
19 February, 2015

G.O.Ms.No:11, Dt.18.2.15 :: Notification by Governor to Biennial Elections to A.P.L.C Teacher Constituencies Under 1951 People Act (43 of 1951)

G.O.Ms.No.:11,  Dated:18th February, 2015. :: ELECTIONS – Biennial Elections to the A.P. Legislative Council from Teachers’ Constituencies – Notification under Section 16 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 (43 of 1951) by the Governor of Andhra Pradesh – Published. 

Read: From the E.C.I. Letter No.322/AP-LC/2015(T)-BE, dt.11.02.2015.

O R D E R:

The following notification shall be published in an extraordinary issue of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette, dated 19th February, 2015 / Magha 30, 1936 (Saka)


WHEREAS, the seats of two members of the Legislative Council of the State of Andhra Pradesh, elected from the Council Constituencies, specified in column (1) of the table below, as per the numbers shown in the corresponding entries in column (2) of the table, are due to fall vacant on the retirement of sitting members, on the dates mentioned in the corresponding entries in column (3) of the table, on the expiration of their term of office; and
WHEREAS, biennial election has to be held for the purpose of filling the above said vacancies so arising;
NOW, THEREFORE, as recommended by the Election Commission of India in pursuance of Section 16 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 (43 of 1951), the Governor of the State of Andhra Pradesh is hereby pleased to call upon each of the said Council Constituencies, specified in column (1) of the table below, to elect the number of members, specified against that Constituency in column (2) of the said table, to the Legislative Council of the State, for the purpose of filling the above mentioned vacancies, in accordance with the provisions of the said Act and of the rules and orders made thereunder.


State-Andhra Pradesh
Name of Teachers’ Constituency
No. of members to be elected
Date of
East-West Godavari Teachers’ Constituency
Krishna-Guntur Teachers’ Constituency

Download G.O.Ms.No.:11,  Dated:18thFebruary, 2015.

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