
27 November, 2011


OPERA experiment reports anomaly in flight time of neutrinos from CERN to Gran Sasso

Following the OPERA collaboration’s presentation at CERN on 23 September, inviting scrutiny of their neutrino time-of-flight measurement from the broader particle physics community, the collaboration has rechecked many aspects of its analysis and taken into account valuable suggestions from a wide range of sources. One key test was to repeat the measurement with very short beam pulses from CERN. This allowed the extraction time of the protons, that ultimately lead to the neutrino beam, to be measured more precisely.

Inside Primary Schools : Survey on Standard of Education in India :: courtesy :

 Pratham, an NGO has carried out a survey in 5 States viz. Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Assam, Jharkhand and Rajasthan with support from UNICEF and UNESCO.
The study has noted that in the last two decades, impressive strides have been made in India in terms of providing school buildings, classrooms, teachers, textbooks and other facilities. These have been matched by very significant improvements in enrollment. The Annual Study Status of Education Report (ASER) study ‘Inside Primary Schools” tracked 30,000 rural children in Std 2 and Std 4 in 900 schools spread over five States of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand and Rajasthan.
The key recommendations emerging from this study are as below:- 
(i) Textbooks need urgent revisions. They need to start from what children can do and be more realistic and developmentally appropriate in what children are expected to learn, with clear learning goals and sequence.
(ii) Systems must be put into place to track attendance, not just enrollment, and ensure regular reporting and monitoring of this attendance.
(iii) Mother tongue instruction and programmes for language transition need to be introduced and expanded.
(iv) Teacher recruitment policies need to assess teachers’ knowledge, but more importantly their ability to explain content to children, make information relevant to their lives and use teaching learning materials and activities other than the textbook.
(v) State teacher education plans should invest in human resource capacity academic structure, like Block Resource Centres (BRCs) and Cluster Resource Centres structure, like Block Resource Centres (BRCs) and Cluster Resource Centres (CRCs) and District Institutes of Education and Training (DIET) to enable them to help improve teaching and learning quality via in-service training and classroom visits.
(vi) As per the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009, child-friendly education needs to be defined and measured regularly as apart of the indicators of quality education.
(vii) Libraries with take home books for reading practice at the household level, should be monitored as part of RTE indicators. Family reading programmes could also be part of innovations to help support first generation schools goers.
The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 has become operative with effect from 1st April, 2010 and SSA norms have been revised to correspond with the provisions of RTE Act, 2009 in order to ensure quality elementary education to children of age group from 6-14 years throughout the country including these five States.
This information was given by Dr. D. Purandeswari, Minister of State for Human Resource in Rajya Sabha


If U Stand For A Reason. Be Prepared To Stand Alone Like A Tree. If U Fall on D Ground Fall As A Seed that Grows Back To Fight Again :: ITEACHERZ

23 November, 2011


Notification No. Application Start Date Last Date for Payment of fees Last date for Submitting Application  
Click Here for Detailed
Notification No. 16/2011
12/11/2011 30/11/2011 03/12/2011
05:00 PM

20 November, 2011

GOMS 162, 18.11.2011

School Education Department – Public Services – Direct Recruitment for Posts of Teachers by Departmental Selection Committee – Permission accorded to notify and fill up the vacancies – Orders – Issued.
 GOMs No: 162, Dated: 18.11.2011

GO Rt No: 825, Dated:18.11.2011 :: Constituated Committee to provide teaching kits to Govt Schools

School Education – Rajiv Vidya Mission (SSA) – Constitution of a State Level Screening and Procurement Committee for procurement of Teaching kits /equipments / activities for utilization in Government Schools – Orders – Issued. 

AP Exempted from NEET, NEET will be implemented from 2014

The Centre on Friday decided to exempt the state from the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test for MBBS admissions for a period of two years. Neet will be implemented from 2014. The decision to exempt AP from Neet was officially communicated to the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO) on Friday evening by the Centre. The state government has been trying for several months to get Neet postponed and was to file a special leave petition in the Supreme Court in the matter this week. On Friday, Chief Minister N. Kiran Kumar Reddy spoke to Union health minister Ghulam Nabi Azad and explained the difficulties AP students will face if the test is implemented from this year. He wanted the test to be kept in abeyance for two years while required measures were taken. Students, parents and college managements welcomed the exemption. Students said they are rel-ieved and can now focus on the Eamcet medical examination. Neet will be implemented in the state from 2014 and it will be applicable to the batch of students who will take admissions to Intermediate courses in the academic year 2012-13. Mr D.L. Ravindra Reddy, the minister for medical education, also welcomed the move.


Government has invited the opinions and suggestions of Teachers, Students and Parents regarding State Curriculam Frame Work 2011 before 30.11.2011. They may be sent to the following address : 
Director, SCERT, Opp:LB Stadium 'E' Gate, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad.


To The State UTF Office, Gagan Mahal Road No:7, Domalguda, Hyderabad. 
email IDs :
1)   2)

                                          Documents of 
State Curriculam Frame Work 2011 in TELUGU 
are provided here

16 November, 2011

GO.RT.821, Dated: 15/11/2011 :: Kitchen Construction cost Enhanced

SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – Construction of Kitchen cum Store under the National Programmme of Mid-Day Meal- enhancement of unit cost from Rs.60,000 to 75,000- Orders-Issued
GO.RT.821, Dated: 15/11/2011

G.O.Ms.No:159, Dated:16/11/2011 :: Permission given to C&DSE to fill 11139(State Wide) posts through DSC

School Education Department – Public Services – Direct Recruitment for Posts of Teachers by District Selection Committee – Permission accorded to notify and fill up the vacancies – Orders – Issued.

Name of the Category
No. of Posts
School Assistant
Language Pandit – Gr II
Physical Education Teacher
Secondary Grade Teacher



15 November, 2011

Education Statistics > Education spending (% of GDP) (most recent) by country

Cuba is the first country to spend more (18.7 % of GDP) to devolopment of education.

# 1     Cuba: 18.7% 
# 2     Vanuatu: 11% 
# 3     Lesotho: 10.4% 
# 4     Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: 10%

India stands at 81 th place
= 81     India: 4.1% 
where the average spending of all countries on education is 8.9% 

DEFINITION: Government Education Expenditure (% of GDP, 2000-2002)

14 November, 2011

RAYS :: A Non Profitable Organisation to develop the rural schools and students

The Introducery Quote of the Organisation:
“A charitable group formed by individuals with the primary motive of supporting various education related needs of institutions and individuals of India. We firmly believe that the growth of our country depends on the quality of the education imparted to its students. We hope to lend a helping hand to the educational institutions and students of India.” 

‘RAYS’ derived from the first FOUR letters of
Started by Deepak Kumar R S on 1st Jan 2007.

The Government schools for poor people in society are in completely neglected and in ruined state . These schools have few teachers, scarce teaching aids and inadequate resources for students.  So the group’s main aim would be to target these schools and try to change the condition of the schools .

For more details visit :


Aim: To prepare the boys academically, mentally and physically for entry into the National Defence Academy, Khadakvasla and other walks of life.
Age Limit: 
(a) Class VI -Boys born between 02 July2001 & 01 July2002 (both days inclusive).
(b) Class IX - Boys born between 02 July1998 & 01 July1999 (both days inclusive) and should have passed class VIII from a recognized school before admission.
Curriculum: 10 + 2 System of CBSE
Entrance Examination: 08 January 2012 (Sunday)
Examination Centres: Guntur, Hyderabad, Karimnagar, Tirupathi, Visakhapatnam and Vizianagaram.
Scholarships: Merit Scholarships, Income based Scholarships and Defence Scholarships are available. The Social Welfare & Tribal Welfare Departments award Scholarships to the S.C / S.T boys whose parent’s income is less than Rs.18,000/- per annum under Bright Boys of Best Available Schools Scheme. Free Education (Tuition fees, clothing fees and dietary charges only) on Merit-cum-Means basis for Andhra domicile students from economically weaker
sections of society & whose parental income is below Rs.2000/- per month. This will be granted subject to release of funds by Government of Andhra Pradesh and on fulfilling the merit on yearly basis. At any time, only one scholarship can be enjoyed by a cadet.
Reservation: S.C. 15%, S.T. 7.5% & Defence 25%
Approximate Vacancies: Class VI-70, Class IX-20 (including all Reservations of State/ Other States / Union Territory). In case of Non-availability of sufficient candidates in S.C/S.T Category vacancies, if any, will be filled in by candidates from General Category. Prospectus, Application Form and last year’s question papers can be obtained from 'The Principal, Sainik School, Korukonda, Vizianagaram (District) A.P., PIN: 535214', on payment of Rs.475/- (Rupees Four Hundred and Seventy Five only) or Rs.325/- (Rupees Three Hundred and Twenty
Five only in case of S.C & S.T) through crossed demand draft payable at State Bank of India, Sainik School, Korukonda Branch, Code No.2791 in favour of The Principal, Sainik School, Korukonda alongwith a self addressed envelope of size 26 cms x 20cms without Postage. Payment through M.O and I.P.O will not be entertained. Requisition for Prospectus should clearly indicate Class for admission, the Category (GENERAL / DEFENCE / S.C. / S.T) and Medium for Entrance Exam. Sample Question Papers for Class VI & IX of Previous years will be available till stock exists on additional payment of Rs.25/- (Rupees Twenty Five only) per set.
Prospectus & Application form will be available at the School Office for sale w.e.f. 15 Oct 11 to 03 Dec 11 on all working days (or) may be downloaded from the School website The application form downloaded from the website may be duly filled and sent alongwith a DD for Rs.475/- for Gen/Def category or Rs.325/- for SC/ST category towards Registration in favour of the ‘Principal, Sainik School Korukonda’ payable at State Bank of India, Sainik School, Korukonda Branch, Code No.2791. Application Forms downloaded from the website and submitted without the Demand Draft will not be entertained.
Last Date for completed application forms to reach School is 10 Dec 2011 (R) 10 Dec 2011 Application forms should be sent by post only and will not be accepted in person or by Hand. Delay caused due to postal or any other reason will not be entertained.
The School does not patronize any Coaching Institute / Agent and the admission will be strictly in accordance with the merit of the candidate based on the marks scored in the Entrance Examination & Interview, subject to medical fitness approved by competent Medical Board.


The office of the Centre for B.Ed & M.Ed, (Distance Mode). IASE OU invites the applications from the inservice teachers working in A.P and passed B.Ed degree from any recognized University, for admission into B.Ed 3rd Methodology - 2012. Applications can be had from the Director, CBMDM, IASE, OU in person / through post on payment of Rs.300/- (by post Rs.300/-) through Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director, CBMDM, IASE, OU, Hyderabad, Payable at Hyderabad. Commencement of Sale of applications : 15-11-2011 Last Date for Sale of Applications : 14-12-2011 Last Date for Submission of Applications : 17-12-2011

M.Ed 2012 Notification released from IGNOU

For January 2012 cycle admissions open for Master in Education (M.Ed.,) in Indira Gandhi National Open University. Eligibility: 1.B.Ed, Degree from a Recognised University with atleast 55% marks or equivalent grade. 2. Two(2) years of teaching/professional experience after completion of B.Ed., program in Govt. / Govt. Recognised school / NCTE Recognised Education / Research Institution. Cost of Prospectus: Rs. 200/- (Rs. 250/- By Post) The student Handbook & Prospectus can be obtained from all IGNOU's Regional Centres or from Registrar (SRD) IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi - 110 068. Details of IGNOU, Program, Regional Centres, etc., available at . Last Date of submission of Application: 20th November 2011.

12 November, 2011

SMC Profarmas in Excel format & Powerpoint presentation on SMC

PO-RVM informed MEOs to collecct the information from all schools furnish the consolidated information on or before 19-11-2011 regarding SMC's in their schools
SMC Profarmas & PPT

11 November, 2011

GORT 814, Dated: 11.11.2011 :: Permission accorded to DSE,AP to notify 96 posts in DSC2006, 227 Posts in DSC2008

District Selection Committee – Permission accorded to the Commissioner and Director of School Education, A.P., Hyderabad to notify 96 posts of SGTs (Urdu Medium) of DSC 2006 pertaining to Chittoor, Kadapa, Ananthapur, Kurnool, Hyderabad & Medak districts and also to notify the 227 posts of SGTs (Urdu Medium) DSC 2008 pertaining to all districts in state for limited recruitment – Certain amendment - Issued.
GORT 814, Dated: 11.11.2011

GOMSNo: 614, dated: 09/11/2011 :: Enhancement of Death Relief in course of discharging Election Duties

ELECTIONS – General Elections to House of People / A.P.Legislative Assembly – Death of Polling Personnel in course of discharge of Election duty in connection with HOP/APLA – Enhancement of ex-gratia payment – Orders – Issued – Certain amendment – Issued.
GOMSNo: 614, dated: 09/11/2011 

GOMsNo:249,Dated:9.11.2011 :: Creation of 288 Teaching Posts in TW Dept. For the year 2011-12

TRIBAL WELFARE DEPARTMENT - Creation of 288 teaching posts in various categories to Andhra Pradesh Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (Gurukulam) during the year 2011-2012 – Orders – Issued.

Principal (College) :38 (23650-49360)
Principal (School) : 9 (21820-48160)
Junior Lecturers : 63 (19050-45850)
Trained Graduate Teachers : 178 (15280-40510)
Total: 288

GO Ms No:329, Dated:10.11.2011 :: Committee on Health Cards

Employees Health Care – Cashless treatment to Govt. Employees, Pensioners and their family members – Constitution of State Level Committee to examine the recommendations of the Technical Committee – Orders – Issued.

GO Ms No:329, Dated:10.11.2011

08 November, 2011

position papers and syllabi for 1 to 10 :: SCF 2011

All the teachers are requested to download syllabus and position papers of their respective subjects and discuss about the curricular areas and content in syllabus and send their valuble suggessions to the following address or email.
Address to send comments and suggestions before 20-10-2011. – 
The Director, SCERT, Opp. L.B. Stadium E-gate, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad – 500001. 
e-mail Address –
syllabi from 1 to 10
position papers

07 November, 2011

DSEAP 2011-2012 Recruitment of 323 Secondary grade teachers in Urdu medium

Notification for limited recruitment of secondary grade teachers (urdu medium) – 2011 at
Applications are invited from the candidates for selection to the backlog posts of Secondary Grade Teachers (Urdu Medium) in Government, Zilla Praja Parishad, Mandal Praja Parishad Schools and TWD / Municipal schools in the state unit wise. Interested candidates are required to submit their applications in the prescribed form from 09.11.2011 to 19.11.2011 to the District Educational Officer of the District concerned, where he/she would like to seek selection.The Recruitment shall be through a selection process consisting of Written Test, and other criteria stipulated by the Government from time to time. The total marks shall be 100 (One Hundred). Out of which 80% shall be for the Written Test.
Educational Qualifications :
Must possess Intermediate Certificate issued by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh and D.Ed. Certificate issued by the Director of Government
Examinations, Andhra Pradesh.
(2) Must possess APTET (Paper-I) Pass Certificate/Memorandum of marks with 50% score and above in respect of candidates belonging to B.C. category, 40% score and above in respect of candidates belonging to SC/ST category and differently abled (at least 40% handicap in respect of Ortho/Visually Impaired and 75% handicap in respect of Hearing Impaired).
Important Dates :
Sale of application form from 08-11-2011 to 17-11-2011.
Receipt of application form from 09-11-2011 to 19-11-2011.
Written test 11-12-2011. (SUNDAY)
Application Forms will be available for sale in the O/o D.E.O., on payment of Rs.20 0/- per Application Form.
Filled in Application form has to be submitted to the concerned District Educational Officer.
For more details : DSEAP Website


06 November, 2011

ASER Centre launches Inside Primary Schools: A Study Of Teaching And Learning in Rural India :: curtesy:

ASER Centre, in collaboration with UNICEF and UNESCO,  launched the report of a study on teaching and learning in rural India. This study followed about  30,000 children in Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand and Rajasthan during  15 months to see how much they learn and what most affects their learning. The study looked  at school organization, teacher background, teacher capability for teaching, classroom  processes and learning outcomes. Research teams also visited homes of the children to  understand how families’ social, economic, and educational characteristics relate to children’s  learning. This study can provide significant inputs as states gear up to implement the Right of  Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act.

Key findings:
• Attendance is the one of the most important factors in children’s learning. Not only do  children need to be enrolled in school but they need to attend regularly in order to learn  well.

• Children’s learning outcomes do improve during the course of a year, but even in states with the best learning outcomes, children’s learning levels are far behind what is expected  of them. If textbooks are used as the reference point, then in all five states that were  studied, most children are at least two grades below the required level of proficiency in  both language and math.
• Neither higher educational qualifications nor more teacher training are associated with  better student learning. Nor are teacher background characteristics such as age, gender, or  experience major influences on student learning. What does matter is teachers’ ability to  teach, for example:
§ Mastery of content knowledge.
§ Ability to spot common mistakes in their students’ work.
§ Ability to explain in simple language or in easy steps to communicate education content  to young children.
§ Ability to create questions or activities for children.
• Child-friendly classrooms improve children’s learning. But 850 hours of classroom  observations demonstrate that most primary school classrooms are not child friendly at all.
§ Students ask teachers questions in about a quarter of all classrooms.
§ Students’ work is displayed in about a quarter of all classrooms.
§ Teachers smile or laugh with students in about one fifth of all classrooms.
§ Teachers use local information to make content relevant to children in about one fifth of  all classrooms.
§ Teachers use some kind of teaching and learning material other than the textbook in  less than 1 out of every 10 classrooms.
• The composition of students in an average primary school class is complicated. Most  classrooms had fewer than 30 students present in all. But in about three quarters of  classrooms, these students comprised children from two or three grades sitting together.  This multi-grade problem is further complicated by the fact that within a single grade,  children are very different from one another. For example:
§ Children vary considerably by age: While about 7 out of every 10 students are at the age  appropriate grade, 3 out of 10 are either younger or older.
§ Children have different learning levels: While some children are comfortably able to  deal with grade level subjects and skills, the majority are far below grade level  expectations in language and math.
• Use of library books improves children’s learning. More than 6 out of every 10 students  come from households where no adult woman has ever been to school. And more than half  of all students have no print materials available at home. Thus children do not have  materials to read at home. Although schools often have libraries, children were observed  using library books in less than a quarter of all schools.
• Children whose home language is different than the school language of instruction learn less  and attend school less often. One out of every ten sampled students comes from a family  whose home language is different from the school’s medium of instruction.  Implications of these findings, especially for implementation of the RTE Act:
ü Systems must be put in place to track attendance, not just enrollment, and ensure  regular reporting and monitoring of attendance.
ü Textbooks need urgent revisions. They need to start from what children can do and be  more realistic and age appropriate in what children are expected to learn, with clear  learning goals. This is especially important in light of the RTE objective of age-grade  mainstreaming for all children.
ü Teacher recruitment and training policies need to assess teachers’ knowledge, but more  importantly their ability to explain content to children, make information relevant to their  lives and to use teaching learning materials and activities other than the textbook.
ü As per the Right to Education Act, indicators for child-friendly education need to be defined  and measured regularly as a part of the markers of quality education.
ü Libraries, with take home books for reading practice at home, should be monitored as part  of Right to Education Act indicators. Family reading programmes could also be part of  innovations to help support first generation school goers.
ü Mother tongue instruction and programmes for language transition need to be introduced  and expanded.

ASER Centre released ‘Inside Primary Schools: A study of teaching and learning in rural India’ in New Delhi on October 28, 2011.  Read the Policy BriefPress Release, the full report,

05 November, 2011



New and core syllabus For National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) for admission to MBBS courses across the country:

The Medical Council of India (MCI) recommends and declared the syllabus for National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for admission to MBBS courses across the country (NEETUG-2012) after review of various State syllabus as well as those prepared by CBSE, NCERT and COBSE. This is to establish a uniformity across the country keeping in view the relevance of different areas in medical education:

G.O.319,dt.27.10.2011 :: JAWAHAR BALA AROGYA RAKSHA

To encourage healthy Schooling and to ensure minimal Dropouts of children with illhealth reasons, Government vide G.O.Ms.No.319,Health, Medical & Family welfare Dept., dt.27.10.2011 has issued necessary Guidelines for referral of School children under Jawahar Bala Arogya Raksha [ JBAR ] Scheme. 


HYDERABAD: The Chief Minister Mr N Kiran Kumar Reddy today thanked the Union Minister for Human Resources Development, Kapil Sibal for releasing Rs.409.77 crores to Andhra Pradesh as first instalment of non-recurring grants for setting up 353 new model schools in the educationally backward blocks in the State.  

Adilabad: Adilabad, Asifabad Bazarhatnur, Boath, Dandepally, Gudihatnur, Jainad, Kasipet, Kotapally, Kuntala, Mancherial, Mandamarry, Narnoor, Sirupr-U.

Anantapur: Amadagur, Amarapuram, Agali, Chennaekothapalle, Dharmavaram, Garladinne, Gooty, Hindupur, Kalyandurg, Kanaganapalle, Kanekal, Nallacheruvu, Pamidi, Putlur, Puttaparthy, Ramagiri, Raptadu, Rayadurg, Settur, Tadpatri, Uravakonda, Vajrakarur, Vidapanakal, Yadiki, Yellanur.

Chittoor: B.Kotha Kota, Baireddipalle, Gudupalle, KVB Puram, KV Palle, Kalakada, Kuppam, Kurabalakota, Mulakalacheruvu, Nimmanapalle, PTM, Peddamandyam, Punganur, Ramasamudram, Rompicherla, Santhipuram, Thamballapalle, Yerravaripalem,

East Godavari: Sankhavaram (ZPHS, Sankhavaram), Tuni (ZPHS, Hamsavaram).

Guntur: Bollapalli, Dachepalli, Durgi, Gurajala, Ipuru, Karempudi, Krosur, Nadenla, Nekarikallu, Nuzendla, Rentachintala, Rompicherla, Veldurthy, Vinukonda.

Karimnagar: Chigurumamidi, Bheemdevrapally, Bejjanki, Boinpally, Choppadandi, Dharmapuri, Dharmaram, Elkathurthy, Ellanthakunta, Gambhiraopet, Gangadhara, Gollapally, Husnabad, Ibrahimpatnam, Jagitial, Jammikunta, Julapally, Kamalapur, Karimnagar, Kataram, Kathalapur, Kodimal, Koheda, Konaraopet, Korutla, Maha Mutharam, Malhar Rao,, Mallapur, Manakondur, Medipally, Musthabad, Mutharam Mnt, Odela, Pegadapally, Raikal, Ramadugu, Ramagundam, Saidapoor, Shankarapatnam, Sircilla, Srirampur, Sulthanabad, Thimmapur, Veenvanka, Velgatoor, Yellareddypet.

Krishna: Gampalagudem, Reddigudem.

Kurnool: Allagadda, Alur, Aspari, Banaganapalli, Bandi Atmakur, Bethamcherla, C.Belagal, Dhone, Gadivemula, Gonegandla, Jupadu Banglow, Nandavaram, Kallur, Nandyal, Gospadu, Gudur, Kodumur, Kolimigundla, Kosigi, Krishnagiri, Maddikera (east), Mahanandi, Mantralayam, Modthur, Orvakal, Owk, Pagidyala, Pamulapadu, Panyam, Pattikonda, Pedda Kadubur, Rudravaram, Sirvel, Uyyalawada, Velgoda, Yemmiganur.

Mahabubnagar: Dhanwada, Ghanapur, Kodair, Kosgi, Kothakota, Pebbair, Veldanda.

Medak:  Alladurg, Andole, Chinnakodur, Dubbak, Gajwel, Hathnoora, Jagdevpur, Jharasangam, Jinnaram, Kondapak, Manoor, Mirdoddi, Munipalli, Nangnoor, 
Narsapur, Pulkal, R.C.Puram, Raikode, Ramayampet, Regode, Shankarampet-A, Shankarampet-R, Siddipet, Tekmal.

Nalgonda: Chandampet, Athmakur (S), B'ramaram, Damaracharla, Chinthapally, Choutuppal, Devarakonda, Garidepally, Gundala, Gundlalpally, Gurrampode, Kanagal, Kethepally, Marriguda, Kattampally, Miryalaguda, M'thurkapally, Munagala, Nadigudem, Nampally, Marayanapur, Nidmanur, Papally, Penpahad, Pochampally, Shaligouraram, Suryapet, Thipparthy, Thirmalagiri, Thripuraram, Thungathurthy, Valigonda, Vemulapally.

Nizamabad: Balkonda, Armoor, Banswadas, Dharpally, Dichpally, Jakranpally, Nandipet, Madnoor, Nagireddipet, Naveepet, Nizamsagar, Renjal, Sadashivanagar, Sirikonda, Varni, Yellareddy.

Prakasam: Chirala, Darsi, Kandukur, Kanigiri, Lingasamudram, Markakpur, Mundlamur, P.Dornala, Racherla, Ulavapadu, VV Palem.

Rangareddy: Bantwaram, Basheerabad, Chevella, Ganeed, Ibrahimpatnam, Kandukur, Kulkacherla, Maheshwaram, Manchal, Marpally, Nawabpet, Pargi, Peddemul, Pudur, Shabad, Shamshabad, Shankarpally, Tandur, Yacharam.
SPSR Nellore: D.V.Sathram, A.S.Peta, Duthalur, Kaligiri, Kavali, Kondapuram, Marripadu, Setharampuram, Tada, Venkatagiri.

Srikakulam: Bhamini, Burja, Etcherla, G.Sigadam, Ichapuram, Jalumuru, Kanchili, Kaviti, Laveru, Pathapatnam, Polaki, Ponduru, Ranasthalam, Sompeta.
Visakhapatnam: Cheedikada, Kasimkota, Munagapaka, Narsipatnam, Ravikamatham.

Vizianagaram: Bhogapuram, Datti Rajeru, Denkada, Gajapathinagaram, Gantyada, Kothavalasa, Kurupam, L.Kota, Makkuva, Mentada, Merakamudidam, Nellimarla, Saluru, Therlam, Vepada, Vizianagaram.

Warangal: Chityal, Machannapet, Cherial, Dornakal, Geesugonda, Ghanpur (M), Ghanpur (STN), Govindaraopet, Jangaon, Kesamudram, Khanapur, Kodakandla, Kuravi, Lingala Ghanpur, Maddur, Mahabubabad, Maripeda, Mogullapally, Mulugu, Narmetta, Narsimulapet, Nekkonda, Nellikudur, Parvathagiri, Raghunath Pally, Sangem, Chennarao Pet, Thorrur, Venkatapur, Zaffargadh.

YSR Kadapa: Chinnamandem, Khajipet, L.R.Palli, Penagulur, Pullampet, Ramapuram, Rayachoty, SA Kasinayana, Sambepalli and Vallur.

04 November, 2011

GO Rt 887, Dated:3.11.11 :: Filling up of 1401 Tchers posts in TW Ashram schools

TRIBAL WELFARE DEPARTMENT - Filling up of 1401 consequential
vacancies of Teachers in Tribal Welfare Ashram Schools under Tribal Welfare
Department by way of direct recruitment - Permission Accorded – Orders –
total vacencies: 1401
sa tel:113
sa hin:125
pd grd 2:231 
GO Rt 887, Dated:3.11.11

GO.602, Dated:1/11/11 :: Duration of Departmental tests reduced from 3 hours to 2 hours

The Andhra Pradesh Departmental Tests Rules, 1965 – Amendment to rule 14 (a) (iii) and Annexure III – Orders – Issued.

GO.602, Dated:1/11/11

APTET-2012 Notification and online submission of Application

The AP Teacher Eligibility Test 2012 notification are declared .Candidates can apply for APTET January 2012 examination which is going to conduct to be held on 08-01-2012 (Sunday). The TET 2012 application can be apply through online at APTET website Please go though the notification and follow the Steps in submission of application on line before going to apply.The candidates who is going to apply the APTET 2012 application first of all download the Information Bulletin from the APTET website candidate after satisfying herself/himself about the eligibility criteria for APTET shall pay a fee of Rs.300.00 through APONLINE or e-Seva between 31-10-2011 and 25-11-2011 towards submission of application online and forthe conduct of examination.At the APONLINE or e-Seva Centres, the candidate has to give the required preliminary data (i.e. Name of the candidate, Date of birth, Gender, whether the candidate belongs to A.P. and mobile phone number).On receipt of fee at APONLINE or e-Seva the candidate shall be issued a Journal Number’ with which she/he can proceed with submission of application online.
Important dates :
  • Payment of Fees :31.10.2011 - 25.11.2011
  • Online applications : 01.11.2011 - 26.11.2011
  • Date of APTET 2012 examination : 08.01.2012
APTET Website

01 November, 2011

Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) scheduled on 29.01.2012

The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India has entrusted the responsibility of conducting the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) to the Central Board of Secondary Education which shall be held on 29.01.2012 (Sunday).

UPSC CDS Examination-I 2012

Shahjahan Road, New Delhi
Combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) (I), 2012 including SSC (Women Non-Technical) Course
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will hold the Combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) (I), 2012 on 12th February, 2012 for admission to Indian Military Academy, Naval Academy amd Air force Academy and Officers Training Academy, Chennai for the cources (Men and Women.

Vacancies :

  1. Indian Military Academy, Dehradun : 250 posts
  2. Naval Academy, Goa : 40 posts
  3. Air Force Academy, Hyderabad : 32 posts
  4. Officers Training Academy , Chennai : 175 posts
  5. Officers Training Academy, Chennai (Women) : 30 posts
Conditions of Eligibility

(A) Age Limits, Sex and Marital Status: 
  1. For Indian Millitary Academy : Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd January, 1989 and not later than 1st January 1994 only are eligible.
  2. For Naval Academy : Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd January, 1991 (2nd January, 1988 in case of NCC Naval wing 'C' certificate holders) and not later than 1st January 1994 only are eligible.
  3. For Air Force Academy : Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd January, 1990 and not later than 1st January 1994 only are eligible.
  4. For Officers' Training Academy - (SSC Course for Men) : Male candidates (Unmarried or Married) born not earlier than 2nd January, 1988 and not later than 1st January 1994 only are eligible.
  5. For Officers Training Academy - SSC (Women Non- Technical) Course:  (a) Unmarried Women, issue less widows who have not remarried, and issue less divorcees (in possession of divorcee documents) who have not remarried are eligible. They should have been not earlier than 2nd January, 1988 and not later than 1st January, 1994.
(B) Educational Qualifications:
  1. For Indian Millitary Academy and Officers' Training Academy : Degree of a recognised university or equivalent.
  2. For Naval Academy : B.Sc. (with Physics & Mathematics ) or Bachelor of Engineering.
  3. For Air Force Academy: Degree of a recognised university (with Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level) or Bachelor of Engineering
  4. Candidates who are studying in final year Degree Course and yet to pass final year degree examination or equivalent examination can also apply for the Examination, but they will be required to submit proof of passing the Degree Examination or equivalent examination by the specified dates.
(C) Physical Standards: candidates must be physically fit according to the physical standards for admission to combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) (II), 2011 as prescribed in the detailed advertisement.

Fee : Candidates (excepting Female/SC/ST candidates) are required to pay a fee of Rs. 100/- either by remitting the money in any Branch of SBI by cash, or by using net banking facility of SBI or by using Visa/
Master Credit/ Debit Card..

How to Apply :  Candidate must apply online at up to 28/11/2011 11.59 pm.

Complete details and other information are available at the commission website at OR please see Employment News dated 29/11/2011