
23 June, 2015

Procs.No.42, Dt. 11.6.15 :: Instructions issued for Re-engagement/renewal of CRTs/PETs for the academic year 2015-16

Procs.No.42/APRVM/SSA/KGBV/2014, PROCEEDINGS OF THE SPD, SSA, AP, HYD, Dated:M-06-2015 :: APSSA, KGBV, Hyderabad - Re-engagement/renewal ofCRTs/PETs for the academic year 2015-16 - Instructionsissued - Reg.

Procs.Rc.No.42/APSSA/KGBV/20l4, dt.20-04-2015.

1. In the reference cited, the Project Officers of APSSA and theSecretaries of APREIS, APSWREIS & APTWREIS are requested toterminate the services of CRTs/PETs for the academic year 2014-15 w.e.f.30-04-2015 AN.

All the Project Officers APSSA and the Secretaries of APREIS,APSWREIS & APTWREIS are hereby requested to re-engage/renewal theservices of CRTs who worked during the Academic year 2014-15, whoappeared for the written test on 28-04-2015 and place them in the sameKGBV where they have worked during 2014-15.

In this connection, the Project Officers APSSA and the Secretariesof APREIS, APSWREIS & APTWREIS are requested to appraise thefollowing key issues while renewing the services of CRTs/PETs dulycirculating the file to the District Collector & Chairman, SSA.
1) Teaching skills of the CRTs
2) Last 3 years average pass percentage of X class in the particular,subject of individual I.e. 80% an average.
3) Discipline and punctuality in attendance.The present contract period will be w.e.f. 1-6-2015 till end of theacademic year 2015-16, by executing the MOU as per the usualprocedure. However the following conditions are required to be included Inthe MOU and orders of re-engagement.

For the next academic year i.e. 2016-17, the followingformula is to be followed for renewal of CRTs/PETs.

Download Procs.No.42, Dt.10.6.15

Download Rc 1094, Dt:11.6.15 of PO, SSA, Prakasam.

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