
19 July, 2014

Rc.No.999/(C3-2)/Estt.2-1/2014,Dt:17-07-2014 :: Instructions to issue FAC to Present INCHARGE MEO's of the State

All the RJD's of School Education and DEO's in the State are informed that, nearly 527 Mandal Educational Officers are working on full additional charge in the State, out of 662 Mandal Educational Officer posts, as there have been no regular promotions. Most of the educational activities which are being implemented by the Department are not being implemented properly, as there are no regular Mandal Educational Officers. The State is lagging behind in number of activities like expenditure being incurred in School grants and maintenance grants, distribution of uniforms, conduct of school management committee meetings, monitoring the academic activities of the students and also monitor the regular attendance of teachers.
Further informed that, as the regular Headmasters of the Secondary Schools are kept Full Additional Charge of the post of Mandal Educational Officer, they have to perform the duties of the Headmaster as well as the Mandal Educational Officer. During the review meeting of the Mandal Educational Officers at Visakhapatnam on 16.07.2014 most of the FAC Mandal Educational Officers expressed that, they are not able to concentrate on the duties of Mandal Educational Officer on full time basis as they have to look after the duties of Headmaster also, and are not able to deliver the desired results.

In view of the above, the following arrangements are made to fully empower the FAC Mandal Educational Officer to concentrate on the activities of the Mandal as a whole time job.

The Headmasters who are kept full additional charge for the post Mandal Educational Officer shall attend to all the exclusive works entrusted to the post of Mandal Educational Officer as per the job chart and also the works / subjects related to the Sarva Siksha Abhiyan on full time basis in the Mandal.

The senior most School Assistant working in the school from where the Headmaster is kept full additional charge to the post of Mandal Educational Officer shall be made incharge Headmaster to attend to the duties of Headmaster on full time basis.

The Headmaster who is kept full additional charge for the post of Mandal Educational Officer shall be responsible for all the activities in the Mandal. The senior most School Assistant in the school who is kept incharge for the post of Headmaster shall be responsible for all the administrative and academic activities in the school.

An Academic Instructor may be engaged in the school where there is subject need and where the School Assistant is kept as incharge Headmaster.

The Honorarium to the Academic Instructor will be paid by the Project Officer, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan and the persons with requisite qualifications may be engaged as Academic Instructor based on need.

Download Rc.No.999/(C3-2)/Estt.2-1/2014,Dt:17-07-2014.

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