
26 February, 2015

G.O.MS.No.19, Dt: 25.2.15 :: Revised guidelines on “PRATIBHA” award Scheme for promoting Quality and Excellence in Education

G.O.MS.No.19, SCHOOL EDUCATION (GENL.) DEPARTMENT, Dated: 25-02-2015 :: Education Department – “PRATIBHA” award - Scheme for promoting Quality and Excellence in Education – Revised guidelines – Issued.

Read the following:
1. G.O.Ms.No.207, Higher Education (EC.1) dept, dt:28.06.1999.
2. G.O.Ms.No.51 Education (SE-Exams) Department, dt:24.08.1999.
3. Govt.Memo.No.10228/E.C.I/2000-3, dt: 14.05.2001.
4. G.O.Ms.No.12 higher Education (EC-1) department, Dt: 1.02.2005
5. Commissioner of School Edn. Lr.Rc.No.6/VE-4/2013, dt:16.08.2014,
22.01.2015 & 20.02.2015.

1. The Government of Andhra Pradesh in its endeavour to promote quality and excellence in education have introduced the scheme of “Pratibha Awards”. Under this scheme, meritorious students who excel in the SSC Public Examinations will be awarded with a merit certificates, a memento and scholarships to meet the cost of Higher Education.

2. The Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad in the
reference 5th read above has submitted the proposal to the Government for issue of revised guidelines on “Pratibha Scholarship awards”:

3. Government after carefully examination of the matter duly considering the
proposal of Commissioner of School Education, A.P., Hyderabad and in partial
modification of the orders issued in the references 1st to 4th read above hereby issue the following revised guidelines:
     1. In every mandal, 6 students will be given Pratibha Awards for their highest score in class X (the preceding Academic Year) one each for BC, SC,ST, one for the Girl Student and two for OC. Pratibha Scholarship amount for the
selected Awardee will be given in one instalment only @ Rs.20,000/- per
awardee as detailed below:

     2. The selection list of the students shall be prepared based on the merit list
furnished by the Director of Govt. Examinations keeping in view of the
guidelines issued in G.O.Ms.No.207, Higher Education (EC.I) Dept., dated:
28.06.1999 & G.O.Ms.No.51 Education (SE-Exams) Dept., dt:24.08.1999.
     3. The guidelines issued in G.O.Ms.No.51 Edn (SE.Exams) Dept, dated:24.08.1999 shall be followed while selecting the students basing on the Grade Point Average (GPA) obtained in SSC Examinations instead of marks mentioned in the said G.O. In case there is a tie in the students GPA, the students shall be selected based on the date of birth whoever is elder. If Date of Birth is also same, students will be selected on the preferential order of ST/SC/BC & OC.
     4. The students shall be selected for Pratibha Award irrespective of ceiling limit of income as prescribed in G.O.Ms.No.12 Higher Education (EC.I) Dept, Dated:
     5. The receipt of the award amount need not be linked to other welfare
scholarship amounts received by the candidate by virtue of their other Social /
Physical disadvantages, as the main objective of the scheme is to recognise the
merit and for encouraging continuity in their studies/study.
     6. A State function shall be organized by the Commissioner of School Education
instead of District Level to facilitate the Awardees.
     7. All the candidates selected for Pratibha Awards shall be given (a) a cash memo for Rs.20,000/- (b) a certificate and (c) memento.
     8. Lump sum amount paid to the students for meeting the costs of travel, boarding and lodging should also be enhanced as per the present rates.
     9. The State Level function shall be organised every year in the month of
     10. The cash award shall be paid only after admission of the candidate into higher studies and after furnishing of the confirmation by the concerned competent authority.

4. The Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad is directed to implement the scheme of “Pratibha Awards” with the above revised guidelines to the meritorious students with immediate effect.
5. The Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad shall take further necessary action accordingly.

Download G.O.MS.No.19, SCHOOL EDUCATION (GENL.) DEPARTMENT, Dated: 25-02-2015

SSC Pratibha Awards AP List

Pratibha awards student profarma

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