrooms, teachers, textbooks and other facilities. These have been matched by very significant improvements in enrollment. The Annual Study Status of Education Report (ASER) study ‘Inside Primary Schools” tracked 30,000 rural children in Std 2 and Std 4 in 900 schools spread over five States of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand and Rajasthan.
The key recommendations emerging from this study are as below:- 
(i) Textbooks need urgent revisions. They need to start from what children can do and be more realistic and developmentally appropriate in what children are expected to learn, with clear learning goals and sequence.
(ii) Systems must be put into place to track attendance, not just enrollment, and ensure regular reporting and monitoring of this attendance.
(iii) Mother tongue instruction and programmes for language transition need to be introduced and expanded.
(iv) Teacher recruitment policies need to assess teachers’ knowledge, but more importantly their ability to explain content to children, make information relevant to their lives and use teaching learning materials and activities other than the textbook.
(v) State teacher education plans should invest in human resource capacity academic structure, like Block Resource Centres (BRCs) and Cluster Resource Centres structure, like Block Resource Centres (BRCs) and Cluster Resource Centres (CRCs) and District Institutes of Education and Training (DIET) to enable them to help improve teaching and learning quality via in-service training and classroom visits.
(vi) As per the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009, child-friendly education needs to be defined and measured regularly as apart of the indicators of quality education.
(vii) Libraries with take home books for reading practice at the household level, should be monitored as part of RTE indicators. Family reading programmes could also be part of innovations to help support first generation schools goers.
The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 has become operative with effect from 1st April, 2010 and SSA norms have been revised to correspond with the provisions of RTE Act, 2009 in order to ensure quality elementary education to children of age group from 6-14 years throughout the country including these five States.
This information was given by Dr. D. Purandeswari, Minister of State for Human Resource in Rajya Sabha