
03 August, 2014

Rc.No.229/Estt.IV/2014, Dated:14-07-2014 :: Instructions for Issue of Joining Permission/Absented from Duties

Rc.No.229/Estt.IV/2014, Dated:14-07-2014 :: School Education-Teacher Services - Certain Instructions for Issue of Joining Permission/Absented from Duties - Reg

The District Educational Officers in the State are informed, that it has been brought to the notice of CSE that some of the teachers are not attending the duties in schools regularly and also absented to duties unauthorizedly for longer periods without applying any leave. As a matter of fact, an employee cannot stay away from duty as of right without sanction of leave from competent authority and absence without leave is misconduct on the part of employee, for which action can be taken against him, Frequent absence from duty connotes lack of devotion to duty which causes lot of distocation in imparting instruction to students in the schools.

Instructions for Issue of Joining Permission/Absented from Duties:
1. In all such cases, it is responsibility of the concerned Head Master and MEO in case of PS and UP Schools and Headmaster and the Deputy Educational Officer in the case of High Schools to report the same to the DEO within a week from the date of absence. The DEO shall
their upon immediately a note to the said teacher to report back.
2. In case of teachers who applied leave under procedure and fail to join duty after expiry of leave, the DEO shall serve a notice to said teacher for unauthorized absence and initiate suitable disciplinary action.
3. In case of teachers who applied
leave under proper procedure and report back to duty after expiry of leave posting orders shall be issued immediately,.under any circumstances no compulsory wait will be entertained.
4. It is the responsibility of the DEO to continuously monitory.application received for sanction of leave.
Further, Govt. in G.O.Rt.No.128 , Fin(FR.1) Dept, Dated: 01-6-2007 and G.O.Ms.No.260 , General Administration Department (SER.C), Dated:04-09-2003 issued orders to Rule 18 of A.P Fundamental Rules as follows:
In the said rules, after Rule 18, the following shall be added, namely:-
Rule 18-A :- A Government servant shall be deemed to have resigned from the service if he/she
(a) is absent authorization for a period exceeding 'one year'. or
(b) remains absent from duty for continuous period exceeding five years with or without leave;
(c) continues on foreign from service beyond the period approved by the state government.

Provided that a reasonable opportunity to explain the reason for such absence or continuation on the foreign service shall be
given to the Govt. servant before the provisions of this sub-rule are invoked.

There fore, all the District Educational Officers and Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State are instructed that:
1. The HMs/MEOs/Dy.EOs concerned shall maintain the record of the teachers who are absent and the period of absence.
2. The concerned Head Master and the Mandal Educational Officer in case of Primary Schools and upper Primary Schools and the Head Master and The Deputy Educational Officer in case of High
Schools, to immediately report the same to the District Educational Officer within a maximum of one week from the
date of absence.
3. The District Educational Officer shall their upon immediately send a notice to the said teacher to report back.
4. In case of teachers who applied leave under proper procedure and fail to join duty after of leave, the District Educational Officer shall serve a notice to said teacher
for unauthorized absence and initiate suitable disciplinary action.
5. If the teacher fails to report back to school after expiry of leave, the concerned should report the same to the District Educational Officer concerned.
6. Issue notices to all the teachers who are unauthorizedly absents with instructions to report back to duty duly stipulating time and if the fail to report necessary action should be taken as per.Rule 20 of APCS (CCA) Rules 1991 for his/her unauthorized absence duly following procedure.
7. Even after initiating action as per CCA rules if he fail join duty issue final show cause notice and publish the same official gazette and take further necessary action.
8. Under any circumstances whatsoever, no requests for.compulsory wait will be entertained from teachers not joining duty on expiry of leave as originally sanctioned.
9. It is the.responsibility of every
DEO and their office staff concerned, to continuously monitor applications received for sanction of leave and applications orders posting by teachers returning from leave;.and promptly process and give posting to such postings to such teachers, immediately of reporting from leave at the earliest.
10. All applications of the teachers for posting on return from leave shall be made.through Registered Post with Acknowledgement Due only. The District Educational Officer concerned.and officers of the DEO office are responsible or processing of posting to teachers and shall be liable for any delay in giving of such postings; and any payments of wages for the gap periods ordered to be treated
as compulsory wait by the courts of law will be liable to be recovered from all such officers of the District Educational Officers
office concerned responsible for the delay.
11. They shall follow the procedure prescribed in G.O.Ms No.70, Education, Dt: 06-07-2009.
12. The District Education Officers shall send a copy to this office of all such correspondence, the District Educational Officer make to the teacher.

This true copy communicated to all the District Educational Officers, Regional Joint Directors of School  Education, Deputy Education Officers and Mandal Educational Officers in the District. The Commissioner and School Education has requested to the above said officers to take immediate necessary appropriate action in the matter and follow the above guidelines and instructions scrupulously and instructed to said officers that any deviation in the matter will be viewed seriously and action taken against the concerned authorities.

Download Rc.No.229/Estt.IV/2014, Dated:14-07-2014

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