
04 June, 2015

Rc.No:271, Dt: 30.5.15 :: Guidelines to appoint Part time instructors in Art Edn., Health & Physical Edn. and Work Edn. for 2015-16

Rc.No.271/AP-SSA/A9/2014, PROCEEDINGS OF THE STATE PROJECT DIRECTOR, SSA, AP HYD, Date: 30.05.2015 :: APSSA, Hyderabad - Part time instructors in Art Education, Health & Physical Education and Work Education in the Upper Primary Schools/Upper Primary Sections of High Schools for the acade'mic year 2015-16 - Guidelines - Issued - Reg.

Ref: Project Approval Board Meeting (PAB) held on 05.02.2015

Guidelines for engaging Part time instructors in Art Education, Health & Physical Education and Work Education in the Upper Primary Schools/Upper Primary Sections of High Schools for the academic year 2015-16 are issued herewith. All the Project Officers of SSA and District Educational Officers in the State are requested to complete the process of engaging Part time Instructors for the academic year 2015-16 duly following the guidelines by 12.06.2015 opening day of the school. End: Guidelines To All the Project officers of SSA and District Educational Officers in the State Copy to all the District Collectors/ Chairman, SSA in the State. Copy to the Commissioner School Education, AP, Hyderabad Copy submitted to the Secretary to Government, School Education, AP, Hyderabad

Guidelines for filling up the posts of Part Time Instructors (a) Art Education (b) Health and Physical Education (c) Work Education in upper primary schools and upper primary sections of high schools for the academic year 2015-16

Part time instructors for (a) Art Education (b) Health and Physical Education (c) Work Education shall be engaged in the Upper Primary Schools/ Upper Primary sections of High Schools where the enrollment in Upper Primary classes is more than 100. For this purpose 6th to 8th classes in Upper Primary schools and 6th to 8th classes in High schools shall be considered. Accordingly, 5749 posts have been sanctioned in Annual plan of 2015-16 with required budget. Category wise no. of posts are as shown below.

Part time instructors in UP Schools / UP sections of high schools
a) Art education - 1942
b) Health and Physical Education - 1696
c) Work Education - 2111
Total - 5749

The district-wise details are at Annexure. The following guidelines are issued to fill up these posts at district level.

Eligibility criteria:
Age: No person shall be eligible for any post unless he/ she is above 18 years and below 39 years of age as on 01,07,2015. However, in case of SC/ST/BC candidates the maximum age limit shall be 44 years and in case of physically challenged candidates the maximum age limit shall be 49 years.

a) Part-time instructor for Art Education
i) 10th class or its equivalent examination.
ii) Diploma or a certificate in drawing commercial art, fine arts and architecture, painting, sculpture, music, dance or a certificate in higher grade drawing certificate from a recognized institution and
iii) Posses technical teacher certificate of Government of Andhra Pradesh

b) Part-time instructor for Health & Physical Education
i) Intermediate Education/Graduation and
ii) Under Graduate Diploma in Physical Education / B.P.Ed, from a recognized institution.

c) Part-time instructor for Work Education
i) 3 year Diploma in Craft Technology or 3 year Diploma in Home Science offered by State Board of Technical Education & Training or 10th class or its equivalent examination
ii) Certificate in a trade viz., carpentry, weaving, sewing, tailoring, textile printing issued by any ITI / DLTC from a recognized institution and
iii) Technical teacher certificate of Government of Andhra Pradesh

Selection procedure:
* The DPO shall communicate the list of UP Schools/UP sections of High Schools where enrolment is more than 100 as per UDISE 2014-15 to the concerned Mandal Educational Officers for engaging Part-time Instructors. The MEOs in turn shall display the details in notice boards of MRC/ High Schools.
* A school level committee shall be constituted with School Complex Headmaster and SMC Chairman, Head Masters of concerned school for selection of Part-time Instructors.
* The candidates having prescribed qualification are eligible to work as Part-time Instructors in upper primary schools / upper primary sections of high schools where there are more than 100 children available. * The services of Part-time Instructors shall be engaged from the day of reopening of schools during the academic year - 2015-16.
* The candidates who reside in the same village or nearby the village alone should be considered to the extent possible as they can't operate from far off places. .
* For any school three posts are sanctioned i.e., one PET, one Art Education and one Craft Education if any one of the above already exists, rest of posts can be filled for eg. PET already exists balance two posts can be filled and so on. * Similarly atleast one lady Part-time Instructor is to be considered out of the three so that girl children will get due importance / prominence. • After receipt of applications from the eligible candidates the school level committee will scrutinize the applications and select the candidates to work as Part-time Instructors. School shall be taken as unit for engaging Part-time Instructors.
* If more no. of eligible candidates are available merit list shall be prepared taking the marks in academic and professional qualifications in the ratio of 50:50 and the candidates shall be selected based on the merit.
* The headmaster shall communicate the list of selected candidates to the concerned DPO for engaging of Part-time Instructors.
* The process of engaging of Part-time Instructors shall be completed by 12.06.2015 as per the guidelines so as to place the Part-time Instructors on the re-opening day of school.
* The Part-time Instructors who worked during 2014-15 shall be continued if their performance is satisfactory and if the school is having more than 100 children in UP Schools/Up Sections of High Schools. The school management committee / school level committee shall assess the performance and geniuses of the qualification certificates recognized by Government of Andhra Pradesh for taking a decision. Those candidates shall be given age relaxation if required and can be reengaged.
* The data base of all Part-time Instructors engaged in the district shall be maintained at District Project Office. List of Selected Candidates for various 3 posts shall be furnished to District Committee for approval. However. Category- wise, Qualification wise no. of Part time Instructors engaged in the district shall be furnished to SPO by 25.06.2015.
* The district committee will examine school-wise list of selected candidates keeping in view the Merit and approve to engage Part Time Instructors in the identified schools.
* After receipt of the approval from district level committee. The concerned school head master shall in turn position the candidates in their respective schools.
* In certain habitations, if the suitable candidates are not available, eligible candidates from other habitations can be engaged with the approval of School level committee.
* The services of the part time instructors shall be engaged till the last working day of academic year.

Constitution of District level Committee:
A District Level Committee shall be constituted under the Chairmanship of the District Collector. The composition of the committee is as follows:
i) District Collector - Chairman
ii) District Educational Officer - Member
iii) Project Officer SSA - Member Convener
The above Committee will ensure that the entire process of engaging of part time instructors shall be conducted as per the guidelines. Honorarium: A honorarium of 6000/- per month shall be paid for all three posts. The District Project Officer shall release honorarium of Part Time Instructors after receipt of monthly attendance certificate from the Head Masters of Schools concerned on or before 2nd of every month.

FOR Annexure Related to Art Edn, Health & Physical Edn, Work Education approved vacancies see Document.

Download Rc.No:271, Dt: 30.5.15

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