
21 February, 2015

G.O.RT.No.22 , Dt:20-02-2015 :: Guidelines to Supply of best quality of Rice from MLS Points to the Hostels /Colleges/ Schools/Kasturba Schools run by SSA

G.O.RT.No.22 , Dt:20-02-2015 :: CONSUMER AFFAIRS, FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (CS.I) DEPARTMENT – PDS – Supply of best quality of Rice from MLS Points to the Hostels /Colleges/ Schools/Kasturba Schools run by SSA – Guidelines – orders – issued

Read the following
1. G.O.Ms.No.282 F, CS & CA (CS-IV) Department, Dated: 02.06.1997.
2. G.O.Ms.No.11 CA, F & CS (CS-I) Department, Dated:07.05.2013.

1. Government in the G.O. 1st read above, have issued orders for supply of rice at the rate of Rs. 4/- per K.G., with effect from 01.06.1997 to all Hostels, Ashram Schools and Residential Schools, Residential Junior Colleges of SC & BC categories and other institutions under the control of Social Welfare Department and other institutes under the control of Women Development and child Welfare Department.
2. In the reference 2nd read above, orders were issued to supply rice to all premetric, post-metric hostels run by the departments mentioned in the G.O., @ Rs.1-00 per kg.
3. Now instances have come to the notice of the Government that the rice released from the MLS points to hostels and other welfare institutions are of not good variety and in certain instances the rice released are also with infestation. The concerned agencies, public representatives and inmates of the hostels and other institutions are complaining about the quality of the cooked food with the said rice.
4. The Government have reviewed the supply of Rice from Andhra Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation Limited., MLS Points to the Welfare Hostels and after consideration of the entire matter hereby issue the following guidelines for
supply of best quality of rice to the welfare hostels/ Colleges/ Schools/Kasturba Schools run by SSA in addition to the guidelines already in practice.

1. The MLS Points should earmark best quality of rice received and available for issue to the welfare hostels.
2. The rice stocks under issue to Hostels should be totally free from infestation.
3. The Hostel Wardens should be permitted to select the best variety of rice available in the MLS points and rice should be released as per their choice.
4. MLS point in-charges should keep rice stocks in such a manner to provide opportunity to the Wardens to select the best quality rice within the available stocks at MLS point.
5. The Hostel wardens shall lift the stocks on priority between 15th to 20th of the month, before commencement of the PDS issues. The MLS point in charges should release the rice stocks in that period only.
6. The rice stocks issued towards welfare Hostels are to be despatched directly to the Welfare Hostel points. The departments shall make arrangements for transport of rice from MLS Point to hostels on their own.
7. The Welfare Departments shall put in place an oversight mechanism comprising of parents and / or SHG members to periodically monitor the stocks position, cooking practices etc., so as to ensure that well cooked rice is served to the Hostel inmates.
8. The Commissioner of Civil Supplies, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad / Vice Chairman and Managing Director, A.P. State Civil Supplies Corporation Limited, Hyderabad shall issue instructions accordingly to the concerned district authorities to follow the above guidelines scrupulously.

Download G.O.RT.No.22, Dt:20-02-2015

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