
27 January, 2015

Rc. No.400, Dt.22-1-15 :: M/S.Lions Club accepted to procure Supply of furniture to 360 UP schools in the District in addition to.SSA Funds

Rc. No.400/Sr.Acc/APSSA/2014, Dt.22-01-2015 :: AP SSA Prakasam District  - Supply of furniture to 360 UP schools in the District - Procurement with M/S.Lions Club international Ongole - Instructions - Issued- Regarding.

1.ProcRc.No.65/RVM(SSA)/CWs/Prakasam/2014-15, dt.31-05-2014 of the SPD RVM (SSA), AP, Hyderabad.
2. Proc.Rc.No.17/RVM(SSA)/CWs/2014, Dt.17-07-2014 of the SPD RVM (SSA), AP, Hyderabad.
3. Proc.Rc.No.400/Sr.Acc/2014, Dt.14-08-2014 of the Project Officer, AP SSA, Prakasam District.

      The State Project Director AP SarvaShikshaAbhiyan, Hyderabad sanctioned Rs.89.47 Lakhs towards providing furniture to 360 UP Schools Prakasam District. Vide reference 1st and 2nd cited. These amounts were credited to concerned School Management Committees joint Accounts, through the 3rd cited.
Since the said amount is not sufficient, the State Project Director, SSA, Hyderabad has ordered to complete the task in convergence with the Non-Government Originations.
After discussion with many organizations the Lions club international, Ongole, has voluntarily come forward to supply these student benches duly bearing the balance cost amount in service motto.Hence all the Up Schools, School Management Committees and Head Masters are here by informed to utilise their services and obtain qualitative benches for their students duly issuing proper supply order.

All the mandal Educational officers and Head Masters of concerned UPSchools shall ensure that the names of SSA and concerned NonGovernment Organization shall be mentioned on the back side portion of the benches as:

They should check the quality of the benches before making payment.The Mandal Education officers should guide the UP School Head Masters inthis regard.The Model copy of supply order is here with enclosed.

Download Rc.400, Dt:22.01.2015

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