
22 March, 2015

Prog.Rc.No.2660/A4/SSA/2014, Dt.19-02-15 :: Instructions on School Complex level trainings from 23.3.15 to 24.3.15

Prog.Rc.No.2660/A4/SSA/2014, Dt.19-02-15 :: APSSA, Prakasam District - Conduct of school complex level trainings - Certain instructions - Issued.

1)PRoc.Rc.No.23/SSA/A3/2014, Dt.01.08.2014 of the State Project Director, AP Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, Hyderabad. 
2) Note orders of District Collector, Dt.18-10-2014.

In pursuance of the instructions issued in the references cited, advances has been released to 222 subject primary complexes, 2l UP maths complexes, 21 UP level science subject complexes and 7 Urdu complexes to meet the expenditure of school complex teacher trainings. All the Mandal Educational Officers, school complex chairpersons are informed that the following guidelines shall be followed in the utilization of advances and submit the bills immediately after the completion of school  complex trainings for this academic year 2014-15.

• The advances are given to the school complex trainings conducted between the October -2014 to March -2015.
• Conveyance allowance Rs.30/- and working lunch Rs.35/- shall be paid to the each teacher who participated in the school complex training.
• Financial norms of teacher trainings shall be followed.
• Documentation of school complex trainings shall be submitted.
• Feedback report along with targets and achievements to be submitted to DPO.
• Complex meetings should organize without any hindrance to regular school activities.
• Complex meetings are to be conducted as per the schedule and guidelines communicated by State Project Director from time to time without fail.
• No. of teachers allotted and amount released was shown in the annexure -1 to each school complex.

Therefore all the Mandal Educational Officers, school complex chairpersons in the district are requested to conduct the complex level trainings to teachers in an effective manner and submit feed back report with target and achievement to the undersigned. Further school complex chairpersons are requested to submit the expenditure bills immediately after the completion of school complex training in the month of March, 2015.

Download Prog.Rc.No.2660, Dt.19-02-15

School Complex Schedule

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