
04 August, 2014

Rc.No.36/PS-1-1/2014, Date: 02-07-2014 :: Information Called for Proposals for converting Upper Primary School having less strength to primary school in Prakasam Dist.

Rc.No.36/PS-1-1/2014, Date: 02-07-2014 :: Primary Education - Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules   proposals for converting Upper Primary School having less strength to Primary School   Called for Reg.

Lr. No.170/RVM(SSA)/A9(C2)/2010, dt:13-06-2014 of the SPD, RVM(SSA) Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad

In the reference cited, the State Project Director, RVM (SSA), Andhra Pradesh while reiterating the provisions of Right to Education Act 2009 has informed that the there are 3869 UP schools (I to VII classes) in Andhra Pradesh as per UDISE 2013. Out of these 3869 UP schools 2441 schools have the strength above 20 and 1428 schools have the strength below 20 in classes VI and VII which do not have VIII class.

In this connection, it is informed that as per G.O.Ms. No.55 School education (PE-SSA) Dept., dated: 05.07.2012 the Upper Primary schools functioning with less strength and having high schools within a distance of 3 kms are to be downgraded to primary schools by merging VI and VII classes in nearby high schools with proper school mapping exercise.

In view of the above, all the District Educational Officers are requested to examine and send the proposals for converting the UP schools having less strength into Primary Schools by merging VI and VII classes in nearby high schools and adjusting the teachers who are found excess in nearby schools without devoting rules in vogue.
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Proceedings of DEO, PRAKASAM:

Rc.No.5301/B4/2014dated: 01-08-2014 :: Primary Education - Right of children to free and Compulsory Education Rules - Proposals for converting Upper Primary School having less strength to primary school - Certain Information Called for- Regarding.

1. Lr.No.l70/RVM /(SSA)/A9/(C2)/2010 dated 13-06-2014 of the  State Project Director, RVM (SSA) Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
2.Procds.Rc.No,36/PS-l-l/2014 dated 02-07-2014 of the Commissioner of School Education, A.P., Hyderabad.

In the reference2 ndcited above, the Commissioner of School Education, A,P., H yderabad informed that as per UISE 2013 certain UP schools as functioning with less than 20 enrollment for classes VIand VII, which do not have VIII Class, And it is also informed that as per G.O.Ms.No. 55 SchoolEducation (PE-SSA) Department dated 05-07-2012 the upper Primary Schools functioning with less strength and having high schools within a distance of 3 Kmsare to be downgraded to primary schools by merging VI and VII classes in nearby high schools with proper school mapping exercise.

Therefore, while communicating the list of such schools (67UP Schools) functioning in PrakasamDistrict, it was requested the District Educational Officer, Prakasam District to examine and send proposals for converting the UP Schools having less strength into Prima ry Schools by merging VI and VIIClasses in near byhigh Schools and adjusting the teachers who are found excess in near by schools without deviating rules in vogue

Therefore, all the Mandal Educational Officers in the District are requested to go through the proceedings in the reference 2 ndread above and submit the information about the near byhigh schools which are situated within in the radius of 3 KMs to such schools, (in the proforma-A appended to these proceedings) and the names anddetails of the teachers who found surplus and in which high  schools they have to be adjusted in accordance the guidel ines contained in G.O.Ms.No. 55 School Education (PE- SSA) Department dated 05-07-2012. fir. the proforma-B appended to these proceedings).
The information shall reach this office on or before 04-08-2014 without fai!{both soft and hard copy). Any slackness and wrong information is supplied the MandalEducational Officers themselves  will be held personally responsible.

Download Rc.No.36/PS-1-1/2014, Date:02-07-2014

List of UP Schools having strength less than 20 in UP Section

Profarma for submitting staff & nearest High School particulars

Download Rc.No.5301/B4/2014, Dated: 01-08-2014

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