
08 November, 2014

Memo.11925, Dt.30.10.14 :: Work Adjustment should be within mandal or near by mandals only with Surplus Teachers

Memo.No:11925/Ser.II/A2/214, Dated:30.10.2014 :: S.E.Dept.- Rationalistion of Schools / Posts under various managements - Government / Zilla Parishad / Mandal Parishad Schools - Guidelines on Transfers - Reg

1. G.O.Ms.No:33, Edn (SE-Ser.lll)Dept. Dt:02.05.2013
2. G.O.Ms.No.175, Fin (DCM-II)Dept., Dt:19.08.2014
3. From the C&DSE, AP, Hyderabad, Lr.Rc.No.25/Estt-2-1/2004, Dt.07.07.2014.
4. From the C & DSE, AP, Hyderabad Lr.Rc.No:663/Estt-III/2014, Dt : 10.09.2014 and 19.09.2014
5. Govt.Memo.11925/SE-Ser.II/A2/2014, Dt;18.09.20I4.

1. The attention of the Commision & Director of School Education,Hyderabad is invited to the references cited, and their proposal videreference 4th cited to issue guidelines on transfers due to lifting of ban byway of taking up rationalisation exercise and later transfers, has beencarefully examined whereon Government observed that since it is middle ofthe academic year, hence the proposed rationalistion before effectingtransfer will be taken up during Apnl/May 2015 and prior to recruitment byDSC which ever is earlier.

2. In view of the above decision, the C&DSE, Hyderabad is requested totake up only working arrangements with in Mandal or nearby Mandals with surplus teachers at present and resubmit rationalisation / transfer proposals as per above decision.

Download Memo.No:11925/Ser.II/A2/214, Dated:30.10.2014

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