
02 October, 2014

G.O.Rt.No.3337 Dt::02 -10-2014 :: Declaration of General Holiday on 06.10.2014 (Monday), instead of 05.10.2014 (Sunday), on account of Bakrid

G.O.Rt.No.3337 Dt:02 -10-2014. :: HOLIDAYS – Declaration of General Holiday on 06.10.2014 (Monday), instead of 05.10.2014 (Sunday), on account of Bakrid and Declaration of Optional Holiday on 14.10.2014 (Tuesday) instead of 13.10.2014 (Monday) on the occasion of Eid-E-Gadeer – Notification – Issued.

 Read the following:-

1.G.O.Rt.No. 5236, G.A.(Poll.A) Dept., dt.29.11.2013
2.From State President A.P. Muslim Minority Employees Welfare Association Lr.No.3 ap/P/MMEWA/2014 dt. 10.09.2014 & 26.09.2014.
         3.From the President, Shiya Youth Conference letter dt.26.09.2014.
         4.Govt. Letter No.179/Poll.A/A2/2014 dt.26.09.2014.
         5.From the C.E.O.,A.P.State Wakf Board,Hyderabad Lr.No.F.No.E1/16/2007-S dt. 27.09.2014.


1.          In the G.O. 1st read above, Government have issued orders declaring  05.10.2014 (Sunday)  as General Holiday on the occasion of Bakrid and 13.10.2014 (Monday) as Optional Holiday on the occasion of Eid-E-Gadeer .On the representations received by the Government, vide  letters  2nd  and 3rd read above, for declaring General holiday on 06.10.2014 and Optional Holiday on 14.10.2014, the Chief Executive Officer, Andhra Pradesh State Wakf Board,  has been consulted, in the reference 4th read above.

2.       In his letter 5th read above, the Chief Executive Officer, Andhra Pradesh State Wakf Board, Hyderabad has recommended to declare  06.10.2014 (Monday) instead of 05.10.2014 (Sunday) as General Holiday on the occasion of Bakrid and  to declare 14.10.2014 (Tuesday) as Optional Holiday on the occasion of Eid-E-Gadeer instead of 13.10.2014 (Monday) as per moon sight.

3.       The Government, after careful consideration of the matter, have decided to change the  General  Holiday from  05.10.2014 (Sunday) to 06.10.2014 (Monday)  on the occasion of Bakrid and Optional Holiday from 13.10.2014 (Monday) to 14.10.2014 (Tuesday) on the occasion of Eid-E-Gadeer. Accordingly, the following notification is issued and shall be published in the extra-ordinary Gazette of Andhra Pradesh:

          In partial modification of the orders issued in G.O.Rt.No.5236, General Administration (Poll.A) Department, dated 29.11.2013, notifying the General Holidays and Optional Holidays, the Government hereby declare  06.10.2014 (Monday) as General Holiday on the occasion of  Bakrid  instead of   05.10.2014 (Sunday),  and 14.10.2014 (Tuesday) as Optionial Holiday on the occasion of Eid-E-Gadeer  instead of 13.10.2014 (Monday) declared earlier.

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