
06 July, 2014

Rc.No:203, Dt: 30.6.14 :: Constitution of District wise teams and Academic Cell to Monitor SSA, RMSA & Teacher Education Activities

Rc.No:203/B/Plg/APSCERT/2014, Dt: 30.6.2014 :: SCERT, AP - Academic Monitoring of SSA, RMSA & Teacher Education Activities- Constitution of District wise teams and Academic Cell – Order - Issued - Reg.

1. Commissioner & Director of School Education/SPD. RVM. Andhra Pradesh Review Meeting conducted on 21.06.2014 at Krishna Hall. O/o SPD, SSA,A.P., Hyderabad.

          The District Wise teams has been constitutedi with the following SCERT Faculty to monitor the SSA & RMSA activities in the State of Andhra Pradesh to ensure effective implementation of the programmes.

District Teams

Further,  Academic Cell has also been constituted with the following officers to prepare report on the observations submitted by the district wise teams including actionable points so as to consolidate report.

2. Academic Cell:

1. Sri. K. Panduranga Swamy, Professor
2. Sri. K. Narayan Reddy. Lecturer

The terms of references and Checklists for the District-wise teams and Academic Cel are enclosed herewith (Annexure- I & II).
They are therefore requested to go through the above terms of references & checklist: and cause academic monitoring of the SSA & RMSA;activities in their allotted districts and submit report to the Academic Cell, so as to conisolidate the same and submit to thf C&DSE.A.P., I lyderabad for taking further course action.

This has got the approval of the Commissioner & Director of School Education. A.P., Hyderabad

Annexure – I

Terms of reference for the District Teams aid Academic Cell:
1.  Teams shall visit the districts twice in a mor'th @ 2 days per district and monitor the academic activities in all the allotted districts.   Visits shall be taken up preferably during 2nd and 4th weeks of a month.
2. A plan of action shall be prepared by the teams well in advance for district tours to observe various items as per the checklist  provided and it may be shared with the DEO & PO, RVM to ensure the visits as per t he plan.
3. The teams shall observe the implementation of all the activities as far as possible as per the checklist during every visit so that they may observe the improvement if any taken place by the next visits
4. Teams should meet DEO and PO of RVM,of the concerned districts to take their feed back on the implementation of the activities and share the observations made. They may share their observations with the concerned RJDs also.
5. After completion of the visits, a report in a descriptive form along with key observations and actionable points shall be  furnished to the academic cell to he constituted in the O/o. SCERT. AP.
6. The teams shall visit the allotted districts  every month compulsorily until further orders.
7. The academic cell should convene a mectirig during the 1st  week of every month with all the teams under the chairmanship of the Director. SCERT to share the observations of the teams and prepare a c nsolidated report including actionable points so as to submit to the C&DSE for taking further course of action.
8.  Academic cell will be the overall responsible for implementation of the monitoring Programme.

Note: All the DEO’s are informed that the observer’s list is here by enclosed to take necessary further action accordingly.

Checklist for teams:

The teams shall observe the implementation of the following activities during their visits:
•   Quality Initiative - conduct of t acher trainings under SSA & RMSA. utilization of school grants, maintenance grants. teacher grants. Radio programmes. activity based approach in teaching learning process. completion of projects by children, individual attention on backward children, completion of syllabus las per plan.
•   Utilization of libraries    issue of books to the children
•   Attendance of teachers and pupil)
•   Functioning of special training centres for out of school children. seasonal hostels.
•   Implementation of Computer Aided Learning in UP Schools.
•   CCE - Implementation. conduct of formative and summative tests. maintenance of records, sharing of children progress with parents. etc. School management committees    conduct of meetings. monitoring of school activities, etc.
•   Inclusive Education - functioning of Resource Centres. Home Based Education. conduct of screening tests, visits of Inclusive Education Resource Persons, payment of esIcort allowance.
•   Conduct of school complex meetings
•   Supply of uniforms and textbooks to the children
•   Availability of drinking water, toilets and electricity supply in schools
•   Functioning of Residential Schools for urban deprived children
•   Working and efficiency of part time teachers
•   Functioning of KGBV Schools
•   Support to Madarsas and implementation of formal curriculum
•   Visits of schools by MEOs and CRPs
•   Watching of Mana TV progrannnies
•   Implementation of Computer Education programme in High Schools
•   Implementation of Mid-day Meal
•   Other activities of SSA & RMSA
•   Functioning of ELTCs
•   Implementation of Teacher Education activities and running of D.Ed. course in DIETs.

Download Rc.No:203/B/Plg/APSCERT/2014, Dt: 30.6.2014

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