
25 September, 2014

G.O.RT.No. 226, Dated: 23.09.2014 :: Maintenance Grant for an amount of Rs.23,16,00,000/- towards maintenance of Drinking Water and Toilets in the Govt./ Z.P.P / M.P.P schools in A.P

G.O.RT.No. 226, Dated: 23.09.2014 :: School Education Department – Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, A.P., Hyderabad –
Approval of Maintenance Grant for an amount of Rs.23,16,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty three crores sixteen lakhs only) towards maintenance of Drinking Water and Toilets in the Government / Z.P.P / M.P.P schools in 13 districts in the State of A.P.  - Sanctioned - Orders – Issued.


1. From the State Project Director, SSA, AP, Hyd, Lr.Rc.No.660/RVM(SSA)/C2/2014, dt: 10.01.2014 & 04.02.2014
2. Govt.Memo.No.1119/Prog.ll/A2/2014, dt:18.06.2014
3. From the State Project Director, SSA, AP, Hyderabad, Lr.Rc.No.356/SSA/A9/2014, dated 24.06.2014

O R D E R:
1. State Government have been providing necessary annual budgetary allocations and sanctioning Toilets and Drinking Water facilities etc. to the
Schools in Government / ZPP/MPP, under RMSA/SSA/Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan with a view that each and every school should have basic amenities in proportion to the number of Children in a School.  However, certain gaps in realising the above objective have been brought to the notice of the Government.  Further Hon’ble Supreme Court of India  in W.P.(Civil) No.631/2004 have directed all the State Governments that adequate Number of Toilets and Drinking Water Facilities should be provided in the Schools.

2. In this context, in her letter 3rd
read above, the State Project Director, SSA, A.P., Hyderabad has submitted a proposal that there are 9,720 Primary Schools having more than 60 students, 2,295 Upper Primary Schools having more than 100 students and 3,999 High Schools having more than 150 students in the State. Though State Government have been taking the construction of Toilets and Drinking Water facilities in large scale, these facilities have been falling into disfunction for want of proper maintenance. The State Project
Director, SSA, A.P., Hyderabad has therefore requested to sanction an amount of Rs.23.16 Crores towards maintenance of Drinking water and toilets in 16,014 schools in 13 districts in the State to address the recurring problem and so as to implement the direction of Hon’ble Supreme Court, dated 3.10.2012 in W.P.
(Civil) No.631/2004

3. In the circumstances stated above and  after careful examination of the matter, Government hereby approve the component of Maintenance Grant for an amount of Rs.23.16 Crores (Twenty Three Crores and Sixteen Lakhs only) per Academic year towards maintenance of Drinking water and Toilet facilities in the
above schools, so as to keep these facilities in safe and functional condition. The Maintenance Grant for Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools is as follows:-

Primary Schools with more than 60 students   -   Rs.1,000/- P.M..

Upper Primary Schools with more than 100 students  -Rs.1,500/- P.M

High Schools with more than 150 students   -   Rs.2,500/- P.M.

4. The State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, AP., Hyderabad is requested to take necessary further action accordingly.   The guidelines decided by the Hon’ble CM during the Collector’s Conference at Vijayawada on 07.08.2014 and communicated vide Memo.No.13097/Genl/A2/2014,
dt:14.08.2014 shall also be followed in implementation of the above programme.

5. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (EBS-lV-SE-HE) Dept. vide their U.O.No.1145/17/EBS.IV(SE)/14, dt:04.08.2014.

Download G.O.RT.No. 226, Dated: 23.09.2014

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