
08 July, 2014

Rc.No.602, Dt: 5.7.14 :: Orientation Programme on U-DISE Data Capture Format through EDUSAT on 12 Sep 2014

Rc.No.602/SSA-AP/A9/2014, Dated: 05 -07-2014 :: APRVM (SSA), Hyderabad - Orientation Programme on U-DISE Data Capture Format through EDUSAT on 12th September 2014 - certain instructions - issued.

1. Lr No. NUEPA(TP-Edusat) 2014-15, Dated; 2nd June 2014
Dr.Arun C. Mehtha, Professor, NUEP A, New Delhi.
received from

The attention of the Project Officers of Sarva Shisha Abhiyan , Andhra Pradesh are
informed that, the NUEPA is organizing an orientation programme on U-DISE Data Capture Format ( in English) through EDUSAT on 12th September 2014 from 10.00 AM to 01.15 PM with a short break 11.15 am to 11.30 am. The prospective participants to the said programme are MEOs, MRPs, School complex HMs, District & State MIS in-charges and all school Head Masters. The programme may be telecasted through DTH facility, Gyan Darshan II, IGNOU receiving centers and through webcasting link: http//

Further, the participants having internet broadband facilities can also view the teleconference programme through the IGNOU website i.e, The telephone numbers for this session is 011-29532844, 29532845, toll free no: 1800-112-345, SMS 91-
9013454170 and fax: 011-29536134.

The participants may be requested to do prior
arrangements so as to ensure their participation.
Hence, all the Project Officers of RVM (SSA) in the state are requested to take the
following steps to run the programme successfully. The Planning Coordinators/AMOs may be entrusted to monitor the entire programme at district level.

1. Identification of receiving centers at every mandaIpoint and at District Head Quarters.
2. Sendingthe information to the field level.
3. Providing facilities at receiving centers.
4. Nominating one in- charge i.e, One MEO/MRP/Strongteacher per each center.
5. Providing required telephone facility for interactive session.
6. Release of amount to MEOs as per teacher training norms.
7. Keeping in view of the number of participants it is requested to arrange large LCD to watch programme Live on Gyandarshan-II.Hence, they are requested to furnish the information on the above points to the State
Project Director on or before 07thSeptember 2014 without fail. Further, they are requested to
release the required budget to the MandaI Educational Officers well in time as per the teacher
training norms and submit a detailed report about the conduct of the programme( i.e., documentation,photos, attendance etc) to the SPO without fail.

If any further details they may contact SrLV.NageswaraRao, Planning Coordinator,
through phone or mail since he is the nodal officer for this programme.
Phone No: 9949993220
Mail ID: vempati

Download Rc.No.602/SSA-AP/A9/2014, Dated: 05 -07-2014

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