
17 July, 2014

Rc.No.19, Dt.14-7-14. :: Each MRG to organise the School complex level meetings and all academic activities at mandal level

Rc.No.19/ SSA/A3/2014, Dt.14-07-2014. :: A.P.SSA-MRGs at Mandal level-Organization of school complex level meetings   Certain Instructions - Issued.

The attention of the all District Educational Officers and Project Officer in the state is invited to the subject cited and they are informed that SPD decided  to enhance the number of MRGs from 3 persons to 6 persons in each mandal. In other words, 3 more schools in each mandal have to be
developed as elementary model schools, taking to a total of six model schools in each mandal. They are therefore requested to identify three more MRGs  in addition to existing three MRGs from each mandal. While identifying the new MRGs, the requirement of subjects shall be taken into consideration i.e two MRGs in each subject i.e., Telugu -2 MRGs, Maths-2 MRGs, and in English 2 MRGs which comes to a total of 6 (six) MRGs. Further they are also requested to tag up each MRG to organise the School complex level meetings and all academic activities at mandal level, as per the schedule communicated by SPO.
Further they are requested to undertake the following Monthly regular academic activities at DPO level /Mandal level as detailed hereunder.

Download Rc.No.19, Dt.14-07-2014

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