
22 April, 2011

Common Screening Test (CST) - A Common Plotform to all Govt Job Seekers

National level CST boost confident levals of Aspirants...
The Staff Selection Commission is planning to introduce a new “common screening test-CST” like GRE. CST score an aspirant gets in this test would determine if he or she should apply for a clerks’ job, a bank officers’ job or try to become an IAS officer. CST scores could be used for screening candidates by all government departments, PSUs, banks etc. Candidates will be allowed to appear for the CST as many times as they want, with the scores being valid for two years. This will include different levels like Matric, higher secondary and graduate level.
The scores of each candidate will be the deciding factor on the type of posts and grades they will be selected for. The new system is expected to shorten the recruitment process by at least three months apart from making it easier for candidates as they won’t have to appear for multiple tests.
Candidate will get 2 hours in CST and the question paper will of the objective type. It will include subjects like English, general awareness, general intelligence and Mathematics. Each of the sections will have 50 questions. The certificate will be sent to the candidate’s address and they will be given an option to download a duplicate copy from the official website, which will be valid for two years.(Deccan)

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