
31 May, 2015

Rc.No.180, Dt:25-5-15 :: Distribution of Nationalised Text Books during the year 2015-16 - Mandal Storage points to school point Instructions issued

Rc.No.180/Text Books-1/2015 Dated 25-05-2015:: SE - Distribution of Nationalised Text Books during the year 2015-16 -Mandal Storage points to school point Instructions issued - Reg.

Read:- CSE Proc.Rc.No.180/Text Books-1/2015, dt:22.05.2015.

The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the reference read above, and they are informed that distribution of Nationalised TextBooks during the year 2015-16 lifting charges of Head Masters from Mandal storage point to school point as detailed below:

Primary Schools will utilize the annual grants released by DPO, SSA.High Schools will utilize the annual grants released by RMSA for meeting theexpenditure from towards transportation of Nationalised Text Books from Mandalstorage point to school point

Sl.No.   No. of StudentsRequired
        In the PS/UPS     Amount  Rs.
1.         Upto 50            200
2.             75                 300
3.            100                 400
4.      100 to above       500
Sl.No.   No. of StudentsRequired
             High Schools     Amount  Rs.
1.              Upto 200           500
2.                   300                600
3.                   500                700
4.                   700                800
5.               700 above           1000
Therefore, the above information informed to the HMs in the concernedDistrict.

Download Rc.No.180, Dt:25-5-15

G.O.MS.No.20, Dt:30-5-15 :: Upper Agelimit to Anganwadis extended up to 60 Yrs., Service benifit to AWW's is 50000 and to AWH's is 20000 Rs

(Prog.I), Dated:30-05-2015 :: I.C.D.S. - Fixing of upper age limit for continuation of Anganwadi Workers (AWWs)/ Anganwadi Helpers (AWHs) as sixty years and providing end of service benefit of Rs.50,000/- to AWWs (Main & Mini) and Rs.20,000/- to AWHs as incentive after attaining the age of 60 years – Orders – Issued.

Read the following:
1. From the Commissioner, W.D. & C.W. Department, Hyderabad, Letter No.862/K3/2005, Dated 23.09.2013.
2. From the Commissioner, W.D. & C.W. Department, Hyderabad, Letter No.862/K3/2005, Dated 08-05-2014.
3. From the Commissioner, W.D. & C.W. Department, Hyderabad, Letter No.862/K3/2005, Dated 05.09.2014 and 21.04.2015.

1. The I.C.D.S. is one of the most critical intervention by Government for improving nutrition status of women and children and for early childhood growth and development, hence it is necessary that the delivery system of ICDS be effective. In this regard, there is need to fix the upper age limit for continuation of Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) (Main & Mini) and Anganwadi Helpers (AWHs), as the elderly Anganwadi
Workers (AWWs) (Main & Mini) and Anganwadi Helpers (AWHs), are not able to perform their job satisfactorily. As per the guidelines of Government of India for “Strengthened and Restructured ICDS Scheme” the State Government have been asked to fix age limit for Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) (Main & Mini) and Anganwadi Helpers (AWHs), for retirement. The neighboring Southern States like Tamilnadu,
Karnataka and Kerala have already fixed upper age limit for Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) and Anganwadi Helpers (AWHs), and these States are far ahead of Andhra Pradesh in achieving Millennium Development goals of reducing IMR, MMR and Malnutrition.

2. The Commissioner WDCW, A.P. Hyderabad in his proposal in the reference 1st read above has stated that Government of India as part of ICDS restructuring to have requested State Government to fix upper age beyond which AWWs (Main & Mini) /Helpers should not be continued in service. And a proposal was submitted to Government to fix upper age both for AWW/Helper as 60 years by providing end of service benefit of Rs.30,000/- to AWWs and Rs.20,000/- to AWHs as incentive after attaining the age of 60 years to ensure effective delivery of services in AWCs. She has stated that the AWHs who have crossed 60 years of age are unable to cook food for 30 to 40 children and for the pregnant and lactating women in the AWCs every day. The performance of AWWs who have crossed 60 years of age in conducting preschool activities for 2 to 6 years is also not satisfactory.

3. Due to bifurcation of the state of Andhra Pradesh into Telangana and Andhra Pradesh states with effect from 2.06.2014, the Commissioner WDCW, A.P. Hyderabad in his letter dt.05.09.2014 has initiated a fresh proposal for fixing of upper age limit for continuation of AWWs (Main & Mini) /AWHs and Payment of end of service benefit and requested to issue orders in the matter.
4. After careful examination of the issue and basing on the proposals of the Director, Women, Development and Child Welfare Department, A.P., Hyderabad, Government has decided to fix the upper age limit for continuation of AnganwadiWorkers (AWWs) (Main & Mini) and Anganwadi Helpers (AWHs) in service as 60years and to provide end of service benefit of Rs.50,000/- to AWWs (Main & Mini) andRs.20,000/- to AWHs as incentive for those who have attained the age of 60 years toensure effective delivery of services in Anganwadi Centres (AWCs).

5. Accordingly, Government hereby fix the upper age limit for continuation of Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) (Main & Mini) and Anganwadi Helpers (AWHs) in service as 60 years and agree to pay an end of service benefit of Rs.50,000/- to AWWs (Main & Mini) and Rs.20,000/- to AWHs on their attaining the age of 60 years, in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

6. The Director, Women Development & Child Welfare, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, shall take necessary action in the matter accordingly.
7. This order is issued with the concurrence of Finance (HRM.VI) Department vide their U.O.No.6198/85/A1/HRM.VI/15, dt:30.05.2015.

Download G.O.MS.No.20, Dt:30-5-15

AP Model school Halltickets for VI class Entrance Test for 2015

AP Model school is going to conduct an entrance test to select students to join in VI class.  The entrance test will be conducted on 03-06-2015 from 9 AM to 11 AM. The Halltickets  for this Examination can be Downloaded from

Rc.No1607, Dt.26-5-15 :: Administrative sanction as per orders of SPD, APSSA, Hyd for cancellation & Alternative Proposals of Toilets

Rc.No1607/AP SAA/DEE/2012, Dt.26-05-2015 :: AP Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Prakasam District- Civil works - cancellation & Alternative Proposals of Toilets-Issue of Administrative sanction as per the orders of state Project Director AP Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Hyderabad - Regarding.

Ref :-
1. Proc. Rc. No.17OBIRVM (SSA)/CW /2014, Dt'25-03-2015 of theSPD,APSSA, HYderabad.
2. Proc.Rc.N o:L6O7 I APSSA/DEE /20!2,Dt:-L7-04-2015 of the Project officer, AP Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Prakasam District
3. Rc.No.1607/APSSA/DEE12OL2,DI:-06-05-2015 of the Project Officer, AP Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Prakasam District.
4. Reports submitted by Dy. Executives Engineers of AP SSA, Prakasam District Dt.25-05-2015'

      The state Project Director, APSSA, Hyderabad & Project Officer, Ap Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Prakasam District sanctioned 139 New Toilets & 82 Reconstruction Toilets respectively vicle in the references 1't, 2nd & 3'd cited. Out of these, the Deputy Executive Engineers of concerned Sub Divisions have proposed 9 New Toilets & 19 Re Construction Toilets for cancellation and submitted alternative proposals due to,.rrrinrls reasons like already toilets 2 Nos existing and some are covered by public Sector Units etc, which are erroneously proposed by them previously by over sight and the same is being rectified by field verification.

Hence orders are here by issued for cancellation of 9 New Toilets and 19 Reconstruction Toilets and administrative sanction is here by accorded for 9 New toirets with an Estimate cost of Rs.15.84 rakhs and 1g Reconstruction Toilets with an Estimate cost of Rs.16.34 rakhs arternativery in the prace of cancelled New Toilets and Reconstruction Toilets as per the list enclosed'

The Executive Engineer APSSA Prakasam District is directed to take up the works immediately and complete them through concerned SMCs' by the
15th June 2015 without fail.

These administrative sanctions are issued as per the approval and directions issued reference 1't the state project Director APSSA Hyderabad shown in the reference 1st cited.

Download Rc.No1607, Dt.26-5-15 With Detailed list of Schools

29 May, 2015

G.O.MS.No. 61, Dt:29.05.15 :: Employees involved in Godavari Pushkaras are exempted from relieving, other exemptions

G.O.MS.No. 61, FINANCE (HR. I) DEPARTMENT, Dated:29.05.2015 :: Human Resources Management - Transfer and Postings of Employees -Furtherorders - issued.

Read the following: -
1. G.O.Ms No 211 of Finance (DCM-I1) Department dated 15.11.2014.
2. G.O. Ms. No. 57. Finance (HR-1) Department, dated: 18-05-2015
3. G.O. Ms. No. 58. Finance (HR-1) Department, dated: 23-05-2015
4. G.O. Ms. No. 59, Finance (HR-1) Department, dated: 25-05-2015

1. In the reference second read above Government has issued guidelinesand instructions for transfer and right placement of employees duly relaxingthe ban on transfer of employees imposed in reference first read above for theperiod from May 18 to 31*2015.

2. In the reference thirdand fourth read above Government has issuedcertain amendments to the guidelines and instructions regarding period ofservice at a station for mandatory and administrative/optional transfers.

3. In continuation of orders in the references second to fourth read aboveand after considering the administrative factors, the Government hereby issuefollowing orders for compliance by the concerned.
(a) The employees of the Endowments. Roads and Buildings(R&B). thePanchayat Raj Engineering and the Water Resources Departments,who arc currently involved in Pushkaram related activities in the EastGodavari and West Godavari Districts shall not be relieved from theircurrent positions until further orders.
(b) The employees working in the Zonal and Multizonal Cadre postslocated in the head quarters offices of the Directorate of State Audit,the Commissioner of Survey, Settlement and Land Records and theDirector of Economics andStatistics are exempted from theapplication of orders issued in the references second to fourth readabove.

4. This order is available in the internet and can be accessed at the address http://

Download G.O.MS.No. 61, Dt:29.05.15

G.O.RT.No.1764, Dt:29-05 -2015 :: Last Date for Submission of Arrear Bills Prior to Bifurcation is extended upto 30 June 2015

G.O.RT.No.1764, FINANCE (Budget.II)) DEPARTMENT, Dt:29-05 -2015 :: A.P.State Reorganization Act, 2014 – Certain arrears and other claims pertaining to the period prior to bifurcation of the erstwhile State of Andhra Pradesh i.e., 02-06-2014 –Extension of time limit to present the bills - Orders – Issued.

Read the following:
1. A.P. Reorganization Act. 2014.
2. G.O.Rt. No. 243, Fin (TFR) Dept., Dt. 22.07.2014 of Govt. of Telangana.
3. G.O. Rt. 2597, Finance (Budget-II) Department, Dt. 21.10.2014. 
4. G.O.Rt. No.8, Finance (Budget-II) Department, Dt. 02.01.2015.
5. G.O.Rt. No. 183, Finance (Budget.II) Department, Dt.31.01.2015.
6. G.O.Rt. No. 476, Finance (Budget.II) Department, Dt.07.03.2015.
7. Letter from A.P. Secretariat Association (APSA), dt.29.04.2015.
8. Letter from A.P. NGO’s Association, dt.04.05.2015.
9. Letter from State Teachers Union (STU), A.P., dt.21.04.2015.
10. Letter from A.P. Teachers Federation(APTF), dt.29.04.2015
11. Letter.No.H5/10384/2014 dt.29.04.2015 from the DTA, A.P., Hyderabad.

O R D E R:
1. In the G.O. 3rd read above, orders were issued for completion of the submission and passing of arrear bills pertaining to the period prior to bifurcation of erstwhile State of Andhra Pradesh by 31.12.2014 and further extended up to  31.03.2015 vide G.Os 4th, 5thand 6th read above.  

2. In the references7th ,8th ,9th and 10th read above, the A.P. Secretariat Association, A.P. NGO’s Association, State Teachers Union (A.P.), and A.P. Teachers Federation brought to the notice of the Government that, still there are cases for clearance and employees are facing difficulty due to expiry of time limit. Further in the reference 11th read above the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P., Hyderabad brought to the notice of the Government that employee related claims like pay fixation, incremental arrears, re-fixation of pay, consequent on regularization of suspension period etc., pertaining to period prior to bifurcation of State may arise at any point of time and hence these claims have to be admitted for audit as and when the departments sanction and submit bills to the treasuries.

3. Government, after careful consideration of the matter, hereby extend the period of submission and passing of bills of arrears and other claims pertaining to the period prior to bifurcation of erstwhile State of Andhra Pradesh i.e. prior to  02.06.2014, up to 30th, June,  2015. Further,Governmenthereby order to continue the apportionment of expenditure in respect of employee related claims pertaining to the period prior to02.06.2014 as and when the issue arises duly following the procedure prescribed in the G.O.Rt.No.2597, Finance (Budget.II) Department dt.21.10.14. 

4. All departments shall comply with the above orders to clear such claims.  

Download G.O.RT.No.1764, Dt:29-05 -2015

28 May, 2015

Cir.Memo.No.3856, Dt: 26.5.15 :: Procedural Instructions for fixation of pay of employees in RPS 2015 and Audit of Claims

Cir.Memo.No.3856-A/29/A2/HRM.V-PC/2014, FINANCE (HRM.V-PC) DEPARTMENT, Dt: 26.5.2015 :: PUBLIC SERVICES - Revision of Pay Scales 2015 - Procedural Instructions for fixation of pay of employees in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 and Audit ofClaims - Instructions - Issued.

1. G.O.Ms.No.45. Finance(OP-ll CFMS) Department dated: 21.04.2015
2. G.O.Ms.No.46. Finance (HRM.V-PC) Department dated: 30.04.2015.
3. G.O.Ms.No.47. Finance (HRM.V-PC) Department dated : 30.04.2015.
4. G.O.Ms.No.48. Finance (HRM.V-PC) Department dated : 30.04.2015.
5. G.O.Ms.No.49, Rnance (HRM.V-PC) Department dated: 30.04.2015.

1. In the Government Order first cited, orders were issued selecting the following three modules for the first phase roll out of e-nidhi (Comprehensive Financir"
a. Human Resource Management - Leave and loan approvals and payments: payroll and Employee Self Service
b. Budget distribution and Control -Budget distribution till the last functional/operational unit
c. Expenditure Management - Non-works - expenditure proposals and sanctions.bill processing and bill payments

2. In the Government Order second cited, orders were issued revising the pay scales of the employees as recommended by the Tenth Pay Revision Commission with the following modifications.
(i) A fitment benefit of 43% would be given for fixing the pay in the Revised PayScales. 2015 as against the fitment benefit of 29% recommended by the tenth PayRevision Commission.
(ii) The Revised Pay Scales will be implemented notionally from 01.07.2013 with monetary benefit from 02.06.2014
(iii) As regards the arrears of the salary in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 from 02.06.2014 to 31.03.2015 orders will be issued separately.
(iv) The salary in the Revised Pay Scales. 2015 will be paid in cash from the month of April 2015 payable in May, 2015. The principles of fixation of pay in the Revised Pay Scales. 2015 are also notified in the Government Order first cited.

3. In the Government Order third cited, orders were issued regulating theDearness Allowance from 01.01.2014 and 01.07.2014 in the revised pay Scales. 2015, in pursuance of the recommendations of the Tenth Pay Revision Commission. In Government Order fourth cited, orders were issued implementing the recommendations of the Tenth Pay Revision Commission on House Rent Allowance. In the Government Order fifth cited, orders were issued revising the rates of City Compensatory Allowance as recommendedby the Tenth Pay Revision Commission.

4. All these orders are available on the A.P. Portal. It has been decided to take up fixationof pay in the Revised Pay Scales under the Comprehensive Financial Management System(CFMS) module in pursuance of the orders issued in the GO first read above.

5. Accordingly, the following instructions are issued for effective implementation of the above orders.

These instructions are applicable to the-
a. Departments of Secretariat, Heads of Departments. Heads of offices/ Officers incharge of establishment for fixation of pay in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 inaccordance with the rules stipulated in the G.O first cited.
b. Drawing and Disbursing Officers for preferring claims of arrears of salaries in theRevised Pay Scales, 2015 in accordance with the G.Os. second to fifth cited.
c. Audit Officers for audit of claims of fixation of pay in the Revised Pay Scales.2015 in accordance with the orders issued in G.O.s cited.

(a) Instructions In the Departments of Secretarial, Heads of Departments: Heads ofOffices/Officers Imtkina after establishment:
(i) The Head of the Office or the officer in charge of establishment management shallcapture the following particulars in the existing Pay scales viz.. Andhra PradeshRevised Pay Scales, 2010 on the CFMS portal:
(a) Pay as on 01.07.2013;
(b) Existing Scale of Pay with Grade:
(c) Increments sanctioned during the period from 01.07.2013 to 31.05.2015;
(d) Promotions /transfers/ other appointments (such as School Assistant being appointed as Mandal Education Officer) during the period from 01.07.2013 to 31.05.20l5;
(e) Period(s) of leaves availed and any unauthorised absence during the period from 01.07.2013 to 31.05.2015;
(f) Period of suspension if any during the period from 01.07.2013 to 31.05.2015;
(g) punishments of stoppage of increments with/without cumulative effect.
(ii) The Heads of offices who have entered increment and promotion data for their employees shall re-access the PRC module to enter additional information relating to allowances in the new format given under tab "add any pay change and allowances details".
(iii) After capturing these details, the Head of the office concerned shall run the program. The system generates:-
a) pay fixation in the Revised Pay Scales. 2015
b) Pay from time to time from 1.7.2013 to 31.5.2015 with modifications such as increments, fixation of pay on promotion etc..
c) Dearness Allowance on the Revised pay:
d) House Rent Allowance on the Revised Pay with reference to place(s) of duty
e) City Compensatory Allowance on the Revised Pay with reference to place(s) of duty
(f) Emoluments in the Revised Pay Scales. 2015 from 1.7.2013 to 31.5.2015(Pay due)
g) Existing Emoluments (in the Revised Pay Scales. 2010) from 1.7.2013 to 31.5.2015 (Pay drawn)
h) Difference in pay lo be claimed,(iv) The Head of the office verifies the pay fixation and other particulars with reference to the entries in the Service Register and approves it after satisfying that the pay fixation is in order.
(v) The system generates the order on fixation of pay in the Revised Pay Scales. 2015 from 1.7.2013 and regulating the pay fixations from time to time there upon.
(vi) In case when Head of the Office is not competent to fix the pay or approve the fixation, the competent authority shall approve the fixation and return to the Head of the Office for claiming the arrears.
(b) Instructions to ____________________________ Officers
(i) After approval of the claim, the system generates A.P. T.C. Form No. 47 duly indicating the arrears of pay fixation.
(ii) The claims shall be in three parts but in one bill:
Part-I: From 01.07.2013 to 01.06.2014 for which the fixation is notional.
Part-II: From 02.06.2014 to 31.03.2015 for which arrears of pay fixation in the Revised Pay Scales.2015 are to be paid as per the orders that will be issued separately.
Part-III: From 01.04.2015 onwards to the date of fixation of pay in theRevised Pay Scales. 2015 for which the arrears shall be paid in cash. The DDO concerned shall verify the arrear claims with reference to the amounts drawn by the employee. After thorough verification, shall sign the Bill and prefer the claim at the Treasury Officer/Pay and Accounts Officer. Hyderabad,after making necessary entries in the service book under proper attestation,
(iv) The system also generates a statement indicating as to how much of the amounts worked out due to fixation in Revised Pay Scales. 2015 are adjusted notionally. amounts calculated from 02.06.2014 to 31.03.2015 and amount paid in cashfrom April. 2015 which shall be communicated to the respective employees.
(vii) The claims on account of fixation of pay in the Revised Pay Scales. 2015 shall be preferred in duplicate and presented to the District Treasury Officer / Pay and Accounts Officer. Hyderabad. The bill should be superscripted in "RED INK" as "Claim for Pay Fixation arrears in the Revised Pay Scales. 2015" to make it distinct from other bills along with service register.
(viii) The Drawing Officer shall ensure that the bills are supported by proper sanction orders and schedules required in respect of the claim in duplicate indicating the details of the employees, before submitting the claims to District Treasury Officer/ Pay and Accounts Officer. Hyderabad/ as the case may be.
All the Drawing Officers are directed to ensure that the bills are drawn as per the above orders under CFMS modules. The amounts payable in cash shall be credited to the respective bank accounts of the employees through CINB account maintained by treasuries.
(x) If the Audit Authorities report any erroneous pay fixation, the Drawing Officer should check again, with reference to the pay fixation already approved. If pay fixation was approved by a higher authority, the fact should be reported by the Drawing Officer to the concerned Audit Authority. Suitable action should be taken to rectify the errnoneous fixation if any immediately.
(xi) In case of Heads of offices/ Heads of Departments the pay fixations generatedshall be submitted to the competent authorities/Heads of Departments or to the administrative departments of Secretariat concerned for approval of payfixations However, the procedure of drawal shall be as per the guidelines indicated above.
(c) Instructions to the ———---------- Officers / Pay and Accounts Officer. ----++++----------/Pay and Accounts Officer/Assistant Pav and Accounts Officer (Works):
(i) The District Treasury Officer / Sub-Treasury Officer / Pay and Accounts Officer Hyderabad/Pay and Accounts Officcr/Assistant Pay and Officer (works) shall check the pay fixation claims from 01.07.2013 in Revised Pay Scales, 2015 whichare received from CFMS Module with reference to the Service Registers and othermaterial such as fly leaf etc for processing of the bill in treasuries as per theexisting rules in force,
(ii) In case any erroneous pay fixations are detected, the audit authorities shall notethe details of erroneous pay fixations to the concerned Drawing Officer who ____________ rectifies and submits the revised claim.
6. All the Heads of Departments are requested to issue necessary instructions to theDepartmental Officers under their control to follow the above instructions scrupulously andco-operate with the Audit Authorities.
7. Any further clarification in this regard can be sought from the Finance (HRM.V-PC)Department.
8. This memo is available on Internet and can be accessed at the address and

Download Cir.Memo.No.3856, Dt: 26.5-2015

26 May, 2015

RGUKT IIIT 2015-16 à°¨ోà°Ÿిà°«ిà°•ేà°·à°¨్ à°µిà°¡ుదల

ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్, తెలంగాణ రాష్ట్రాల్లోని ట్రిపుల్ ఐటీల ప్రవేశానికి సోమవారం నోటిఫికేషన్ విడుదలైంది.
ఆర్జేయూకేటీ (రాజీవ్గాంధీ సాంకేతిక వైజ్ఞానిక యూనివర్సిటీ వైస్ చాన్సులర్ సత్యనారాయణ నోటిఫికేషన్ విడుదల చేశారు.

హైదరాబాద్, బాసర, ఇడుపులపాయ, నూజివీడులో ప్రవేశాలకు ఈ నోటిఫికేషన్ విడుదల చేశారు.

విద్యార్థులకు దరఖాస్తులు ఆన్లైన్లో లభ్యం అవుతాయి.

దరఖాస్తుల స్వీకరణకు చివరి తేదీ జూన్ 19వ తేదీ.

రెండు రాష్ట్రాల్లో 85 శాతం స్థానికత, 15 శాతం ఓపెన్ కేటగిరి ద్వారా విద్యార్థుల ఎంపిక ప్రక్రియ జరుగుతుంది.

24 May, 2015

G.O.MS.No.58, Dt:23.5.15 :: Max 3 Yrs. at a Station and Minimum Zero Yrs. for Transfer and Postings of Employees

G.O.MS.No. 58, FINANCE (HR. I) DEPARTMENT, Dated:23.05.2015 :: Human Resources Management - Transfer and Postings of Employees -certain amendments - issued.

Read the following: -
1. G.O.Ms No 211 of Finance (DCM-II) Department dated 15.11.2014.
2. G.O. Ms. No. 57, Finance (HR-I) Department, dated: 18-05-2015

1. In the reference second read above Government has issued guidelinesand instructions for transfer and right placement of employees dulyrelaxing the ban on transfer of employees imposed in reference first read
above for the period from May 18 to 31' 2015.
2. Certain representations from different quarters of employees havebeen received that the period of five years at a station for the mandatoryand two years for administrative/optional transfers ordered in the G.O.
isnot necessarily in the interest of administrative efficiency.

3. In this context, the Government after careful examination of theissue, hereby issue following amendments to the orders issued in the G.O's second read above.

4. This order is available in the internet and can be accessed at the address http://

Download G.O.MS.No. 58, Dated:23.05.2015

23 May, 2015

Instructions/Guidelines for APSSC MARCH 2015 Reverification / Recounting, APPLICATION FORM

Instructions/Guidelinesfor APSSC MARCH 2015 Reverification / Recounting

1) The candidate has to submit his application duly forwarded by the Headmaster of theschool concerned duly getting the photo attested.
2) Application format is kept in the website www
3) The prescribed fee for each subject is Rs. 1000/-
4) The application should be submitted directly at Counters Constituted at designatedpoints to be announced by the District Educational Officers concerned.
5) Need not apply for Recounting of marks, if applied for supply of Photostat copy ofvalued answer script.
6) Should not send application for re-verification' of answer scripts directly to theO/o Director of Government Examinations/Board of Secondary Education, Hyderabad.
7) Enclose Xerox copy of Hall ticket, Dummy memo of marks, if not, the application willbe summarily rejected.
8) Fee paid once will not be refunded under any circumstances.
9) Applications sending by post/courier service will not be accepted.
10) Fee paid by way of drawing Demand Drafts & Bankers Cheques will not beaccepted.
11) The appeal for ui dervaluation or over valuation shall not be considered under any circumstances.
12) The Xerox copy of the valued answer script will be sent to the candidate after re-verification.
13) Enclose One Self addressed envelope of 12 X 9 1/2 (book size) and another cover of10 X 4 1/2 with the address of the Head master concerned without affixing postal stamps.
14) The Challan has to be paid by the individual candidate only and no group challan will be accepted.

NOTE: Application for recounting will be accepted in the O/o Director of Government Examinations, A.P., Hyderabad only.

Provisions included   in Re verification:
1) Re totalling
2) Whether marks for all answers are posted or not.
3) Re-verification as per the Principles of valuation for only those answers which are Un-valued. Un-valued answers will be valued and marks will be awarded.

If any reduction in  the already  awarded marks is noticed it will be communicated to the candidate with an instruction to surrender/return the original certificate to facilitate issue of the revised certificate with the reduced marks. The marks will be revised in the permanent record of the office. If the candidate concerned fails to comply with the instruction in returning the memo, he has to face the consequences if his certificate referred for verification at a later date. The Department is not responsible for the action of the candidate.

Fee Remittance:
Remit fee through Challan to the following Head of Account (D.D. will not be accepted).
0202- Education, Sports, Arts and Culture
01 - General Education
102 - Secondary Fducation
06 - Director of (iovt. Examinations
800 - User Charges

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21 May, 2015

Rc.No.B1/543/2015, Dt:20.5.15 :: Guidelines for Transfers Counseling for the year 2015-16 in AP Tribal welfare schools

O/o the Secretary (FAC),
APTWREIS(Gurukulam), 2nd floor,
D.S.S. Bhavan premises,
Masab Tank, Hyderabad.

Rc.No.B1/543/2015, Date:20/05/2015 :: APTWREIS (Gurukulam) - Estt. - Hyderabad - Guidelines for Transfers Counseling for the year 2015-16 - Reg.

Ref:-   G.O. Ms. No:57 of Finance (HR.I) Department dt:18-05-2015.

A copy of the transfer guidelines is here by communicated for the year 2015-16 along with application form. All the Principals are requested to circulate these transfer guidelines to all the staff members and receive the filled transfer applications forms of liable and eligible employees as mentioned in the transfer guidelines. The required number of transfer applications may be got prepared by the Principal and supply to all persons who are liable/eligible for transfer and the abstract of althe applications should be furnished in the following Performa:

*// Refer the Downloadable document for profarma which is.provided at the end of post //*

The applicants and Principals should take utmost care in filling the transfer application form. Furnishing of any incorrect information will be viewed seriously and disciplinary action will be initiated against the persons responsible. The Principal should verify and certify the correctness of the entries.
All the Principals are requested to see that the transfer applications of Principals, teaching staff and Superintendents along with abstract, should reach the Head Office on or before 23-05-2015 by 5:00 P.M. positively for APTW Residential Schools.
The Principals are hereby directed to indicate the leave vacancies (cadre-wise) exceeded by one year except the vacancy against Maternity leave. Regarding the vacancies against deputations (out of the Gurukulam) to other departments including KGBVs and Mini Gurukulams are also to be indicated in their institutions.
All the eligible persons for transfer as per guidelines shall compulsorily apply for transfer failing which they loose their opportunity of counselling. The schedule for counselling for transfers is as below:

1. Last date for receiving transfer applications - 23-05-2015 by 5 P.M.
2. Consolidation and scrutiny - 25™ of May, 2015.
3. Counseling dates for opting districts by the applicants subject to availability of vacancies -   26tn of May 2015.
4. Sending of option forms of the applicants to the District Level Committes (DLC) for issuing posting orders to the applicants - 26tn May 2015.

This should be treated as most urgent and attended on priority. Any deviation in this regard shall be viewed seriously.

1.Guidelines for Transfers through counseling
2. Application form.
1. The guidelines are prepared for regulating transfers of all teaching staff i.e., PGT, TGT, PD(s), PET and Superintendents (Non-teaching) on transfer policy through counselling.
The following will be eligible for transfers:
a) The employees who have completed the period of (5) years of service in a particular station as on 1  May of 2015.
b) Transfer of a spouse on the request of another spouse during counselling to post them together in one School / Place.
c) A spouse case under transfer counselling will be considered once on completion of 5 years only to one of the spouse and not in every year.
d) All the spouse cases will be considered on par with Govt, norms
Transfers on account of administrative grounds i.e., disciplinary cases or redeployment of surplus manpower or in public interest or for sharing shortage of staff.
The following are eligible to
apply for request transfers:
a) Employees who have completed minimum period of (2) years stay at a particular station as on 1st May of 2015.
b) Any Employee retiring on or before June 30, 2016 shall not be transferred.
Male Teachers below (50) years of age working in Girls institutions will be transferred to accommodate lady teachers.

3. No mutual transfers will be considered.

a. The transfers WOULD BE AS PER THE SCHEDULE & INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE CIRCULAR. No transfers shall be made there-after during the year 2015-16 and no relaxations would be entertained.
b. The posts of the persons those who are on deputation/OD will be shown as clear vacancy. The posts where TGTs working against PGT post will be shown as vacancy.
c. The leave vacancies for more than a year will be treated as vacancy.

5.1 The applicants shall fill only the option forms to the Districts opted by them in the Head office Gurukulam and the list of District wise, Institution wise vacancies shall be provided to the concerned District Level Committees(DLC) as enclosure to the option forms of the applicants so as to enable the DLCs for giving posting orders to the applicants as ordered in the G.O.Ms.No.57, dated 18-05-2015. The transferring authority or his nominee shall conduct the counselling.

A District Level Committee (DLC) is being established with the Minister- incharge of the District Development as the Chairman and comprising of the District Collector and the District Head of the concerned department. The DLC will effect the transfer of all Local / District Cadre employees. It will also assign posting to the Zonal Cadre employees allotted to the district by the Government / HOD. The DLC shall finalise the list of employees tobe transferred and upon approval by the Committee, the District head ofthe concerned department shall issue orders.

The DLC shall effect the transfer counselling to the District cadre Employees i.e. Non-Teaching staff (up to cadre of Sr. Asst.) at district level in terms of the orders issued in the G.O.Ms.No:57 of Finance (HR.I) Department dt: 18-05-2015

Download Rc.No.B1/543/2015, Dt:20.5.15 with application form

Rc.No.65/A&1/2015,Dt:5.5.15 :: Instructions to all the HM's including Clerical staff & Office Sub-Ordinates to be present during Summer Vacation from Date of SSC Result to Reopening of Schools

Rc.No.65/A&1/2015, PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMISSTONER OF SCHOOL EDUCATION ANDHRA PRADESH, Dated: 05-05-2015 :: School Education-Conductf SSC Advanced Supplementary Examinations, May/June 2015- Instructions to all the Heads of Schools including Clerical staff and Office Sub-Ordinates to be present during Summer VacaTion

Read:-DGE Lr.Rc.No.87/B-2/2015,dt.17-04-2015

                                                                                                                The Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are informed that, the Director, Government Examinations, A.P., Hyderabad has informed that the SSC Advanced Supplementary
Examinations will be conducted in the 3rd week or Last week of June 2015 tentatively and requested to instruct the Head masters/Clerical Staff/Office Sub-ordinate s to attend the following activities of conduct of SSC Supplementary/Exarninatlon/ is

  a) to receive extraction of nominal rolls of failed candidates
  b) to receive failed memos of the failed candidates.
  c) to receive and remit the examination fee.

Therefore all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are hereby instructed

  a)To prevent all the headmaster's of Secondary Schools(High Schools) under all managements along with non teaching staff from availing summer vacation with effect from the date of release of SSC Public Examinations March'2015 to till the re-opening of Schools on 12th June 2015.                           
  b)Names of Headmasters/non teaching staff institution wise shall be specifically obtained for prevention and issue specific orders if prevention duly mentioning the period.
  c)Earned Leave may be preserved for all employees prevented as per rules.
  d)Strictly follow the instructions issued in C.S.E Procs.Rc.No.362/E1-1/2013,dt.16-11-2013  with regard to preventionfostaff  in summer vacation.                  

Therefore, all the District Educational Officer in the state are requested to take necessary action in the matter.

This has the approval of the Commissioner and Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.

Admin comment:
* The Date of SSC March 2015 Result announced as 20.5.15
* The Date of Reopening of Schools announced as 15.6.15

Download Rc.No.65/A&1/2015, Dt:5.5.15

19 May, 2015

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18 May, 2015

G.O.Ms. No.57, Dt:18.5.15 :: Instructions / Guidelines issued for Transfer and Postings of Employees

G.O.Ms. No.57, FINANCE (HR. I) DEPARTMENT, Dated:18.05.2015 :: Human Resources Management - Transfer and Postings of Employees -Instructions / Guidelines - Orders - Issued - Reg.

Read the following: -
1. G.O.Ms No 211 of Finance (DCM-II) Department dated November 15, 2014.

1. The Government is committed to the welfare of its employees and seeks to promote work-life balance to enable the employees and their families lead happy and contented lives. In this direction, the Government's policy is to ensure every employee is posted at a work place where she / he is most productive and contributes the best for improved governance and efficient public services. Overall,
the Government is committed to right placement of the staff to improve efficiency and accountability in administration.

2. Accordingly, the existing ban on transfer of employees imposed in G.O.Ms.No 211 of Finance (DCM-II) Department dated November 15, 2014, is hereby relaxed for the period from May 18 to 31, 2015, to ensure right placement of employee to secure optimum productivity and commitment to furtherance of Government's development objectives.

Guidelines for Placement

3. The transfers will be undertaken with adherence to the following instructions.
 i) The transfer of employees will be undertaken between May 18 and May 31, 2015. There shall be no transfer prior to or after this period.
 ii) The transfer policy should be an effective tool in capacity building with the employees getting a variety of experience within the department, thus becoming more fit to hold higher responsibilities.
 iii) Any employee retiring on and before June 30, 2016 shall not be transferred. No person shall be transferred before completion of two years of service at a particular duty station as on May 01, 2015.
Likewise, no person shall be retained beyond five years of service in any station. Service in all cadres at any duty station shall be counted while calculating the period of service at a particular duty station.
 iv) While effecting transfers, the Competent authority shall accord priority in the order given below, subject to satisfaction of other conditions specified in this Order: 
   a) Employee who has completed more than five years at a duty station duly counting the total service rendered in all cadres shall be transferred without exception;
   b) Employees who have completed two years of service may be transferred either on administrative grounds or on account of the following conditions upon request for transfer:
    i) Employees with disabilities of 40% or more as certified by the competent authority as per "Persons with Disabilities (P.W.D) (Equal opportunities, protection of rights and full participation
Act, 1995);
    ii) Husband and Wife cases (Only one of the spouses shall be shifted following the prescribed procedure);
    iii) Requiring advanced medical treatment for serious ailments like Cancer, Open Heart Surgery, Neurosurgery, and Renal transplantation, for self or spouse or dependent children and dependent parents, to a place where such facilities are available; and
    iv) Employees having mentally retarded children may be considered for posting to a place where medical facilities are available subject to certification by the competent authority.
 v) The second and higher level Gazetted Officers shall not be posted in their native district. Native District shall be determined by the entry in the Service Register of the employee. Other employees shall not be posted in their native Mandal.
 vi) Employees shall invariably be transferred from the existing location on promotion, unless no such post exists at a different location.
 vii) For the purpose of transfer, Duty Station is defined as the Place (City, Town, Village) of actual working and not office or institution under which the employee is working.
 viii) All transfers ordered where the employees have indicated preference for duty stations shall be treated as request transfers for the purpose of sanction of T.T.A. and other transfer benefits.

Process for Transfer

    i) The Government will issue orders for the transfer of all State Cadre officers. Whereas, the Head of the Department (HoD) will order the transfer of Zonal and Multi-Zonal Officers. While issuing transfers of all State Cadre Officers, Zonal and Multizonal Officers, the Government/HOD shall indicate the specific place/post available in a District if there is only a single post for that category / cadre of officers in the District. If there is more than one post available in that cadre/ category in that district, such officers shall be allotted to the districts and the District Level Committee will finalize the place of posting within the district.
    ii) A District Level Committee (DLC) is being established with the Minister-in-charge of the District Development as the Chairman and comprising of the District Collector and the District Head of the concerned department. The DLC will effect the transfer of all Local / District Cadre employees. It will also assign posting to the Zonal / Multi-Zonal and State Cadre employees allotted to the district by the Government / HOD. The DLC shall finalise the list of employees to be transferred and upon approval by the Committee, the District head of the concerned department shall issue orders.
    iii) All transfers shall be done in a fair and transparent manner, with due consideration for the productivity and efficiency of the employee. Transfer may be taken up by counselling for all Non-gazetted officers and below categories, except in cases where transfers are effected on administrative grounds.
    iv) Transfers on compassionate and personal grounds have been misused from time to time. Before ordering the transfer, the competent authority will verify the truthfulness of the grounds and take necessary action.
    v) The employee shall be deemed to be relieved from the post within five working days of issuance of the orders of transfer by the competent authority. Every employee thus transferred shall submit a charge handing over report to his / her successor with a copy to the head of the office.
    vi) The Secretary to the Government, Head of the Department and the District Collector shall be responsible for ensuring that transfers under his / her control are strictly in accordance with the instructions detailed in this order.
   vii) The standing instructions guiding the transfers of Office Bearers of recognized employees unions issued in Circular Memo N0.245/GA/A1 /2014-1, Dated : 16.09.2014 shall be followed.


4. The above instructions, however, will not apply to the revenue earning departments viz. i) Commercial Taxes; ii) Prohibition & Excise; iii) Stamps & Registration; and iv) Transport. Separate orders will be issued for these departments. Similarly, separate Guidelines will be required for the Education (School Education and Higher Education) and Health, Medical and Family Welfare
Departments keeping in view the unique nature of the service conditions prevailing in these departments and the specialisations in different cadres. Further, the T&A Department is exempted from these orders in view of implementation of CFMS and ongoing computerization. These departments will issue separate orders in consultation with the Finance Department with separate time schedule and instructions applicable for the employees of these departments.

5. Likewise, these orders will not apply to the staff working under the control of the Hon'ble High Court of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

6. This order is available in the internet and can be accessed at the address

G.O.MS.No.18, Dt.15.5.15 :: New Guidelines on Selection of appointment of Anganwadi Workers, Mini Anganwadi Workers and Anganwadi Helpers

G.O.MS.No. 18, DEPARTMENT FOR WOMEN, CHILDREN, (Prog) DISABLED AND SENIOR CITIZENS, Dt. 15th May, 2015. :: Department for Women, Children, Disabled and Senior Citizens – Reconstitution Selection of appointment of Anganwadi Workers, Mini Anganwadi Workers and Anganwadi Helpers and certain parameters to be adopted for the selection of Anganwadi Workers, Mini Anganwadi Workers and Anganwadi Helpers – Revised orders – Issued.

Read the following:- 
1. G.O.Ms.No.28, WDCW&DW (ICDS) Dept., Dt.02.12.2004. 
2. G.O.Ms.No.15, WDCW&DW (ICDS) Dept., Dt.04.04.2012. 
3. From Director, Women Development & Child Welfare Department, Andhra Pradesh, Lr.No.862 /K3/2005, dt.06.05.2015


1. In the reference 1st read above orders were issued reconstituting the Committee for the selection of recruitment Anganwadi Workers and Anganwadi Helpers in all Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Projects as follows:

1. District Collector/Chair person DW&CDA -              Chairperson.
2. Local MLA Member where ICDS Project located -   Member.
3. DM&HO/Additional DM&HO -                                   Member.
4. CDPO Concerned -                                                   Member.
5. PD, DW&CDA -                                                         Member- Convener. 

2. In the reference 2nd read above, the Government issued amendment to the reference 1st read above, by constituting the selection committee for appointment of Anganwadi Workers and Anganwadi Helpers in ITDA areas with following members.

1. ITDA Project Officer/ Chair Person DW&CDA --     Chairperson.
2. Local MLA where ICDS Project located –                Member
3. DM&HO/Additional DM&HO --                                 Member
4. CDPO Concerned –                                                  Member
5. Project Director, DW&CDA –                                    Member 

3. The Government has also issued certain parameters in the reference 2nd read above for adopting by the Selection Committee for selection of Anganwadi Workers and Anganwadi Helpers.

4. The Director, Women Development & Child Welfare, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad in the reference 3rd read above has furnished the following proposal, for reconstitute the selection committee for the appointments of Anganwadi Workers, Mini Anganwadi Workers and Anganwadi Helpers in all Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) projects and the ITDA areas and also to amend the parameters for selection of Anganwadi Workers, Mini Anganwadi Workers and Anganwadi Helpers:

I. All ICDS Project Areas 

1. District Collector/Chair person DW&CDA -       Chairperson.
2. RDO concerned –                                               Member.
3. DM&HO/Additional DM&HO -                             Member.
4. CDPO Concerned –                                            Member.
5. PD, DW&CDA –                                                 Member- Convener.

II. In ITDA areas 
1. ITDA Project Officer / Chair person DW&CDA -     Chairperson.
2. RDO concerned –                                                    Member.
3. DM&HO/Additional DM&HO -                                  Member.
4. CDPO Concerned –                                                 Member.
5. PD, DW&CDA –                                                       Member- Convener.

7. After careful examination of the proposal and in supercession of the Government orders issued vide G.O 1st and 2nd read above, the Government hereby reconstitute the following Committee for selection of Anganwadi Workers, Mini Anganwadi Workers and Anganwadi Helpers in all Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Project areas and in ITDA areas and also amend the parameters for selection of the above said posts.

I. All ICDS Project Areas 

1. District Collector/Chair person DW&CDA - Chairperson. 
2. RDO concerned – Member. 
3. DM&HO/Additional DM&HO - Member. 
4. CDPO Concerned – Member. 
5. PD, DW&CDA – Member- Convener. 

II. In ITDA areas 
1. ITDA Project Officer / Chair person DW&CDA- Chairperson. 
2. RDO concerned – Member. 
3. DM&HO/Additional DM&HO - Member. 
4. CDPO Concerned – Member. 
5. PD, DW&CDA – Member- Convener

8. The Director, Women Development & Child Welfare, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad is requested to take further necessary action in the matter and to issue suitable instructions to the Regional Joint Directors / Project Directors in this regard. 9. This order is available on internet and can be accessed at address

Download G.O.MS.No. 18, Dt. 15th May, 2015