
19 February, 2015

Rc.No.13, Dt:18.2.15 :: Teleconference from APSSA through MANA TV on 19-02-2015 to all MEOs and SCHMs in the State

Rc.No.13/SSA/A3/2014, Date: 18.02.2015 :: A.P.SSA-Pedagogy-Conduct of Teleconference Programme  through MANA TV on 19-02-2015- To all MEOs and SCHMs in the State - Reg.

Ref:- This office U.O.Note.No.4079/AP/SSA/DEC/A2/14Dt.27.06.2014

All the District Educational Officers and Project Officers, of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and DIET Principals in the State are informed that a teleconference is scheduled on 19-02-2015 from 10.00Am to 4.30 PM through MANA TV conducting by Pedagogy, SSA. A.P on implementation of PINDICS and Dissemination of SLAS 2014-15 results, to all Sectoral officers of DPO, MEOs, School Complex HMs, MRGs and SRGs in the State.

The objective of the teleconference is to get the clarity and awareness on PINDICS. All the teachers can be assessed by complex HMs and the SCHMs award grades to teachers basing on their performance. The POs are requested to communicate the same grades to State Project Office by March 2015 in the prescribed format.

The dissemination of State Level Achievement Survey (SLAS) result is also one of the agenda items of the teleconference. After the completion of the teleconference the DEOs, POs and DIET principals are requested to organise meetings with DIET faculty, SRGs and educational experts in your respective Districts to prepare the action plan/Strategies basing on State Level Achievement Survey (SLAS) result and implement the recommendations to improve the quality in your respective Districts.

After the completion teleconference all the DEOs & POs are directed to plan and conduct the school complex meetings at Primary & UP level as per agenda items of teleconference in all the Telugu & Urdu complexes in the state.

Therefore, the DEOs and POs are requested to communicate all the above concerned to attend the teleconference by making the necessary arrangements for smooth conduct of teleconference at Mandal Level.

This has got the approval of State Project Director SSA. A.P.

Encl: Time table for teleconference

                                               Time Table

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