
29 June, 2014

Proc.No: A3/1256/2014, Dt: 21.06.14 :: Release of Budget to a tune of School Grant for F.Y 2014~15Rs. 2932~5 Lakhs to the District Collectors and Chairpersons of DPO's Of SSA

Proc.No: A3/1256/2014, Dt: 21.06.14 :: Release of Budget to a tune of School Grant for F.Y 2014~15Rs. 2932~5 Lakhs to the District Collectors and Chairpersons of Distritt Project Offices Of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Orders - Issued.
1) AWP & B 2014- 15 ,
2) U.O Note No 677/ SSA-AP/ A9 (C2) /2014 Dt: 20.06.14 of Planning Coordinatorthis Office

Under the powers vested with the State Project' Director SarvaShikshaAbhiyan A.P Hyderabad sanction is here by accorded,to release an amount of Rs. 2932.95 Lakhs (Rupees Twenty nine cores thirty two lakhs and ninety five thousands only) to the District Collector and Chairperson of District, Project Offices of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan" in the State as indicated in the annexure appended here with for incurring expenditure under intervention of School Grant of SSA in AWP & B 2014 -2015.The funds are transferred to the
respectiveBank Account No. of the District Project Offices.

The DDO is requested to transfer the funds to the respective Bank AccountNumber of the District ProjectOffices.

Download Proc.No: A3/1256/2014, Dt: 21.06.14

Rc.No:01, Dt:24.6.14 :: Changing of School Timings of Urdu Schools during Ramjan Period from 29.6.14 to 28.7.14 as 8 AM to 1.30 PM

Rc.No:01, Dt:24.6.14 :: Changing of School Timings of Urdu Schools during Ramjan Period from 29.6.14 to 28.7.14 as 8 AM to 1.30 PM

The RJD's and DEO's are instructed to issue the necessary instructions to the Urdu Medium UP and High Schools under their control to maimntain the school hours from 8.00 AM to 1.30 PM during RAMJAN period from 29.6.14 to 28.7.14. These instructions applicable to the Urdu Medium primary, UP, High schools, and for Urdu medium Parallel Sections and Urdu medium DIET's in the State. they may slightly alter the timings strictly following 5 1/2 hours of instruction based on Local Needs.

Download Rc.No:01, Dt:24.6.14

G.O.Ms.No. 63, Dated: 27th June, 2014 :: Retirement of AP State Employees Raised from 58 to 60 Years & ANDHRA PRADESH PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT (REGULATION OF AGE OF SUPERANNUATION) ACT, 1984.

G.O.Ms.No. 63, Dated: 27th June, 2014 :: ACTS - State - The Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (Regulation of Age of Superannuation) (Amendment) Act, 2014 - Publication ordered as Andhra Pradesh Act No. 4 of  2014.

The Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (Regulation of Age of Superannuation) (Amendment) Act, 2014, will be published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette in English, Telugu and Urdu Languages as Andhra Pradesh Act No.4 of 2014.

The following Act of the Andhra Pradesh Legislature was assented to by the Governor of Andhra Pradesh on the 27th June, 2014 and the said assent is hereby first published on the 27th June, 2014 in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette for general information:-

The Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (Regulation of Age of Superannuation) (Amendment) Act, 2014.

The following Act of the Andhra Pradesh Legislature received the assent of the Governor on the 27th June, 2014 and the said assent is hereby first published on the 27th June,2014 in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette for general information:-
ACT No. 4 OF 2014. 


Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Andhra Pradesh in the Sixty-fifth Year of the Republic of India, as follows:-

Short Title and Commencement:

1. (1) This Act may be called the Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (Regulation of Age of Superannuation) (Amendment) Act, 2014.
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 2nd June, 2014.

Amendment of Section 3.Act23 of 1984

2. In the Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (Regulation of Age of Superannuation) Act, 1984,
(hereinafter referred to as principal Act) in section 3,-
(1) for sub-section (1), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:-

"(1) Every Government employee shall retire from service on the afternoon of the last day of the month in which he attains the age of sixty years."

(2) In sub-section (3), under Explanation ll, in clause
(a), for the words "fifty eight or sixty years, as the case may be", the words "sixty years" shall be substituted.

(3) in sub-section (4), in clause (a), for the words "fifty eight years", the words "sixty  years", shall be

Incertion of Section 3A
3. In the principal Act, after section 3 so amended, the following new section shall be inserted, namely:
Savings.  3A. subject to the provisions of section 3,-

Central Act 6 of 2014
(1) A Government employee belonging to theState Cadre/Multi-zonal Cadre and who by general or

June 27, 2014- ANDHRA PRADESH GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY specific order of the Government of India under sub-section
(1) of section 77 of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014, and serving provisionally in connection with the affairs of the State of Telangana, and if he is finally allotted to the State of Andhra Pradesh by the Government of India under sub-section (2) of section 77 of the said Act, 2014 shall be deemed to be continuously serving in the State of Andhra Pradesh.

(2) A Government employee belonging to the State Cadre / Multi-zonal Cadre falling in the territories of both the State of Andhra Pradesh and the State of Telangana, who by a general or a specific order of the Government of India under sub-section (1) of section 77 of the said Act, 2014, is serving provisionally and retires on attaining the age of fifty eight years and on his final allotment, subsequently to the State of Andhra Pradesh by the Government of India under sub-section (2) of section 77 of the said Act but before attaining the age of sixty years, shall be re-inducted into service / post with effect from the date of his final allotment to the State of Andhra Pradesh without break in service:

Provided that an employee who attained the age of sixty years before the final allotment to the State of Andhra Pradesh by the Government of India, the service rendered in the State of Telangana till the date of his retirement shall be considered notionally as if, he has rendered service in the State of Andhra Pradesh for the purpose of calculation of his pensionary benefits.


(3) The service conditions of the employee of State Cadre / Multi-zonal Cadre working provisionally in the State of Andhra Pradesh and finally allotted by the Government of India under sub-section (2) of section 77 of the said Act, 2014 to the State of Telangana shall be governed by the relevant laws / rules of the State of Telangana on such final allotment.".

Download G.O.Ms.No. 63, Dated: 27th June, 2014


Proc.Rc.No.142, Dated:21.6.14 :: Primary level in service Teacher Training at Mandal level from 01-07-2014 to 31-08-2014

Proc.Rc.No.142/SSA/A3/2014, Dated:21.06.2014 :: AP  SSA Hyderabad Pedagogy wing In service Teacher Training 2014-15- Conducting Primary level in service Teacher Training at Mandal level from 01-07-2014 to 31-08-2014 - Reg
All the District Educational Officers, the Project Officers of SSA and the Principals of DIETs of Andhra Pradesh State are informed that the Mandal level in-service teacher training for primary teachers will be conducted from 1st July, 2014 to 31st August 2014, on completion of TOT at the State Level. The details are furnished hereunder.
* The training will be given to teachers on the basis of the subjects they are teaching at their schools.
* The training will be of a 3 day duration in each of the 4 subjects at this level i.e.,
I class Telugu - 3 days;
I class Mathematics - 3 days;
III,IV& V classes English -  3 days and
III, IV & V Mathematics - 3 days.
* The 3-day training for teachers at the Mandal level will begin simultaneously in the first 20 Mandals as selected by the MEO concerned during the first 3 days (i.e.,I & II classes Telugu-5 Mandals; I & II classes Maths next 5 Mandals; III, IV & V classes English next 5 Mandals and III, IV & V Maths next 5 Mandals), spell-wise. Each spell is of 3 day duration and the 4 subjects will be covered in 12 days (4 spells) in 20 mandals.
* No teacher shall be given exemption from attending the training except under medical grounds.
* After completion of the 3 day training in the said 4 subjects, in the first 20 Mandals, the teams will interchange and train the teachers in the uncovered subjects. This process will continue till all the Mandals and all the teachers in the Mandals are covered. However a suggestive plan of training teachers in the first 20 mandals in the four  subjects  covering  I   to  V  classes  is  furnished  in  the Annexure - I.
* However, care should be taken to organize the training on working days only. (Don't plan the training on public holidays)
* While deputing teachers to the training the following points have to be kept in mind.
* Teachers in single teacher schools will attend the training for 6 or 9 days in 2 or 3 subjects in spells when they are
* The two teachers in double teacher's schools should attend the training for 6 days each.
* In the 3 teacher schools, each teacher attends the training for 3 days only in the subject concerned. However one of the teachers  should  attend  the  training  in  Telugu  subject compulsorily.
* In the four teacher schools all teachers attend training for 3-days in the subjects they are teaching.
* Where the number of teachers in primary schools is more than four, in this case also each teacher attends training for 3-days only in the subject he / she is teaching. However a suggestive allotment plan for the training of teachers subjectwise in single and plural schools is given hereunder.

Further, the DEOs and P.Os of SSA are requested to follow instructions for conduct of the mandal level training and related activities.
* An effective conduct of the training, the DPO should plan or monitoring of the same. The sectorals of the DPO may be allotted mandals in the district for monitoring.
* The mandal level training, the Mandal Educational Officer concerned shall act as the Course Coordinator and the Dy. E. 0 concerned shall monitor the conduct of the programme in his / her jurisdiction.
* to utilize the services of CRPs and members of DLMTs in schools in place of DRGs temporarily till the mandal level training is completed.
* This arrangement has to.made to overcome teacher shortage and to provide instruction in the schools from where the DRGs are drawn for the training.
* the basis of allocation of Rs. 100/- per day per teacher per training at the mandal level by the MHRD, GOI as per the approved plan unit cost for the mandal level training for a group of 50 teachers and for two DRGs for 3-days is furnished at Annexure II.
* to conduct the 3-day orientation in all the four subjects from Classes I to V in different spells, the budget required may be met from the budget allocation under in-service teacher training at mandal level for 2014 -15. Since the amount allocated per teacher per day for training is Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only).
* the payment of Honorarium, T.A., D.A to the Resource Persons may be met from under the head "10.06 - District Resource Group Training" of the training budget for the year 2014 15 at the district level. As such the DPOs may be instructed to release the amount as an advance to the Course Coordinators (MEOs) well in advance.
* The amounts may be released spell-wise well in advance separately for DRGs and Teachers.
* the Principals of DIETs may be requested to participate in the trainings and meetings for an effective conduct of the training.
* To conduct a 2-Day Planning and preparation meeting with DRG’s and a one-day meeting with MEOs on conduct of orientation at mandal level and on allocation of teachers as per the suggestive plans, and the expenditure incurred in this regard may be met from the management cost of DPOs.
* to provide training to all the teachers at Primary level and working in Govt. welfare schools and Govt. Aided schools.Therefore, the District Educational Officers, the Project Officers of SSA and the Principals of DIETs are requested to conduct the orientation teachers in an effective manner and submit physical and financial achievement to the SPO after completion of the programme.

1.  The above mentioned table indicates break up of item specific cost for conduct of 3-day orientation at mandal level in one subject for 50 teachers out of an allocation of Rs. 100/- per teacher per day as per the budget approved by the Govt. of India. Accordingly for 50 teachers the total training cost @ Rs. 100/- per teacher per day for 3-days is Rs. 15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand only).
2. This amount has to be met from the budget allocation under in-service teacher training at mandal level for 2014-15.
3. However, T.A., D.A and Honorarium to the District Resource Group Members attending the mandal level training will be met from the budgetary allocation made under the head "10.06 - District Resource Group Training" of the training budget for the year 201415 at the district level.

Download Proc.Rc.No.142, Dated:21.06.2014

Rc.No.400 ,Dt.23.6.14 :: Distribution of work among EE for Sanctioned Additional Class Rooms for schools

Rc.No.400/Sr.Acc/APSSA/2014 ,Dt.23.6.14 :: Andhra Pradesh, Sarva Shiksha Abhlyan,Prakasam District-Distribution of work among DY. EEs and Site Engineers-Orders-Issued- Regarding.

1. Rc. No.65/RVM (SSA)/CWs/Prakasa m/2014-15 of the State Project Director, AP SSA, Hyderabad, Dt.14-05-2014.
2. Rc. No.65/RVM (SSA)/CWS/Prakasam/20 14- 75 of
the State Project Dlrector, AP SSA, Hyderabad, Dt.26-05-2014
3. Report of Dy. EEs on feqasibility of ACRS 2014-15.
4. Teleconference of State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Andhra Pradesh, Dt.20-O6-2014.
In the reference 1st & 2nd cited the State Project Director Andhra Pradesh, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Hyderabad accorded admtnistratlve sanction for 882 ACRS. But as per the reports submitted by thd Dy. EEs, tt is found that 505 ACRS only are feasible for immediate grounding, Vide reference 3'd cited. The State Project Director Andhra Pradesh, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Hyderabad through their Teleconference Dt.20-06-11 ordered to complete these ACRS within 100 Days.
Hence according to the action plan, the ACRs works are distributed among Dy. EEs and Site Engineers as detailed below.
The purpose of this distribution is completion of these works within 100 Days as per the bar chart schedule.
All other Site Engineers will have to work under their Dy. Executive Engineer as usual.Major Repair works are entrusted to concerned Dy. EEs as per their jurisdiction.
The Dy. Executive Engineers should distribute each work to their Site Engineer ranging from 18 to 25 ACRS to each Site Engineer, according to the Geographicai conditions.
The Dy. Executive Engineer & Site Engineers should strictly abide by the bar chart schedule. Any deviation will be viewed seriously.
Bar chart schedule:-
A. Already started works should be completed by 31-08-2014.
1. Allotment of each work to Site Engineer in the proforma kept in Email and submission of lead statements by 24-06-2014.
2, Meeting with School Management Committees and obtaining resolution 25-06-2014 & 26-0G2014
3. Marking of Sites 27-06-2014 & 28-06-2014.
4. Foundation level should be completed by 05-07-2014.
5. Basement level should be completed by 15-07-2014.
6. Lentil level should be completed by 25-07-2074.
7. Slab laid should be completed by 05- 08-2014.
B. Finishings should be completed by 15-09-2014.
9. Submission offinal bills by 30-09-2014,
Action to be taken on Non feasible AcRs:-
Meeting Tahasildars on No Site works for advance possession of sites on 25-06-2014 & 26-06-2014
Meeting Panchayat Raj officials for obtaining dismantling certificates on dismantling works 27 -06-2014 & 28-06-2014
Submission of work wise detailed report on non feasible ACRS in District Office 30-06-20t4.
Alternative proposals in place of not required ACRS, Submergible Villages ACRS should be submitted on or before 30-06-2014 with the signature of concerned Headmasters & MEO's.

Download Rc.No.400/Sr.Acc/APSSA/2014 ,Dt.23.6.14

27 June, 2014

Last chance to attend statutory audit 2013-14 for smc/crc/mrc's on 26.6.14 for schools & MRC's of Prakasam Dist

are requested to inform to
all the HM's to attend the
statutory audit 2013-14 ( last
chance) at ongole DPO on

24 June, 2014

Rc.No.08, Dt: 19.6.14 :: Inclusion of VIII class in 2441 UP Schools to have eight years of Elementary Cycle in the State from 2014-15

Rc.No.08/PS-1-1/2014-1, Date: 19-06-2014 :: Primary Education – Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules – Inclusion of VIII class in upper Primary Schools to have eight years of Elementary Cycle in the State from the academic year 2014-15 – Orders Issued – Reg.

1. Lr.No.170/RVM(SSA)/C2(B7)/2010, dt:13-06-2014 of the SPD, RVM(SSA) Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad
2. G.O.Ms.No.55, SE(PE-SSA),  Dept., dated: 05.07.2012.

In the letter 1st cited the State Project Director, RVM Andhra Pradesh while reiterating the provisions of Right to Education Act 2009 has informed that there are 3869 UP schools, which do not have VIII class in Andhra Pradesh State as per DISE September 2013. Out of these 3869 UP schools 2441 schools have the strength above 20 in classes VI and VII.

The SPD has further stated that the Right to Education norms does not specify the minimum number of children required in classes VI and VII for opening of VIII class in the same school to complete the Elementary Education Cycle. Thus, the 2441 UP schools have to be considered for opening of VIII class so as to enable the children to complete the elementary cycle in the state taking 20 students as economically viable strength.
Further, as reported by the SPD, RVM there will be no additional requirement of teachers if VIII class is opened and in Annual Work Plan and Budget of SSA for the year 2014-15 additional class rooms were sanctioned to all those 2441 UP schools in Andhra Pradesh State. Consequently, there is no additional financial commitment involved in this regard.

In view of the above circumstances and after examination of the proposal of the SPD, RVM in terms of the guide lines issued in the GO 2nd read above the Commissioner School Education is hereby accord permission to include VIII class in 

Sl.NoDistrictNo.of UP Schools Given VIII class

5  Krishna: 161
6  KURNOOL: 225
8  KADAPA: 91
9  CHITTOOR: 241
10 NELLORE: 203
11 PRAKASAM: 218
12 GUNTUR: 223

from the academic year 2014-15. The list of the UP schools proposed for inclusion of  class VIII is annexed to this proceeding.

           The Regional Joint Directors of School Education ¬Kakinada and District Educational Officer, Srikakulam are requested to issue instructions to all the concerned Head Master and MEOs accordingly keeping in view the following directions:

1.The Head Masters in Upper Primary schools shall distribute the work load among Primary and Upper Primary sections and staff as per Annexure II and III appended to the G.O. Ms. No. 55 SE (PE-SSA) Dept., dated: 05.07.2012.
2.The MEO shall be made the inspecting authority to ensure the 8 year elementary cycle in upper primary schools.
3.The Deputy Educational Officer concerned will inspect the High Schools as usual.
4.With regard to recognition, the newly proposed 8 years elementary upper primary schools are brought under the purview of District Educational Officer.
5.There shall not be any financial commitment to the State Government.

The orders issued in this proceeding is for inclusion of only class VIII in the Upper Primary schools shall not be construed as permission for up gradation to High Schools. Under no circumstances, class IX and X shall be opened in these schools without specific prior orders of Government.  The inspecting officers, viz. the M.E.O / Dy. I. O.S / Dy. E.O, as well the Regional Joint Director of School Education and the District Educational Officer shall be held responsible for any deviation in this regard.

Therefore, the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, Kakinada, the District Educational Officer, Srikakulam are requested to take necessary action accordingly and follow the orders / instructions scrupulously.  Any deviations in the matter will be viewed seriously.

This has approval of the Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh  Hyderabad.

Download Rc.No.08, Dt: 19.6.14

List of Schools Dist wise sanctioned VIII class

21 June, 2014

Rationalisation list of Primary, UP, High Schols of Prakasam Dist

This file is sent to RJDSE, Guntur regarding the rationalization of
teaching staff which is received from the C&DSE.

This file was sent to MEO's to take necessary action.

Requirement of Teachers of PS, UPS, HS of Prakasam Dist

18 June, 2014

Prog.Rc.No.3055/RVM(SSA)/A4/2012, Dt.18.06.2014 :: Revised Proceedings for Deputation of 40 Urdu RP's to 4 day TOT programma to Hyderabad from 17-20 June2014& 23-26 June2014

Prog.Rc.No.3055/RVM(SSA)/A4/2012, Dt.18.6.14 :: Rajiv Vidya Mission (SSA), Prakasam District – Deputation of 40 identified Urdu Resource Persons to 4 day TOT programme at Hyderabad from 17th–20th June-2014 & 23rd-26th June-2014 – Orders – Issued –Reg.

1. Rc.No.142/RVM(SSA)/C1-U/2013, Dt.   .06.2014 of the State Project Director, RVM(SSA), AP, Hyderabad
2. Lr.Dt.12.06.2014  of the AMO of this office.

In pursuance of the orders issued in the reference 1stcited, the following forty (40) identified teachers are deputed to  4 day TOT programme at Hyderabad from 17 th– 20 thJune-2014 & 23 rd-26 thJune -2014 as shown below.

The above DRGs should attend training venues as per the spells by 10.00AM  onthe day of commencement of TOT with text books and modules pertaining to the subjects for which they are selected. Further the Mandal  Educational Officers are concerned mandals are instructed to depute CRPs to the schools in places of DRGs during the training programme.

Download Prog.Rc.No.3055/RVM(SSA)/A4/2012, Dt.18.6.14

Lr Rc No 3105, Dt:30.5.14 :: Prohibition of Deputation of Teachers for Non Edn Purposes

Lr Rc No 3105/RVM (SSA)/RTECELL/2014, Dated:30.05-2014 :: RVM (SSA) - RTECELL  Prohibition of deployment of teachers for non-educational purposes as per the instructions issued in the RTE Act 2009 - Regarding

1. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 of the Government of India.
2. The AP Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules 2010 issued in G.0 Ms No 20 School Education (PE-Progs.l) Department, dated: 03-03-2011 and notified in Gazette No. 10 dated: 05-03-2011.
3. Procs Rc No 2458/D1-4/2012, Dated: 22-4-2014 of the Commissioner & Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.

I am to inform  the Dist. Collector & Dist. Magistrates, DEOs and Project Officers, RVM (SSA) in the state that it is brought to the notice of the undersigned that some of the teachers are working in District Offices, MPs, MLAs, and MLCs, Chairmen's of Corporations etc on deputation basis claiming salary from school point.

In this regard this is to inform that in the RTE Act 2009, prohibits deputing teachers for non educational purposes.

a) Rule 25 (2) of RTE Act 2009 read as follows: "for the purpose of maintaining the Pupil-Teacher Ratio under sub-section (i) no teacher posted in a school shall be made to service in any other school or office or deployed for any non-educational purpose, other than those specified in section 27"

b) Rule 27 of the RTE Act 2009 read as follows "No Teacher shall be deployed for any non-educational purpose other than the decennial population census, disaster relief duties or deputed related to elections to the local authority or State legislators or Parliament as the case may be."

In the procs 3`d cited, the Commissioner & Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad issued instructions to all the DEOs/RJDSEs/POs of RVM (SSA) in the State to follow the instructions scrupulously and any deviation will be viewed seriously.
Now many RTE activists, Activist Institutions are filing cases in the Hon'ble High Court, Hon'ble Supreme Court of India and Lokayukta about deputation of teachers from schools.

I therefore request the Dist. Collector & Dist. Magistrates in the state to see that no teacher is   deputed to work on deputation basis to any of the MPs, MLAs, MLCs and Chairmen's of Corporation's peshi etc  for any non-educational purpose against the provisions of the RTE Act 2009.

Download Lr Rc No 3105, Dt:30.5.14

Proc.Rc.No.1703, Dt.12.06.14 :: Deputation of 40 Urdu RP's to 4 day TOT programma to Hyderabad from 17-20 June2014& 23-26 June2014

Proc.Rc.No.1703/RVM(SSA)/A4/2012. Dt. 12.06.2014 :: Rajiv Vidya Mission(SSA) Prakasam District  - Deputation of forty identified Urdu Resource Persons to 4 day TOT programma to Hyderabad from 17th- 20th June-2014& 23rd-26th June- 2014- Orders- Issued-Reg.

l. Rc.No.142/RVM(SSA)/C1-UD/2013 Dt:  .6.2014 of the State Project Director, RVM(SSA)AP, Hyderabad
2. Lr Dt.12.06.2014 of the AMO of this office

In pursuance of the Orders issued in the reference 1st cited the following Forty (40) identified teachers are deputed
to 4 Day TOT progrmme to Hyderabad from 17th- 20th June-2014& 23rd-26th June- 2014 as shown below.

List of Teachers Deputed to TOT Programme

Page 1         Page 2

Procs.No.A1/85/2013, Dt.21.04.2014 :: Instructions issued by RVM to maintain Newly opened SMC Accounts at SPO, DPO and Sub District Units of AP

Procs.No.A1/85/2013, Dt.21.04.2014 :: RVM (SSA) Uniformity in Maintenance of Bank Accounts at SPO, DPO and Sub- district units to ensure effective control and Streamlining of funds flow and related issues   entrusting 23 Districts, Sub  Districts to the   State Bank of India, State Bank of Hyderabad and Andhra Bank   Instructions - issued - Reg

1. Para No. 91.1 and 91.3 of Manual on Financial Management & Procurement issued by MHRD
2. Lr.No. F 13-8 /2013 EE 14 dt 19.06.13 of under Secretary to GOI N1HRD, New Delhi
3. Memo No 2830 /SSA/2014, Dt : 24.02.2014 of Principle Secretary to (PE. SSA)Dept.
4. A4/85 SSA/2012 dt 23.01.2014 of SPD RVM (SSA) AP Hyd
5. Lr. No. F .20 Dt 08.01.2014 of AGM, SBI Main Branch addressed to State Project Director RVM (SSA) A.P Hyderabad
6. Lr. F/ RVM/ 1614/ dt 15.01.2014 of Deputy General Manager (F&A) SBH addressed to the State Project Director RVM (SSA) A.P Hyderbad
7. Lr No 666 / 27/1083 /dt 13.01.2014 of Deputy General Manager Andhra Bank Addressed to the State Project Director RVM (SSA) A.P Hyderabad.
8. This Office Proc. of even no, dt.22.03.2014

In continuation of this office proceedings 81" read above & in partial  modification of the orders issued in respect of opening of SB Accounts in connection with DPOs and Sub district Units in the nationalized banks, the following further orders issued here with.
POs shall ensure not to open Accounts in any other branch in order to ensure proper tracking of funds and reconciliation. 

The Project Officers are directed to see that the accounts of DPO / Sub District units are opened in the Bank allotted to the concerned District by 15.05.2014 without fail. Further a detailed MOU is also entered with the Bankers at State Level to ensure prompt and smooth changing over of the Bank accounts process, the following steps have to be adopted by the project officers.

1. Issue  instructions  to  the  MF.Os  and Head Masters  to accord irrevocable mandate in favour of the Banker for retrieval of funds as and when requested by the State Project Director / Project officer. ( This has to be given as and when Banker approach them )
2. The SMCs transactions have to be stopped from existing / old accounts on or before 30th April 2014
3. Address a letter to the respective Bank branches where the SB accounts of the Sub District units are maintaining with a direction to not to   honor the cheques issued on or after 30.04.2014 except
transferring of amount to new Bank account.( Mention New Account
4. The  SMCs audit for FY 2013-14 has to be completed by 15`h May2014
5. The Audited balances will be transferred to the new SB accounts ofrespective sub district units,
6. The POs have to certify that the Bank accounts  of Sub District Units were audited and closed, the closing balance was transferred to new account by 31.05.2014
7. In respect of DPO accounts at Canara Bank, will be closed by30.04.2014.The closed balance will be transferred to the new accountsof SSA.

Download Procs.No.A1/85/2013, Dt.21.04.2014

17 June, 2014


SSC  NEW Grading

SSC NEW Grading

15 June, 2014

MEO's asked for a report on sanctioned & working posts particulars of all schools for Rationalisation - Prakasam Dist.

The list of sanctioned and Working Posts Particulars of all schools of prakasam dist which is attached here is sent to MEO's to submit report on actual status of posts working or vacant in all categories of schools. All the MEO's have to submit reports on or before 18.6.2014.

Actually the particulars are not accutate.MEO's have to submit corrected before 18.6.14 '*66

Download  particulars of sanctioned and woeking vacant posts of prakasam dist

Proc. Rc. No. 02, Dt:11.06.14 :: Launch of a 45-day programme of School Readiness for class I & II and Class Readiness for classes II to VIII across the State from 16th June to 31St July, 2014

Proc. Rc. No. 02/A3/SSA/C1/2014, Dt:11 .06.2014 :: RVM (SSA), A. P., Hyderabad   Pedagogy Wing  Launch of a 45-day programme of School Readiness for class I & II and Class Readiness for classes II to VIII across the  State in Telugu & Urdu medium schools from 16th June to 31St July, 2014

All the District Educational Officers, the Project Officers of SSA and the Principals of DIETS in the state are hereby informed that as per the State AWP & B for 2014-15 of Pedagogy wing, it is proposed to continue the School Readiness and Class readiness programme during present academic year i.e 2014-15 for a period of about 45 days from 16th June to 31st July 2014at the elementary level of education i.e from class 1st to 8th. More
specifically, school readiness is proposed for class 1st and 2nd and class readiness is proposed for classes from 2nd to 8th of Telugu & Urdu medium schools. This programme is proposed in the light of the PAB recommendations, 2014-15 on conduct of in-service teacher training especially in respect of early grades and primary classes.

In this connection, it is informed that on the lines of the recommendations of the PAB,2014-15, focus is given to acquisition of Language skills (LSRW) and Mathematical Skills (4 Fundamental Processes) by children of classes 2nd to 8th of Telugu & Urdu medium schools. In respect of school readiness, the teachers will take up relevant Playful Activities in order to make the child ready Psychologically, Physically and sociologically and also to receive the instruction more in an informal way.

In this connection, it is submitted that the following activities are prepared and suggested for implementation of the programme concept wise:

1. School Readiness: to ensure that every child seeking admission in to Class I & II is Psychologically, Physically and sociologically ready to receive instruction in a child friendly environment.
2. Class Readiness: "to ensure that children acquire the stated academic standards to continue in the  present class".

3. Every child should have acquired B or A grade in the Mother tongue ( Telugu & Urdu) and mathematics,
4. Every child should be able to read and write in the Mother tongue & do the mathematics correctly.
5. Every child should be able to read and write sentences correctly in the mother
tongue and should have acquired creative skills and language skills as per the class
specific academic standards.
6  Every child should be able to do the class relevant fundamental processes in
mathematics and should have acquired the stated skills in mathematics as per the
academic standards.

Target Group:
Children who are admitted in classes Ito VIII Mother and Mathematics.

Time line:
June 16th to July 31St 2014

Resource Material:
*  Class Readiness and School Readiness Modules supplied in Primary and Upper Primary levels, Workbooks meant for Summer Camps for children of classes I & II  and III, IV & V, Sneha bala cards and Text books and any other relevant material suitable to the levels of the children.

Special instructions:
* Out of a total of 48 periods at the Primary level, 20 periods should
exclusively be meant for Mother Tongue & Mathematics only and the remaining hours for the teaching of the other subjects.
* Daily Home work should be given and it should be corrected,
* Maintain the children's performance register based on the earlier summative III test grading.
       * Record the progress of the child level-wise i.e., in Telugu.
* Level I: Identification, pronunciation and recognition of the alphabet.
* Level II: Writing the alphabet.
* Level III: Identification, Recognition and Pronunciation of language items.
* Level IV: Reading and Writing of the language items.
* Level V: Reading and Writing of the words in the Mother Tongue.
* Level VI: Reading and Writing sentences( simple words and simple sentences)
* Level VII: Perfection in the language skills.

       * Record the progress of the child level-wise i.e., in Mathematics.
* Level I: Identification, pronunciation and recognition of the Numbers.
* Level II: Writing the Numbers.
* Level III: To be able to do the two digits subtractions and additions.
* Level IV: To be able to do the two digits multiplications according to the class standards.
* Level V: To be able to do the two digits divisions according to the class standards.
* Level VI: To be able to grasp the tables according to the class standards.

Role of the Teacher:
* To identify the children those who are lagging behind the basics in Mother tongue and Mathematics,
* To maintain the performance register,
* To prepare the activities and to utilize low cost and no cost TLM,
* To follow the time line schedule, and
* To ensure that every child acquires the stated academic standards in Mother tongue and in Mathematics before 30th July 2014. However, no child should remain in C grade after 30th July 2014.

Role of the HM:
* To conduct weekly meetings to review the children's performance,
* To provide necessary academic support and monitor every class,
* To take the responsibility to implement the programme.

DPO Guidelines /DEO
* Get the Summative 3 Data of 2013-14 and use it as the base line for 2014-15.
* Communicate the role of HMs and Teachers in implementing the programme.
* Communicate to all the MEOs to attend a Video Conference on 13-06-2014
from 11.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M.
* The DEOs and the POs of SSA and the Principals of the DIETS should attend the video conference on 13-06-2014.
* For an effective monitoring of the implementation of the School and Class readiness programme, the DPO shall take necessary steps to constitute District Monitoring Teams with Principals of DIETs, faculty of DIET, L)y.EOs, AMOs, AAMOs, DRPs, DLMTs and Mandal Level Teams with MEOs, School Complex HMs, MRPs, CRPs to monitor the School Readiness and Class readiness programme at District level and Mandal level respectively.
* To monitor the programme at the State level, State level observers will be sent to respective districts with instructions to spend at least four days a fortnight (total 3 fortnights and 12 days) i.e. in 3spells during the programme schedule in the district allotted. The DPOs of the SSA of the districts are requested to provide accommodation and transport facility to the Stale Level Observers.

Therefore, the District Educational Officers, the Project Officers of SSA and the rincipals of DIETs in the State are requested to take up necessary steps to conduct the chool Readiness Programme and Class readiness programme effectively to attain the set objectives of the programme.

This has got the approval of the State Project Director

Download Proc. Rc.No.02, Dt:11.06.2014

Memo No.26, Date:28-05-14 :: Engaging Part time instructors in Art, Health & Physical and Work Education in the UP School / UP Sections of High Schools for 2014-15 and Guidelines

Memo No.26/RVM(SSA)/B10/C3/2011 Date:28-05-2014 :: APRVM(SSA), Hyderabad - Engaging Part time instructors in Art Education, Health & Physical Education and Work Education in the Upper Primary School/Upper Primary Sections of High Schools for the academic year 2014-15 - Revised guidelines issued - Reg.

1. Procs No.Rc.No26/RVM(SSA)/B10/C3/2011 dt.21.05.2014 of SPD RVM(SSA) Hyderabad

Revised guidelines for engaging Part time instructors in Art Education, Health  &  Physical  Education  and  Work  Education  in  the  Upper Primary School/Upper Primary Sections of High Schools for the academic year 2014-15 are issued herewith cancelling the guidelines issued in the reference cited.
All the Project Officers of RVM(SSA) and District Educational Officers in the State are requested to complete the process of engaging Part time Instructors for the academic year 2014-15 duly following the revised guidelines by 12.06.2014 opening day of the school.

Guidelines for filling up the posts of Part Time Instructors (a) Art Education (b) Health and Physical Education (c) Work Education in upper primary schools and upper primary sections of high schools for the academic year 2014-15

Part time instructors for (a) Art Education (b) Health and Physical Education (c) Work Education shall be appointed in the Upper Primary Schools/ Upper Primary sections of High Schools where the enrollment in Upper Primary classes is more than 100. For this purpose 6th and 7th classes in Upper Primary schools and 6th to 8th classes in High schools shall be considered. Accordingly 12271 posts have been sanctioned in Annual plan of 2014-15 with required budget. Category wise no.of posts are as shown below.

P.S: Part time instructors Sanctioned in UP School / UP sections of high schools.

a) Art education : 4293
b) Health and Physical Education : 3226
c) Work Education : 4752

The district-wise details are at annexure.

The following guidelines are issued to fill up these posts at district level. Eligibility criteria

No person shall be eligible for any post unless he/ she is above 18 years and below 39 years of age as on 01.07.2014. However, in case of SC/ST/BC candidates the maximum age limit shall be 44 years and in case of physically challenged candidates the maximum age limit shall be 49 years.


a) Part-time instructor for Art Education
i) 10th class or its equivalent examination.
ii) Diploma or a certificate in drawing commercial  art, fine arts and architecture, painting, sculpture, music, dance or a certificate in higher grade drawing certificate from a recognized institution
iii)  Posses technical teacher certificate of Government of Andhra Pradesh

b) Part-time instructor for Health & Physical Education
i) Intermediate Education/ Graduation and
ii)  Under Graduate Diploma in Physical Education / B.P.Ed. from a recognized institution.

c) Part-time instructor for Work Education
i) 10th class or its equivalent examination
ii) Certificate in a trade viz., carpentry, weaving, sewing, tailoring, textile printing etc., issued by any ITI / DLTC from a recognized institution and
iii) Technical teacher certificate of Government of Andhra Pradesh
iv) 3 year Diploma in craft education by Home Science College

Selection procedure
• The SPO shall communicate the list of schools to the concerned Mandal Educational Officers for engaging Part-time Instructors. The MEOs in turn shall display the details in notice boards of MRC/ High Schools.
• A school level committee shall be constituted with School Complex Headmaster and SMC Chairman, Head Masters of concerned school for selection of Part-time Instructors.
• The candidates having prescribed qualification are eligible to work as Part-time Instructors in upper primary schools and upper primary sections of high schools where there are more than 100 children available in UP sections.
• The services of Part-time Instructors shall be engaged from the day of reopening of schools during the academic year 2014-15.
• The candidates who reside in the same village or nearby the village alone should be considered to the extent possible as they can't operate from far off places.
• For any school three posts are sanctioned i.e., one PET, one Art Education and one Craft Education if any one of the above already exists, rest of posts can be filled for eg. PET already exists balance two posts can be filled and so on.
• Similarly atleast one lady Part-time Instructor is to be considered out of the three so that girl children will get due importance / prominence.
• After receipt of applications from the eligible candidates the school level committee will scrutinize the applications and select the candidates to work as Part-time Instructors. School shall be taken as unit for engaging Part-time Instructors.
• If more no. of eligible candidates are available merit list shall be prepared taking the marks in academic and professional qualifications in the ratio of 50:50 and the candidates shall be selected based on the merit.
• The headmaster shall communicate the list of selected candidates to the concerned DPO for engaging of Part-time Instructors.
• The process  of engaging of Part-time  Instructors shall be completed by 12.06.2014 as per the guidelines so as to place the Part-time Instructors on the re-opening day of school.
• The Part-time Instructors who worked during 2013-14 shall be continued if their performance is satisfactory and if the school is having more than 100 children in UP sections. The school management committee / school level committee shall assess the performance and genuiness of the qualification certificates recognized by Government of Andhra Pradesh for taking a decision. Those candidates shall be given age relaxation if required and can be reengaged.
However whether the Part-time Instructors actually worked in 2013-14 has to be verified properly as it is noticed that very few persons worked during 2013-14. The data available with the office is also enclosed for ready reference.
• The data base of all Part-time Instructors engaged in the district shall be maintained at District Project Office.  List of Selected Candidates for various posts shall be furnished to District Committee for approval. However, Category-wise, Qualification wise no. of Part-time Instructors engaged in the district shall be furnished to SPO by 25.06.2014.
• The district committee will examine school-wise list of selected candidates keeping in view the Merit and approve to give postings in the identified schools.
•   After receipt of the approval from district level committee. The concerned school head master shall in turn position the candidates in their respective schools.
•   In certain habitations, if the suitable candidates are not available, eligible candidates from other habitations can be appointed with the approval of School level committee.
•   The services of the part time instructors shall be engaged till the last working day of academic year.

Constitution of District level Committee:
A District Level Committee shall be constituted under the Chairmanship of the District Collector. The composition of the committee is as follows:
i)      District Collector       Chairman
ii)     District Educational Officer     Member
iii)    Project Officer RVM (SSA)       Member Convener

The above Committee will ensure that the entire process of engaging of part time  instructors  shall  be  conducted  as  per  the  guidelines.  The  guidelines communicated by the SPO RVM (SSA) shall follow the process of engaging the Part Time Instructors.

A honorarium of 6000/- per month shall be paid for all three posts through SMCs concerned.  Project Officer, RVM shall release the salary to the concerned SMC on regular basis.

Download Memo No.26, Date:28-05-14

Download Guidelines for filling up the posts of Part Time Instructors

Prakasam Dist. Notification for Part Time instructors in UP&High Schools

Revised List of Schools -Part Time Instructors net list on 9th june 2014

Revised PET, WorkEducation Part Time Instructors engaged Vacant list

10 June, 2014

Proc.Rc.No.95, Dt:1.6.14 :: HM's, Teachers of High Schools on IX,X New Text Books

Proc.Rc.No.95/D1/C&T/SCERT/2014, Dt:1.6.14 :: SCERT, AP, Hyderabad   Conduct of orientation programme to the Headmasters and teachers of high schools through teleconference on new textbooks and examination reforms for classes IX and X - Video conference to the DEOs, Dy.EOs and Principals of DIET, CTEs and IASEs on 11`" June, 2014 from 02.OOPM to 04.OOPM - Reg.

All the DEOs and Principals of DIET, CTEs and IASEs in the State are hereby informed that, the new textbooks for class X are being introduced now along with examination reforms for the academic year 2014-15. Appropriate awareness on the new textbooks and examination reforms is a must to all the HMs and subject teachers of high schools at the beginning of the academic year i.e. June, 2014.
Therefore, it is proposed to conduct orientation through teleconference initially from 16'" June,2014 onwards starting with Headmasters and one subject per day for subject teachers. This teleconference will be to the Headmasters and subject teachers of high schools of both government and as well as private schools. The schedule for the teleconference is given here under.

The teleconference will be from 10.00AM to 05.OOPM on the above dates i.e. 16`" to 26' June, 2014. All the DEOs are requested to inform to the Headmasters of high schools on the schedule and see that the HMs and teachers shall attend the orientation programme. It is further requested that the DEOs should inform the private school managements to depute their teachers to the teleconference. The private schools managements may be requested to arrange ROTs (Receiving On Terminals) themselves in their schools to utilize teleconference facility and receive orientation.
In this connection, it is proposed to conduct a video conference to all the DEOs, Dy.EOs and Principals of DIET, CTEs and IASEs on 11"June, 2014 from 02.OOPM to 04.OOPM to provide awareness on the proposed training programme and for necessary arrangements in the districts and for conduct of orientation successfully for teachers working in both government and private managements.
Therefore, all the DEOs in the State are requested to attend the video conference along with Dy.EOs and Principals of DIET, CTEs and IASEs and In-charge of DCEBs and also the heads of private school management associations.

Download Proc.Rc.No.95, Dt:01.06.2014

Lr.Rc.No:47, Dt: 31-5-2014 :: Instructions issued to DEO's regarding Opening of new schools approved for 2014-15

Lr.Rc.No:47/RVM(SSA)/C3(B7)(B10)/2009, dated: 31-5-2014 :: APRVM(SSA), Hyderabad - Opening of new schools approved for the year 2014-2015 - Issue of instructions of the District Educational Officers  - Requested - Reg.

I wish to inform you that, the Project Approval Board meeting of SSA was held on 24-04-2014 at MHRD., New Delhi for approval of Annual Plan of the State for the year 2014-2015. During the said meeting it has been approved to open 84 New Primary Schools and 18 new Upper Primary Schools(Up gradation of Primary Schools) for the year 2014-2015. The District-wise approvals of new schools are as follows:

Further, it is informed that, the newly approved schools have to be opened by the Reopening day of the during the academic year 2014-2015, so as to admit new students to avoid the possibility of becoming out of school children in the respective habitations. In view of the above, I request you to issue necessary instructions to the concerned District Educational Officers for opening of new schools on time. The block wise list is enclosed.

Download Lr.Rc.No:47, dated: 31-5-2014

List of New Primary and UP Schools

09 June, 2014

Rc.No.2556, Dt:5-6-14 :: RJD called for a meeting with DEO's of Zone-VI & Hyderabad City With Report on SSC Results, NT Books, MDM, Pending Cases and Some other aspects

Rc.No. 2556/B1/2012, Dt:5-6-14 :: Meetings –Zone-VI & City of Hyderabad-DEOs & Dy. EO s conference-Agenda items-Communicated –Reg.

All the Dist. Educational Officers in Zone-VI & Hyderabad City are informed that the under signed is decided to conduct a Conference with all the District Educational Officers & Deputy Educational Officers of Zone-VI and City of Hyderabad at O/o RJDSE, Hyderabad to review on the following items on 21-06-2014.

1.    S S C Results.
2.    N.T. Books.
3.    Mid-day-meals.
4.    Court cases.
5.    Vigilance cases.
6.    Disciplinary cases.
7.    Un recognised schools.
8.    Particulars of HMs, MEOs & Dy.IOS
9.    Annual Tour Programme 2014-15
10.  Tour Diaries 2013-14
11.  Quarterly work done statements 2013-14
12.  Perfomance Appraisal report 2013-14
13.  Inspection reports 2013-14(conducted by the DEO)
14.  List of recognized schools Division wise.(Govt sector & S.P. Sector separately)

Certain proformas / formats are herewith enclosed. Furnish the information therein (soft & hard copy) on or before 15-06-14 and they are requested to make it convenient to attend the conference without fail along with the above said particulars and their divisional level Inspecting Officers i.e. Deputy Educational Officers.
This may be treated as urgent.

Download Rc.No. 2556/B1/2012, Date:05-06-2014

Profarmas of above Items

07 June, 2014

AP SSC New Syllabus All Subjects (Topic & Sub Topic Wise) & Exam Reforms

Dear Viewers, The following Topicwise Syllabus is helpful to Plan your Subject teaching within the time period given and to prepare an yearplan to complete syllabus. Get the syllubus download and plan your schedule for the coming AY 2014-15

AP SSC New Syllabus

Telugu Medium :

All MEO'S & MIS CO's are instructed to tranfer Balance to the Newly opened A/C's and sumit Profarmas before 10.6.14 to RVM

All MEO'S & MIS CO's are hereby instructed that the procedure of closing balance transfer to new ANDHRA BANK accounts for SMC/CRC/MRC shall be completed by 10-06-2014
1. Bank Statement for the old bank account from 01-04-2014 to account closing date.
2. collect the balance certificate before the transfer of the old bank account balance and that balance transfer through the online or dd (without deducting the dd charges on closing
3. submit the balance certificates and other details in enclosed format Further instruct that all MEO’S & MIS CO’s complete the balance transfer procedure followed by above said instructions on or before 10-06-2014. Without fail.

Profarma for Bank A/C Details

05 June, 2014

Rc.No.660, Dt:30.5.14 :: Remuneration enhanced for contract employees in the DPO's, MRC's and School Complexes in the state w.e.f 1.6.2014

Rc.No.660/RVM~/C2I2013, Dt:30-05-2014 :: RVM (SSA) A.P, Hyderabad -Remuneration to the personnel working on outsourcing/contract basis in the District Project Offices, Mandal Resource Centers and School Complexes in the state with effect from 01.06.2014 - Orders -Issued - Reg.

References: PAB minutes of AWP & B 2014-15

All the Project Officers of Rajiv Vidya Mission (SSA)in the state are informed that more number of various categories of personnel are engaged on outsourcing/ contract basis based on needs than approved in the PAB 2014-15. More number of persons will be engaged for effective monitoring from management cost.

As such, remuneration to the following personnel working on outsourcing/ contract basis in the District Project Offices, Mandal Resource Centers and School Complexes in the state is enhanced with effect from 01.06.2014 as shown below:

Category wise Honorarium for 2014-15:

a) Data Entry Operator: 11000/-(DPO Management Cost)

b) System Analysist: 15000/-(DPO Management Cost)

c) Office subordinates: 7500/-(DPO Management Cost)

d) DLMTs (Including TA& Phone allowances: 14000/-(DPO Management Cost)

2. MRC Staff

a) MIS Co.s (Including TA& Phone allowances: 12000/-(Academic support through BRC)

b) Data Entry Operator: 10000/-
(Academic support through BRC)

c) Office subordinates (Messengers) : 7500/-(Academic support through BRC)

d) IERTs: 12000/-(Academic support through BRC)

3. Cluster level

a) CRPs (Including TA& Phone allowances): 8500/ -(Academic support through CRC)

Accordingly, the Project Officers of RVM (SSA) are requested to pay
remuneration to the personnel working on outsourcing/ contract basis in the District Project Offices, MandaI Resource Centers and School Complexes in the state as mentioned above with effect from 1.6.2014

Download Rc.No.660, Dt:30-05-2014

AP EDCET 2014 Primary Key Released

The official AP EDCET key has been released by the Andhra University Officials. To this extent an official press release has been issued by Prof Nimma Venkat Rao, the convenor of the Ed CET.


04 June, 2014

G.O.Ms.No. 227, Dated: 30.05.2014 :: The Employee who evades or contined on leave for Second time promotion shall lose the chance - Amendment to APSS Rules 1996

G.O.Ms.No. 227, Dated: 30.05.2014 :: Public Services – Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 – Amendment to sub-rule (b) of rule 11 – Orders – Issued.

1. G.O.Ms.No.436, G.A. (Ser-D) Department, dated:15.10.1996.
2. G.O.Ms.No.145, G.A. (Ser-D) Department, dated:15.06.2004.

The following notification will be published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette: - 

In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India and of all other powers hereunto enabling the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following amendment to the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996, issued in G.O.Ms.No.436, General Administration (Services-D) Department, dated the 15th October, 1996 and published in part-I Extraordinary Issue of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette No.34, dated the 27th January, 1997, as subsequently amended from time to time: - 

In the said rules, in rule 11, after sub-rule (b), the following proviso shall be inserted, namely: - 

“Provided that the employee, who does not join the post within the stipulated time or evades to join the post by proceeding on leave, second time also, shall lose his promotion right / offer permanently.”

Download G.O.Ms.No. 227, Dated: 30.05.2014

01 June, 2014

G.O.Ms.No. 22, Dt: 29.05.2014 :: Amendment to eligibility criteria for appearing DEECET for Convener’s quota as well as Management quota

G.O.Ms.No. 22, Dt: 29.05.2014 :: Education Department – SCHOOL EDUCATION – Amendments to the Rules relating to admission of students into Elementary Teacher Training Institutes / District Institutes of Education and Training (DIET) through Common Entrance Test, Rules, 2013 –Orders-Issued.
1. G.O. Ms. No. 63, Education (PE.Prog.II) Dept dated 28.10.2013.
2. From the Director, SCERT, Hyderabad, Lr.Rc.No.123/N1-3/2013, Dt: 17.04.2014

In the reference 1st read above, Govt have issued Rules relating to admission of candidates into Elementary Teacher Training Institutes/ District Institutes of Education and Training (DIET) through Common Entrance Test, Rules , 2013 farom the academic year 2013-14 onwards. 

2. In the reference 2nd read above, the Director, SCERT, A.P. Hyderabad has proposed  to issue certain amendments to G.O. Ms. No. 63, Education (PE.Prog.II) Dept qdated 28.10.2013, keeping in view of the problems/ experiences faced in the recent admission counseling i.e.
on the eligibility criteria for appearing DEECET / admission into D.El.Ed course and as per the observations made by the Hon’ble High Court in WP.No.1802/2014 and 3135/2014 dated 30.03.2014 that both for the Convener’s quota stream as well as the Management quota stream.

3. The Government after careful examination of the proposal of the Director, SCERT, A.P. Hyderabad, have decided to issue following notification in the matter. 

4.  Accordingly, the following notification shall be published in  the  Extraordinary issue of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette.

In exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 3 and 15 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Prohibition of   Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Andhra Pradesh Act 5 of 1983) the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following amendment to the Rules relating to admission of students into Elementary Teacher Training Institutes / District Institutes of Education and Training (DIET) through Common Entrance Test, Rules, 2013.

5. The above orders shall come into force with immediate effect.

6. The Commissioner and Director of School Education, A.P.
Hyderabad/the Director, SCERT, A.P. Hyderabad is requested to take
appropriate action in the matter immediately.

Download G.O.Ms.No. 22, Dt: 29.05.2014